Who would testify on Casey's behalf?

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We haven't heard much from George's side of the family, have we? His parents and sisters? I recall one of his sister's writing to Casey in jail and it was a warm message. But I don't think any of them have been in close contact in recent years so I don't know how that will go.

Based on what I've read about George's family, they haven't been close in a long time. Cindy's brother Rick gave a lot of insight into George's side of the family in his topix posts. Rick said that George had a shaky relationship with his father. When the Anthonys lived in Ohio, George left law enforcement to work at a car dealership that his father owned. George and his dad didn't get along and there was an incident in which George pushed his dad through a window or a glass door. Rick also hinted that incident was the reason why George never pursued a law enforcement career in Florida. I got the feeling from Rick's topix posts and the communication between his mom, that George didn't have a close relationship with his side of the family.
I respectfully disagree. Having a that tatoo and other artists be put on the stand to testify for her.............and what a good mother she was.....merely points out she was hanging with a crowd that thought she was a good mother. They IMHO had LOW standards on motherhood which will come across STRONGLY on the stand and just prove the point for the prosecution!

Legally, a tatoo is a statement, so it will probably come up. We see this in gang cases in LA. You're right -- it is not good for the defense.
I'm thinking they will use Jesse Grund to testify about what ICA was like during the time he spent with her. He was one of the few of the men in her life who did not rip her apart in front of the cameras when this crime broke in the news.

All her ex's came out of the woodwork? What did they say about her?

JG was not the one who proposed? Was he her most recent?

Jessies testimony will be powerful for state and defense. He will be very credible and his heart will probably break talking about Caylee. He will be useful for the defense because KC had told him the stuff about Lee before Caylee went missing and he also saw Cindy mentally abusing her. . People will take him serious. He is probably the best witness she will have. He will be good for state too because he will bring Cayalee alive for the jurors and he noted the change in Casey that happened.Casey was also using the Grunds for babysitters while she partied.

I noticed these posts mentioning Jesse Grund. I agree with concernedmother Jesse's testimony will be powerful for both the state and defense. Jesse witnessed some of the dysfunction in the Anthony family so that could be helpful to the defense to a certain extent. In interviews with police and the media, he hasn't torn Casey to shreds and he has slammed Cindy quite a bit because in a few interviews he mentioned that got the feeling that Cindy felt threatened by his presence in Caylee and KC's lives. Jesse at one time believed he was the father of Caylee and after the paternity test proved he wasn't. He was still in love with KC and Caylee and he got proposed to KC and he was even planning to possibly adopt Caylee.

I think Jesse's testimony will be more valuable for the state. There was an incident in which Casey stole money from Jesse and Richard Grund confronted Cindy about it and Cindy tried to brush off the incident like it wasn't a big deal. In one of the police interviews Jesse said that Casey could sometimes be a diabolical liar.
Based on what I've read about George's family, they haven't been close in a long time. Cindy's brother Rick gave a lot of insight into George's side of the family in his topix posts. Rick said that George had a shaky relationship with his father. When the Anthonys lived in Ohio, George left law enforcement to work at a car dealership that his father owned. George and his dad didn't get along and there was an incident in which George pushed his dad through a window or a glass door. Rick also hinted that incident was the reason why George never pursued a law enforcement career in Florida. I got the feeling from Rick's topix posts and the communication between his mom, that George didn't have a close relationship with his side of the family.

Hi JennaB. Seems Cindy & George might've burned bridges (surprise, surprise!) with George's family as well as Cindy's brothers. There may be cousins and/or BIL or SIL who have some insight into the family dynamics and have some sympathy for Casey. Then again, maybe not. Hard for me to imagine there would be no one at all .....
Hi JennaB. Seems Cindy & George might've burned bridges (surprise, surprise!) with George's family as well as Cindy's brothers. There may be cousins and/or BIL or SIL who have some insight into the family dynamics and have some sympathy for Casey. Then again, maybe not. Hard for me to imagine there would be no one at all .....

I wouldn't be surprised if bridges with both sides of the family. I remember reading somewhere that Cindy and Rick in the months after Caylee's disapperance became estranged. Rick saw how bad Casey was for years. He and his mom Shirley mentioned Casey's history of lying in their emails. Alo I don't think the Pleaseas ever liked George that much. I remember Shirely called him a bum or something in the emails because George history of have different security officer jobs.

Rick's topix posts did seem to imply that George wasn't really in touch with his parents or siblings. He said that one of George's sisters and her husband started their own dealership in Ohio and that George was somewhat envious of their success.
Thanks for posting the list BChand. I did notice one of Casey's former high school teachers will testify.

I had forgotten about several of the people on the list and I do remember reading the interviews and documents that detailed George's sister being bipolar and I also remember reading Lauren Gibbs' interview with LE.
Thanks to everyone who answered. I can't imagine living a life that I might have to depend on a high school teacher as virtually the only person who might remember me in a kind way.

What a waste of a life...a huge waste.
I'm not one to read into things, but this is OMG Casey code in this from Lee To ICA?!

This need sluething@! So very many comments seems UNnecessary and cryptic@

I read this again, and I reiterate. This is not a normal letter. It has a WEBSLEUTH type of frame of mind IMHO.
I have wondered the same thing. " Can you put aside any information you might hear in the victim impact statement, if necessary?" I did not understand what they were getting at. Isn't the impact statement usually things like "We miss the child so much we cannot stand it, the defendant has no idea how horribly they ruined our lives." ??? WHO is going to say that for Caylee?

I asked the same thing, and AZLawyer answered.......it would only be family that could do the victim statement. AZ also said that they do in some states such, and in them, they are not to be considered. I guess just a "warm fuzzy" for family.......but AZ said US Supreme Court said cannot be considered.

Plz correct me, I tried to put over here, but couldn't and also we have been asked not to do duplicates on threads.
And for those that have not seen the actual tatoo, it FLOORED ME as to typically cryptic ICA that there were three stars surrounding (Caylee was bout to turn 3) but only 2 of the stars had dots in them. ICA is VERY VISUAL as we know from her posts!

Legally, a tatoo is a statement, so it will probably come up. We see this in gang cases in LA. You're right -- it is not good for the defense.
If we're talkin penalty phase, maybe a few peops.

If we're talkin guilt phase, it really doesn't matter who has kind things to say about her-The factual information they will testify to cannot help her.

For instance-
LDB: Mr. Lazzaro, was KC a good mother to Caylee?
TL: Yes ma'am, she seemed like a good mom....I mean, Caylee was really well-behaved when we left her out in the living room by herself while we went in the bedroom to do our thang.

JA: Mr. Morales, did KC ever neglect Caylee?
RM: Nope! In fact, KC wanted to be so close to Caylee that she had Caylee sleep right between us while we were shacking up.

LDB: Mr. Grund, did KC ever use drugs?
JG: No way, not in front of me. I mean, she only offered to get us some Xanax, she didn't actually get it.

JA: Mr. Donov, did KC ever tell you about a nanny?
ID: She sure did, she said a big portion of her Universal paycheck went straight to Zanny.

And so on and so forth. Those are just silly examples and may not even be brought up-On the serious tip, each and every friend, family and foe will have a story to tell that involves lying, thievery, and there are quite a few people, often overlooked, that will tell the jury about KC's shortcomings as not just a friend, but also as a mother.
Even if they mean well, their truths will speak volumes about KC's deceit.
Thanks for that. MOO- If ICA had been raped, she would have screamed it from the roof tops. Instead she was telling parents that she couldn't be pregnant because she hadn't had sex, but had a tumor? It bothers me a lot that there is a whole other family out there equally related to sweet Caylee.

BBM - that part just kills me.....kinda had something similiar happen in our family and it was devastating.

BBM - that part just kills me.....kinda had something similiar happen in our family and it was devastating.

My daughter's dad's family is a hot mess, to the extreme that I have to temper her visits with them....and I hate to do it, I don't want my daughter shamed, and I want her to feel whole in her identity even though they are craaaazy people. It is terribly hard and makes me feel so guilty when I have to keep her from their bad behavior.
This family shows no feelings whatsoever for that aspect of Caylee's life. How disrespectful is that to Caylee? That was part of who she was! That they would not legitimize her at all, even with a grandparent or an acknowledgement within their own family, is par for the course with them.
CA took it a step further, claiming that she wanted custody of sorts so that no guy could "come and claim any rights to Caylee."
Uh, newsflash CA: He does/did have rights to her, whether you got a silly piece of paper or not, all he would have had to do was have the court recognize his connection and he trumps you all day long.
Thanks for that. MOO- If ICA had been raped, she would have screamed it from the roof tops. Instead she was telling parents that she couldn't be pregnant because she hadn't had sex, but had a tumor? It bothers me a lot that there is a whole other family out there equally related to sweet Caylee.


BBM - that part just kills me.....kinda had something similiar happen in our family and it was devastating.

My daughter's dad's family is a hot mess, to the extreme that I have to temper her visits with them....and I hate to do it, I don't want my daughter shamed, and I want her to feel whole in her identity even though they are craaaazy people. It is terribly hard and makes me feel so guilty when I have to keep her from their bad behavior.
This family shows no feelings whatsoever for that aspect of Caylee's life. How disrespectful is that to Caylee? That was part of who she was! That they would not legitimize her at all, even with a grandparent or an acknowledgement within their own family, is par for the course with them.
CA took it a step further, claiming that she wanted custody of sorts so that no guy could "come and claim any rights to Caylee."
Uh, newsflash CA: He does/did have rights to her, whether you got a silly piece of paper or not, all he would have had to do was have the court recognize his connection and he trumps you all day long.

I feel heartache for the father and relatives that never got to know Caylee. I think Cindy viewed Caylee as a trophy in a way and I do remember her saying that she wanted custody to prevent any possible paternity claims as Just Jayla mentioned. Cindy probably wouldn't have liked sharing Caylee with a father and another set of grandparents and relatives. Jesse Grund even said in one interview that Cindy felt threatened by him and his family treating Caylee as their granddaughter/niece/daughter.

My cousin was in a similar situation in which he was didn't know his daughter for the first year of her life due to the mother and her family. My cousin isn't perfect by any means but he is a decent guy. He has been married twice and four kids from those marriages. Back in 2003 he hooked up with a former girlfriend. She got pregnant and had a baby girl and he didn't know about it a year later when he saw her out with the baby. He confronted her about it and at first she denied him being the father. Eventually she gave in and allowed DNA testing to happen and my cousin was confirmed to be the father. He later found out that the reason she didn't have the paternity determined in the first place was because her mother and siblings wanted to be the only ones to help her raise the child.

After the DNA test was done, the mother refused to let the little girl go with my cousin for weekends for a few months and she only allowed day visits. My cousin got fed up with this and took her court to establish paternity and visitations rights. The fact the mother kept her child from the father for a year didn't look good to the judge and as a result 50/50 custody was put in order and further conflicts/grudges between my cousin's side and the mother's side happened. Sadly, there is still conflict today about it.

I think Cindy Anthony is definetely the type who possibly saw Caylee as only hers and she probably didn't give a rat's a$$ about Caylee having a dad and another side out there. Cindy comes off as a selfish and hateful person. Even some of the neighbors said similar things about her.
If we're talkin penalty phase, maybe a few peops.

If we're talkin guilt phase, it really doesn't matter who has kind things to say about her-The factual information they will testify to cannot help her.

For instance-
LDB: Mr. Lazzaro, was KC a good mother to Caylee?
TL: Yes ma'am, she seemed like a good mom....I mean, Caylee was really well-behaved when we left her out in the living room by herself while we went in the bedroom to do our thang.

JA: Mr. Morales, did KC ever neglect Caylee?
RM: Nope! In fact, KC wanted to be so close to Caylee that she had Caylee sleep right between us while we were shacking up.

LDB: Mr. Grund, did KC ever use drugs?
JG: No way, not in front of me. I mean, she only offered to get us some Xanax, she didn't actually get it.

JA: Mr. Donov, did KC ever tell you about a nanny?
ID: She sure did, she said a big portion of her Universal paycheck went straight to Zanny.

And so on and so forth. Those are just silly examples and may not even be brought up-On the serious tip, each and every friend, family and foe will have a story to tell that involves lying, thievery, and there are quite a few people, often overlooked, that will tell the jury about KC's shortcomings as not just a friend, but also as a mother.
Even if they mean well, their truths will speak volumes about KC's deceit.

I believe all of her friends said that ICA was a good mother. On the other hand, many of them said she lied a lot. It seems like after everything came out in the open, her friends felt estranged and didn't think they knew her at all. I believe her boss at Universal said she was a good worker. Jesse Grund said she was a diabolical liar. Other than her parents eternal love and perhaps her brother and his girlfriend Mallory I doubt if anyone would testify in her favor.

I also remember the friends and former boyfriends saying that from what they saw Casey seemed to be a good mother. But like allycat many of them did know about Casey lying or they had doubts about some of things Casey would tell them. Annie Downing said she doubts about Casey's claims of working as an event planner and some of her doubts were based Casey saying that she could work from home whenever she wanted to. Also Lauren Gibbs caught Casey lying about being employed at Sports Authority and also other friends had similar incidents.

As for Casey's boyfriends and friends, I think some of them were bit immature/naive about Casey and Caylee. Casey used to take Caylee with to some of the events she had with friends and maybe it was at those events that some friends and boyfriends thought Casey was an ok mother.
There is a penalty phase witness list. Lots of interesting characters on it.


29) Stephanie Kostakis - Orlando, FL - friend of Casey aka “Special K” - added Nov 29, 2010
the late Jesus/Jesse Ortiz was of Stephanie’s closest friends. She scheduled a jail visit with
Casey on Aug 3, 2008 but cancelled.
Someone posted at the very beginning of the case, that there was some thought that a man who was killed in a car accident could have been the father of Caylee.

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