Why is the public blocked from the official Lisa Irwin FB page?

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Sep 16, 2010
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So I was on the official Lisa Irwin website, and I clicked the link to go to the FB page:


Someone please explain to me...Why I can't "like" the page? Why can I only see a few posts by the owner of pictures of Lisa? Why can't I see any past posts/discussions by other users? Why did the owner of the page--It says it is run by the Irwin/Bradley family--put these restrictions on the page?

The first anniversary will be here in 3 weeks. People are going to be searching for Lisa's name. If they can't "like" the page, they are going to exit out of it. One reason people "like" a page is get updates on the topic on their newsfeed. Didn't the website also go down during the May interviews?

Now, I haven't looked at the FB page in a while, so I don't know when these restrictions went up. I am very suspicious of the FB page essentially being blocked from the public very soon before the anniversary.

One more thing...When I search for Lisa Irwin on FB, the official page does not come up. I know you can remove your profile from the search results, so I am going to assume you can do the same for pages.

So you can't find the official FB page through FB search. If you somehow find it, you can't "like" it nor can you see 99% what has been posted on it. The anniversary, which will bring renewed public and media interest is coming up. Am I the only one who sees a problem here?

Mods: I'm pretty sure we can discuss this page because it's the official page, run by the family. If not, can we have this discussion in the Parking Lot?
was it ever a page one could "like"? if not, i think you can't "like" the page b/c its not set up to be a "liked" page... it's a profile page like mine and yours are... but that still wouldn't explain why the posts are hidden to non-friends and why it's not searchable... it ALL should be public and searchable being the official fb page imo. they've also hidden the "add friend" button if one wanted to add them...

how odd (and seemingly suspect)! the way it's currently set up definitely reads like it's "for show" only... and/or the family posts there and they don't want "joe public" to see those posts/profiles...
It could be that they got a lot of hate messages and trolling. In the UK there have been a lot of cases where "trolls" have attacked similar pages and memorial pages of children (even doctoring the images of the children and sending nasty messages to their loved ones). The mother of a UK murder victim (a child) who became a victims champion had a lot of hate messages sent to her on facebook apparently.
I was thinking it was set up to be an informational page to keep people from spamming it or something. Not sure how that all works though.
was it ever a page one could "like"? if not, i think you can't "like" the page b/c its not set up to be a "liked" page... it's a profile page like mine and yours are... but that still wouldn't explain why the posts are hidden to non-friends and why it's not searchable... it ALL should be public and searchable being the official fb page imo. they've also hidden the "add friend" button if one wanted to add them...

how odd (and seemingly suspect)! the way it's currently set up definitely reads like it's "for show" only... and/or the family posts there and they don't want "joe public" to see those posts/profiles...


:rocker: Exactly : it's all for SHOW ...

Also, IMO, very "suspect" and "telling" ...

I really doubt that trolls found the page, when the case hasn't been in the news in months. Do you really think those types of people have a missing baby on their minds? I looked at the comments a month ago, and they were fine.
I really doubt that trolls found the page, when the case hasn't been in the news in months. Do you really think those types of people have a missing baby on their minds? I looked at the comments a month ago, and they were fine.

I cannot speak for the US, but in the UK there have been a lot of cases where people have actively sought out this sort of page to put abuse on. Most of the cases I had not heard of until the troll was arrested, although soem had been in the media at the time of the persons's death. It is really sick and does not appear to happen to just cases that were in the media. As I said no idea if this is the case in the US, but if the same sort of thing happens then I woudl nto blame the family for moderating who can join the group.
Well, if trolls "took over" the page, it would have to be a lot of them to get the page blocked. Now Lisa hasn't been in the news for months, the page was fine a month ago, plus I did searches on Twitter and Tumblr, and there is barely any mention of Lisa, let alone any nasty ones. I've read many comments on news stories, and I don't think I have ever seen anyone saying anything nasty directed towards Lisa. She really isn't the type of victim trolls "like". Normally, the victims targeted by trolls are ones who get excessive media coverage for years or whose deaths have a Darwinism element to them. I've also noticed that trolls like to target bully victims who kill themselves; I guess they get a high out of bullying them when they are dead. Baby Lisa is "just" a baby who went missing, whose story was big for about a month. She's not really the type of victim that trolls are going to go after, especially months later. Not to mention, I haven't heard about any other high-profile victim's page being shut down due to trolls.
Hi Guys - I'm gonna lock this thread up. While I understand your frustration, this is going to turn into a bashing thread and we just are not going to go there.

facebook pages can be set up anyway someone wants. It very well could be that it is just an information page or that the parents received lots of hateful messages. It doesn't really matter, because it is what it is. We can spin all we want, but that won't help find Lisa or bring her home.


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