Where is Lee Anthony

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Has Lee faced the facts and turned his back on the family?

  • Yes

    Votes: 100 31.9%
  • No

    Votes: 128 40.9%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 85 27.2%

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I agree. Remember that George also went to visit KC for 45 minutes and that they never released that visit!

Hey guys...something i was thinking tonight...
i'm sorry if i'm a little behind and it if this has been mentioned already...but i was thinking...for people who think that Lee was involved somehow...
what about the fact that while Cindy was on the phone w/ LE and after the call, she "overheard" Casey telling Lee that Caylee was kidnapped.
Wouldn't that mean that Lee wasn't helping Casey at all?
Or do you think that conversation was "staged" so that's what Cindy would hear?

Interesting correalation...the last time I recall seeing or hearing from Lee Anthony was from the 9/14 vigil. That is also the last day he signed on to his myspace. He had been signing in on it daily before that. He just disappears after 9/14. Anyone else hear anything on him after that date?
Interesting correalation...the last time I recall seeing or hearing from Lee Anthony was from the 9/14 vigil. That is also the last day he signed on to his myspace. He had been signing in on it daily before that. He just disappears after 9/14. Anyone else hear anything on him after that date?

Yes with Lee MIA certainly raises some ?. Do we no what day LE asked him for the DNA, but he fused and then what day did LE supeaned him for DNA? was it around the 14th of Sept?
Hey guys...something i was thinking tonight...
i'm sorry if i'm a little behind and it if this has been mentioned already...but i was thinking...for people who think that Lee was involved somehow...
what about the fact that while Cindy was on the phone w/ LE and after the call, she "overheard" Casey telling Lee that Caylee was kidnapped.
Wouldn't that mean that Lee wasn't helping Casey at all?
Or do you think that conversation was "staged" so that's what Cindy would hear?


I do not believe that LA had anything to do with this nor do I believe for one second that he fathered that child. If you listen to the phone call (the 1st one from KC) from jail in its' entirety, you'll hear the exasperation from LA and how he's not going to argue with her and that whatever happened, they WILL find out. For a moment or two, she seems to be taken back by his words but knows that if she pursues her story, she can get him back in line. I think he's done with this. That's why he seems to have disappeared. He was Caylee's uncle and seemed to genuinely care for his niece and now she's gone. He's broken hearted and is trying to deal with it. Another one of KC's victims.
I do not believe that LA had anything to do with this nor do I believe for one second that he fathered that child. If you listen to the phone call (the 1st one from KC) from jail in its' entirety, you'll hear the exasperation from LA and how he's not going to argue with her and that whatever happened, they WILL find out. For a moment or two, she seems to be taken back by his words but knows that if she pursues her story, she can get him back in line. I think he's done with this. That's why he seems to have disappeared. He was Caylee's uncle and seemed to genuinely care for his niece and now she's gone. He's broken hearted and is trying to deal with it. Another one of KC's victims.

I understand what your saying thats why a part of me thinks he hasnt but another part of me feels something is not right with his refusal of the lie dector and DNA test.

If you remeber cindys 911 call she didnt hold back about the odor of a dead body being in her car, but later tryed to explain it away with rotten pizza.

I just feel that lee and cindy no more.
I understand what your saying thats why a part of me thinks he hasnt but another part of me feels something is not right with his refusal of the lie dector and DNA test.

If you remeber cindys 911 call she didnt hold back about the odor of a dead body being in her car, but later tryed to explain it away with rotten pizza.

I just feel that lee and cindy no more.

I believe that the family has felt as long as they held onto the denial that Caylee is dead that they would be able to enable KC to survive this. Instead, it's proving to be detrimental at this point.

The GP's have been a mystery to me for a while now at how strong their denial is that KC would never have done anything to hurt their grandchild. I wanted to believe it too as I cannot comprehend how a mother could do this to her own child. She had so many other options yet she chose this path to go down. The evidence speaks for itself and if GA and CA cannot find it in the hearts to begin accepting what the evidence is telling the world, then KC will continue with her web of lies. In her unrealistic world, KC doesn't realize that this could be the end for her with the DP on the table at this very moment. She's been a spoiled wrotten brat all her life and she will not take the responsibility for what she's done. She never has. The way I see it, unless the family starts realizing that the truth is staring them in the face and they begin accepting it, it may be the cause for KC to continue down the road to deception resulting in her own demise. It's a very sad case but one that I believe will be resolved however more tragic it may become.
Lee- Speeding ticket 9/19. See my orange clerk for record. Pd. on 10/17. Elected for traffic school. Well, we know he's alive.
In regards to Lee, I don't feel he had anything to do with whatever happened to Caylee. Casey and Casey alone is responsible for Caylee's death.

When Casey called home from jail the night of July 16th, Lee was firm with her, telling Casey that he's "not going to be put through what she's put mom through for the past month." He tells her that they're going to find out the truth eventually. At this point, I think Lee honestly didn't know anything.

When LP posted bond and Casey came home under home confinement, he stated that Lee was initially helpful to them, turning over copies of the cell phone records and sharing what he knew with the bounty hunter team.

It was after the forensic results were announced and LP stated that he felt that Caylee was dead, that Lee refused a lie detector test and convinced his parents not to take one either.

I think at some point, Casey confided some details to Lee about what happened. Lee's refusal to take the lie-detector test may have been because he knew he would probably be asked if Casey told him what happened. If he answered that question truthfully, he would have to tell LE what he knows. If he lies, that will be noted, and he could be charged with being an accessory after the fact for concealing details of a crime. I think Lee may have told Cindy and George what Casey had confided to him, and they are therefore in the same position and refused the lie detector tests too.

We don't know if the post on CL is true, but if it is, it may be a factor in why he's withdrawn. He may feel he can no longer support Casey's lies, and is focusing on his own life.
Oh please, dont even get me started on this subject! lol! I AGREE with you 100% in most cases. But if a member of my family went missing, I'd be the first in line for DNA and Lie Detector... Eliminate me NOW so you can go find the child....I think this circumstance it's a necessity!

This family is not normal. I say they are all being non-compliant as much as possible to keep the money coming in. As long as they do not admit Caylee is gone the longer the hoax goes for the Caylee fund. JMO
He knew it because CA had Amy's phone number, CA or LA called Amy and asked for TonE's number, which Amy had because TonE had just called her. KC wasn't arrested yet so knew who was calling who and probably saw LA making these calls on his cell phone, therefore the record of the number. KC probably couldn't remember the number because it was programmed into her phone.

KC could also have meant that she had called LA using his phone. My DD does that, when she wants to make a call she just uses the closest phone whether it is hers or mine.
In Tony's interview he says that it was just after 8:00 that he went to Text Casey to see what was going on and Casey's phone went off, it was at that point that he knew Casey's phone was there. He got Amy's phone number off of Casey's phone and she told him that Casey had stolen from her, that he better check his money. He then said that he got a call from a 407 number (unknown to him at the time) and it was Lee this was probably between 8:30-9:00, I have to see what time the police got to the house.
Does anyone here know............if LA is still with his preg wife. I HAVE read, and I cannot remember WHERE...........but heard that after his wife got preg he left her! I cannot find anything about this on the internet. IF, that is the case if would be very interesting.

I believe that the family has felt as long as they held onto the denial that Caylee is dead that they would be able to enable KC to survive this. Instead, it's proving to be detrimental at this point.

The GP's have been a mystery to me for a while now at how strong their denial is that KC would never have done anything to hurt their grandchild. I wanted to believe it too as I cannot comprehend how a mother could do this to her own child. She had so many other options yet she chose this path to go down. The evidence speaks for itself and if GA and CA cannot find it in the hearts to begin accepting what the evidence is telling the world, then KC will continue with her web of lies. In her unrealistic world, KC doesn't realize that this could be the end for her with the DP on the table at this very moment. She's been a spoiled wrotten brat all her life and she will not take the responsibility for what she's done. She never has. The way I see it, unless the family starts realizing that the truth is staring them in the face and they begin accepting it, it may be the cause for KC to continue down the road to deception resulting in her own demise. It's a very sad case but one that I believe will be resolved however more tragic it may become.

Yes and I think the grandparents were able to what the did because they believed Caylee was alive. For all Casey's fault they ALL adamently believe she loved her daughter. The grandparents were willing to put her in jail, remind her she was in jail because she was lying etc....

When we see the big turn around "the denial moment" is the point I believe they figured out that something bad happened. Now they can't face the truth and it feels better to fight for a tinge of hope than give in to the darkness that will be the rest of their lifes. I really can't blame them!
Does anyone here know............if LA is still with his preg wife. I HAVE read, and I cannot remember WHERE...........but heard that after his wife got preg he left her! I cannot find anything about this on the internet. IF, that is the case if would be very interesting.


LA is not married
I understand what your saying thats why a part of me thinks he hasnt but another part of me feels something is not right with his refusal of the lie dector and DNA test.

If you remeber cindys 911 call she didnt hold back about the odor of a dead body being in her car, but later tryed to explain it away with rotten pizza.

I just feel that lee and cindy no more.

I try to think What would I do in this situation? If I were Lee, and I had a beloved sister whom I believed in and a niece that I was convinced was kidnapped and I believed 100% in my sister and what she was saying, then there is nothing and nobody that could shut me up. I would be shouting it to the mountaintops until the end of time: FIND CAYLEE-help us PLEASE! I would co-operate with LE in every way, shape and form so that they could eliminate ME as having any involvement. I would move heaven and earth to keep the search for her alive, and I would EXPLAIN why it is that I believe what I believe. I would not speak in code that is hard to decipher. I would be actively and publicly searching for my niece. I would be there every single day looking with the others, even IF I believed she was alive, because then I could say LOOK she is not out here, let's look for her ALIVE!!! If I was not involved, I WOULD be involved NOW and doing everything in my power to bring her home.

He ACTS guilty of SOMETHING!
In regards to Lee, I don't feel he had anything to do with whatever happened to Caylee. Casey and Casey alone is responsible for Caylee's death.

When Casey called home from jail the night of July 16th, Lee was firm with her, telling Casey that he's "not going to be put through what she's put mom through for the past month." He tells her that they're going to find out the truth eventually. At this point, I think Lee honestly didn't know anything.

When LP posted bond and Casey came home under home confinement, he stated that Lee was initially helpful to them, turning over copies of the cell phone records and sharing what he knew with the bounty hunter team.

It was after the forensic results were announced and LP stated that he felt that Caylee was dead, that Lee refused a lie detector test and convinced his parents not to take one either.

I think at some point, Casey confided some details to Lee about what happened. Lee's refusal to take the lie-detector test may have been because he knew he would probably be asked if Casey told him what happened. If he answered that question truthfully, he would have to tell LE what he knows. If he lies, that will be noted, and he could be charged with being an accessory after the fact for concealing details of a crime. I think Lee may have told Cindy and George what Casey had confided to him, and they are therefore in the same position and refused the lie detector tests too.

We don't know if the post on CL is true, but if it is, it may be a factor in why he's withdrawn. He may feel he can no longer support Casey's lies, and is focusing on his own life.

True. I think he realizes what a nut case his sister is and has decided he wants no part of it.
From what I understan Lee and Mallory are still together and there is no baby....Also heard Lee has been out of town on a job?
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