Where is Lee Anthony

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Has Lee faced the facts and turned his back on the family?

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    Votes: 100 31.9%
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I do not believe that LA had anything to do with this nor do I believe for one second that he fathered that child. If you listen to the phone call (the 1st one from KC) from jail in its' entirety, you'll hear the exasperation from LA and how he's not going to argue with her and that whatever happened, they WILL find out. For a moment or two, she seems to be taken back by his words but knows that if she pursues her story, she can get him back in line. I think he's done with this. That's why he seems to have disappeared. He was Caylee's uncle and seemed to genuinely care for his niece and now she's gone. He's broken hearted and is trying to deal with it. Another one of KC's victims.
ITA. LA is distancing himself right now. He's going to have to give a lot of support to his parents during the trial. Right now he can't do a lot for them and he knows it. This is above his "pay grade." Further, CA just has to spin herself out and Lee knows that. He will be there when it's time to pick up the pieces. In the meantime, he only has so much vacation and he needs to save it for the trial and the crisis points. The first night when CA told 911 that she overheard KC tell LA that Caylee had been kidnapped and the jail call where LA tells KC he isn't going to take any stuff off her and this will come out indicates he is not involved with the homicide or disposal of the body. I don't believe the baby daddy stuff either. Not at this point. Two points that were not so flattering of LA were when he confronted the protestor with the sign, St. Bernard and waterbowl and the matter of collecting donations through PayPal to his private account. However, I can see both items as being; the product of extreme fatigue and exasperation and of simply not knowing the law with respect to the requirements for lawfully soliciting charitable donations. LA is still an okay guy. However, coming from a family with these dynamics, LA could really use some psychological counseling to make sure he stays healthy in this trauma. He could think of it as being exposed to a really bad, highly contagious disease and he needs to see a Dr. to get checked out. It's nothing more than that. Other than that, he should work, live, love those he loves, keep away from the charitable donations business and politely keep his mouth shut. Oh, the high-five was tacky. Very tacky, but not illegal. They were just acknowledging having run the media gamut, that's all. If you have ever seen the big media trucks and throngs of media and how incredibly aggressive they can be, you would understand. But still, tacky.
Has anyone ever determined what LA does for a living.? If so can you tell me what he does or where to find out?
ITA.. Two points that were not so flattering of LA were when he confronted the protestor with the sign, St. Bernard and waterbowl and the matter of collecting donations through PayPal to his private account. However, I can see both items as being; the product of extreme fatigue and exasperation and of simply not knowing the law with respect to the requirements for lawfully soliciting charitable donations.

Per our guest speaker Dante` LA is doing exactly what Themis said. In regard to the donated funds, they were deposited to his paypal acct and at the time of the investigation that's where they still sat (all $47.00 of it) The people who donated through his acct had been trying to use the charitable acct without any luck. He was only trying to help.
Has anyone ever determined what LA does for a living.? If so can you tell me what he does or where to find out?
Somewhere on here...gosh knows where...it said he works for a company that basically chauffeurs people to events (arranges transportation, that is).
Has anyone ever determined what LA does for a living.? If so can you tell me what he does or where to find out?

Before his MySpace page was devoted entirely to Caylee missing, I read on there the two employers he listed and then I googled the companies. The one that he was working for at the time does set up for large events and concerts. Their site said that they had the job for the Super Bowl when it was in Miami. Lee listed his job title as project manager.
Before his MySpace page was devoted entirely to Caylee missing, I read on there the two employers he listed and then I googled the companies. The one that he was working for at the time does set up for large events and concerts. Their site said that they had the job for the Super Bowl when it was in Miami. Lee listed his job title as project manager.

Maybe KC worked for Lee, as an "Event Manager..."
Somewhere on here...gosh knows where...it said he works for a company that basically chauffeurs people to events (arranges transportation, that is).
I think he works for Gameday Management Click and Park
This may be wildly inappropriate, but I was looking through all of the photobucket pictures in the case... and Lee is pretty cute. If he did indeed have NOTHING to do with the case, and he wants to get away for a while, he can come to NYC and I'll even find him a good lawyer. :blowkiss:

Then again...TALK ABOUT TERRIFYING IN-LAWS. [and questionable genes?]
Well he still hasn't turned up but there is ONE THING we can say for sure at this point...It's been quite a while since he's been out there "showing support" for the family and for his sister.
This may be wildly inappropriate, but I was looking through all of the photobucket pictures in the case... and Lee is pretty cute. If he did indeed have NOTHING to do with the case, and he wants to get away for a while, he can come to NYC and I'll even find him a good lawyer. :blowkiss:

Then again...TALK ABOUT TERRIFYING IN-LAWS. [and questionable genes?]

LOL, definitely stay away from that gene pool!
ITA. LA is distancing himself right now. He's going to have to give a lot of support to his parents during the trial. Right now he can't do a lot for them and he knows it. This is above his "pay grade." Further, CA just has to spin herself out and Lee knows that. He will be there when it's time to pick up the pieces. In the meantime, he only has so much vacation and he needs to save it for the trial and the crisis points. The first night when CA told 911 that she overheard KC tell LA that Caylee had been kidnapped and the jail call where LA tells KC he isn't going to take any stuff off her and this will come out indicates he is not involved with the homicide or disposal of the body. I don't believe the baby daddy stuff either. Not at this point. Two points that were not so flattering of LA were when he confronted the protestor with the sign, St. Bernard and waterbowl and the matter of collecting donations through PayPal to his private account. However, I can see both items as being; the product of extreme fatigue and exasperation and of simply not knowing the law with respect to the requirements for lawfully soliciting charitable donations. LA is still an okay guy. However, coming from a family with these dynamics, LA could really use some psychological counseling to make sure he stays healthy in this trauma. He could think of it as being exposed to a really bad, highly contagious disease and he needs to see a Dr. to get checked out. It's nothing more than that. Other than that, he should work, live, love those he loves, keep away from the charitable donations business and politely keep his mouth shut. Oh, the high-five was tacky. Very tacky, but not illegal. They were just acknowledging having run the media gamut, that's all. If you have ever seen the big media trucks and throngs of media and how incredibly aggressive they can be, you would understand. But still, tacky.

Themis I like reading your post, very informate. I would tend to go with what your saying but the two things that makes it very hard to do so is one, talking his parents out of doing the lie dector and not doing so himself, and not giving his dna voluntarly. At first he seemed very cooperative with LE but has since became defiant, so for those two main issues i just cant totally believe he doesnt no anything.. just for the record i dont believe he had anything to do with the murder nor the disposal of her body, but i do believe casey confided in him with some of the details if not all of what happened.
Themis I like reading your post, very informate. I would tend to go with what your saying but the two things that makes it very hard to do so is one, talking his parents out of doing the lie dector and not doing so himself, and not giving his dna voluntarly. At first he seemed very cooperative with LE but has since became defiant, so for those two main issues i just cant totally believe he doesnt no anything.. just for the record i dont believe he had anything to do with the murder nor the disposal of her body, but i do believe casey confided in him with some of the details if not all of what happened.
I agree that Themis' post seems right on the money!

I was also thinking about Lee's refusing the DNA test and it occurred to me that maybe he's afraid Casey planted some of his DNA in the car. If Casey was my sister, I wouldn't put it past her...
And if Lee's DNA was found in the car, that could help explain LP's strange ramblings about DNA in the trunk... maybe there was a concerted effort to scare him into coming forward? It's probably just conspiracy theory, but who knows with Casey...

I posted this in the Accomplice thread-- these are my additional thoughts about Lee:
I think Casey tricked Lee into hiding her tracks-- ie the computer crash. I don't think Lee knew what he was destroying or the truth about what Casey had done until later. I would bet he now has his own counsel and things are going on behind the scenes that we don't know about.

I wonder if Lee is trying to make a deal on Casey's behalf-- he'll talk in exchange for immunity and the DA's agreement to take the death penalty off the table. Honestly, that's what I would be doing if it was my younger sister facing the death penalty.

I think it's pretty clear that Lee is the "fixer" in this dysfunctional family. He's the one Cindy called to find Casey on July 3, causing Casey to get "upset" and flee the Lodge. He's the one George called on July 15 to go check on Cindy before she called 911. He's the one who launched his own investigation, determined to find something Casey had said was actually true. I think his first calls with Casey clearly reveal that he did NOT know what she had done. Early on, he was at the forefront, speaking publicly and involving himself in the investigation. Now he's nowhere to be seen. At some point, he realized the truth, IMO. I feel true sympathy for Lee and I guess I'm unwilling to imagine he's guilty of anything but being exploited by his sister until I see strong evidence to the contrary.
I can't ecall exactly where i came across it lastnight

Where you on murts site by chance? Someone asked about Lee on there and since a good friend/ex roomate was on a topix thread,her name is Michele, and had let us know when we asked that 1 he and Mallory are still together. 2 there is no baby and 3 Lee has been out of town working . When they were asking on that murt site, I answered.
I know this is old news, but I was just listening to the AL audio interview again. He mentions in his interview that Casey left her phone when her mom came to get her from his apartment. He said he located Amy H's phone number on her phone and called her to find out what was going on between Casey and her mom. They talked for a bit and then he said 20 minutes later LA called and mentioned that Caylee was missing. AL also said he didn't recognize the phone number. Skip to Casey's first conversation home from jail when she asks LA to give her AL's phone number. It always bothered me that she didn't know it...but Lee did...and she INSISTS he did when no one was freely giving it up. How did Lee know it? He hadn't picked up the phone yet from AL's apartment so this call-his to AL- had to have been made prior to midnight- the time he went to retrieve her phone for LE back at the house. I'd like to know the exact time Lee made that phone call. Was this prior to LE getting to the home? Did he make it when LE was already at the house? Can AL verify that Casey used his phone to call her brother, hence the reason he may have had AL's number in the first place? Why would she have used his phone to call him? I thought Lee hadn't been in touch with his sister. If he had, why didn't he tell his parents where she was? Why did Cindy have to track her down. What is going on here that we don't know about...and how is Lee involved? Sorry, this is so late in the game I don't know where else to post this. Just figure there may be some REALLY definite reasons why Lee is MIA.

This is wild, since I just posted about this on the thread about the lightbulb things in this case:

According to Tony, Lee called him the evening of the 15th, around midnight...after the first police officer had begun to question Casey and before Lee showed up at his place to pick up Casey's things. When Lee called, he told Tony what was going on. However, according to the OSCO documents dated 7/16/08, Tony claims that the first he heard of Caylee missing was when the deputies showed up at his house early THAT morning and told him.

curious and curiouser.
This is wild, since I just posted about this on the thread about the lightbulb things in this case:

According to Tony, Lee called him the evening of the 15th, around midnight...after the first police officer had begun to question Casey and before Lee showed up at his place to pick up Casey's things. When Lee called, he told Tony what was going on. However, according to the OSCO documents dated 7/16/08, Tony claims that the first he heard of Caylee missing was when the deputies showed up at his house early THAT morning and told him.

curious and curiouser.

I seem to recall Tony calling Amy from Casey's phone and she told him what was going on and for all of them to check their bank accounts as she had been cleaned out...This was the evening of the 15th-or so I recall. Anyone else?
I would assume that by this point, Lee would have obtained his own legal counsel, but have heard no definites on that. Anyone know?
LA like anyone would is no doubt trying to distance himself from the charade by this family and the circus of the media. Can't blame him for that, but should a niece or relative of mine be missing I would be out SEARCHING for them... Have heard no reports of this, and under the circumstances the high five was "absolutely" tacky. JMHO
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