Where will the jury come from?

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I will guess that it will be right there at the Orange Cty. courthouse in Orlando...within a half an hour from most juror's homes, and the hotels would be juror's own homes (less than $50). My guess is at the in camera meeting today that HHJP read the defense the riot act about all their earlier and especially all their latest media appearances and said it will be right here now! JB didn't look too happy as he came back into the courtroom.

And yet he withdrew his objection to the location, didn't he? That made me think he was as OK as he was going to be with the choice. I cannot imagine Jose being OK with Orlando.

Either that or the Judge convinced him they will move again if they cannot find a jury that satisfies them.

It's as easy as the last thing Nancy Grace said at the very end of her show the other night, "It's as easy as following Casey when she leaves the jail". More than likely we'll know as soon as Sunday evening.

I bet there's media right now watching the Orange County jail to see if they can see Casey being placed in a sheriff car for transport to the county of jury selection.

I would bet that the transfer will take place as late as possible on Sunday - perhaps in the early evening hours.
Methinks she will be moved tonight- Saturday_ which is why CA hurried and tried to see her this morning instead of Sunday, Mother's Day.
Downtown Clearwater Court House and St. Petersburg Judicial Building automated systems will not have info available until after 5:00pm the day before summons date.
A Pinellas County jury may be interesting.

Does anyone remember the young, 20 something girl who just this last year was convicted of murder for stabbing another girl during a fight over a boyfriend?

This girl, convicted by a Pinellas County jury, was young, pretty, petite and innocent-looking.

I think I may like a Pinellas County jury.

You are thinking of Rachel Wade & Sarah Lundemann.
Methinks she will be moved tonight- Saturday_ which is why CA hurried and tried to see her this morning instead of Sunday, Mother's Day.

Good point!

I wonder if KC was even returned to the Orange County jail facility after the hearing on Friday? She might have left directly after the hearing for the county of jury selection. The media may not have suspected it would be that soon and thought she was only being transported back to her cell at the Orange County jail.
She will probably be booked into the new facility under an alias since HHBP has attended to many of the details.
Darn, I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning!
When I click that link it says I am FORBIDDEN from accessing that area.

Is it a paid site?

Oh sorry, I have fixed it though. Just made a mistake when I first pasted the link. It's a Orlando Sentinel site.
Just out of curiously I called the my county's jury service line which is in Lake County. There they are no longer called by juror numbers but group numbers, not sure how many are in a group but it appears they are calling in more people this next week than my last jury service that was in Nov. 2010.

Last fall when I called in to check it said groups 1-5 to report Monday AM and groups 6-15 are excused from jury duty.

Today the recording says groups 1-7 to report Monday AM and groups 8-20 need to call back Monday evening as to whether they need to report on Tuesday morning.

The Lake County courthouse is in Tavares, about 45-60 mins from Orlando.
Just checked Pasco county online. Not sure how many called for the week but juror number 1-76 are to report Monday AM. Numbers 77 and above to call back Monday evening to see if they have to report later in the week.

This doesn't sound like that many so I guess my thoughts of Pasco County are out. This county about 90 min from Orlando.
Just out of curiously I called the my county's jury service line which is in Lake County. There they are no longer called by juror numbers but group numbers, not sure how many are in a group but it appears they are calling in more people this next week than my last jury service that was in Nov. 2010.

Last fall when I called in to check it said groups 1-5 to report Monday AM and groups 6-15 are excused from jury duty.

Today the recording says groups 1-7 to report Monday AM and groups 8-20 need to call back Monday evening as to whether they need to report on Tuesday morning.

The Lake County courthouse is in Tavares, about 45-60 mins from Orlando.

Just checked Pasco county online. Not sure how many called for the week but juror number 1-76 are to report Monday AM. Numbers 77 and above to call back Monday evening to see if they have to report later in the week.

This doesn't sound like that many so I guess my thoughts of Pasco County are out. This county about 90 min from Orlando.

:rocker: we are sleuths...to some we are idiot bloggers...but we know we are sleuths, websleuths to be exact and we can certainly figure this out...or probably come closer than most. :great:
Recording at CRIMINAL JUSTICE CENTER, Clearwater, FL, states as follows
Hello, this is the jury duty information line for CRIMINAL JUSTICE CENTER located at
14250 49th Street North.
This message is to advise all jurors summoned for Monday May 9th as follows...jurors with the juror numbers 1001-1440 are to report at 8:15 am to the jury assembly selection on the first floor room 1600.
1441-1475 are excused from this summons, you do not need to appear.

That's a lot of jurors...:yes:

Nearly 400 jurors . . . methinks this is a huge clue! Googlemaps says 1 hr 56 min and 106 miles.
I just thought of something! If jury selection is to be in Pinellas county, it's very possible that the jail in Orlando will escort Casey to the jail in Pinellas County on Sunday, as that's where she'll be incarcerated during jury selection there. :behindbar

I watched a case in Nevada and the trial was moved from Reno to Las Vegas, and the defendant was brought from Reno to Las Vegas jail on the weekend before the jury selection/trial began.

Someone needs to drive by the jail a few times tomorrow and see if there's any Orlando sheriff cars in the parking lot. :)

Hi Leila! :seeya: I haven't been on Caylee's forum for a while however now that jury selection is going to begin I'm catching up.......

I remember the trial you're referring to. In this case I believe she'll probably be transported (wherever) under heavy security in unmarked SUVs. Just MOO.
Nearly 400 jurors . . . methinks this is a huge clue! Googlemaps says 1 hr 56 min and 106 miles.

It does appear they either have one huge trial upcoming, or a sudden flurry of cases all scheduled to begin this week, which would seem abnormal. :waitasec:
My apologies if this is a repeat question, but when will the announcement be made of where jury selection is taking place? Tomorrow?
My apologies if this is a repeat question, but when will the announcement be made of where jury selection is taking place? Tomorrow?

The Attorneys involved already know- everyone else will find out on Monday morning.

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