Who reported suspicious activity and when?

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From the statement of the PO office, they said the back yard was fenced in such a way that officers thought the backyard ended at the fence. And that what was on the other side of the fence belonged to someone else.
The A holes did not use a brain, you don't just look with one eye when it is a sex offender, or a murderer that you are investigating. :banghead:
The Lot is registered to one owner.
Sex offenders are way to slippery to not investigate thoroughly.
LE should be taken to the cleaners and I hope that JC's Mom will sue them for far more then they can afford to lose.
And I also hope a bunch of these losers will loose their jobs.
Regarding this article about the tipster who thought he saw Jaycee in Oakley, the sherriffs department is saying the person is annymous and was gone when they got there, but then, how and where did the newspaper get this information?


sorry but the Sheriff is going to try his best to hide their huge mistakes.
I do not trust or believe them, the results DO speak volumes.
LE need to be sued so bad that they will never work with 2 eyes WIDE shut again.
The DA said she never left the backyard for three and a half years, so that probably wasn't her. In cases like these LE probably gets a ton of sightings like that.
And you believe them :waitasec:
Exactly, and I seriously doubt that PG layed claim to the other side of the fence area when the fire departmentss or pd was there! Absolutley unreal that he was able to hide them in that area for soooooo long. It appears that only the neighbors (apparently, not even Garrido's family, brother, mother, father, aunt, etc.) knew ANYTHING about that area of the yard. It may as well have been a secret basement compartment or something. Scary.

the neighbors did know about the yard, several called it in.
LE over there is beyond negligent.

As far as PGs family pretending not to know.
I do not believe any of them, not his Mother, not his siblings, all white trash IMO.
Even his father had his hands out for money so he can berate his own son. but did he
ever call LE to give them a tip that his boy is dangerous? NO!
How did this thread become about the Sherriff Rupf? I thought it was about WHO REPORTED suspicious activity and WHEN? You can leave the Sheriff out of that (ahemmm, for sure) and start a new thread as to the incompetence (or perceived incompetence) of law enforcement in this case. Ya think? Besides, as I understand it anyway there is already an investigation going on in that regard. Just a suggestion.

Well it seems to me that Sheriff Rupf should be discussed and investigated.
It seems to me that if all these allegations are true - he should be taken out in a shed and beaten to his marrow.
:furious: :furious:
Originally Posted by Billylee
Exactly, and I seriously doubt that PG layed claim to the other side of the fence area when the fire departmentss or pd was there! Absolutley unreal that he was able to hide them in that area for soooooo long. It appears that only the neighbors (apparently, not even Garrido's family, brother, mother, father, aunt, etc.) knew ANYTHING about that area of the yard. It may as well have been a secret basement compartment or something. Scary.

the neighbors did know about the yard, several called it in.LE over there is beyond negligent.

As far as PGs family pretending not to know.
I do not believe any of them, not his Mother, not his siblings, all white trash IMO.
Even his father had his hands out for money so he can berate his own son. but did he
ever call LE to give them a tip that his boy is dangerous? NO!

That's what I said. "It appears that only the neighbors knew anything about that area of the yard". And I too find it hard to belive that the rest of Garridos extended family knew nothing!
We already have a thread going about LE's screw-up, and I do however think that Sheriff Rupf is a big part of it.

Indeed he is, but he did NOT report ANY suspicious activity (even though it WAS happening under his nose), that's why I was hoping this discussion could have it's own place and save this thread for actual discussion of the topic; "Who Reported Suspicious Activity and When". Where is the thread abut LE's screwup, is it the parole officer one? Why don't we just start one about the Sheriff. Somebody out there must know how to do that and move threads appropriately? I don't.
PG's mother knew about the size of the yard and has said that one of the selling points when she purchased the house was "the space out back". She has also said she didn't see anything wrong with the three girls living out back. Maybe the rest of PG's family didn't know about the space out back, but his mother did. She never pretended not to know about it, to my knowledge.
PLEASE do not carry posts from other boards. a couple sentences and a link is all we are allowed.

What is the topic here? I have been reading the same posts in 2 threads?!

I am removing the OT posts since they are duplicated in another thread. Trying to avoid the identical conversation in 2 threads. thanks.
PLEASE do not carry posts from other boards. a couple sentences and a link is all we are allowed.

What is the topic here? I have been reading the same posts in 2 threads?!

I am removing the OT posts since they are duplicated in another thread. Trying to avoid the identical conversation in 2 threads. thanks.

Sorry everyone...I tried fixing my mistakes and ended up making matters worse. :rolleyes:
PG's mother knew about the size of the yard and has said that one of the selling points when she purchased the house was "the space out back". She has also said she didn't see anything wrong with the three girls living out back. Maybe the rest of PG's family didn't know about the space out back, but his mother did. She never pretended not to know about it, to my knowledge.

Just wondering, where did you get that info. You read it somewhere? Would like to read it if you can remember where you found it. Thanks.
PG's mother knew about the size of the yard and has said that one of the selling points when she purchased the house was "the space out back". She has also said she didn't see anything wrong with the three girls living out back. Maybe the rest of PG's family didn't know about the space out back, but his mother did. She never pretended not to know about it, to my knowledge.
Where did you learn this? Link, please!

From the above article:

She says: “I’ve blocked out some of the memories, but I still remember the joy of having the children around. I saw all three girls as my granddaughters.”

Good grief, "blocked out some of the memories"????? What memories did she find it necessary to block out? People with dementia don't "block out" memories, they simple can't remember things they really wish they could! Of course she knew how big her yard was, it was HER house before Phillip moved in. Does anyone know if there is record here of when she bought that house? I'll check the timeline. Okay I found it 7/20/1979.

From the above article:

She says: “I’ve blocked out some of the memories, but I still remember the joy of having the children around. I saw all three girls as my granddaughters.”

Good grief, "blocked out some of the memories"????? What memories did she find it necessary to block out? People with dementia don't "block out" memories, they simple can't remember things they really wish they could! Of course she knew how big her yard was, it was HER house before Phillip moved in. Does anyone know if there is record here of when she bought that house? I'll check the timeline. Okay I found it 7/20/1979.

blocked out some of the memories indicates she knew what he was doing and that it was wrong.

From the above article:

She says: “I’ve blocked out some of the memories, but I still remember the joy of having the children around. I saw all three girls as my granddaughters.”

Good grief, "blocked out some of the memories"????? What memories did she find it necessary to block out? People with dementia don't "block out" memories, they simple can't remember things they really wish they could! Of course she knew how big her yard was, it was HER house before Phillip moved in. Does anyone know if there is record here of when she bought that house? I'll check the timeline. Okay I found it 7/20/1979.

She also sold real estate. She knew the size of the property!
Along with her use of the word "blocked" and among other things, these pieces stuck out to me...
"The two youngest went out to play in the garden and they didn’t have lots of toys but they spent their time reading books or sitting with Allissa. She stayed in the garden, but as the children got older they would play around out back and could wander in and out of the house." (BBM) Does this suggest that JC "couldn't" wander in and out of the house freely? If so, why wouldn't PF find this peculiar? Is it possible that her use of the word "could" suggests that she did, in fact, know what the real situation was?

The article also states throughout that she always thought that JC and the children were PG's from former lovers and accepted them as that. But towards the end of the article it says, "She is now left with the appalling realisation that" the 2 girls "were fathered by Garrido himself." Because PF isn't directly quoted as having said that, I don't know if it's just bad writing or if it's a hiccup in her story. But, why would it be a horrible realization if that's what she thought all along anyway?

"Patricia, who is divorced from Garrido’s father Manuel, says she was also fooled into thinking nothing was wrong because Garrido took" the 2 girls "out with him.
She says: 'Recently, they had been going out and about on errands with Phil – just out to get his car fixed and to the store.' "
(BBM) These two words are suggestive in some manner to me for some reason. Why only "recently" and why "just"? Wouldn't this behavior, also, be peculiar to PF? Another slip-up, perhaps.
I would like to hear or read more about his mother. Jack, also.

The more I think about Patricia Garrido, especially after hearing the dateline 911 phone calls about her, I wonder if they (Phillip & Nancy) kept her drugged up. I wonder if for many years they perhaps have kept her in a state of oblivion with some kind of drugs. It would have been pretty easy to do, given Nancy's background. Makes me wonder about Paticia's health and doctor visits. Or if there were any? Someone that age usually has MANY health issues. (I take care of my mother in law, who lives with us and my time taking her to and from doctor visits is substantial.) And it still makes me wonder, if that was the case, where was her other son? Relatives? I don't think an investigation into elder abuse is out of the question here. Maybe that's already been looked into?
Exactly, and I seriously doubt that PG layed claim to the other side of the fence area when the fire departmentss or pd was there! Absolutley unreal that he was able to hide them in that area for soooooo long. It appears that only the neighbors (apparently, not even Garrido's family, brother, mother, father, aunt, etc.) knew ANYTHING about that area of the yard. It may as well have been a secret basement compartment or something. Scary.
What is even more unreal to me is that the clerks office would have a block & lot list of who owns it. The size of the lot would be clearly open information.

Also just as google can look up map info. they can see from above that there are tents, which can be a fire hazard.
While someone said that there may be many tents out there beside this location; why would not there be a check list for all of them?

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