Where do we go from here?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


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Jan 10, 2011
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If we're all honest with ourselves, the likelihood of this case being 'solved', and by that I mean having a killer(s) identified and prosecuted, is rather minuscule.

DNA might do it. A (legitimate) confession probably would.

But apart from those, there's virtually nothing more that can be done.

If you believe whoever wrote the RN was the killer, or at least involved, then I think judging from the polls, that person has passed on.

If you believe the person(s) are still alive, then unless they have some burning desire to confess, this case is done.

It's sad to write these words, but I believe them to be true.

As far as I can tell there is one person, ONE single individual who knows for sure what happened that night. Maybe two, but one definitely knows what they did and DIDN'T do.

As much as I'd like to blame those who are responsible for this crime, the LE involved are just as responsible. One can't help wonder -- a different town, a different police department, if this crime could've been solved?

I believe it could have.

Discussion about this case will of course continue, but make no mistake, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Sometimes the bad guys win.

We can't change what happened or force a confession. But we can remember, for next time.
If we're all honest with ourselves, the likelihood of this case being 'solved', and by that I mean having a killer(s) identified and prosecuted, is rather minuscule.

DNA might do it. A (legitimate) confession probably would.

But apart from those, there's virtually nothing more that can be done.

If you believe whoever wrote the RN was the killer, or at least involved, than I think judging from the polls, that person has passed on.

If you believe the person(s) are still alive, then unless they have some burning desire to confess, this case is done.

It's sad to write these words, but I believe them to be true.

As far as I can tell there is one person, ONE single individual who knows for sure what happened that night. Maybe two, but one definitely knows what they did and DIDN'T do.

As much as I'd like to blame those who are responsible for this crime, the LE involved are just as responsible. One can't help wonder -- a different town, a different police department, if this crime could've been solved?

I believe it could have.

Discussion about this case will of course continue, but make no mistake, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Sometimes the bad guys win.

We can't change what happened or force a confession. But we can remember, for next time.

Awesome post Horatio.

I am a little more optimistic that you are though. I think the case is on the right track now and ultimately the perp will make a mistake or LE will take their new found knowlege and figure it out. But, yeah, it is gonna take DNA under any scenario. That is why Karr was dropped so quickly.

"Without a match, there aint nothin. "
I think this case will become like Jack the Ripper, Zodiac, Tylenol murders, The Black Dahlia, where it will never be solved, and people will discuss theories about it for decades. I always see the JBR case on those "Most Famous/Notorious" lists with those other cases.
I think this case will become like Jack the Ripper, Zodiac, Tylenol murders, The Black Dahlia, where it will never be solved, and people will discuss theories about it for decades. I always see the JBR case on those "Most Famous/Notorious" lists with those other cases.

Many of those case haunt me so I sure hope you are wrong. I used to think that the Green River Killer and BTK would be on that list too so I am gonna think positive.
I think this case will become like Jack the Ripper, Zodiac, Tylenol murders, The Black Dahlia, where it will never be solved, and people will discuss theories about it for decades. I always see the JBR case on those "Most Famous/Notorious" lists with those other cases.

Unfortunately, I agree. But then maybe I'm jaded. Or realistic. Sad anyway you look at it.
If we're all honest with ourselves, the likelihood of this case being 'solved', and by that I mean having a killer(s) identified and prosecuted, is rather minuscule.

DNA might do it. A (legitimate) confession probably would.

But apart from those, there's virtually nothing more that can be done.

If you believe whoever wrote the RN was the killer, or at least involved, then I think judging from the polls, that person has passed on.

If you believe the person(s) are still alive, then unless they have some burning desire to confess, this case is done.

It's sad to write these words, but I believe them to be true.

As far as I can tell there is one person, ONE single individual who knows for sure what happened that night. Maybe two, but one definitely knows what they did and DIDN'T do.

As much as I'd like to blame those who are responsible for this crime, the LE involved are just as responsible. One can't help wonder -- a different town, a different police department, if this crime could've been solved?

I believe it could have.

Discussion about this case will of course continue, but make no mistake, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Sometimes the bad guys win.

We can't change what happened or force a confession. But we can remember, for next time.

Believe me, horatio, I resolved myself to this a long time ago. But I take comfort in knowing that the bad guys never truly win.
One can't help wonder -- a different town, a different police department, if this crime could've been solved?

I believe it could have.

Yeah, that about sums it up right there.
I think this case will become like Jack the Ripper, Zodiac, Tylenol murders, The Black Dahlia, where it will never be solved, and people will discuss theories about it for decades. I always see the JBR case on those "Most Famous/Notorious" lists with those other cases.

Funny, I was thinking about this recently and wondering if my daughter (who is 1) would be reading about this case years from now and still theorizing. I got a loud NO! in the back of my head. This is NOT like the Zodiac,JTR etc. Those guys were serial killers, no? This case is completely different. There are people out there that know what went on that night...and you can bet they told someone. I still have faith that maybe that SOMEONE will 'spill it'...maybe not the whole story, but something that will put the missing puzzle piece into place. SOMETHING will happen! We have to have faith.
If we're all honest with ourselves, the likelihood of this case being 'solved', and by that I mean having a killer(s) identified and prosecuted, is rather minuscule.

DNA might do it. A (legitimate) confession probably would.

But apart from those, there's virtually nothing more that can be done.

If you believe whoever wrote the RN was the killer, or at least involved, then I think judging from the polls, that person has passed on.

If you believe the person(s) are still alive, then unless they have some burning desire to confess, this case is done.

It's sad to write these words, but I believe them to be true.

As far as I can tell there is one person, ONE single individual who knows for sure what happened that night. Maybe two, but one definitely knows what they did and DIDN'T do.

As much as I'd like to blame those who are responsible for this crime, the LE involved are just as responsible. One can't help wonder -- a different town, a different police department, if this crime could've been solved?

I believe it could have.

Discussion about this case will of course continue, but make no mistake, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Sometimes the bad guys win.

We can't change what happened or force a confession. But we can remember, for next time.

Looks like things have been arranged so that it can never be solved. But Burke might one day chose to speak publicly, or the dna might be matched, not directly, but indirectly via a relative pulled over for something simple such as DUI.

The bad guys never won because we know who they are, we know what they did to avoid taking the case to court, all they can say is we made a few mistakes!

Another thing becomes apparent with the passage of time, nobody close to the case is talking, is this due to a fear of litigation or have the brown envelopes been handed out?

Once John Ramsey passes on I reckon people will talk and you will see tv documentaries sporting new evidence making claims that are currently only suggested on boards like this.

Funny, I was thinking about this recently and wondering if my daughter (who is 1) would be reading about this case years from now and still theorizing. I got a loud NO! in the back of my head. This is NOT like the Zodiac,JTR etc. Those guys were serial killers, no? This case is completely different. There are people out there that know what went on that night...and you can bet they told someone. I still have faith that maybe that SOMEONE will 'spill it'...maybe not the whole story, but something that will put the missing puzzle piece into place. SOMETHING will happen! We have to have faith.

I don't believe the case will be solved. Maybe someone would speak out one day, and we'll have a more definite idea of what happened that night, but I don't think the case will ever go to trial. And if it were to be solved, people would still discuss it because there are plenty of solved cases that are known to the public decades later, and for a huge case to be solved 15+ years later, would just increase its notoriety. There are also many different subsections of this case that can be discussed such as police procedure, media coverage, beauty pageants, etc etc.

In Mark Fuhrman's book, he talks about how the media prefers missing person cases to murder investigations because once the victim's body is fine, the story is over. This was a direct contrast to the publicity of the JBR case, because it was a murder investigation, but that didn't stop the media from running the story. But then I realized that I couldn't name a recent (last 5 years) big unsolved murder case. All the recent big cases are either missing person cases or cases that are in trial or about to go to trial. I'm not sure if the media just doesn't like unsolved murder cases anymore or if there just hasn't been an unsolved murder in the past few years that has appealed to them, but I just found it interesting.
The person who wrote the ransom note is dead...

The person who helped write the ransom note and aided in the fake kidnapping is soon going to die....

The above two might or might not have confessed to the son....

If the son did it...it's something he will never admit to....and if he did do it, he would have become an alcoholic or drug addict....

Only new forensic procedures will solve this case.
The person who wrote the ransom note is dead...

The person who helped write the ransom note and aided in the fake kidnapping is soon going to die....

The above two might or might not have confessed to the son....

If the son did it...it's something he will never admit to....and if he did do it, he would have become an alcoholic or drug addict....

Only new forensic procedures will solve this case.

Well you sure seem unbiased. I am elated you know more than all the investigators.
Once John Ramsey passes on I reckon people will talk and you will see tv documentaries sporting new evidence making claims that are currently only suggested on boards like this.


You really shouldn't put ideas in my head like that!
It is disheartening to look at this case and even among people on the same side of the fence, there is no agreement.

There are in RDI, three potential, or sometimes, 4 suspects. If you look at IDI's plight there is an infinite number of suspects.

There is at least ONE someone who KNOWS the EXACT sequence of events that December night. It is a matter of getting that person to talk. Never impossible, but as time passes, less likely imho.

For some reason however, I feel like there will be a resolution. That the truth will come out! Maybe this is just the wishful thinking of a sentimental grandma.

The advantage over older murderers, like Jack The Ripper and the Ramsey case, is the difference in technology available and the pieces of evidence that are preserved

Rest in Peace JonBenet! If your murderer is no longer on earth, may they be feeling the wrath of God.
I followed this case from the very beginning. Such bad police work! I wonder if someday the son or Mr.and Mrs. Fleet White might talk. Someone knows something and hopefully someone will say something. There is also evidence we have never seen! Until then, this case is so mixed up it will be hard to prove who the real killer is.
to me JR will always be the key,the one person who can enlighten everybody

if he did it,his confession and only his confession will solve this,but I doubt he will ever confess

if PDI,he's also the only one who can enlighten us because he helped in the cover-up

if BDI,he's probably the only one who knows it BUT I don't see him ever talking if this is the case,maybe people like FW SUSPECT it but won't talk,ever

if IDI I am 100% sure that he KNOWS who might have done it and WHY (revenge?payback?what did he do in order to upset someone like this,must be something horrible and that's why he doesn't talk)
I think Madeleine is right about John and I have been drafting an open letter to him for about three months. Not quite Emile Zola's J'Accuse but that sort of thing :crazy:

What we have to remember, though, is that clan Ramsey made a mint out of this case so confessing and risking action from the likes of ST is out of the question and, in any event, we know that John doesn't believe confession to be essential for one's immortal soul...

This aside, I don't think I have been as pessimistic about a positive outcome to this case and I firmly think that a eureka! moment from Dave or Dee Dee or Cynic or Tad or Madeleine when they are scanning the evidence once day is our best hope.
Many of those case haunt me so I sure hope you are wrong. I used to think that the Green River Killer and BTK would be on that list too so I am gonna think positive.

I agree, Roy, but JBR appears not to have been murdered by a serial killer so your perp could go to the grave without reoffending.
PS. Actually, I think it has been solved and the ultimate justice dispensed but this case needs formal clarification to eliminate innocents from suspicion and to give JBR's memory peace.
I think Madeleine is right about John and I have been drafting an open letter to him for about three months. Not quite Emile Zola's J'Accuse but that sort of thing :crazy:

Heyya Sophie.

Wow, you a brilliant poster.
kisses, hugs and hi five.
I'm in awe.

What a powerful option to be considered, a plea.
You are astounding
and today you have enlightened me,
thank you and God Bless you Sophie.

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