Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

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Cindy Anthony has cost the State of Florida millions and millions of dollars. She has made quite a substantial amount of money and I fully expect that she and George will go on a media blitz when this is over.

I have never witnessed so many lies. and why people continue to excuse them is beyond my tolerance. I don't feel for either of them. They have put the Sheriff's office through living hell. They have had fake searches, fake sightings. They have destroyed evidence. They have demanded looking for a live Caylee for two years...when all along they knew their daughter did something terrible to her and Caylee was no longer alive. This is ridiculous. She should be held accountable. Her lies will continue, for that is how she lives her life. Swearing on a bible means nothing to these two.

Exactly why in this case I can totally see them charging her!
Martha Stewart went to jail for obstruction of justice and I didn't think that would happen. But it did. CA could be charged with that instead! Works for me.
I meant the part about not prosecuting the parents in regards to JP.
I also do not think that JP will impose the DP because of the parents. The quoted case refers to a vile multiple murder convict including a disabled son if I recall correctly.


I respectfully disagree with that bolded sentence because HHJP is very well schooled in the letter of the law. The written law does not allow for sympathy or feeling sorry for the parents. HHLP is on the side of the law and the victim, IMO.

If/when the trial gets to the guilt phase, I know I can count on HHJP to give the proper sentence according to the law rather than feelings of sympathy.

ETA: Kind of O/T, but when HHLP read or stated the words referring to the victim (little Caylee) in this case as a "child of tender years", my heart just broke again.


I respectfully disagree with that bolded sentence because HHJP is very well schooled in the letter of the law. The written law does not allow for sympathy or feeling sorry for the parents. HHLP is on the side of the law and the victim, IMO.

If/when the trial gets to the guilt phase, I know I can count on HHJP to give the proper sentence according to the law rather than feelings of sympathy.

ETA: Kind of O/T, but when HHLP read or stated the words referring to the victim (little Caylee) in this case as a "child of tender years", my heart just broke again.


I dunno. HHJP did let the parents stay in the court room during the trial even though they were also witnesses. That indicated to me that HHJP views them as victims too. Compassion is not the same as sympathy. Compassion does also belong in the law. Personally , I always have had a big problem with DP due to I guess my upbringing/informative years in another country where DP was abolished in the 19th Century.Currently I believe there are about 16 States with no DP. There is no evidence that DP acts as an effective deterrent. And with a DP on the table many close relatives of the defendant will continue to spout lies at trials IMO. And such close relatives will not be prosecuted for fairy tales if DP was on the table. Out of, yes, "compassion" I presume.
Figure out how much extra was spent on this trial because of her lies and send her a bill.......I know, I know they can barely make their house payments.
She probably should be brought up on charges but I doubt she will. So many people that lie under oath should be but never are....

It has been stated the house payments were appr. $700.00 a month. She (GA was taken off the title) almost went through foreclosure...but were saved by a new Government Program in which they were moved to the top of the list. It is my understanding their house payments were reduced to about $200.00 per month.

Dollars to donuts they both are collecting disability. I would venture that GA probably receives a pension from his work as a deputy. i wonder if Cindy had a 401K plan through her work. They had quite a stash in donations which can't be taxed and doesn't necessarily get audited.
Yes it is horrible to lose your lovely grandaughter. Yes it is horrible to have your only daughter on trial for murder. It will never go away. Yes it should be punishment enough.
I thought Scott Peterson's parents actions were bad. I was shocked that what they did was not punishable by LAW. Obstruction. Perjury.

The actions of CA have actually made me feel sorry for ICA because CA was her role model.

I can't believe that someone in this situation would CONTINUE to lie - even when the truth was evident-early on- OR six weeks before the trial started.

If CA had told the truth at the trial, then I would say, she has suffered enough.
If someone commits a crime, and anyone helps the criminal in any part of it by lying, covering, misrepresenting the truth in anyway, they should likewise be punished to the full extent of the Law. Her total disrespect for the process is disgusting and leaves little Caylee totally forgotten in my opinion. This is NOT the situation in which one should "make lemonade from lemons". They made a mockery of the legal system and everyone involved.
She should be made an example of for people who do this. At least GA and LA stopped drinking the KC kool aid. Finally.

Yes, I have 3 grown kids and if anyone of them got themself into legal trouble of any kind, I can say without a doubt, that I would still love them (of course) but I would never cover for their bad behavior or commission of a crime. I would find it hard to ever speak to my daughter if she killed my grandaughter or anyone else for that matter unless it was in self defense.
My kids have all been told my exact feelings about this topic.
and this is just my humble opinion....
I really believe CA wanted to spare ICA the DP, not get her off.

CA, after all, did tell the truth about not searching for "neck-breaking," "household weapons," "how to make choloroform," etc.

Any punishment for perjury, I believe, would pale in comparison to the loss of her Caylee.

thank you. no one ever mentions that she denied searching for "how to make chloroform."
Her house payments were appr. $700.00 a month. They almost went through foreclosure...but were saved by a new Government Program in which they were moved to the top of the list. It is my understanding their house payments were reduced to about $200.00 per month.

Dollars to donuts they both are collecting disability. I would venture that GA probably receives a pension from his work as a deputy. i wonder if Cindy had a 401K plan through her work. They had quite a stash in donations which can't be taxed and doesn't necessarily get audited.

If I recall correctly, I thought I read that CA had to take money out of her 401K to cover her family debts, not sure if it was due to ICA or GA. Not sure if GA is collecting disability. Pension from Ohio from many years ago could not very much IMO. Besides, he strikes me as a person that would take a lump sum if available.
can anyone link me to information on the hairbrush? where did the wrong hairbrush story come from? just curious
I have no idea if true, but it was mentioned somewhere she bought new clothes and jewelry for trial. IF she did... they aren't hurting THAT BAD!
can anyone link me to information on the hairbrush? where did the wrong hairbrush story come from? just curious

I have no link, but what I remember is that someone befriended Cindy via email, and after investigators requested a brush (don't remember if it was hairbrush or toothbrush) Cindy told the new friend that one of the things given to police was used for the dog, not Caylee. I think there was a copy of the email in one of the doc.dumps ... that's the best I can remember.
I used to have sympathy for Cindy, but the whole time she has lied to authorities, she destroyed and hid evidence, she has accused everyone under the sun, she is so out of control 3 of their attorney's have quit, she slammed people who were trying to help her (Tim Texas Equisearch) and till this day it continues. I think she has played the "grieving grandmother" card for too long. She has never held Casey accountable for her actions. She never taught her any boundaries, gave any consequences, lived in denial (she has the perfect daughter) and no matter what she always cleaned up Casey's messes. I really think that Cindy is a huge reason in why this has happened. Enough is enough. Maybe some time in jail will bring her back to reality and out of her denial a little bit. The worst part of it all is her attorney is on all the news shows saying that she stands by her original statement! huh? Again everyone is wrong but Cindy!!
I really don't care if they prosecute CA or not at this point, since it seems like it won't happen. I'm just glad that her lies were revealed before the jury (and the world) so they could better come to the conclusion of the fact that CA felt compelled to lie for ICA for a reason...you don't need to lie about computer searches for an innocent person who's daughter accidentally drowned in the pool.

I know a lot of people feel sorry for or pity CA and believe she is just trying to spare ICA's life, but Cindy has been lying since before Caylee's remains were even found (just that info about the hairbrush is enough!). She's been protecting ICA before the DP was even an option.
I really don't care if they prosecute CA or not at this point. I'm just glad that her lies were revealed before the jury (and the world) so they could better come to the conclusion of the fact that CA felt compelled to lie for ICA for a reason...you don't need to lie about computer searches for an innocent person who's daughter accidentally drowned in the pool.

Wasn't Casey seen laughing when her mother was telling the story about the dogs being tired and she thought it was related to the bamboo shoots so she researched chlorophyll? Cindy has quite a different demeanor when she's lying.
So....Cindy also called Morgan a drunk? One of her favorite insults. She called Tim Miller a drunk, also. One of the many, many things I will never forgive her for.

I'm starting to realize that the law against perjury is actually a law that has no teeth. Too hard to prove.....to costly to investigate....can't use it against "grieving" family members. I wonder what would happen if Kronk had been proven to be such a liar as Cindy? Would the State of Florida suddenly find a spine and go after him?? I bet they would....

I know this is a little off topic but does anyone know if the Anthony's ever so much as uttered a thank you to Roy Kronk for finding their granddaughter?
For me, it all depends on whether or not Casey is found guilty. I mean, I know Cindy was trying to get her acquitted/or convicted of a lesser charge but I feel that ultimately her lying made it possible for the state to bring in her work records and prove premeditation. So if Casey is found guilty of 1st degree murder, I'd be in a forgiven kind of mood. NOW if Casey is not convicted of all the charges, you bet I'm starting a petition to prosecute Cindy!

But isn't that pretty much what she was doing?She used words or stories, if you will,but it meant the same thing IMO :furious:

She flipped the bird to the whole Justice system! Exactly! How can she not be punished?
For me, it all depends on whether or not Casey is found guilty. I mean, I know Cindy was trying to get her acquitted/or convicted of a lesser charge but I feel that ultimately her lying made it possible for the state to bring in her work records and prove premeditation. So if Casey is found guilty of 1st degree murder, I'd be in a forgiven kind of mood. NOW if Casey is not convicted of all the charges, you bet I'm starting a petition to prosecute Cindy!

So you think that Cindy is convinced that Casey is guilty and deliberately connived a way to have her work records entered, resulting in it being proven that the only person home and on the computer during the chloroform search was Casey?
Thanks for that. So it is a myth that it was the dog brush?

in a email she said they are lucky I didn't give them the dogs toothbrush instead of Caylee's
Kathi text messaged Cindy right away and forwarded the emails to the FBI, which is already investigating an allegation that Cindy gave investigators the wrong hairbrush when they were trying to get a DNA sample for Caylee
The email went to ehr spokesman who promptly quit working for her
LP and his associates also reportedly heard her say this -fwiw
I know this is a little off topic but does anyone know if the Anthony's ever so much as uttered a thank you to Roy Kronk for finding their granddaughter?
no. they did not want her found IMO
thats why she was giving the FBI the wrong items
why was shj so worried about covering up DNA
when her grandchild was missing?

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