When this is All Over...Whose Book Would You Want to Read the MOST?

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I think a corraborative effort with YM and JA (representing LE), Rick and Shirley (representing family), AH, TonE, JG (friends), Cathy B. and Mark F. (media). Other people could be interviewed if they have pertinent information. I think that a psychiatrist could also give insight into the workings of KC's mind. Interviews of these people by C. Crier (if A. Rule is not interested) and put into a factual and in-depth account of how KC evolved into a murderer and the investigation into the murder of Caylee. I think a percentage of the proceeds should be donated to TES. I noticed that Friday's name has been mentioned by several WS's. I don't have a ghost of an idea who this is, so I did not mention him/her as corraborating on this book.
I would read a book about this case written by Mark Furhman or Catherine Crier as they are both VERY good writers.

I have read both of their books.....
Oh I'd read one by Mark too! I didn't think of him because he's not actively working on the case. My bad! :)
I don't know whose book I'd feel comfortable spending money on, but I'd like to hear everyone's backstory, even if I end up feeling they were just deluding themselves.

My husband just wrote a book (a textbook) that will sell online for $35. He will get $2 a copy that is sold, since most of the money is spent on publishing, editing, manufacturing, marketing. He got $5000 for writing it...which is significantly less than he would have made at a job during thes past few months.

So I can't see any of these people getting rich off of a book. From what I understand first time authors who make the best seller list don't make a lot of money. It's the books that come after, when they have proven themselves, that make them the money. So even if Cindy writes a book that makes the best seller list, she won't be making much off of it.

If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me. I'm in the process of writing a novel and if I'm lucky to get published, certainly won't make me rich. I have published friends with multiple books. One said she make a whopping $125 on her first one!

Don't know if that makes anyone feel any better about spending their money on a book.
Oh I'd read one by Mark too! I didn't think of him because he's not actively working on the case. My bad! :)

Well he is down in Florida and occasionally shows up on GVS show.
he is involved but how much. I wish I could find his website as I forgot how he spells his name but we should email him and ask him if he is doing it and if he isn't, beg him too... Like Murder in Greenich Village and Murder is Spokane and the one on Nicole Brown (RIP Nicole) my friend foreverl
Yuri for sure.

I'm a serious fan. :crazy:

John Allen too. Anybody mentioned Judge Strickland? Don't know what judges can and can't divulge but I'd love to hear something from him too, maybe when he's retired! "The truth and Ms Anthony are strangers" should go into Bartlett's Famous Quotations imo. Love that man.
I would read anyone's book who would donate at least 50% of the proceeds to TES.

Me too. That would be a great idea and TES deserves it so does Caylee it should be donated in her name.After all it is really her story.
LE or Friday. That's it.

Ditto, especially if she puts in the scary snake search story, too. :D

I know that a lot of the proceeds would go to TES, plus the multiple other charities Friday supports. And, I'm sure many others would be interviewed for the book, including YM, DA, maybe even Dr. G. A true behind the scenes of the 'Anthony Opus'. I can think of one or two more people who would have a lot to add to the details.

But, since I don't think our girl Friday will write one due to her abiding respect for the privacy of TES, I'll cast my vote in the ring for Kathi Belich.
No need to read any books. Once this trial is over- we'll know all the facts.
So I can't see any of these people getting rich off of a book. From what I understand first time authors who make the best seller list don't make a lot of money. It's the books that come after, when they have proven themselves, that make them the money. So even if Cindy writes a book that makes the best seller list, she won't be making much off of it.

If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me. I'm in the process of writing a novel and if I'm lucky to get published, certainly won't make me rich. I have published friends with multiple books. One said she make a whopping $125 on her first one!

It's a little different when you already have a story and the publishers know that people want to read it. Yes, JK Rowling didn't make much for the 1st Harry Potter book, but publishers didn't know how it would sell, this a known story that publishers know people will want to read about...and the people in the story know it too. I think Amber Fry got $250,000 in advance for her book. It the case of a true story, it isn't the writing, it's that you have the story.
No need to read any books. Once this trial is over- we'll know all the facts.

But once it's all over, wouldn't you want to read a book by someone like Yuri? Read all the behind the scenes stuff? What he thought when he first met Casey? What they did to put everything together, the process they went through, the things we didn't see in the investigation? I find those kinds of things so interesting.

I was fascinated by Ann Rule's book about Diane Downing because of the extra story of the detective who adopted her two other children. How he worked the case, how he felt, his "lightbulb" moments, ect...very good book.
I left a message on the Yuri support thread a while back and asked him to be taking really good notes, because I want to read his book when this is all over.
I left a message on the Yuri support thread a while back and asked him to be taking really good notes, because I want to read his book when this is all over.
I would absolutely want to read Yuri's book. I left a message for him on the Yuri support thread asking him to take lots of notes, cuz I want to read his book. I want the truth. I want his insight.
When this is ALL over...if everyone writes a book...whose would you want to read the MOST?

1. Casey Anthony

2. George Anthony

3. Cindy Anthony

4. Lee Anthony

5. Amy H.

6. Leonard Padilla

7. Jose Baez

8. Yuri Melich

9. John Allen

Sorry...I can't remember how to post a real poll thingy!

I definitely go with Yuri. I think it would be absolutely fascinating.

Oh wow!! If those people all wrote books, I know I would read every one of them! I think I'd be least excited by Amy H's, just because I think she has less information to share than the others.

I don't think anyone in LE would write a book, unless they retire. Jose Baez shouldn't write a book-- but who knows :rolleyes:

I'd love to see some of my favorite crime writers do a book on this case:
Carol Pogash, Catherine Crier, Kathryn Casey or Ann Rule.

I'm sort of obsessive when a topic interests me, so I imagine I'll read all the books written about this case.
I wouldn't want to read any books written by anyone on the list. All any of them has done is cause confusion and disruption to investigators. I might read a book written independently by a well known crime writer. If Cindy ever admits things and writes a book about her life over the years and during the case, I might like to read her book if it is truthful and covers problems about living with a troubled and sociopathic kid.

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