Who reported suspicious activity and when?

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The more I think about Patricia Garrido, especially after hearing the dateline 911 phone calls about her, I wonder if they (Phillip & Nancy) kept her drugged up. I wonder if for many years they perhaps have kept her in a state of oblivion with some kind of drugs. It would have been pretty easy to do, given Nancy's background. Makes me wonder about Paticia's health and doctor visits. Or if there were any? Someone that age usually has MANY health issues. (I take care of my mother in law, who lives with us and my time taking her to and from doctor visits is substantial.) And it still makes me wonder, if that was the case, where was her other son? Relatives? I don't think an investigation into elder abuse is out of the question here. Maybe that's already been looked into?

One of the neighbors said she saw PF driving the gray sedan recently, but I don't know how recently. I wonder if she was to blame for the smashed up front-end and if there was an accident report filed?

From the above article:

She says: “I’ve blocked out some of the memories, but I still remember the joy of having the children around. I saw all three girls as my granddaughters.”

Good grief, "blocked out some of the memories"????? What memories did she find it necessary to block out? People with dementia don't "block out" memories, they simple can't remember things they really wish they could! Of course she knew how big her yard was, it was HER house before Phillip moved in. Does anyone know if there is record here of when she bought that house? I'll check the timeline. Okay I found it 7/20/1979.

She saw JC as her granddaughter....
hmmm and she must have also seen her pregnant and she did see 2 babies.
then she blocked it all out?????
Wonder why he is nuts? cant trust the old lady no way,no how, no no no.
The more I think about Patricia Garrido, especially after hearing the dateline 911 phone calls about her, I wonder if they (Phillip & Nancy) kept her drugged up. I wonder if for many years they perhaps have kept her in a state of oblivion with some kind of drugs. It would have been pretty easy to do, given Nancy's background. Makes me wonder about Paticia's health and doctor visits. Or if there were any? Someone that age usually has MANY health issues. (I take care of my mother in law, who lives with us and my time taking her to and from doctor visits is substantial.) And it still makes me wonder, if that was the case, where was her other son? Relatives? I don't think an investigation into elder abuse is out of the question here. Maybe that's already been looked into?

I was wondering something similar. If they maybe somehow triggered her dementia? Maybe Jack, too? With drugs or something? Is this possible? Or am I grasping at straws? IIRC, they're both in the "early stages" of dementia. Two neighbors stricken with similar disabilities at roughly the same time? Normally that wouldn't raise any red flags, but when P & N are involved, you never know what's possible. And they were both confined to either a bed or a wheelchair and apparently depended on P & N as caregivers.
As far as where the other son was, I have a feeling he wasn't around much. I feel like it is/was kind of a Dad's favorite and Mom's favorite situation in the G family. Dad's favorite being the other son, Mom's being P. It seems like there is some rivalry there, not just sibling.
I was wondering something similar. If they maybe somehow triggered her dementia? Maybe Jack, too? With drugs or something? Is this possible? Or am I grasping at straws? IIRC, they're both in the "early stages" of dementia. Two neighbors stricken with similar disabilities at roughly the same time? Normally that wouldn't raise any red flags, but when P & N are involved, you never know what's possible. And they were both confined to either a bed or a wheelchair and apparently depended on P & N as caregivers.
As far as where the other son was, I have a feeling he wasn't around much. I feel like it is/was kind of a Dad's favorite and Mom's favorite situation in the G family. Dad's favorite being the other son, Mom's being P. It seems like there is some rivalry there, not just sibling.

They are both pretty old, dementia and disability is not unexpected at that point in someone's life.
They are both pretty old, dementia and disability is not unexpected at that point in someone's life.
nor is it a given because of someone's age. Some people get early onset, some people age and never get Alzheimer's!
She saw JC as her granddaughter....
hmmm and she must have also seen her pregnant and she did see 2 babies.
then she blocked it all out?????
Wonder why he is nuts? cant trust the old lady no way,no how, no no no.

im not trying to make light of this situation but seriusly..........this is like texas chainsaw massacre or something with all these wacked out nutjobs in that house.
so glad jaycee and the girls are out of there.
I was wondering something similar. If they maybe somehow triggered her dementia? Maybe Jack, too? With drugs or something? Is this possible? Or am I grasping at straws? IIRC, they're both in the "early stages" of dementia. Two neighbors stricken with similar disabilities at roughly the same time? Normally that wouldn't raise any red flags, but when P & N are involved, you never know what's possible. And they were both confined to either a bed or a wheelchair and apparently depended on P & N as caregivers.
As far as where the other son was, I have a feeling he wasn't around much. I feel like it is/was kind of a Dad's favorite and Mom's favorite situation in the G family. Dad's favorite being the other son, Mom's being P. It seems like there is some rivalry there, not just sibling.

if i had t deal with thse tw as my care givers id probably decide f0r suicide
I have a question that maybe someone knows the answers to here.

When the neighbor called and reported that PG was a RSO and he had children living in his backyard, was it a 911 call? Was it a call directly to the Sherrif's Dept. or was it a call to the DOJ that is listed on the RSO page? A deputy from the CC Sheriffs Dept. was sent and that was all right? I was wondering why the Parole Office wasn't notified immediately to go over and check things out? Is there no communication between LE agencies? Does anyone know what the procedure would be as far as who would notify whom?

Also, I noticed in CA RSO, I don't see the stipulations of parole listed, here in Oregon we have things listed like "not allowed to be in the company of anyone under 18", etc. Just observing some laws that need changed.
I have a question that maybe someone knows the answers to here.

When the neighbor called and reported that PG was a RSO and he had children living in his backyard, was it a 911 call? Was it a call directly to the Sherrif's Dept. or was it a call to the DOJ that is listed on the RSO page? A deputy from the CC Sheriffs Dept. was sent and that was all right? I was wondering why the Parole Office wasn't notified immediately to go over and check things out? Is there no communication between LE agencies? Does anyone know what the procedure would be as far as who would notify whom?

Also, I noticed in CA RSO, I don't see the stipulations of parole listed, here in Oregon we have things listed like "not allowed to be in the company of anyone under 18", etc. Just observing some laws that need changed.

From what I recall it was a 911 call but the Sheriff's computers were down so the office didn't know PG was on parole. The officer never checked when the computers came back online. Also, PG wasn't on parole for sexually assaulting a child. He had no prior convictions with children. He would have had he been charged with the rape of the 15 year old Antioch girl in 1972!

The Antioch PD lost the 1972 report, so it didn't show up when he was charged in Katie Calloway's rape.
Along with her use of the word "blocked" and among other things, these pieces stuck out to me...
"The two youngest went out to play in the garden and they didn’t have lots of toys but they spent their time reading books or sitting with Allissa. She stayed in the garden, but as the children got older they would play around out back and could wander in and out of the house." (BBM) Does this suggest that JC "couldn't" wander in and out of the house freely? If so, why wouldn't PF find this peculiar? Is it possible that her use of the word "could" suggests that she did, in fact, know what the real situation was?

The article also states throughout that she always thought that JC and the children were PG's from former lovers and accepted them as that. But towards the end of the article it says, "She is now left with the appalling realisation that" the 2 girls "were fathered by Garrido himself." Because PF isn't directly quoted as having said that, I don't know if it's just bad writing or if it's a hiccup in her story. But, why would it be a horrible realization if that's what she thought all along anyway?

"Patricia, who is divorced from Garrido’s father Manuel, says she was also fooled into thinking nothing was wrong because Garrido took" the 2 girls "out with him.
She says: 'Recently, they had been going out and about on errands with Phil – just out to get his car fixed and to the store.' "
(BBM) These two words are suggestive in some manner to me for some reason. Why only "recently" and why "just"? Wouldn't this behavior, also, be peculiar to PF? Another slip-up, perhaps.
I would like to hear or read more about his mother. Jack, also.


All of this suggests that something is wrong with her claims to have dementia. I agree that people with dementia do not "block things out", that if this started 10 years ago, she wouldn't remember she blocked things out, and that the usage of recently is a huge red flag! She is able to remember A LOT! This is not typical of a dementia patient who has been afflicted for 10 years. Even if she does have dementia, stating the time frame and frequency of events does NOT jive. If she was bedridden and frail enough to require full time care she wouldn't have been able to still be out driving a year or two ago.

As far as the "could" is concerned, it bespeaks that she knows about the past and current time frames VERY clearly. Again, not typical of a patient with a supposed 10 year history of dementia. These are just my opinion and I have been in nursing for over 18 years, worked with alzheimers patients, med surg and other disciplines.

I have a question that maybe someone knows the answers to here.

When the neighbor called and reported that PG was a RSO and he had children living in his backyard, was it a 911 call? Was it a call directly to the Sherrif's Dept. or was it a call to the DOJ that is listed on the RSO page? A deputy from the CC Sheriffs Dept. was sent and that was all right? I was wondering why the Parole Office wasn't notified immediately to go over and check things out? Is there no communication between LE agencies? Does anyone know what the procedure would be as far as who would notify whom?

Also, I noticed in CA RSO, I don't see the stipulations of parole listed, here in Oregon we have things listed like "not allowed to be in the company of anyone under 18", etc. Just observing some laws that need changed.

Fantastic point!!!!:woohoo: I had not even thought about the fact that it was reported that the caller stated he was a RSO and that there were 5 girls of various ages in the back yard. Why wasn't his PO notified? Whether it was a 911 call or through the business line, it should have been passed on to his PO!
All of this suggests that something is wrong with her claims to have dementia. I agree that people with dementia do not "block things out", that if this started 10 years ago, she wouldn't remember she blocked things out, and that the usage of recently is a huge red flag! She is able to remember A LOT! This is not typical of a dementia patient who has been afflicted for 10 years. Even if she does have dementia, stating the time frame and frequency of events does NOT jive. If she was bedridden and frail enough to require full time care she wouldn't have been able to still be out driving a year or two ago.

As far as the "could" is concerned, it bespeaks that she knows about the past and current time frames VERY clearly. Again, not typical of a patient with a supposed 10 year history of dementia. These are just my opinion and I have been in nursing for over 18 years, worked with alzheimers patients, med surg and other disciplines.

Fantastic point!!!!:woohoo: I had not even thought about the fact that it was reported that the caller stated he was a RSO and that there were 5 girls of various ages in the back yard. Why wasn't his PO notified? Whether it was a 911 call or through the business line, it should have been passed on to his PO!

for whatever reason they didnt have the info that he was a RSO :(
Wonder what the old lady thought about her son having so many lovers and ending up with blonde girls who all looked alike. I don't believe her story at all. Real Estate sales people usually have some class about them in order to deal with people and see nice homes and living conditions. This lady thought it was fine for girls to live in tents and sheds out back. Yeah right.
for whatever reason they didnt have the info that he was a RSO :(

Well, unless the reports are incorrect, the caller said he was. Wouldn't ya think that they'd at least look up the same info the caller had? What a sorry arse chain of events!!!!
Well, unless the reports are incorrect, the caller said he was. Wouldn't ya think that they'd at least look up the same info the caller had? What a sorry arse chain of events!!!!

spin the wheel and see if it lands on 'lazy" incompetent" or 'stupid"
Wonder what the old lady thought about her son having so many lovers and ending up with blonde girls who all looked alike. I don't believe her story at all. Real Estate sales people usually have some class about them in order to deal with people and see nice homes and living conditions. This lady thought it was fine for girls to live in tents and sheds out back. Yeah right.

My opinion is either she knew about everything and was even somehow involved, OR she was drugged by PG & NG and in some oblivious state of "grandmotherism"! At this point, at least with what we've seen, I see no in between.
From what I recall it was a 911 call but the Sheriff's computers were down so the office didn't know PG was on parole. The officer never checked when the computers came back online. Also, PG wasn't on parole for sexually assaulting a child. He had no prior convictions with children. He would have had he been charged with the rape of the 15 year old Antioch girl in 1972!

The Antioch PD lost the 1972 report, so it didn't show up when he was charged in Katie Calloway's rape.

For the record, I checked another RSO, who's crime was committed on a 14 year old, and there also was no stipulation about being in the presence of minors....so I wonder, does CA not list that on their SOR???
For the record, I checked another RSO, who's crime was committed on a 14 year old, and there also was no stipulation about being in the presence of minors....so I wonder, does CA not list that on their SOR???

the same state that has been hunting polanski for 30 years for raping a 13 year old does that? stupid.
Originally Posted by Billylee
Exactly, and I seriously doubt that PG layed claim to the other side of the fence area when the fire departmentss or pd was there! Absolutley unreal that he was able to hide them in that area for soooooo long. It appears that only the neighbors (apparently, not even Garrido's family, brother, mother, father, aunt, etc.) knew ANYTHING about that area of the yard. It may as well have been a secret basement compartment or something. Scary.

That's what I said. "It appears that only the neighbors knew anything about that area of the yard". And I too find it hard to believe that the rest of Garrido's extended family knew nothing!

I do not believe his family PG or hers either NG.
I think they are all damaged people who would not begine to care about anyone. Just look at his father as long he can put out his hand for money he talked. Why didnt he ever talk before? Nancys brothers several of them, they could not do anything even though thier sister acted robotic????
PLEASE....:hand::hand::hand: the hand is not to you billy it is to the entire family.
He did have that sound proof box there who knows when they had to hang out in there????
I do not believe his family PG or hers either NG.
I think they are all damaged people who would not begine to care about anyone. Just look at his father as long he can put out his hand for money he talked. Why didnt he ever talk before? Nancys brothers several of them, they could not do anything even though thier sister acted robotic????
PLEASE....:hand::hand::hand: the hand is not to you billy it is to the entire family.
He did have that sound proof box there who knows when they had to hang out in there????

and at least in recent years, they all knew about jaycee and the girls. but had no problems with garrido the rso raising his 'daughetrs'

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