Whoa! Meter Reader gave tip on August 13th!#2

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OK.... to try to think through this whole story logically, IF the meter reader is telling the truth, then the bag he saw and reported as being "on the side of the road" had to have been placed there by Casey no later than June 27 because she no longer had her smelly car. It was at Amscot. IF Casey later moved the bag from somewhere else, in someone else's car, WHERE is that smelly car now? IF she did place it there after June 27 by some unknown means, then the latest that SHE could have put it there was July 15, as she was in custody and then in jail after that time. She was still there on August 11 when the bag was first reported. So, if this man is telling the truth, the bag laid there in plain sight "on the side of the road" for at least a month while police and thousands of other people were aware that Caylee was missing from just a few blocks away. Then, he called LE to the exact spot where he saw it and they could NOT see it? THREE times they could NOT see it? I simply can't understand why it is not clear to everyone that there is something quite wrong with this person's story.
I think the bag he saw back then was a differant bag.. Ive bene reading and trying to figure this out.. and seems i read somewhere that there was a bag with old clothes and toys found. I read that the bag that was beside the road was a grey trash bag and the bag they found the bones etc in was a black bag..

This thing has more twist and turns that I can figure out..
We need a statement from someone with all the facts.. and even then its confusing.

I've been thinking, or better hoping, that it was another garbage bag that just happened to be there, I'm sure LE has found plenty of dumped garbage in that area.
MR guy said 'gray bag on the side of the road', the remains were found many feet away from the road in swampy brush. The 2 (at least to me ) are not the same spot. But then again everyone has a different way to describe things.
it will be extremely helpful for LAW ENFORCEMENT if they have some of casey's clothing that can be linked to the place where the baby was found

lets say they find a pair of her shoes or clothes or something that has the same dirt or leaves or something from the SITE where the baby was found

as i said weeks and months ago...

something will be found on her shoes that will show that SHE WAS THERE

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You are joking right? I saw all of those in our November search plus alligators and one rattle snake. I don't know where you are from but Florida is a a tropical climate and all of those, plus some are in those woods.

Orlando is a new area as far as cities go. I can remember flying in there when there was nothing but swamps, cows, and a terrible airport. It is not like a city in most areas. There may be a very nice subdivision with heavy woods which no one will enter right next to it. Those woods will contain all kinds of critters and dangerous things.

Ask any searcher who has searched. The pictures you see with people walking nicely through a field is not typical of most of the searches. If you look at those pictures where she was found, that was machete country. It was not a nice little cleared area for kids to play. A small part of it might have been cleared by the kids when KC was young but it was full of undergrowth. Those sharp looking bushes you see will cut through lightweight clothes. It is not the trees, but the undergrowth which takes a machete to get through.

We saw everything you mentioned and from the looks of those pictures, so did LE. That was a steep slope going where the bag was. Those are not easy to navigate with dogs with underbrush everywhere. Our dogs got cuts and slashes. We got cuts and we had on good heavy clothing. One guy cut his boots and had to go buy new ones. That terrain is rugged if you are in some of those areas.


Thank you for telling it like it is, TURBOTHINK! We have this same type of terrain in some areas here in Louisiana!
I just went through a bunch (but not all) of the released "leads" in the Official Documents thread. I could not find anything that resembled the meter readers calls on August 11, 12, and 13. Has anyone found them? And if not, why wasn't in the leads released to the defense? It seems that not releasing all leads would be a big no-no.

The released leads are not in any sort of order (namely not chronological) that I can find, so it makes searching difficult.

By the way, EVERY "lead" (except one) that I read was a psychic vision or hunch or whatever. The only exception was someone who called to complain that Nancy Grace was pre-judging Casey.

I would guess those were 911 calls and none of those were released.

Major Announcement Expected In Anthony Case
Friday, December 19, 2008 – updated: 12:23 pm EST December 19, 2008

Sources close to the investigation told Eyewitness News early Friday afternoon that the tipster meter reader is Roy Kronk, an ex-military man who lost his wife to cancer a year ago. He's expected to appear at a 3:30pm news conference. The meter reader kept persevering about seeing something important in the woods close to the Anthonys' home (map from location to Anthonys' home), which has now been the focus of investigators for nine days now.
So you see a bag.It smells like hell.You call LE.LE isn't checking because of some snake.You leave(????Would YOU???).Then you go back after a few months.The bag is still there despite of floods and so on.You check the bag.A skull falls out.


Hi Madeleine, I'm wondering if mid-August the remains really smelled like you say.

The stages of decomposition say that from 20 to 50 days is Butyric Fermentation where the body probably smells very strong. But from 50 to 365 days the remains are in dry decay and are reduced to bones and hair. I think the smell is 'cheesy'.

If Caylee died mid-June, by mid-Aug her remains would have already been in that dry decay stage which is the last stage of decomp.

I wish our poster who was a mortician would stop by!
I do not think the bag was in "plain sight". If it were, then I would agree with you. I simply can't understand what anyone thinks this person's motive/involvement could possibly be??

FWIW, MOO, given the fact that it appears the "perpetrator" did not seem to go to a lot of trouble in disposing of these remains, I do not believe that said "perpetrator" ever went to the trouble of moving the remains from one place to another. I believe any movement was caused by water, animals, and nothing else.
OK.... to try to think through this whole story logically, IF the meter reader is telling the truth, then the bag he saw and reported as being "on the side of the road" had to have been placed there by Casey no later than June 27 because she no longer had her smelly car. It was at Amscot. IF Casey later moved the bag from somewhere else, in someone else's car, WHERE is that smelly car now? IF she did place it there after June 27 by some unknown means, then the latest that SHE could have put it there was July 15, as she was in custody and then in jail after that time. She was still there on August 11 when the bag was first reported. So, if this man is telling the truth, the bag laid there in plain sight "on the side of the road" for at least a month while police and thousands of other people were aware that Caylee was missing from just a few blocks away. Then, he called LE to the exact spot where he saw it and they could NOT see it? THREE times they could NOT see it? I simply can't understand why it is not clear to everyone that there is something quite wrong with this person's story.

Thank you, I just posted that 3 times now and no one gets it! If it wasn't him, then who, hmmmmm, WHO could have moved the body. I can't believe it's been there if this is a kids hang out and it's been searched and there are meter readers and joggers, and who knows running around the area. If it smelled bad enough for him to call in Aug, it smelled that bad in JUNE and JULY. No one noticed this??????

Major Announcement Expected In Anthony Case
Friday, December 19, 2008 – updated: 12:23 pm EST December 19, 2008

Sources close to the investigation told Eyewitness News early Friday afternoon that the tipster meter reader is Roy Kronk, an ex-military man who lost his wife to cancer a year ago. He's expected to appear at a 3:30pm news conference. The meter reader kept persevering about seeing something important in the woods close to the Anthonys' home (map from location to Anthonys' home), which has now been the focus of investigators for nine days now.

Interesting that the meter readers last name is Kronk. That is a very German name. I'm thinking about the psychic saying "where the German shepard Pees."
Is there a confirmation of the bag color? I'm hearing the meter reader called about a gray bag, but Caylee was found in a black bag. Gray bag may have been beside the road, but Caylee was further inside?

I'm going to go back and read Kio's statement. All I've ever heard is she took them to the school area. That appears to be the hangout. One thing is for sure, the four guys with the rope and fox's August video is a good 75 yards away towards the school. The school is across the street. All these people claiming to have been in the "area" are about 225 feet wrong and across the street.
Lol, don't hide behind the couch, It's a good thought. Maybe he remembers seeing her car on the road a certain day or something?

I'm think the meter reader is also going to be good for info on the water level in the area. Supposedly it's flooded every year from June on.

Maybe, as Phil Keating just said, the meter reader is an amateur detective obsessed with the case.

Like us.

There are several HERE who wanted that particular area searched again. But most don't live in Florida or have jobs in the neighborhood. When Leonard put up his $50K reward he was threatened with lawsuits because of people with hunches trespassing.

Sadly if the meter reader cited published Caylee info and knew a LOT about the case, he might not have been taken as seriously by responding officers. The meter reader's susequent reports of suspicious garbage bags and smells after they'd already *looked* might have been seen as an amateur with lots of imagination and hope. And that might have been the case about the gray bag that was found.

As an owner of overgrown wooded acreage, I can say for fact that full and empty garbage bags commonly end up there.

The issues raised are the reasons, Tricia was cautioning people NOT to do their own searching. I am very GLAD the meter reader found Caylee and think Caylee might not ever have been found without some higher power inspiring the meter reader to go there.

But, that said, it is not surprising that an amateur detective would doggedly follow his hunches. That the person who seems obsessed or even a little nutty actually stumbled over something pursuing his interest doesn't make him an accomplice or guilty of wrongdoing.

Search *Realist*'s post yesterday for a descripiton of the area where Caylee's body was found to understand why Caylee's skull may have been missed by the cops.
Interesting that the meter readers last name is Kronk. That is a very German name. I'm thinking about the psychic saying "where the German shepard Pees."

lol, I just researched that, that tip is dated 9/24, fyi..
It appears to me that this man wanted the body to be found, especially if he in fact ends up being the same meter man that called in 3 times in a row. I have read and heard about cases just like this where the perpetrator leads authorities back to the crime scene.

Well IMO the perpetrator of this crime is in jail and was never going to lead the police back to where they put their child's body. :)

LE had better vet the hell out of this guy if they don't want this case to become completely distracted. He could be anything. He could be one of us, just a fellow sleuth, concerned about justice for Caylee. He could be a solid citizen lookin' around where he saw, or smelled something suspicious earlier on his job. He could have been peein' in the woods close to where he thought something might have been earlier and decided to look around. He could be part of this somehow. LE really, really needs to check-out this guy. And LE really needs to understand what happened with the deputy. If they truly have deputies who are clearing areas close to the homes of missing children where people have smelt something funny just because of big snakes, Orlando needs to come up with some way of handling big snakes, both out of and in jail.


Major Announcement Expected In Anthony Case
Friday, December 19, 2008 – updated: 12:23 pm EST December 19, 2008

Sources close to the investigation told Eyewitness News early Friday afternoon that the tipster meter reader is Roy Kronk, an ex-military man who lost his wife to cancer a year ago. He's expected to appear at a 3:30pm news conference. The meter reader kept persevering about seeing something important in the woods close to the Anthonys' home (map from location to Anthonys' home), which has now been the focus of investigators for nine days now
Thank you, I just posted that 3 times now and no one gets it! If it wasn't him, then who, hmmmmm, WHO could have moved the body. I can't believe it's been there if this is a kids hang out and it's been searched and there are meter readers and joggers, and who knows running around the area. If it smelled bad enough for him to call in Aug, it smelled that bad in JUNE and JULY. No one noticed this??????

IMO, that's not the area the kids hang out. The media spun it to appear different. It appears to be down the road by the school. And it's not clear what the call was about, it's been said, smell and bag sighting, among many things.

BTW, it's not that I don't get it, it's that I don't buy it. :)
Imo, I believe there is enough in Kio statement to check out the validity of the find. However, to be honest, having personally been to this site and on both TES searches, I can tell you no-one expected to ever find this baby.

The fact that she was, is the important isssue and has always been for me, and laying her to rest properly brings me peace in this case.

I am resolved that the facts on the how and when she got there are already known, and personally do not think this man had any involvement, but I do think its possible someone could have tipped him off accidentally on-purpose.

Whatever the result, I am thankful to him.
You have one man who keeps calling LE, actually meets up face to face with them and goes into an area with snakes, etc VS a Mother who NEVER calls LE or anyone else for that matter. Goes shopping, dancing and gets a tatoo.

And the meter man is suspicious????????
Thank you, I just posted that 3 times now and no one gets it! If it wasn't him, then who, hmmmmm, WHO could have moved the body. I can't believe it's been there if this is a kids hang out and it's been searched and there are meter readers and joggers, and who knows running around the area. If it smelled bad enough for him to call in Aug, it smelled that bad in JUNE and JULY. No one noticed this??????

From looking at those pictures there were NO kids that hung out there. That is machete country. From searching in Orlando, there are thousands of areas just like that and the undergrowth is so thick kids would not be there. Maybe when KC was young, that area was not so grown up, but those pictures tell the tale of why that could have been missed even with searchers in there.

Major Announcement Expected In Anthony Case
Friday, December 19, 2008 – updated: 12:23 pm EST December 19, 2008

Sources close to the investigation told Eyewitness News early Friday afternoon that the tipster meter reader is Roy Kronk, an ex-military man who lost his wife to cancer a year ago. He's expected to appear at a 3:30pm news conference. The meter reader kept persevering about seeing something important in the woods close to the Anthonys' home (map from location to Anthonys' home), which has now been the focus of investigators for nine days now.

Sounds like they think this man is very credible and are more concerned about what went wrong on the information he gave them way back in August.

To lose his wife to cancer and then this. Bless this man, he has been through a lot.

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