Which Specific Aspect of this ENTIRE Case Keeps You Drawn IN???

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There isn't one single aspect that keeps me drawn in. This is a very complicated case. Mostly, I keep trying to understand the family dynamics and the cause / effect relationship. I see many similarities between my parents and Cindy / George and that frightens me. (This could be me). Although I never had child like beautiful Caylee, I wonder what kept me from turning out like Casey.

Yeah. It could also be me. I'm from the same kind of family, too.

Happily for us, there also seems to be a genetic component that you and I prolly just didn't get.

Sociopathy is thought to be a combination of bad genetics and a toxic home.
Only thing that keeps me drawn in is I want to see KC thru the trial and make sure she never gets out of prison again. I wish they would get on with it. I also like to learn all the evidence to see how strong the prosecution case is.
What inititially drew me in was the 31 days. I thought that was so incredible that a mother wouldn't report a child missing after that long. What keeps me coming back is the daily events that get more bizarre with each passing day. I want to see what happens next-what will happen next and who will do what and to whom?

This has been a fascinating case. I hate to say it, but I'm fascinated by Casey and her ability to just out and out lie. It's amazing. I am not a fast thinker so the way she keeps coming up with her lies and how fast she does it is just incredible to me. Listening to her on the tapes never gets old to me. I love hearing LE confront her and the changes in her tone and inflection in her voice compared to the ease with which she told them all the lies. I can't get over it.

I am looking forward to the trial and am really hoping they have cameras in the courtroom. I doubt she'll take the stand, but there is something very compelling about her demeanor to me. I guess maybe it's because she personifies a monster, but doesn't look anything like one. An odd dichotomy.

I really think that's exactly what is fascinating people about the case. If she was a snarly-looking male, it would not be so puzzling. One doesn't expect an attractive young mother to be a hopeless sociopath. A natural criminal. A heartless murderess.(sigh!) :-(
I have written and erased my reply five times so far because I can't seem to keep to just one thing. :crazy: Then I decided the one thing IS the combination, because any one on its own would not probably have sucked me in like this has.

snipped for space....

Finally, I have a little girl who could be Caylee's big sister. I wish I could have saved Caylee. She could have had the best Christmas ever and that breaks my heart. :( I follow this case because it makes me appreciate what I have. My prayers are for George tonight, and all the people Caylee loved.

You just summed up my interest in this case so clearly that I had to give you a thumbs up. Even in my own brain I could not come up with the answer and then I read a very succinct and cogent explanation from you. Thank you.:clap::clap:
Casey's lies lies lies. Then the grandparent's unrealistic denial despite their daughters "halftruths" that kept me riveted.
I felt caylee was being abandoned by her family and want her to receive justice.
I was an avid Jonbenet Ramsey case watcher and still feel sorry that she has never received justice.
For me, the hook is KC's apparent mental illness - the audacity of the behaviour that comes from sociopathy, narcacism, personality disorder. The lies, the spinning, the me focus. i have seen people who show these sorts of traits, but never as intense and as destructive as this

I am also incredably perplexed by the behaviour of the grandparents. I understand the grief. I understand how utterly devestating this has been to their lives, and yet I cannot fully understand the level of denial . Perhaps denial has been an integral part of how this family has always functioned and survived. If so, then perhaps their behaviour makes sense. In order to deny, you have to lie, to cover up... the intent in this case may not be to obstruct justice but to simply, from the point of view of the family dynamic, of the learned pattern of behaviour which is habitual and probably not even recognized consciously, to continue to survive.
To me, there is not one thing that keeps me here. It is like a sorid novel that has so many twists and turns that just when I want to put it down, I cannot. And to think this is not a novel, but true life, makes it even more unbelieveable..........I have tried so many times to not read, but everyday a new story, chapter that I am drawn back.........

ITA. I'm an avid reader, normally a several books a week. I have probably read 15 books since August. This is the best read out there. It's so strange, even the best fiction writer couldn't have made this one up.
I have been watching and reading about this case from the beginning because of the 31 days and all of the lies. Then, despite all of the circumstantial evidence, I was waiting to be proved wrong. I was waiting for Caylee to be brought back to Cindy and George. I do believe they loved her more than anyone in the world. I would go to stores and see little girls that looked like Caylee and dream that I could bring her home to them. Even though it looked so bad, I just didn't want to believe that a fellow human being, a mother, could care so little for her child that she could hurt her for more party time. I just didn't want to accept we lived in a world like that. I would go back and forth and get angry, depressed and then I would just pray that I was wrong. I wanted to be a cynical person who jumped the gun and Caylee would show up one day.

Now I watch because I want to know what happened. More so, I want Cindy and George to know what happened. I know everyone thinks there's a cover up and yes, they certainly have done and said questionable things. But to be honest, I think back to how I felt for months and can only imagine. If I was angry and wanted to be proved wrong, can I imagine the strength of those feelings if I were George or Cindy? They do upset me at times, but would I want to face the truth? Would I want to hear directly from KC what happened? Yes, I would. Would I give her all of my love and attention to try and get her to tell me the truth? Definitely. Ok, so I am going off topic here and I apologize. But I watch because I want the truth. I want the GP's to find out the truth so that they can take their displaced anger at the media and focus it on KC and grieve for Caylee before they finally offer her their forgiveness. Yes, as a parent, I do expect that they will forgive KC.
I was sucked into the Caylee vortex because I have a 2 year old daughter. I just can fathom going on with your life even though your child is "missing". I've lost sight of my son at an amusement park once and it just about did me in. And to lie, then the evidence points to killing your own child. OMG!
I am impressed!!!!!!!! So well said, and you have captured the very essence of this entire event. May I suggest if you have not already been published, that you consider doing so??? I'd buy it.

I have to agree. You have the gift. I so admire people who can express theirself they way you did. If you have been published you should share it with us.

Thank you both. Once in a while I do manage to string a few words together that actually makes sense.
I don't normally get very interested in crimes against children because they upset and stress me out too much. I knew that Caylee was deceased and hoped she'd be found. After disgust with all the drama and circus atmosphere of it all, I've stayed interested because I want to find out more about what is wrong with Casey and how this all happened. I dread the trial since everything will be all about criticism of the defense and legal jargon and more circus atmosphere all over the media and news.
I am about over the case. I know what I need to know. Now it is just going through the motions of a fair trial. Baby Caylee was found. KC will be convicted of murder. GA and CA and LA are pretty much on their own and I hope they all find a reason to live.

I wanted to know what happened to Caylee and I wanted her body found. I am convinced that the murderer is awaiting trial and will be convicted. Justice is served.

It's all over but the singing.
I'm interested in how one, previously anonymous, unemployed and
unremarkable character-disordered young woman has gained the
attention of family, friends, strangers, her community, state, nation,
and even other countries, sustaining that attention for months now
despite the financial costs during the worse of economic times. How
does this case reflect society in the 21st century?
Verité;3213165 said:
I'm interested in how one, previously anonymous, unemployed and
unremarkable character-disordered young woman has gained the
attention of family, friends, strangers, her community, state, nation,
and even other countries, sustaining that attention for months now
despite the financial costs during the worse of economic times. How
does this case reflect society in the 21st century?

Good question. I think part of the time it may be fear. Adults with children, wondering how it happened and could it ever happen to them. Grandparents with grandchildren may fear it happening to them. I don't even have grandchildren yet, but it has made me wonder if it could happen, what would I do etc.

And if people believe it couldn't ever happen to them, they may know someone they wonder about.

Then there is the circus. The A's, denying everything- even the things that there was evidence for really fanned the flames.
For me, it would have to be able to watch such an interesting case unfold...let alone being able to have a pretty good vantage point to observe the psychological dynamics of KC...thanks to LE's doc dumps & the media who report it.
The pure bizarreness and the never ending stuff that pops up out of this case every day. I've followed a lot of cases and this is just mind boggling with the never ending stuff. Plus all the document dumps and information. I keep telling my DD, you couldn't write a better book. It's a mystery beyond anything I've ever seen. And at the expense of Caylee.....
The pure bizarreness and the never ending stuff that pops up out of this case every day. I've followed a lot of cases and this is just mind boggling with the never ending stuff. Plus all the document dumps and information. I keep telling my DD, you couldn't write a better book. It's a mystery beyond anything I've ever seen. And at the expense of Caylee.....

The twists and turns of this case have made my head spin from the beginning and I'm sure the worst is yet to come when it finally goes to trial. It is very addicting. I tried to walk away for a few days over the holiday season, but once I came back to the board I was sucked back in.
I am fascinated by KC's psych profile. It is completely unfathomable. (Same with Ted Bundy, Diane Downs, Susan Smith, Scott Peterson, BTK, etc.)

The same could be asked: Why do we slow down and rubberneck to view the results of a car accident?

That and the unquenchable desire to see that Caylee receives justice. It's heartbreaking!
I first read about this case in a blurb in the newspaper. I read how KC had taken police to Universal, and she didn't even work there, and the judge pointing out the lies to her and saying Ms. Anthony and the truth are strangers. I started going to the online Orlando news sites that day, and I've been hooked ever since. It's KC's startling behavior that keeps me interested.
ITA...What will Nancy Grace do when this is over???? IMO she doesn't need to worry for quite a while.

OT.. I noticed the other night that poor Lou Dobbs was pulled into the KC story.. he teased it at the top of his show Wed. or Thursday night... I guess it's a ratings goldmine...

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