Where to post missing kids that aren't covered in the media but have a case number w/their respective police departments?

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Well-Known Member - Been lurking since 2004
Sep 20, 2013
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Hi, it's been a while since I've posted a thread. I'm not quite sure where to post this topic but if I need to delete or have it removed and posted or asked elsewhere, I'm more than happy to do that! I was going to message this to a mod instead of making it a thread but I didn't know who I should have written to so I'm sorry if this isn't the spot!

It's a question about "the missing missing people"; the missing kids (& adults who'd be considered endangered) whom aren't covered in the media but whom are legitimately missing, with missing posters, with case numbers from the police departments but they just aren't being reported on or the police are just chalking them up to runaways but still have taken a report. Something I've thought a lot about is how so many missing BIPoC people (women and children especially) are completely unknown due to inaction/bias. So many don't get reported on or get blown off by police for a myriad of reasons. The Highway of Tears comes to mind.

I know we need an official source such as MSM, LE or NAMUS to start threads for missing people in these threads. I'm wondering if there's a place where people can post missing kids/endangered adults who the media haven't reported on or there's no NAMUS or police statement but there is a case number? We see this with BIPoC constantly. There's currently a missing 13 year old girl whose family thinks was lured away in the middle of the night but there's no media or police statement, only a case number for the police. There's video of her last sighting, inside her home, trying to charge her phone at 3am. The girl does have a missing poster with the police department's number on it & there's a case number with the PD's number. It's being talked about on all social media platforms.

I just worry that so many missing/endangered kids go under the radar due to this disparity & wonder if we can help these folks out, even if it's in a little way, spreading the word. I understand the need for an official source so I think a case number should be a must, as it means it's a legit case filed with LE. I'm wondering if we can make a forum for kids (or missing adults whom are also considered endangered by family) with missing persons posters with case numbers for their respective police departments that aren't covered in the media. Is there a way to have a forum dedicated to this? I understand there would need to be extremely stringent rules, much the same as the ones already in place in the forums, but it would be dedicated to the missing persons posters of all the people the media &/or the police ignore or miss. A case number means there's an official report with the police station. Is there a feasible way to put a spotlight on these missing missing people?

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