Who is Vasco Thompson?

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I sure hope the prosecution is all over this one. We do not need any doubt creeping in. I think jurors sometimes have trouble with what is just doubt versus "reasonable" doubt.
Why is VT willing to testify if he knwos he wasn't in cahoots with GA?

I don't think you can consider him a willing soul. When the DT contacted him he called LE. :floorlaugh:
As far as anyone knows, he is NOT willing to testify. But the defense team wants to force him to testify.
I take it we have no deposition of this guy right? Can a witness be called at trial without have been deposed first?
OMG!! Vasco Thompson!! Hilarious--I investigated him and these phone calls like CRAZY probably back in 2008/2009.

IIRC I finally after much frussshhhtration as Casey would say decided that his phone number contained 2 numbers that were transposed in some public records database to inaccurately match up with the number George was actually calling. And I THINK--but I have to go back and check if I kept those notes--that the actual number he called was someone from his work.

I'm still catching up on this thread. I've never seen so many 'Thanks' to one post. You go girl, you make websleuths proud!
The 2*6 number is VT's correct number, the 4*5 number is the number GA called. When someone entered the number into a database they made a typo is my understanding of it.

So basically GA never did call VT it was a typo in the records. Like I said if I understand correctly.

this may be a duh moment on my part... but couldn't they get the guy that GA actually called and texted with to verify his phone number at the time to clear this all up????:waitasec:
Yes--and not a typo in his cell phone records, but a typo in certain public records databases. Basically if some clerk somewhere enters a number incorrectly one time, the error will be all over these databases within weeks.

I've seen this happen with SS numbers. It can be a mess to sort out.
If he does happen to get on the stand and JB is made the fool of, I can only imagine that the African American woman on the jury will be very upset that the Defense is trying to put blame on a Black man. This will not go well for them and they have to know this.

This is why I just know this witness was put on the list knowing full well the media will bite, and it would upset GA. I see Geraldo telling JB "Get GA to show anger and you'll win buddy" *rolls her eyes*
I haven't read since page 8 so forgive me if this has been said. But I would like to pose at this stage of the game IF JB is changing the story obviously he loses his credibility. Is he not supposed to relay to the court what his client has told him? How could who he called be relevant to CAYLEE ACCIDENTALLY DROWNING. Could he get in trouble with the Bar if he is fabricating?
I'll post in the questions thread also
Yes--and not a typo in his cell phone records, but a typo in certain public records databases. Basically if some clerk somewhere enters a number incorrectly one time, the error will be all over these databases within weeks.

Hi AZ, I may have had a similar experience, maybe you can help me to understand.

I got a new phone w/ new #, soon after I began recieving calls from unknown ppl wanting to know why I was calling them and leaving not so nice msgs regarding an unpaid bill. I spoke w/ several and told them it was not me, I was just me, I finally got the service provider to change my # after I rec'd a not so nice msg from Nascar wanting to know what I wanted, I saved msg for my provider so they could document. I was told that happens for what ever reason....The company would call and leave a msg, it would show my phone number so they would call me...It was a mess. Is this somewhat what you are talking about? TIA ETA correct spelling
Oh, but that thank you note plus payment is in the mail, according to Baez.


Yea, and it will arrive at AZs with a huge red "postage due" stamped on it or else a denied stamp or maybe sustained since those are the only words JB knows by heart. :floorlaugh:
I hope KC doesn't pull a stunt and cringe when she sees Vasco.
Correct me if I am wrong...

But isn't this issue of Baez' attempt to have"mystery new defense witness" added to the witness list DURING trial DEJA VU????

Wasn't baez harshly reprimanded in his one other murder case (Nilton Diaz) for attempting to do this same thing?????

A little OT-- but I stumbled on this article about Diaz, seems Baez is doing a few similar things. :cool:

Quote: The defense used Diaz's testimony and other witnesses accounts to cast more suspicion on Silva, portraying her as a bad mother who was cold and emotionless in the face of the child's tragedy.

Oh I don't know maybe a subpoena has something to do with it.

Oh ::blushes::, yes I guess that will do it every time. In that case, I can't wait til he takes the stand to say "I don't know this man!"
Why is VT willing to testify if he knwos he wasn't in cahoots with GA?

He has refused to talk to private investigators. He called the police on them. He knows the system and knows he would have to hire a lawyer before ever talking to them. So why should he spend that money and waste his time?

If he had anything to hide he would have never called the police on them.
I can only hope that Jose gets no wind of this and goes ahead and calls his witness.

I eat my breakfast at about 9:00 am Texas time and look forward to eating my eggs while Jose wears them on his face.

Go AZlawyer!!!
A couple of public records databases do. But these databases are notoriously inaccurate. Entries in these databases are the kind of thing you would want to double-check before announcing them as part of the most-watched murder trial in the nation.

Ok, thank you. Now the error makes sense. Nobody involved in this case made a typing error. What apparently happened it that somebody in Baez's office used an unreliable records source. This person correctly used the number that George did call, but the database that they chose had its own internal error showing VT as the owner of that number.

Is that right?

But still, no matter what, this is not a situation of transposed numbers. It is an entirely different kind of error.
this may be a duh moment on my part... but couldn't they get the guy that GA actually called and texted with to verify his phone number at the time to clear this all up????:waitasec:

Pretty much. I hope to God the DT puts him on the witness stand then the SA can call the actual number and EVERYONE can listen to where it goes to.

I just don't think the DT can get their tiny brains around the fact that THIS is not Vasco's number. The websites have the wrong number for Vasco. All it takes is 7 simple digits and a few rings to show how inept the DT really is.

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