Who molested/abused Jonbenet?

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who molested/abused JB?

  • JR

    Votes: 180 27.1%
  • BR

    Votes: 203 30.6%
  • JAR

    Votes: 28 4.2%
  • a close family friend

    Votes: 41 6.2%
  • a stranger/stalker a la JMK

    Votes: 20 3.0%
  • PR-it wasn't sexual abuse,it was corporal punishment

    Votes: 89 13.4%
  • she wasn't previously abused/molested

    Votes: 103 15.5%

  • Total voters
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During The ENQUIRER interview, Patsy admitted she considered and rejected the possibility that John was sexually abusing JonBenet. She openly admitted that during her struggle to defeat ovarian cancer between 1993 and 1994, John and Patsy's sex life suffered. She totally rejects the notion of John abusing JonBenet, but her reasoning is odd.

She said her mother "came to take care of the kids (when I had cancer). She slept in the other bed in JonBenet's room. I mean, if John was coming in to molest JonBenet, you know that's not going to happen 'cause Grandma was right there every night."


Please note that Patsy had considered John had been sexually abusing JonBenet. Why would that thought even cross her mind? But then she rejects it. Why did she reject it? Did she say "John would never do such a thing"? No, she said she rejected it because Grandma Nedra was in JonBenet's room every night. So, the only thing preventing John from having sexually molested JonBenet has nothing to do with him. It has to do with the presence of Nedra. That means if John couldn't have sexually molested JonBenet when Grandma Nedra was there, then he certainly could've when she wasn't.

And Grandma Nedra was not there Christmas night 1996.

ITA. All that talk from Patsy was deliberate deflection and saying it could never have taken place because I had that base covered, including assistance from Nedra, is her absolving herself of any knowlege or link to the abuse. She has to say something, since someone was abusing JonBenet!

If its not Burke or Patsy who does that leave? Personally I think its a no brainer, particularly as JonBenet's genitals were medically examined twice on the same day to determine the nature of the assault, i.e. chronic, acute or both.

Multiple people might have been abusing JonBenet, possibly irregularly, but one person in the Ramsey household was molesting JonBenet regularly.

It might even be her acute injuries represent staging, the chronic injuries are for real, and BR whacked JonBenet in anger for whatever that night the rest being history?

Otherwise that leaves two Ramsey males in the frame. When I heard the woman give her testimony at that Olympics Doctor trial saying she was sexually active at 6-years old I immediately thought of JonBenet!

James Kolar advanced the Childhood Sexual Behavior Problems theory based on a book he read rather than any actual evidence that Burke displayed the symptoms.
James Kolar advanced the Childhood Sexual Behavior Problems theory based on a book he read rather than any actual evidence that Burke displayed the symptoms.

Yes, also known as argumentum ad verecundiam or argument from authority. This is the weak point in Kolar's BDI, and BDI in general.

BDI explains a lot, a cover up for BDI might also follow by dint of Colorado statute, not because he is guilty. If JonBenet's acute injuries are not staged then I reckon this puts JR in the frame?

So by definition do we have an Older Individual interacting within any of the RDI theories?
IMHO, I don't think anyone considers such an individual as being involved in the events that night. Since it's rare, it's only when one considers juvenile involvement that the reasons have to be considered. IOW, where would a child get an idea to do something like that?

If the motivation behind JonBenet's sexual assault was sexual gratification, does that rule out BR and PR?
Pardon my bluntness, but without semen, how would anyone ever possibly know whether sexual gratification was a motivation?
(rsbm)IMHO, I don't think anyone considers such an individual as being involved in the events that night. Since it's rare, it's only when one considers juvenile involvement that the reasons have to be considered. IOW, where would a child get an idea to do something like that?

Pardon my bluntness, but without semen, how would anyone ever possibly know whether sexual gratification was a motivation?

Consider yourself pardoned, LOL, semen is not a necessary consequence of sexual gratification, same gender abuse does not mandate the presence of semen.

The question follows from your own analysis regarding BR being prebubescent, i.e. BR might exhibit age appropriate curiosity regarding the opposite gender, e.g. playing doctor, etc.

As I see it there are three possible motivations for JonBenet's acute genital injury:

1. Sexual Gratification.

2. Staging.

3. Dysfunctional Behaviour.

So if we assume 1. does that rule out BR and PR?

2. yields another RDI theory, but still does not explain away the healed chronic genital injuries.

3. Similarly produces another RDI theory, one more conducive to Kolar's line of reasoning.

So the question regarding Sexual Gratification must be central to explaining JonBenet's death.

This post will be in 3 parts in order to provide more definition to what I believe was at the evidentiary center of family dysfunction: A six year old child’s prior vaginal injuries or sexual abuse. The definition of her acute injuries is subject to interpretation depending on whom one believes was the cause of the genital injuries which occurred that night and will point to either abuse or staging.

First the caveat we don’t know who was molesting JB. It could have been her older step-brother, grandfather, father, mother, brother, or a neighborhood kid even. It is sufficient to surmise that it was someone with regular access to her. But given NG’s misstatement on Dr. Oz, it seems appropriate to mention that her hymen was significantly eroded and her injuries sufficient for national experts to sign an affidavit as to her abuse.

For this case the definition of Sexual Behavior Problems as outlined in Kolar’s book has been well described, and I am providing a link to the description of this behavioral disorder from a post on FFJ.

What has not been well described is the definition of pedophilia and situational molester. Because these terms have been thrown around in forums over the decades, I simply wished to provide clarification so that one can better grasp what these terms mean in the context of the various forum discussions. I’ve learned many people do not know the difference between the two behaviors, and, if they do, they do not know whether pedophilia is in-born or what triggers a situational molester.

Part One:

A summarized description of Sexual Behavior Problems from Kolar’s book provided by Koldkase on FFJ. More can be found at this thread - http://www.forumsforjustice.org/for...BP)-from-James-Kolar-s-book-about-Ramsey-case I’m omitting half of this list taken from Kolar’s book for purpose of condensing my post somewhat. If this list hasn’t been reviewed before, take a look at the linked thread.

This information is not all-inclusive but provides an overview of the behavioral symptoms seen with this childhood disorder:

• Although the term “sexual” is used, the children’s intentions and motivations for these behaviors may be unrelated to sexual gratification.

• Children act out for many varied reasons. Some may have been the prior victims of sexual abuse. Some may act out due to other behavioral problems related to PTSD, anger, fear, or emotional detachment. Sexual acting out has been linked to anger, rage, loneliness, and fear.

• Offenders lack compassion, empathy, and exhibit inadequate social skills.

• A victim may be the object of revenge or anger and could be viewed as the parent’s “favored child” by the perpetrator.

• Families frequently attempt to portray themselves to the world as the “perfect” family.

• Co-morbidity: SBP patients have a higher incidence of psychiatric disorders that include, but are not limited to, attachment disorder and separation anxiety.
Part Two:
Regarding pedophilia and the situational molester -

In the past JR described their daughter’s killer as a pedophile. The term is mentioned no fewer than 8 times in DOI, and JR gives a graphic ‘evil’ description in their book. This is JR’s commentary regarding the killer: “FIRST, LET’S LOOK AT A DESCRIPTION OF THE KILLER. The murderer is a man. The tremendous blow to JonBenét’s head would have required the strength of a man. Further, I believe the killer is a pedophile with a preference for female children. The garrote around JonBenét’s neck was most likely part of a sexual fantasy that I have heard referred to as “snuff sex.”

In the more recent past, BR also tells Dr. Phil that the killer was a pedophile and perhaps someone who had seen JonBenét on the pageant circuit.

This information is from books I’ve read and cases I’ve studied.
To begin - first and foremost there is a difference between a pedophile and a situational molester, also referred to as a regressed offender. Not all molesters are pedophiles. Strictly speaking a pedophile is an adult attracted to prepubescent children. They are aware of their preference and may or may not succumb to the urge to molest.

Here is an explanation from Lynn Daugherty regarding the regressed child molester or situational molester:

“The primary sexual orientation of regressed child molesters” (also termed situational molesters)”is toward people of their own age. They usually find adults more sexually exciting than children and have developed social skills that allow them to interact with other adults. They often marry and have families of their own. However, regressed child molesters often have poor resources for handling stress. When these people are under a great deal of stress, they may become overwhelmed. They “regress” or move back to children to meet their emotional needs through sexual activity. . .”

“The regressed child molester’s sexual abuse of children may occur in cycles. He abuses children primarily when he is experiencing much stress. During periods of low stress, the abuse may stop. He may also have sexual contacts with people his own age during the period of time he is abusing the child.”

Daugherty notes that these men are often controlling and may feel that their life is out of control. They will replace their difficult relationships with other adults by turning to children.

-Pedophiles have a preference for prepubescent children. It’s estimated between 16.2% and 27% of those who molest children would receive the diagnosis of pedophilia. (The other 73% to 83.8% who molest children are considered situational molesters.) BTW, essentially there’s no grail which tells researchers whether pedophilia is a case of nature vs. nurture. Researchers seem to currently lean toward both genetics and upbringing contributing to pedophilia.

-For situational offenders the abuse of a child is many times triggered by job or adult relationship stress.

-Unlike pedophiles, the situational abuser may be married or in relationship with other adults.

-A situational abuser may imagine that the victim is much older and that, in a fantasy in their own mind, they are having an ‘affair.’

- Situational child molesters are often the ones involved in incest. As it continues, the abuser abandons the parental role, and his victim will gradually take on the emotional responsibility of keeping the family together. It also may happen that the abuser’s original adult partner becomes almost “irrelevant” within the family unit.
Part Three:
Third relevant topic in this review is what happens to the child who is being molested.

From what I’ve read young victims of incest are groomed, flattered, singled out for special time or attention. In the beginning there is only touching. (Apparently one UK study claims that even young children know to groom and target younger vulnerable children.)

In many instances there are some understood threats to revealing any ‘secrets’. FWIW, I don’t believe JonBenét talked to anyone. But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t communicating.

The psychology of what was happening to JonBenét, i.e., infections and daytime toileting concerns, is further elucidated by a survivor of abuse, Marilyn Van Derbur Atler, in her bio. (Interestingly, though coincidentally, her family was similar to the Rs in their wealth and stature within the community.) Van Derbur endured paternal molestation which began at the tender age of 5. To survive she recounted that she split what she called her night-time child from her ordinary daytime self. When the realization of what had occurred and her ‘night-time’ self attempted to emerge, it resulted in physical issues beyond her control. This, I am certain, was occurring within JonBenét. Without her conscious volition JB’s body was reacting to what was happening to her, thus the infections and daytime toileting accidents.

Van Derbur never spoke of her abuse while her father was alive. It is a complex psychology to understand, but she also states that she loved her father. It comprises one reason they call certain instances of incest traumatic bonding.

In the year 2000 interview with JR, Levin mentioned that after the GJ concluded someone from JB’s school came forward and spoke to LE. Levin asked JR an open-ended question as to whether he recalled someone from the school mentioning JB’s usage of the ‘panty box’. JR denied hearing about this. From what I’ve read this is the only ‘whiff’ of information that a mandated reporter may have taken notice of JB’s toileting issues and brought it to the attention of one of her parents.

One could conclude that one or both of her parents realized connections outside her immediate family may have taken notice of what JB was communicating, in contradiction to their child’s happy outgoing nature. It’s beyond unfortunate that a mandated reporter did not react more assertively, but the stature of the family seemed to protect them every step of the way.

Use this info as you will. One can’t say whether the acute assault the evening JB died was a vindictive action on the part of another child, whether it was staging for a 'pedophile perp' or whether it was to hide prior abuse from a medical examiner and possibly from the parents or other parent. Since it was cleaned up one might wonder if one possible stager ‘s intent was to both hide evidence of her prior injuries but yet still present a fresh injury by a pedophile. Although such calculation seems to be beyond the capacity of a 9/10 year old, one can’t eliminate another child’s actions which were concealed by a parent or by the child himself in order to avoid getting in trouble.

Boulder LE believes from the experts who were hired, that she endured prior vaginal injuries and that it’s evident it played an important role in family dynamics no one wants to publicly define or discuss. It’s something both Kolar and ST felt passionate about bringing forward as testament to the truth of what happened to JonBenét.
Consider yourself pardoned, LOL, semen is not a necessary consequence of sexual gratification, same gender abuse does not mandate the presence of semen.
A necessary consequence? No. But without an admission of intent, it is a necessary result for proof sexual gratification (assuming a male). My only point was that it is the only physical evidence investigators could expect to find that would show what was in the mind of the assailant. But the absence of it is not proof that it was not the reason; and if the assailant is a female, they are just SOL.

The question follows from your own analysis regarding BR being prebubescent, i.e. BR might exhibit age appropriate curiosity regarding the opposite gender, e.g. playing doctor, etc.

As I see it there are three possible motivations for JonBenet's acute genital injury:

1. Sexual Gratification.

2. Staging.

3. Dysfunctional Behaviour.
I think there are other possibilities some might consider, but okay.

So if we assume 1. does that rule out BR and PR?
I'd say 99%.

2. yields another RDI theory, but still does not explain away the healed chronic genital injuries.
Absolutely true.

3. Similarly produces another RDI theory, one more conducive to Kolar's line of reasoning.

So the question regarding Sexual Gratification must be central to explaining JonBenet's death.
You're trying to hinge the entire understanding of what happened on knowing whether or not the assailant was seeking sexual gratification? Without the ability to know what was in the mind of that person, we would never understand what happened -- using that standard.

IMO, understanding the genital injuries alone (even without knowing the assailant's reasons) is enough to understand that that aspect of the crime was central to what caused everything else.
(RBNQ: referred but not quoted)

Boulder LE believes from the experts who were hired, that she endured prior vaginal injuries and that it’s evident it played an important role in family dynamics no one wants to publicly define or discuss. It’s something both Kolar and ST felt passionate about bringing forward as testament to the truth of what happened to JonBenét.
Excellent posts, quest. (I had to repeat your last paragraph for emphasis.)
A necessary consequence? No. But without an admission of intent, it is a necessary result for proof sexual gratification (assuming a male). My only point was that it is the only physical evidence investigators could expect to find that would show what was in the mind of the assailant. But the absence of it is not proof that it was not the reason; and if the assailant is a female, they are just SOL.

I think there are other possibilities some might consider, but okay.

I'd say 99%.

Absolutely true.


You're trying to hinge the entire understanding of what happened on knowing whether or not the assailant was seeking sexual gratification? Without the ability to know what was in the mind of that person, we would never understand what happened -- using that standard.

IMO, understanding the genital injuries alone (even without knowing the assailant's reasons) is enough to understand that that aspect of the crime was central to what caused everything else.

You're trying to hinge the entire understanding of what happened on knowing whether or not the assailant was seeking sexual gratification? Without the ability to know what was in the mind of that person, we would never understand what happened -- using that standard.
Yes, so we can rule it out, if the evidence permits.

3. Dysfunctional Behaviour.
Is meant to cover any atypical actions, including any antemortem, or postmortem behaviour. There was a case here in the UK where ten year old boys killed a two year old boy then assaulted him with batteries.

If you can rule out sexual gratification then that leaves Staging or Dysfunctional Behaviour? Dr Andrew Sirotnak's conclusion on examining JonBenet's genital injury can be used to determine if the motive was sexual gratification.

From memory none of the GJ counts levelled at the parents explicitly referenced a genital injury?

I think they were both whoring her out. The people they called to come to the home were people they thought there might physical evidence on her from. Chronic and acute sexual abuse. Her female part was twice the size of a normal six year old. That is in the M.E. report.
The fact that Burke felt nothing, no remorse, no motivation to make it up to his little sister, or to protect her better in the future after he had previously cracked her in the head, shows that he felt he was justified in abusing his sister this way. He had probably watched both of his parents abuse her for a long time. And felt nothing but contempt for her. Notice how he behaved at the funeral for her. He practically skipped out!
Also, I know I saw a drawing she had made featuring two tall dinosaurs one on each side of a drawing of a little girl. With blood and flesh in their teeth. And underneath it said ‘I dyed’. So someone said how cute this drawing Jonbenet made because she loved dinosaurs. It was in the middle insert of a book.
I think they were whoring her out. I think they went to sex parties. And I think she ate actual fruit cocktail that was drugged at one of the homes they ‘visited’ that night. And then the adults had their usual ‘festivities’ with her. And one adult got carried away with the choking. Wasn’t there a pedo ring operating in the Denver area around this same time? And the bound barbies on the front lawn? And something about she thought it was a ‘game’?
And maybe she was carried into the home dead by John. Wrapped like a papoose. The M.E. said her body smelled of decomposition.
Also, because you could not kill my baby girl in my home without me knowing it. (I don’t have kids yet, but theoretically..)JR and PR and BR every word and every action was not to find their daughters’ killer but to save their own skins. And they never have tried to find her killer.
this issue always kept me from being sure that BDI.I always thought that the parents behaviour fits the BDI theory,her wounds as well,the garrote,the strangulation and some other things.
But JB being previously molested/abused makes me rethink all this.
PLUS all the trouble the killer/killers went through with redressing /whiping her off,the most important part of the staging IMO.This is what needed to be covered for.
The wiping happened to remove semen from her body and possible DNA evidence.
I will say here that I was the court-appointed supervisor years ago for supervised visitation for a mother who had sexually molested her two young children. I believe the root of her behavior was the sexual abuse she suffered herself as a child, her obsessive-compulsive nature, and thinking her children were literally an extension of her own body that she 'owned'. The memory of those visitations still gives me goosebumps.
People say PR had different personalities. They could have been very similar. Just different enough to carry her through whatever trauma she suffered through when she was little. If you are taught when you are very young that this is what you get for what you did, and it is a power play to teach you a lesson, and to punish you, and it works in making you submit finally, to your abusers- why would you not repeat the lesson on your own children?
“If I cause you humiliation and mental trauma and sexual pain, then you won’t dare challenge my authority ever again. This is what we do to b*tches like you. And you are a piece of sh-*t, not a person.”
That lesson is learned very quickly when it is a 6 year old with no a-**hole superficial adults around to help. And JBR was getting big enough to talk. And ask for help.
So personally, in my uninformed and non-professional cop or detective opinion, I think both parents were torturing and molesting her. They had her beat down, and Burke held her in contempt and disdain also. He watched what his parents did, and he thought that Jonbebet ‘deserved’ it. This is how he was raised. Watching his little sister be abused. Did he not say she was on stage ‘flaunting whatever’? As if he thought she were nothing more than a little *advertiser censored*? At 6 years old?
He observed and mirrored his parents attitude towards JBR.
Don’t believe me.
Professional cops/detectives/whatever...all of your intricate, educated and complicated theories do not match the depravity of the human soul, or change what people will do when they think they can get away with it..Watch what he does when he gets married. Watch how he treats his little girl when she gets to be JBR’s age.
This is what he saw. He thinks this is acceptable.
But I think it is much worse than just mom and dad.
But what do I know?
Part Two:
Regarding pedophilia and the situational molester -

In the past JR described their daughter’s killer as a pedophile. The term is mentioned no fewer than 8 times in DOI, and JR gives a graphic ‘evil’ description in their book. This is JR’s commentary regarding the killer: “FIRST, LET’S LOOK AT A DESCRIPTION OF THE KILLER. The murderer is a man. The tremendous blow to JonBenét’s head would have required the strength of a man. Further, I believe the killer is a pedophile with a preference for female children. The garrote around JonBenét’s neck was most likely part of a sexual fantasy that I have heard referred to as “snuff sex.”

In the more recent past, BR also tells Dr. Phil that the killer was a pedophile and perhaps someone who had seen JonBenét on the pageant circuit.

This information is from books I’ve read and cases I’ve studied.
To begin - first and foremost there is a difference between a pedophile and a situational molester, also referred to as a regressed offender. Not all molesters are pedophiles. Strictly speaking a pedophile is an adult attracted to prepubescent children. They are aware of their preference and may or may not succumb to the urge to molest.

Here is an explanation from Lynn Daugherty regarding the regressed child molester or situational molester:

“The primary sexual orientation of regressed child molesters” (also termed situational molesters)”is toward people of their own age. They usually find adults more sexually exciting than children and have developed social skills that allow them to interact with other adults. They often marry and have families of their own. However, regressed child molesters often have poor resources for handling stress. When these people are under a great deal of stress, they may become overwhelmed. They “regress” or move back to children to meet their emotional needs through sexual activity. . .”

“The regressed child molester’s sexual abuse of children may occur in cycles. He abuses children primarily when he is experiencing much stress. During periods of low stress, the abuse may stop. He may also have sexual contacts with people his own age during the period of time he is abusing the child.”

Daugherty notes that these men are often controlling and may feel that their life is out of control. They will replace their difficult relationships with other adults by turning to children.

-Pedophiles have a preference for prepubescent children. It’s estimated between 16.2% and 27% of those who molest children would receive the diagnosis of pedophilia. (The other 73% to 83.8% who molest children are considered situational molesters.) BTW, essentially there’s no grail which tells researchers whether pedophilia is a case of nature vs. nurture. Researchers seem to currently lean toward both genetics and upbringing contributing to pedophilia.

-For situational offenders the abuse of a child is many times triggered by job or adult relationship stress.

-Unlike pedophiles, the situational abuser may be married or in relationship with other adults.

-A situational abuser may imagine that the victim is much older and that, in a fantasy in their own mind, they are having an ‘affair.’

- Situational child molesters are often the ones involved in incest. As it continues, the abuser abandons the parental role, and his victim will gradually take on the emotional responsibility of keeping the family together. It also may happen that the abuser’s original adult partner becomes almost “irrelevant” within the family unit.

In the past JR described their daughter’s killer as a pedophile. The term is mentioned no fewer than 8 times in DOI, and JR gives a graphic ‘evil’ description in their book. This is JR’s commentary regarding the killer: “FIRST, LET’S LOOK AT A DESCRIPTION OF THE KILLER. The murderer is a man. The tremendous blow to JonBenét’s head would have required the strength of a man. Further, I believe the killer is a pedophile with a preference for female children. The garrote around JonBenét’s neck was most likely part of a sexual fantasy that I have heard referred to as “snuff sex.”

Absolutely chilling first paragraph, questfortrue. All three parts of your research is fascinating. Thank you for composing it.

The other 73% to 83.8% who molest children are considered situational molesters.

Astounding percentages of a situational molester and I read it here first.

Pedophilia is an illness but pedophilic actions are a crime. The effects of this assault on the victim are:
“Fears, posttraumatic stress disorder, behavior problems, sexualized behaviors, and poor self-esteem occurred most frequently among a long list of symptoms noted.”
Source: “Impact of Sexual Abuse on Children: A Review and Synthesis of Recent Empirical Studies”

I've often considered JR to have NPD.
~ Why are narcissists insecure?
Narcissists are insecure people that hide their true selves because they self loath. To make themselves feel better and feed their false personalities they hid behind with sustaining narcissistic supply they control and manipulate other insecure people destroy them in the process.
May 12, 1996 pageant picture
Is this a look of PTSD?

Photo credit ACandyRose

Credit to ACandyRose:
The JonBenet Ramsey Children's Hospital Fund - set up by "friends of the Ramsey family" - funnels its donations to the Child Advocacy and Protection Team at Children's Hospital. (TV talk show host Geraldo Rivera reportedly donated $5,000 to the JonBenet fund.)
The team is the region's only force of "specially trained professionals who can detect and treat abused children sometimes the instant they come through the door," according to a Children's Hospital press release.

“But whosoever shall offend one of these little ones who believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depths of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6)
Part Three:
Third relevant topic in this review is what happens to the child who is being molested.


The psychology of what was happening to JonBenét, i.e., infections and daytime toileting concerns <> Without her conscious volition JB’s body was reacting to what was happening to her, thus the infections and daytime toileting accidents.


In the year 2000 interview with JR, Levin mentioned that after the GJ concluded someone from JB’s school came forward and spoke to LE. Levin asked JR an open-ended question as to whether he recalled someone from the school mentioning JB’s usage of the ‘panty box’. JR denied hearing about this. From what I’ve read this is the only ‘whiff’ of information that a mandated reporter may have taken notice of JB’s toileting issues and brought it to the attention of one of her parents.


Boulder LE believes from the experts who were hired, that she endured prior vaginal injuries and that it’s evident it played an important role in family dynamics no one wants to publicly define or discuss. It’s something both Kolar and ST felt passionate about bringing forward as testament to the truth of what happened to JonBenét.

The panty box? Oh, help me!

Obviously, there were things that took place in that hellhole that we may never know and may never understand.

There was a time when I thought JBR detested the basement because it was dark, dirty and a naturally scary place for a little girl. I'm seeing it in a different light these days. Her fear could stem from repeated horror and abuse that she endured while in the hellhole.

We know the adult Dr Seuss book of Lady Godiva nude drawings was in the basement. Showing those images to JBR could have been part of the grooming process.
Absolutely chilling first paragraph, questfortrue. All three parts of your research is fascinating. Thank you for composing it.

Astounding percentages of a situational molester and I read it here first.

Pedophilia is an illness but pedophilic actions are a crime. The effects of this assault on the victim are:
“Fears, posttraumatic stress disorder, behavior problems, sexualized behaviors, and poor self-esteem occurred most frequently among a long list of symptoms noted.”
Source: “Impact of Sexual Abuse on Children: A Review and Synthesis of Recent Empirical Studies”
I had read somewhere that there was a sex video/snuff film starting Jonbenet someone had seen in the Dark Net. I’m not a detective or anything. I just read a lot about this. I wonder if anyone hear could locate any of the threads talking about this? And it may have just been one person commenting even on this forum.
I am pretty much 100% on that they said JR was where it came from. Like he made it /sold it and put it out into Pedioworld
I had read somewhere that there was a sex video/snuff film starting Jonbenet someone had seen in the Dark Net. I&#8217;m not a detective or anything. I just read a lot about this. I wonder if anyone hear could locate any of the threads talking about this? And it may have just been one person commenting even on this forum.
I am pretty much 100% on that they said JR was where it came from. Like he made it /sold it and put it out into Pedioworld

If true, this would be truly terrifying. I don't think we will ever know nor can we imagine the life of this little girl.
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