When will the investigation resume?

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That's what I was going to say. It's not against the law to lie to the cops, but it is to lie to the feds and they have said nothing yet.
Wasn't Casey indicted for lying to LE?
Great statement, Shaymus!

**I wonder if we will find out whose fingerprints was found on the duct tape? (if any were found) That is what I would like to know most of all now.
I'm sure they ran tests on Caylee's hair...have we seen those results?
FBI agent was just on HLN stating that lE was probably watching the behavior and movements, and statements when speaking at the memorial. He was empathtic about this type of investigating still going on in regards to the A's. Once again I'll share the science the FBI uses when when dicyphering statements made in a criminal case. You can google this for there is too much to link. The FBI's Behavioral Science unit Forensic Psycholinguistics team. All of these sciences are going to crack this case. LA should have rewrote his words! Get your kids involved with science, America needs them because as we've seen these crimes increase with time. "The silent confidence LE pojects is deafning."
FBI agent was just on HLN stating that lE was probably watching the behavior and movements, and statements when speaking at the memorial. He was empathtic about this type of investigating still going on in regards to the A's. Once again I'll share the science the FBI uses when when dicyphering statements made in a criminal case. You can google this for there is too much to link. The FBI's Behavioral Science unit Forensic Psycholinguistics team. All of these sciences are going to crack this case. LA should have rewrote his words! Get your kids involved with science, America needs them because as we've seen these crimes increase with time. "The silent confidence LE pojects is deafning."

I saw that. He said that LE will be watching their every move and statement to see what they can get out of it....interesting.
For some reason it seems posters are forgetting the FBI is involved in this case. They haven't just laid down after siffting through so much dirt. Case is still ongoing.

While I know FBI is involved in this case, let's take a realistic look at this. The FBI came to assist because there was a possibility that Caylee had been kidnapped across state lines, I am pretty sure that was the reason FBI came in. ALL physical searches were done by OCSO, FBI facilitated the examination of evidence by sending it to their lab. They also helped recover the remains and any evidence from the 'dump site'. They assisted the ME's office by giving the samples sent to them for analysis high priorty. Both GA and CA had an 'informational meeting' that they requested with the FBI. We all saw those interviews. CA and GA both filled out a questionaire about KC and from what I gathered from the interview tape was that CA was being completely unrealistic in her answers about KC. Not surprising. These were done in early August, I think. I remember CA going through all the people she thought might be involved, and I remember GA talking about the smell in the car, and while I don't remember specifics I am sure they may have lied about things, or at the very least shaded the truth. Did they, in that interview, obstruct justice? Because I think that interview was the only time the FBI interviewed them. they may have sat in when OCSO interviewed people, but I am pretty sure this interview, which was requested by the Athnoys, was the only one the FBI did as 'first chair' so to speak. FBI have people lie to them all the time - they don't prosecute every single person for every single lie. In fact, their arrests are for much serious charges in the cases they handle.

Basically, what I am saying is I seriously doubt the FBI is going to charge GA, Ca or LA with anything at any time. To be blunt about it, this is petty stuff and they much more important cases to work on. KC is in jail, I think it just doesn't matter to the FBI at this point, what the Anthnoys said to them. I assume the FBI has moved on to their next case. They may consult with OCSO over evidence testing, etc. but I think their overt involvment in this case has come to an end. IMHO, of course.
I didn't state that anyones statements to LE or FBI would cause an arrest. I'm only stating that there are sciences that can prove the manipulation of a crime besides the sciences familiar to the public in this case. When you were watching the FBI interviews did you notice how I believe Det. Allen didn't take notes? It appeared he was watching the behaviors and was allowing them to ramble on and was aware of what was not said. Take another look at the videos knowing a science is being used while interviewing.
I didn't state that anyones statements to LE or FBI would cause an arrest. I'm only stating that there are sciences that can prove the manipulation of a crime besides the sciences familiar to the public in this case. When you were watching the FBI interviews did you notice how I believe Det. Allen didn't take notes? It appeared he was watching the behaviors and was allowing them to ramble on and was aware of what was not said. Take another look at the videos knowing a science is being used while interviewing.

I believe whole heartedly in the science you are talking about. In fact, my DH used it for years and years and our very good friend teaches that type of investigative technique to LE agencies. I am not debating the science, all I am saying is that I don't think OCSO or FBI are going to bring charges against GA, CA or LA.
But, LE does not have access to Casey anymore. I do think it could be a scare tactic in the way of making her believe that one of her parents, or her brother may be arrested. I would think they would do this in an effort to try to break her.

I doubt if she cares what happens to her family. She would probably laugh at them.
I think LE is quite adept at the psychological profile of Casey and that would lead them to believe she could care less. That was evidenced by her not being broken by her father's attempted suicide. She will never break under the bond she has with Baez.

Guess I will shud up and just read before I "reply".
FBI agent was just on HLN stating that lE was probably watching the behavior and movements, and statements when speaking at the memorial. He was empathtic about this type of investigating still going on in regards to the A's. Once again I'll share the science the FBI uses when when dicyphering statements made in a criminal case. You can google this for there is too much to link. The FBI's Behavioral Science unit Forensic Psycholinguistics team. All of these sciences are going to crack this case. LA should have rewrote his words! Get your kids involved with science, America needs them because as we've seen these crimes increase with time. "The silent confidence LE pojects is deafning."

Oh boy, kageykaren, this is going to get me in trouble tomorrow. I've just got to google this and learn what I can. Projects are getting pushed to back burner again. You're a bad influence...........;)
I'm sure they ran tests on Caylee's hair...have we seen those results?

I have been looking for a thread on this. Is there any information regarding this? Can they test the hair for drugs? I know they test hair for drug screening but can they do it post mortem? Anyone with forensic knowledge know the answer to this? tia
IMO, a document dump will be released soon, now Caylee has been cremated,
memorial service is over and I look for something to start up again since the fingerprints were found on duck tape.
I have been looking for a thread on this. Is there any information regarding this? Can they test the hair for drugs? I know they test hair for drug screening but can they do it post mortem? Anyone with forensic knowledge know the answer to this? tia

I am NOT in any expertice, but I was ahairdresser for years. I have read that certain drugs like arsenic can be found in hair post mortem; but do not no about cloroform?
Did you notice in the last Easter pictures that Caylee had allot of hair in 2 pig tails.
I was shocked, her hair was beautiful and shiny and dark. (memorial video)
By the Father's day video, her hair has thinned.......anyone else notice that?
Nerves, drugs? cloroform?
CA is a nurse and didn't wonder why???
IMO, a document dump will be released soon, now Caylee has been cremated,
memorial service is over and I look for something to start up again since the fingerprints were found on duck tape.
Oh, I must have missed the bit about the fingerprints. Do you have a link?

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