Why Are We All Still Here?

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Compassionate Reader

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2010
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It's been over 20 years since these murders, and this case has been hashed and rehashed ad nauseum, both online and on television (by professional journalists). So, why keep going? I know why I'm still here, and I'd like to know why others persevere. I'm here for true justice in this case. As I believe that Damien, Jason and Jessie are innocent, I want the crime properly investigated and the killer(s) incarcerated and the three falsely convicted men exonerated.

To take things one step further, what do you believe must occur for you to be satisfied that this case is truly "closed" properly and that no further discussion of it is necessary? Again, for me, I want to see the real killer(s) behind bars. To accomplish that, I believe that ALL information about the case MUST come out, either publicly or during the trial of the real killer(s). Then and only then will everyone know the truth!

I don't believe that ALL information has been made public yet, and I don't believe that the killer(s) has/have been punished. I know that ALL potential suspects haven't been properly investigated. Justice delayed is too often justice denied. What needs to happen, in your opinion, to satisfy this problem? Who would be on your "short list" of potential suspects that need to be investigated? It's no secret who's on mine!
i think it is pretty obvious who many of us would like to see investigated. however, there are members of WMPD i'd like to add to that short list. to answer your initial question, i am still here because i want to know who did this and i want to see them punished for this heinous act of murdering 3 innocent 8 yr. olds and destroying the lives of 3 others. perhaps it is futile but my heart keeps thinking if we keep at it maybe, just maybe this case will one day be solved. but my head tells me the people who were truly involved in this murder will fight to the death to keep that from ever happening. i fear we may never see justice, CR.
i think it is pretty obvious who many of us would like to see investigated. however, there are members of WMPD i'd like to add to that short list. to answer your initial question, i am still here because i want to know who did this and i want to see them punished for this heinous act of murdering 3 innocent 8 yr. olds and destroying the lives of 3 others. perhaps it is futile but my heart keeps thinking if we keep at it maybe, just maybe this case will one day be solved. but my head tells me the people who were truly involved in this murder will fight to the death to keep that from ever happening. i fear we may never see justice, CR.

I keep remembering the old adage, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." Yes, I believe that if we keep "squeaking," eventually we'll get some answers. I just hope it won't take another 18 years! I don't think it will, but . . .
Nothing will happen. They love the money they made from this and still are about this case. There will be NO exoneration, NO pardon, NO new trial.

It's over...
There are many reasons why I am (still) here. Most of them are personal reasons, I see a lot of things in this case that resemble my own life. However there are one or two things that really worry me.

I don't want to go into the details of the case, everything has been said many times before.

The trials (no-trials) are the most important thing for me. I am not a lawyer, not even a hobby lawyer, and I have no idea about legal things. What I do know, is that every single person on this planet, has the right to a fair trial. The trial of Jesse MK was a no-trial because it was based on a fairy-tale. In "Wonderland" OK, but not in a 20th century western democracy!! The trial of DE and JB was a no-trial because it was based on witnesses that were forced into perjury, a jury that was manipulated (1), and evidence that was manipulated.


http://www.jivepuppi.com/three_or_four_days.html (I'm so pleased Mr. Hill is back on board)

IMO everything since then, has been irrelevant. I won't even take the word "justice" into my mouth. How can there be justice without a trial that fulfils legal requirements? I still can't believe there is no legal way to revoke these trials. To put the icing on the cake we then had the Alford plea. It's about the most nonsensical thing I have ever heard.

Sorry, if this is 21st century jurisdiction, I fear for democracy on the whole. The weight of economical pragmatism is already taking toll on political decisions, if LE is driven by people who only consider their personal well beings, and misuse their power for this sort of thing, then we might as well get out the hanging ropes and the Ku-Klux-Klan gear, and turn the clocks back 200 years. That worries me.

As far as justice for SB CB MM, and their relatives goes, there will never be justice for them, because, in a wider sense, someone has forced their own justice upon them. That is exactly what some people in LE seem to want, self justice. If the boys had grown up, they could have well become the WM3 themselves.

I also enjoy the feeling that there are other people who think along the same lines as myself, and the people who look at things from a different angle, there is so much to learn . I enjoy people who defend their opinions vigorously, but not fanatically. I have learned that it is not possible to reason with fanatics.

I don't think I will ever see the truth in this case, but for the sake of the children from tomorrow, I will keep on shouting, we need change, and that takes a long long time.
I am still here because I truly believe this case will eventually be solved. As with other cold cases which have been solved even 35 years old and older, there is always a possibility of confessions either by the killer(s) or confessions from others who had provided false alibis and can no longer live with the burden of this knowledge. I also still believe there is evidence to be found in that area and especially further out in the pipes area. A great deal of interest has been generated from the cold case television shows and these may even prompt people to recall important information in this case. I think with a newer police force, there may be less reluctance than the previous police department's resolve that only the WM3 did this horrific crime. I just believe that the more people who discuss this case, the greater chance there is to solve it. People looking at this case from different and unusual angles will most certainly help. The main reason that I am still discussing this case is likely the same as everyone else - such a horrible crime against 3 young boys and wanting justice for this unconscionable inhuman act. I do believe the truth will come out eventually. JMO
Public pressure would be one way to force the government as well as police officials to publicly set out the evidence in this case including all information they have that has never been provided to the public. Instead of the crowd funding campaigns perhaps a campaign to have this occur is possible. Pressure from the public usually leads to changes and more information on cases that were never shown before. There is a tremendous amount of interest out there and of course on this website especially that could perhaps start something like this, unless it has already been started and I am not aware of it. JMO
Public pressure would be one way to force the government as well as police officials to publicly set out the evidence in this case including all information they have that has never been provided to the public. Instead of the crowd funding campaigns perhaps a campaign to have this occur is possible. Pressure from the public usually leads to changes and more information on cases that were never shown before. There is a tremendous amount of interest out there and of course on this website especially that could perhaps start something like this, unless it has already been started and I am not aware of it. JMO

I agree that public pressure would make "something" happen, but I feel strongly that it would have to come from Arkansans. Unfortunately, politics are involved now, and the only was I believe we will see the truth come out is if it is politically expedient for someone to have the truth come out. I'm still not sure why Arkansas officials are so averse to having the truth known in this case, but they sure seem to be averse to it. Something has to change to change their attitudes. Maybe it will require new officials in an upcoming election. Maybe it will require the death of whoever it is who is thwarting the release of the truth. Maybe it will require something that I can't fathom at this time. Hopefully, it will happen so. I will never give up - never!
Nothing will happen. They love the money they made from this and still are about this case. There will be NO exoneration, NO pardon, NO new trial. It's over...
Dare I ask that if you think that, then why are you still here? In your view 'Elvis has left the building' and it is time to go home and plan the next gig you want to go to. :eek: :seeya:
Dare I ask that if you think that, then why are you still here? In your view 'Elvis has left the building' and it is time to go home and plan the next gig you want to go to. :eek: :seeya:

LOL:laughing: After we have sorted the WM3 Case out, our next task will be to bring Elvis back!
It's comical how snooty this place gets; simply from a difference of opinion.

Am I allowed to say that without anyone telling me to go home? :)
It's comical how snooty this place gets; simply from a difference of opinion.

Am I allowed to say that without anyone telling me to go home? :)
You need to re-read that post. Nobody was 'told to go home'.
LOL:laughing: After we have sorted the WM3 Case out, our next task will be to bring Elvis back!
Careful! Most posters here are American and a) quite a few of their countrymen lean towards believing 'conspiracy theories' about pretty well anything; b) do not 'get' English humour, let alone know how to spell it!! Anyway I had a message from Elvis pretty recently and no way does he want to get found - the money that the Colonel madefor him had been sent to an off shore account and he is enjoying his retirement. His FBI pals set him up in witness protection, plus he had some plastic surgery.

On a serious note, those 'supporters', who are still around, are here for just one simple reason. We want to see justice served in the way it is meant to be. With the focus very much on the three boys, whose lives were so tragically cut short, and for the sake of their family members and friends. This, when it happens, will also be of comfort to the three young men and their families and friends too!

A great many thought the three would never be released. It took a long time, but it happened. It flew in the face of any form of true 'justice' and, of itself, does not reflect well on due process in the state! Or other states, as I am sure it is not peculiar to Arkansas.

Some of us may even not be around to see it all resolved. It will happen one day. It will also go down in history as one of the worst examples of how socio-economic differences effect the way the law works for the poor vs the rich! Corruption is all over the world and we are lliving in cynical times and great greed can divert the moral compass of humanity. Sad.
I guess I can sugar-coat it and say I'm here for justice (which is true, to a degree), but quite honestly, I think we're all here because we are obsessed with this case in some form or another -- whether we want to admit it or not.
I guess I can sugar-coat it and say I'm here for justice (which is true, to a degree), but quite honestly, I think we're all here because we are obsessed with this case in some form or another -- whether we want to admit it or not.

It's definitely an obsession with me! I look at the garbage on Facebook about the case, and I get depressed or my blood pressure skyrockets. I've all but stopped posting there. Too many people are being misled by a certain website that shall remain nameless, but that tells lies and calls them "the truth." When a true newbie searches for information on the case, they stumble upon that piece of garbage site and are so totally misled that it's frightening! I've grown so weary of trying to counter the nonsense that I just sit on the sidelines and watch. I'm convinced that the real truth will eventually come out. Then, I'll hide and watch - again. The reason that I stay, as I said before, is for justice, but a little "I told you so" will be satisfying, too!
Jesse and Jason didn't do much, it was all Damien. Look at the current state of Jesse, living a hermit life without any contact to anybody, he wishes to be back in prison where he was taken care of.
Jesse and Jason didn't do much, it was all Damien. Look at the current state of Jesse, living a hermit life without any contact to anybody, he wishes to be back in prison where he was taken care of.

I don't think he wants to be back in prison. I think he just wants to be left alone to live his life like he was before June 3, 1993. He just wants to help his dad fix cars. His mental disability makes him squeamish about talking to the press. So, he just keeps to himself.
I don't think he wants to be back in prison. I think he just wants to be left alone to live his life like he was before June 3, 1993. He just wants to help his dad fix cars. His mental disability makes him squeamish about talking to the press. So, he just keeps to himself.
Also, I feel he has lost all trust he might have had. Initially he was led to believe if he told the police what they wanted he could go home - even if it meant lying. That got him convicted. Then he was told to tell the court what they wanted, even if part of it was a lie. That got him his freedom!

What he has learnt is that what ever he says, it gives grief to someone.

Yes, I guess I am obsessed with this case and want to see justice served. It would be bliss to see this in my life time and be able to not have to check in pretty well every day, unless not well enough, to see how things are, or are not, happening. I know I would maintain contact with those friends I have made since being a part of the various wmfree communities. But the relief of not having to worry or wonder any more if justice ever will be served! We can all dream.

We have been rather spoilt in the last seven years, especially the last 3, in that something dramatic has happened often enough to forget the long fallow periods before! This is just another such period and, for many, all that keeps us going is a sense of justice and fair play for the victims and their families. Eventually it HAS to be resolved. Just hope I am here to witness it, but when I am have a bad patch and have to admit, to myself, that the chances might not be that high. All I want is a solution so that the corrosive effects on all those directly involved can be neutralised, then they can attempt to get what is left of their lives, back on track.

ps to Compassionate Reader, if I am not around can you do a double round of 'I told you so's'? And get a double dose of satisfaction!

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