Where was she putting Caylee!!!!???

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm confused as to why you are concluding that KC was putting Caylee somewhere for the entire two-year period. Do you mean during the day? Most other nights - excluding the end of May and early June, Caylee seems to be accounted for - she was at the Anthony's.

My thoughts are because Casey told people she was working for more than two years after she wasn't. Caylee supposedly stayed with a babysitter (Lauren) before "Zenaida" took over. There were other friends and the Grunds who babysat but I was under the impression they weren't sitting with the child regularly. In George's interview, he said Casey told them she'd be working late one night so Caylee was staying with the babysitter all night and Casey would, too! He made it sound unusual for Casey to work so late.

So I'm wondering, did Lauren really babysit? When Caylee was "working" after she was officially not working, what was she doing with Casey during those times? Cindy and George were working, too? They accepted Caylee had a babysitter. Was there ever really a fulltime babysitter?

Normally, little ones chatter endlessly about people they know, especially people they see everyday. Why didn't the Anthonys think it odd Caylee wasn't mentioning the babysitter? At nearly three years old, that little girl should have been jabbering away.

This is why I think we need to look at a longer timeframe just to figure what she's been doing with the poor child all this time.
I really don't understand her wasting so much of her time evading and lying to everyone, she could have used her time more constructively, like sticking with a job, classes if not full time college that would help her and Caylee later in life when she would need it. Many single moms have done this, not easy but doable(is that a word-getting late). Anyway, did not mean to get off topic. It seems she knew her friends, parents and brothers schedules, such as work hours, classes, vacations,etc.. and used their homes, apts. or yard spaces for hanging out when they weren't there. If she stole money, checks and credit cards it sure seems logical that she could take a key long enough to get duplicates made. And I agree with vacant model homes or apts.. Most of them have electricity, running water, etc. since they are the model home or apt., they usually have all utilities on. My Dad was in real estate and I was helping him then and I remember we had occasions where someone had broke in some of the homes, usually nothing too bad, just like they had stayed overnight or hung-out for a while. So that is a possibility to me that she could have done this on occasion.
Also, I do not see how the car or the trunk could have been a longterm babysitter. It's just too damn hot day or night in June in the South. I live on the Gulf Coast and there's NO WAY a person or animal could survive in a trunk or car for any length of time in that unbearable heat. NO WAY.

Nighttime might be better but you have to have the windows all the way down for good circulation if there is a small breeze. I would assume a trunk would be hotter.

Would she have left the child in the car with the windows open for someone to hear her if she cried? I doubt it. She wouldn't want anyone to know the child was there.
Also, I do not see how the car or the trunk could have been a longterm babysitter. It's just too damn hot day or night in June in the South. I live on the Gulf Coast and there's NO WAY a person or animal could survive in a trunk or car for any length of time in that unbearable heat. NO WAY.

Agreed. People have kept bringing up the idea over and over that Caylee died in the car or was left in the car, or was left in the trunk. They're getting confused because the BODY was in the trunk, which absolutely does not have to correlate with a LIVE Caylee in the trunk. IMO Caylee was not left in the car or trunk, drugged in the car or trunk, babysat by the car or tunk, or anything of the kind. She was transported in her cat seat like normal kids, and she was put in the trunk after she had died. That was the extent of the relationship with the car and the rest is a red herring, IMHO. I wish people would "think outside the car" so to speak...:dance:
I'm trying to wrap my head around all the new evidence, so please bear with me. I haven't seen this posted yet with regards to the new docs so...

Okay so we know that Ricardo states that on May 31st, Casey and Caylee sleepover at his apartment. He wakes up the next morning and Casey is there but NO Caylee. Casey tells him that Cindy called in the middle of the night wanting her to bring Caylee home. Sounded believable to me - knowing how protective Cindy seems to be over Caylee.

BUT today in Cindy's recorded interview, she states that this never occurred. She seems quite sure of this. And it does seem like something you would proabably remember - calling your daughter in the middle of the night to bring your granddaughter home. For this reason, I believe her.

Which leaves one to wonder.....where WAS Caylee then? So here on this thread I've seen alot of speculation about where she could have been taking Caylee....or putting Caylee....or whether any of it is true to begin with, or whether Cindy is lying. I have my own theory which doesn't fit into any of the above. I can hardly bring myself to think this, much less type it out. But I think you'll get the idea.

The thought first entered my mind after hearing Cindy's interview. But after seeing what types of searches have been done on Casey's computer (sex, escorts, etc.) as well as something PotatoHead posted in another thread (sorry I can't reference it specifically because my brain is fried)........I believe that Casey could have been passing Caylee off to someone else. I don't want to get too detailed or whatever....but someone, a very, very bad bad bad man. Someone who would do unspeakable things to Caylee, and perhaps Casey was paid for this? Could this explain where Caylee is now, and why Casey will not tell? Becuase if she tells where Caylee is.....she goes to jail period (if what I am thinking is true). BUT if she doesn't tell where Caylee is, then perhaps she could get found not guilty if there isn't evidence. I'm just thinking out loud here. That is assuming Caylee could still be alive. Okay so maybe she actually isn't alive....(which I believe she is NOT alive). In that case, maybe something horrible happened on one of these "exchanges", possibly involving chloroform that someone else used to knock Caylee out for their own reasons (you get my meaning?).

I hope I haven't just totally confused anyone. I'm confused myself. It's 5am here - my mind is reeling with all the information I've read through/watched. And there are still so many pieces of the puzzle missing. Please let me know your thoughts on this - punch holes in my theory if you can (please do, I don't want to be right!!!).

This has been my worst fear since day 1, that Caylee was being sexually abused by someone. I don't even want to think about it, but let me just say that I sadly, think it's very possible, especially with Chloroform. Chloroform just seems to be more of a freaky sex act drug than an upgrade from Xanax as a sleep aid. Why would you suddenly need to "upgrade" to Chloroform anyway? :( I fear you might be on the right track with this theory, I would believe it more than the trunk/babysitter theory anyway.
Agreed. People have kept bringing up the idea over and over that Caylee died in the car or was left in the car, or was left in the trunk. They're getting confused because the BODY was in the trunk, which absolutely does not have to correlate with a LIVE Caylee in the trunk. IMO Caylee was not left in the car or trunk, drugged in the car or trunk, babysat by the car or tunk, or anything of the kind. She was transported in her cat seat like normal kids, and she was put in the trunk after she had died. That was the extent of the relationship with the car and the rest is a red herring, IMHO. I wish people would "think outside the car" so to speak...:dance:

Exactly, the trunk was merely a hiding place after the fact. Why make the terrible circumstances even worse.
Quite possible. I noticed in caseys texts to Amy she was always asking her what time she was working that day.maybe its just because Amy worked different shifts, but maybe she was checking for who was home.If someone can figure out the days where caylee was supposedly with the sitter, then we can compare that to the texts, thenmaybe we can solve this little piece of the puzzle.

ok...so i've been doiing some checking and have come up with something interesting...maybe its already been mentioned, in which case, i'm happy to have the post deleted...
so here is a portion of the texts from casey to amy aroung those crucial dates

6TH JULY 2008
5.38pm – hello love. what the verdict? Any luck?
5.41pm - %-) find jp's keys?
5.44pm – haha geez. I'm sorry hun. I'll help you look before you leave. Might as well
5.52pm- potentially...any cover?

OMG!! jp's keys went missing? and this is within days of amys money going missing -you know the money she hid while she was sleepwalking.

4TH JULY 2008

12.27am – Jp and I are good
1.17am – are you serious? I'm not joking %-) thats not good at all. Did you check the car just in case?
1.19am – where the hell did you put it? Thats crazy
1.20am – jesus ; -( do you wnt me to come back and help you look?
1.22 am- yeah we just need to find it.piece of mind, right
1.25am - honey :( god that sucks. It will turn up. No doubt. You going to be up or are you going to bed?
1.26 am - I feel bad for not paying more attention
1.28AM - :.( i'm sorry love. Let me know if I can help

so its possible (probable) that she had keys to at least one persons house that she could hide in out when she was 'working'....
ok...so i've been doiing some checking and have come up with something interesting...maybe its already been mentioned, in which case, i'm happy to have the post deleted...
so here is a portion of the texts from casey to amy aroung those crucial dates

6TH JULY 2008
5.38pm – hello love. what the verdict? Any luck?
5.41pm - %-) find jp's keys?
5.44pm – haha geez. I'm sorry hun. I'll help you look before you leave. Might as well
5.52pm- potentially...any cover?

OMG!! jp's keys went missing? and this is within days of amys money going missing -you know the money she hid while she was sleepwalking.

4TH JULY 2008

12.27am – Jp and I are good
1.17am – are you serious? I'm not joking %-) thats not good at all. Did you check the car just in case?
1.19am – where the hell did you put it? Thats crazy
1.20am – jesus ; -( do you wnt me to come back and help you look?
1.22 am- yeah we just need to find it.piece of mind, right
1.25am - honey :( god that sucks. It will turn up. No doubt. You going to be up or are you going to bed?
1.26 am - I feel bad for not paying more attention
1.28AM - :.( i'm sorry love. Let me know if I can help

so its possible (probable) that she had keys to at least one persons house that she could hide in out when she was 'working'....

Good sleuthing butwhatif?! Interesting...
First Post (be gentle)
There has been some discussion about CA being in the trunk in the evenings. I'm posting the weather details. Since the evening temps were in the high 60's or low 70's, heat would not be a factor. During the days in question, temps were typically in the low 90's. I don't feel an adult let alone a small child, could tolerate those temps for any prolonged period of time. Actually that could be what happened to baby. (just thinking out loud)
I've included some additional weather stats as it may figure into any "exposure" scenarios.
I hope there is some closure soon!

B.S. :cool:

I apologize in advance if this data posts funky
Raw Weather Data
for Orlando, FL
...............MinDaily.....MaxDaily....Total Daily...Average........AverageSea
...............Temp.........Temp........Precip........Wind Speed....Level Pressure
Date..........(deg F)......(deg F).....(inches)......(m/p/h)..........(inches)
This has been my worst fear since day 1, that Caylee was being sexually abused by someone. I don't even want to think about it, but let me just say that I sadly, think it's very possible, especially with Chloroform. Chloroform just seems to be more of a freaky sex act drug than an upgrade from Xanax as a sleep aid. Why would you suddenly need to "upgrade" to Chloroform anyway? :( I fear you might be on the right track with this theory, I would believe it more than the trunk/babysitter theory anyway.

My main lines of thought have always been as posted on various threads throughout:

Caylee was drugged and left in the car and died of:
a) exposure (drugs, heat)
b) a pedophile who saw her in the car
Caylee was left with with someone who:
a) molested and killed her
b) had someone walk in to where she was, who molested and killed her
First Post (be gentle)
There has been some discussion about CA being in the trunk in the evenings. I'm posting the weather details. Since the evening temps were in the high 60's or low 70's, heat would not be a factor. During the days in question, temps were typically in the low 90's. I don't feel an adult let alone a small child, could tolerate those temps for any prolonged period of time. Actually that could be what happened to baby. (just thinking out loud)
I've included some additional weather stats as it may figure into any "exposure" scenarios.
I hope there is some closure soon!

B.S. :cool:

snipped for space

Good sleuthing, but I think this is deceptive. While the nighttime low might get down to the high 60s on a few nights, that is the absolute bottom that it might reach at, say, 2AM. But living in GA and having lived in FL, I can promise you that at 7 or 9 or even 11 PM in the summer it is still much hotter than that. Especially in a parked car over pavement that has been soaking up the heat all day long. The high here today was only 81 and I was waiting for my son to get done with his tutor. My DD and I had to get out of the car after less than 10 minutes because we were sweating and hot with the windows down at 5:30 PM. In June it was much hotter. There is no way Caylee could have been in a closed up trunk all night.

On top of the physical strain on her body, I think she would have been severely traumatized if she even woke for a minute or shown signs of being drugged. Every single witness talks about how outgoing and charming Caylee was, so I just don't see this being the case.

You're right! I hadn't thought about heat hanging around even after sundown. Excellent point. I don't know that I buy into the trunk theory anyway. I believe CA spent some time there, more than likely post mortem.
While the nighttime low might get down to the high 60s on a few nights, that is the absolute bottom that it might reach at, say, 2AM. But living in GA and having lived in FL, I can promise you that at 7 or 9 or even 11 PM in the summer it is still much hotter than that. Especially in a parked car over pavement that has been soaking up the heat all day long.

You're absolutely right. The "high" temps up North where I grew up never really reflected the majority of the day (which was much cooler), and conversely, down here in Fla the "low" temps do not reflect the majority of the evenings. I have not been able to turn the A/C off since May, and I like it warm inside (78*). In June my a/c broke, and the inside temp did not drop to below 83 even overnight. Low 70s or 60s might occur at 3 am for a few minutes, but I can't remember the last time it felt 70s..
All I can think about is how KC said she had to pull the squirrels off the frame..........
please LE don't tell us it was Caylee............IMO, KC talks about 'baby at the beach'.......did she put her near a beach???

This thought has crossed my mind many, many times. I live very close to Cocoa Beach, the beach that KC went to with Caylee. I know approx. where she went, based on the photos. Even though the beach is covered in condos and hotels, there's still lots of green space. I also keep remembering the psychic, who in the beginning of this case, said she saw Caylee buried somewhere near "mounds". Couldn't that be the dunes on the beach? Also coincides with many people who see "water".
Another thought I have is the drive to the beach. It's on the Beeline, a very long stretch of road that is not very populated during the evening hours. There are very few exits and very few homes along a 30 mile stretch. There's plenty of places she could have stopped along the way to dump poor Caylee. There's also a bridge over the St. John's River....VERY populated with alligators and other wildlife.
I have not heard of any searches in these areas.
Forgive me if this has already been discussed but I have always wondered on the days when Caylee was for a fact alive and CA/GA were working, KC showing up and hanging out w/friends who had Caylee at those times.. Also after 6/15/08 who had her when KC was showing up everywhere w/o her??? The one person that crosses my mind since most of her friends have spoken is the girl, Kristina that also s/w her while in jail.. I'm wondering if she wasnt the person keeping Caylee prior to whatever KC did to her..
Forgive me if this has already been discussed but I have always wondered on the days when Caylee was for a fact alive and CA/GA were working, KC showing up and hanging out w/friends who had Caylee at those times.. Also after 6/15/08 who had her when KC was showing up everywhere w/o her??? The one person that crosses my mind since most of her friends have spoken is the girl, Kristina that also s/w her while in jail.. I'm wondering if she wasnt the person keeping Caylee prior to whatever KC did to her..

IIRC Kristina and family went to Canada at the same time that KC and CA had the fight and KC left with Caylee. If Kristina was in Canada at this time KC had no one to leave Caylee with if Kristina did, in fact, watch Caylee a lot of the time. Anyone know exactly when Kristina went to Canada and for how long?
I think she left her there at night time. No maintenance, no one showing the model apartment. Also, I think I remember from some video clip of the model apartment on the news, that it was furnished. Voila.....a home away from home.

Interesting theory ~ one I hadn't thought of. :waitasec:

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