Who made up the defense's explanation in opening statements? *POLL*

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Who came up with the "GA" did it defense?

  • JB e.t. al., made it up

    Votes: 168 40.4%
  • It's what ICA told JB happened

    Votes: 220 52.9%
  • They got it from an old episode of Star Trek

    Votes: 14 3.4%
  • And of course the famous, "None of the above!"

    Votes: 22 5.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Regardless of who actually came up with this story or defense strategy... did anyone have that "AHA" moment?? Did anyone say to themselves.. "WOW! That explains everything!"

Just checking, because it didn't happen to me.. yet.

Star Trek, the one about the.......No! Twighlight Zone, or, Hans Christian Andersen, :panic: or, that really far fetched movie about.......or perhaps it happened during :abduction:


All? Took at least two to toss this garbage. This was the output of a mindless brainstorming session. The DT realized ICA was going to be found guilty after the Frye hearings would let in so much undeniable evidence. They hadn't any plausible plan for defense and they (miserly with money and effort) let the SA's do all the investigating legwork. They had to make ICA a victim, to overshadow what happened to helpless little Caylee Marie. ICA had nothing to lose by the molestation claims. JB thought this would make him famous....not understanding that gaining notoriety is not the same as having smarts for a defense lawyer. CM went along with this for the fun - he is the charmless harmless (??) old man. The women on the DT, well, I just can't figure out what would make them side with ICA. Sounds like there will be a few made for tv unreality shows after this all plays out. All I care about is seeing justice for Caylee Marie. Everything was taken from her, she was gone too soon and I hope the jury keeps that in mind as they watch the DT roll out these so-called dirty secrets.
This pool story wreaks of ICA, but I bet she never uttered a word about it until JB told her it had to have been an accident if she expects to walk, but that how it happened is her responsibility to create or recreate (rolls eyes). It was pure silliness on the part of JB to bring Kronk into it, and by doing so, they just made a further mess of the defense. It was hopeless in the first place. Totally ICA who came up with LA and GA abusing her. She'd used that story when she needed it in the past for whatever reason.

I think my favorite photo from the trial so far is after all the videos submitted by LDB of lie after lie after lie by ICA. It's the shot of Cheney Mason who clearly took on this case on JB's say so of ICA's innocense. IMO, Mason is sitting there looking at ICA as if she were some alien being.

The photo can be found here:http://drlillianglass.com/body-lang...-anthony-elicits-sadistic-pleasure-for-casey/

2nd. photo of defense team with JB looking up into the air to, IMO avoid the icy glare CM would give him if JB looked in his direction.
I think ICA made this up completely. It reeks of being her petty vengeance fantasy:

First, it includes the two people she hates the most and damned her the most - George with the Grand Jury and Kronk with finding Caylee's body. She wanted vengeance against these two for putting her where she is today. Why else include Kronk most of all here? He makes the story the most nonsensical, but Casey couldn't help herself, and she had to include him the story to get back at him. The same is with George - his Grand jury testimony put her in jail in the first place, and she has NEVER forgiven him for that. Again, she had to get back at him, and in her mind, she did with this story for the OS. It didn't matter to her that George loved Caylee and would try to save her, she just had to make him sound as bad as possible to get back at him. That lack of logic right there tells me this Casey made up the part with George for pure vengeance.

Second, there's a damning shot at Cindy by suggesting the death is really her fault for leaving the ladder down. That is pure ICA there. She wanted to stick the dagger deeper into her mom's heart. I bet she fantasized about this and how it would play out in court for a long time. I even suspect that if Cindy had not supported George, I imagine Casey would not have had the defense really go after that part about the ladder. I think that part was meant to get Cindy's cooperation by using guilt as a weapon - again, pure ICA. She's done it her whole life, so why not now with this OS?

Third, there is no responsibility on ICA whatsoever - we all know Casey doesn't take one iota of responsibility for ANYTHING, so again, pure ICA. She doesn't want less jail, she wants NO jail time and own't accept anything less. She actually expects this story to work and walk out of court a free woman. Only ICA would come up with this kind of story absolving her of everything. As usual, it's everyone else's fault but Casey's and this story is full of that!

Four, there are those nonsensical gaps between George and Kronk, and I believe that is ICA too. I think she thought the shock of George as a someone who would molest Casey from childhood and coverup a murder and Kronk being so money hungry he would hide a body and then pretend to find it to get a reward would make the jurors put aside logic and reason and believe the story - again, that is pure ICA. It's why her lies don't work after awhile - she insults people's intelligence too much, and they just can't take it anymore. She did the same with the jury with this story.

Fifth, she concentrated on herself as a victim more than including logic and reason to fill in the huge gaps between George and Kronk. She was caught up more in sullying their names and reputations and making herself a huge victim than anything else in this story, and just thought everyone would believe it and go along with it - that is pure ICA once again. She thinks if she makes them sound bad enough and her enough like a victim, the jury will just believe it and set her free. And she didn't worry about how horrible it makes what happened to Caylee sound - even worse than the prosecution's story in some ways - as long it made her the victim completely and George and Kronk the evil villains, it works for her. She is big on being a victim and it really shows with this story. It's look at ME as the victim, feel sorry for ME, set ME free. Totally ICA!

Sixth and finally, I believe she had to one up the prosecution and make her story more horrible and shocking. She figured the jury would get too bored with the prosecution and go along with the more licentious and shocking story. Again, that is pure ICA style. Sure, the prosecution was going to sound bad, but she made sure her story sounded much worse and would be more shocking to the jury. She doesn't realize that that won't translate to the jury BELIEVING that story over the logic and reason that the prosecution laid out. It's been the problem with her lies her whole life - she expects her fantastical and nonsensical lies to trump any logic and reason thrown back at her. It's part of how sociopaths are.

I think JB was stupid to go along with this. Any halfway decent lawyer would have told their client that this wasn't going to work in court and try to work with them to come up with a more believable story. Either that or Casey refused to let him go with anything else. But they are so similar and Baez is so inept and egotistical that I can see him liking this story and wanting to go along with it. Maybe he even knew it wouldn't work but as long as it hit at the reputation of two people that damaged this case the most to him - George with the Grand Jury and Kronk with finding the body - that was good enough for him. I think Baez got caught up more in mud slinging than facts here. I think he's getting more satisfaction at making everyone else look bad than actually winning this case. I wonder if he even cares about that. I mean, as long she gets LWOP, he can consider that a win, so why not do what he wants like a bully and just say bad things about people? He is so schoolyard it's ridiculous. But he likes to be this way and thinks it's actually going to work, that the person with the most insults is going to win, not the person with the most reason and logic. It's why he's one of the worst lawyers on the planet.

So you have ICA who made up the fantasy for her own victimhood, vengeance, and escaping responsibility, and Baez who went along and promoted it because he's petty and egotistical enough to do it. Those two have to be the worst combination in history, seriously!
With all of the conflicting stories and CA and GA not helping things I think this is pretty close to a good theory. The Kronk addition is what sank the story totally for me.

Respectfully snipped & BBM

Steely, it was when JB got to Kronk that sank it for you? Really, Steely? Are you saying you COULD have been persuaded to believe that GA found Caylee in the pool? And instigated a cover-up from day one? And that he set KC up for a death penalty trial? Wow - the minute JB said GA found Caylee on 6/16 is when it sank for me. My mind kept flashing back to various statements he made to LE and clips of him on the news and the jail visit phone calls and such in the early days of the investigation - there is no way that man found a deceased Caylee in the pool on 6/16 - NO WAY - no one is that good of an actor!

MOO of course
Regardless of who actually came up with this story or defense strategy... did anyone have that "AHA" moment?? Did anyone say to themselves.. "WOW! That explains everything!"

Just checking, because it didn't happen to me.. yet.

I didn't have an AHA moment but I had an OMG one - actually several of them during JB's opening - I lost count but they all went...OMG, does he really expect anyone to believe that?
Steely, it was when JB got to Kronk that sank it for you? Really, Steely? Are you saying you COULD have been persuaded to believe that GA found Caylee in the pool? And instigated a cover-up from day one? And that he set KC up for a death penalty trial? Wow - the minute JB said GA found Caylee on 6/16 is when it sank for me. My mind kept flashing back to various statements he made to LE and clips of him on the news and the jail visit phone calls and such in the early days of the investigation - there is no way that man found a deceased Caylee in the pool on 6/16 - NO WAY - no one is that good of an actor!

MOO of course

I'm with you, although, I do think JB's first claim that Caylee drowned in the pool on the 16th had me shaking my head. Come on, JB, a drowning? An accidental drowning which happens far too frequently? Why cover it up? An accident is an accident. When he threw in George, it went too far. I didn't have to wait for Mr. Kronk to be tossed into the mix. The whole story was off from the get-go. Why cover an accident with an elaborate scheme unless one planned to frame someone else? JB didn't do that in court.
Mods this is only my second thread and if this is the wrong place for it please remove.

Who do you think made up that implossible defense tale that JB put out in opening statements.

1. It was JB e.t. al., who came up with the "GA did it," defense, and he's really proud of it!

2. It is what ICA told JB happened and he just went with it.

3. They got it from an old episode of Star Trek and thought it would do.

4. And of course the famous, "None of the Above!"

I don't think defense attorneys are allowed to just make up a story. Whatever their client tells them, that's what the defense has to go with. I think ICA told JB that this is what happened. Over the period of almost three years, I suspect ICA embellished the story to make it appear that she's the victim.

Not only did Caylee die accidentally, but ICA has been the victim of abuse - sexual, mental, and emotional, since she was a young child. According to ICA, she's been abused by every member of her family - her father, her mother, and her brother. It all comes back to Casey thinking only of herself.
All? Took at least two to toss this garbage. This was the output of a mindless brainstorming session. The DT realized ICA was going to be found guilty after the Frye hearings would let in so much undeniable evidence. They hadn't any plausible plan for defense and they (miserly with money and effort) let the SA's do all the investigating legwork. They had to make ICA a victim, to overshadow what happened to helpless little Caylee Marie. ICA had nothing to lose by the molestation claims. JB thought this would make him famous....not understanding that gaining notoriety is not the same as having smarts for a defense lawyer. CM went along with this for the fun - he is the charmless harmless (??) old man. The women on the DT, well, I just can't figure out what would make them side with ICA. Sounds like there will be a few made for tv unreality shows after this all plays out. All I care about is seeing justice for Caylee Marie. Everything was taken from her, she was gone too soon and I hope the jury keeps that in mind as they watch the DT roll out these so-called dirty secrets.


I see them as more of a variety show. JMO

Respectfully snipped & BBM

Steely, it was when JB got to Kronk that sank it for you? Really, Steely? Are you saying you COULD have been persuaded to believe that GA found Caylee in the pool? And instigated a cover-up from day one? And that he set KC up for a death penalty trial? Wow - the minute JB said GA found Caylee on 6/16 is when it sank for me. My mind kept flashing back to various statements he made to LE and clips of him on the news and the jail visit phone calls and such in the early days of the investigation - there is no way that man found a deceased Caylee in the pool on 6/16 - NO WAY - no one is that good of an actor!

MOO of course

No, I think given what they had to work with they did the best they could. I didn't say I believed it. I just think the RK thing took it from a moron believing the story to even a moron not believing the story. JMO
I do believe that no matter who came up with the story ICA and JB thought CA/GA and LA would "admit" all kinds of things for the beloved ICA.
I do believe that no matter who came up with the story ICA and JB thought CA/GA and LA would "admit" all kinds of things for the beloved ICA.

I might have considered that as a possible line of thought for the DT until the DT argued against allowing them in the court room during the trial - I'm sure that whatever was said by JB "6 weeks ago" that the A's response was that he'd gone too far and they would not let themselves be thrown "that far" under the bus - and when CA was turned away from seeing KC at the jail just before trial and looked so defeated as she tried to silently walk away from that reporter it just underscored that the DT and the A's were at odds
I had been going with the theory that JB simply Googled the phrase "KC is innocent!" and simply used the top three conspiracy theory results as his opening.

But then I looked at George and Cindy,a nd how they have swung around so completely in the last 6 weeks. In order to swing them from "I would sell my soul to save my daughter" to the current testimony, those defense explanations could have only come from one source. ICA herself, and her family knows it. if the "Daddy Molestered meeeee!" defense was coming from JB or the defense team CA would be circling the wagons around KC and fighting about what lousy representation she is getting. The only thing that could have changed Cindy so completely was if that story came 100% from our favorite felon herself.
No, I think given what they had to work with they did the best they could. I didn't say I believed it. I just think the RK thing took it from a moron believing the story to even a moron not believing the story. JMO

snipped by me

Steely, I get ya now.

BTW - prior to opening statements, I thought the toughest thing they'd have to overcome with an accident theory would be the duct tape and bagging - but I believe they have jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire with this one. In fact, I think they had a better chance with the Zani the Nanny story.:sick:
I can't say I know the personalities of everyone involved but if I had to guess I'd say the abuse thing came from Casey. If she's been talking about that to her friends before it could have worked to get her sympathy previously, or maybe she was putting groundwork in case she ever needed to blame dad for the things she had done from stealing to... some other stuff. The story has the advantage that she doesn't have to bear responsibility for anything whatsoever and she gets to hurt people she has it in for (since she's a spiteful B).

I don't know why she'd have it in for Roy Kronk so he may be the DT addition because they felt like they needed a wild card to explain the duct tape. Could have been Casey if the DT asked her, "yeah, it makes sense that George would cover up the accident but why did he put duct tape on Caylee" and she said, "Well I don't know I wasn't there, maybe the guy who found her put it".

I didn't have any AHA moments but I did have several WTF ones. First, who is so darn stupid that they sit in a cell for three years waiting for a murder trial if they know it was in fact an accident? Second, what kind of legal representation is so darn stupid that they let their client sit in a cell for three years waiting for a murder trial if they know it was in fact an accident? Who's gonna cover up an accident by making it look like murder? The addition of George meant that I had to believe that not only one person behaved completely irrationally for no apparent reason but two. The addition of Roy Kronk meant three persons behaved completely irrationally for no apparent reason. There was no motive for either Roy Kronk or George to do what they did. "Your mom's gonna be upset" made no sense whatsover. What, Cindy's not gonna be upset if her grandchild is kidnapped and her child is in jail suspected or murder? Then, the time of the accident was so vague. Early in the morning, early afternoon, no, make it the early morning, between 9 am and 1 pm. IDK but I think if my child drowned I would remember the time.

I would like to believe that the DT could have come up with a more believable story. I don't particularly care for Casey but I expect that they have defended other defendants and they're getting completely sold out if this story is the brainchild of several attorneys.
Mods this is only my second thread and if this is the wrong place for it please remove.

Who do you think made up that implossible defense tale that JB put out in opening statements.

1. It was JB e.t. al., who came up with the "GA did it," defense, and he's really proud of it!

2. It is what ICA told JB happened and he just went with it.

3. They got it from an old episode of Star Trek and thought it would do.

4. And of course the famous, "None of the Above!"

It's what ICA told JB happened

but you can add that to just another tale in the life of the 'great pretender'!

There are too many holes in this new tale involving the alleged drowning, ICA, GA and RK...

Caylee could not have put the ladder in the pool all on her own...

I now wonder if this was deliberate on ICA's part...Caylee could have been throwing a tantrum, crying that she wanted to go swimming (if I believe the accidental drowning) and ICA in her raw and natural selfishness, due to Caylee interrupting her texting time, threw her in there and just let her intentionally drown...Why didn't neighbors hear anything coming from the Anthony backyard that fateful day? It didn't happen, is my best guess..after almost 3 years of insisting this nanny existed and had not returned Caylee, this is just another tale...and notice, ICA still did not take any responsibility in the death of Caylee...I do hope it gets her closer to DR.....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Wow, good comments! USARDOG thanks all of the posters for such great ideas and thoughts! :)

I put up this thread becasuse I believed JB had coached ICA into it, but I was talking to someone else who had a different idea so I thought I'd throw it out there and see what ya'll thought. I was thinking "None of the above" covered "All of the above" and yes, "All" would have been a much better choice or been a very good addition.

I am also thinking JB capable of the type of embelished tales so a combination of ICA and JB e.t. al., does make the most sense to me.

Best to ya'll and "Justice for Caylee."
I think it's a combination from ICA and the DT.

Who covers up an accident by saying it was murder? Usually it's the other way around....

And why wouldn't ICA be saying (for 3 years) "Dad! I'm in for murder, let's tell what really happened!" ?

I hope the jury just thinks about how logical this story is (not) in addition to all the detailed evidence. Does it make any sense at all?
TxLady2, I bet we will know if ICA is convicted, and the OS was a concoction by anyone else but her... I'll stake my very life on it!

I hope the DT has video's, correspondence, and witnesses to the majority of their meetings with Mizz Casey Anthony, because they will be her next target!

RespectfullyQuoted Frigga :luv:

I thought this before, as have many and with the way you have it stated here it strikes me even more as true. :yes: Along with the reminder from AZlawyer regarding: poop. :thumb: That Casey wouldn't even admit to her doggy doing its business... I have to agree that ICA will fight this to the death.

The visual I got while reading this post was Casey Anthony vs. Jose Baez. :skip:

I do wonder if that has ever crossed Mr. Baez's mind? :dunno: Have any of the attorneys that are weighing in said anything about that? Would/wouldn't that be something defense lawyers would be on the look out for...considering who they are or can be defending? Criminals. Liars. Casey Anthony.

Even if Casey did a hand in the defense(which I believe she did in a big way)I still think she will go after Jose, it doesn't matter (to her) who made it up. She will just lie. :liar: So, yes no matter what she will go after her defense team. I think so too.


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