Why isn't the house from video being searched?

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What if this house has NOTHING to do with Caylee, but EVERYTHING to do with the ZFG lawsuit. LE would not get involved in that....maybe JH or DC or someone else has disclosed this, so no need for a search? Is this possible?
I believe that the PI meant for this tape to be released. I dont believe it was an oops on their part. So,IMO, the trouble is: you can't rule out that the PI may have been trying to muddy the waters and create reasonable doubt by filming at the house. I wouldn't doubt that they want the general public to relate the trash bags at the house to the one Caylee was found in (very easy for LE to prove one way or the other) I can't tell you how often this type of imagery is used to put a spin on cases. If the name on the mailbox fits, they'll use that too. And if they can get enough people to make a negative association and wonder why it wasn't investigated, then they've won over a juror or two. JMO.

I agree that LE probably thinks this house is smoke and mirrors for the defense. All the lying going around is making it difficult to keep things straight. All the players and their attorneys in this case wanting immunity and lying every time they open their mouths is enough to drive anyone crazy. If anything is there at that house, they will find it. Now that the public knows where it is, they will have to put it on the front burner though.
Also, LE has interviewed everyone, including talking to the psychic, so they know was told to them as to what they were looking for at the house, and why they were looking for it there. They know if it's priority.
GA said of his daughter, "She takes it to the edge, and then she pushes some more." jmo
It will be a good day when this is over and she goes off to spend her life in the darkness, where their are no cameras. The only people to lie to are the ones who are lying right back. She'll probably enjoy it. jmo ok rant over.
Bolded by me.

I agree he was looking for something specific, but he didn't seem to be looking all that hard for whatever it was. I know we have seen the whole tape, but when he slashed into some of those garbage bags, he just looked inside, he didn't dump them out and look in them too well. Just say he was looking for the Blackjack for example, if it was in the bottom of one of those bags he slashed open, he wouldn't have found it.

IMO that something specific was Caylee and/or items that are associated with Caylee.
The physic had already told him about her dream, Caylee was deceased, to look for and in garbage bags, about there being 2 garbage bags
Originally Posted by Pink Panther
I completely agree with everything you have posted! i hold LE in high regard and I hope they do the right thing here and dot their "i"s and cross their "t"s!

Thanks, Pink Panther! I do not want a techincality to trip them up later! And I do NOT want the Defense to accuse LE of not having followed up on everything they should have!

I'm completely with you on this. They need to search there with a fine tooth comb just in case. If nothings there, they've covered there arses. But I'm betting there is something to be discovered. It only stands to reason that if his tipster was right about where the body was (3 rocks & in garbage bag) that this other location also has evidence.
I agree with you Pink Panther. It is a 'cover all bases' thing. If for no other reason than to search there since the two P.I.'s had been there taping in the back yard. Seems to me that an LE report on following up on the video taken in that particular back yard would be in order. LE should have gotten a search warrant on the backyard and the inside of the house, IMO. This house was connected to a major homicide case if only by video taken by 2 questionable P.I.'s.

My late husband was retired LE, and I had 10 years in. It is very hard for me to see people being critical of LE, but I am about to be critical also. Having said that, I do think that Deputy Cain should have called his supervisor when he met Kronk there on Surburban IF Kronk had said there was a suspicious bag in the water. He should have asked his supervisor for advice because he was a rather new deputy. I believe he had 3 years or under on the job. While you cannot chase down every garbage bag a person has a 'hunch' about, the very area it was in should have had the deputy calling his supervisor in as it was so close to the Anthony home.

There are good and bad in every profession, and lazy employees in every profession. I was a 'by the book' person, and I believe Deputy Cain should have further investigated. If ever in doubt as to what to do or what the protocol should be, CALL A SUPERVISOR!!!!

I may not sound like it tonight, but I do have dreat respect for Le, the FBI, and the SA. Look at what they have had to contend with! IMO, they have done a great job overall!
*respectfully snipped*

Good Morning LaLaw, First, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Second, Thank-You for expressing EXACTLY how i feel right now.(but,way more elegantly) Having a Deep respect for all LE, SA etc... and being the "by the book" person that i am,do not want to seem critical. But, just keep thinking: Rule it out, Use it to shoot down what ever the A's try to pull, Wrap it up in a pretty bow. Hand it to the jury and get Justice for Caylee. I know that's what they want, what we want, what everyone except the A's want. Wow! sorry... didn't mean to rant. just got done listening to LA jail house tapes from July 28th.:crazy:

sorry if wrong thread to ask,

In section one of the LA jail house tapes while playing Q&A (the laughing was making my coffee not sit well) He asks her about whoever took Caylee(imaginary G family) having resources outside of florida? KC say's "Oh Ya!"
Should be doing a hundred other things today...
But, can someone PLEASE help me! Do you think she is refering to $$, like nationwide vending machine business?hmm:crazy: I know a couple pepsi machines and i'm going global, again:crazy:or "resources outside" as in home in PR? or Nothing at all and send me the name of a good shrink for attempting to read her mind.

This poor family, They are another KC casualty. Hope FBI got to them in PR.

TIA for any help.:blowkiss:
I wonder if LE is acting disinterested but actually have the house under surveillance, and are just waiting to see who shows up there? Big stretch of the imagination, but what if the "neighbors" who came over to see what the reporter and our sleuth was doing there yesterday were actually undercover LE watching that house, and who comes and goes?

I know it's a long shot but I thought about this angle because it just seems so wrong to me that nothing is being checked out there....
***Mods, please remove if not relevant***

FWIW from a friend...

Second Look @ 8718 Brackenwood Dr.
Filed under: The Anthony Case, The Caylee Anthony Murder by ************ — 74 Comments May 22, 2010
Long ago, I had a theory which I was afraid to post on the world wide web in fear of repercussion. Now I’m learning the no-holds-barred of the trade and I’m going to state clearly that this article is nothing more than speculation and the information I will refer to has been previously discussed on other sites and are in public records.
My interest is in this Gonzalez family who lived at 8718 Brackenwood Dr, Orlando, FL.
Parcel Id 13-23-30-1290-00-450
Location 8718 BRACKENWOOD DR
Millage Rate 16.4233 details
Property Use 0101
Owner Information
Mailing Address: 8718 BRACKENWOOD DR
1.First owner was Davis
2.sold to a single man by the name of Loda R. Moore, married to Lisa, who has power of atty over Loda. Docs on Loda R. Moore are found on the Orange County Site. He is stated to be part of US Military within his/wife/power of atty documents. He’s all over the internet so I’m thinking he must have been highly ranked. There’s many articles of his military career. Not a common name..Loda R. Moore.
3.Lisa Moore sells house to Noemi Gonzalez 11/90
4.Noemi sold the house to Hernan L. Gonzales/Elsa I. Gonzales (Elsa also has another middle initial Elsa A. Gonzalez.
5.Arnaldo Gonzalez-painter/misc has tax returns to that address up till 2004′ He born in 1986. Is this him?
Considering Arnaldo Gonzalez’s and Casey are the same approx. age and the fact that he and his family lived in this house since 1990, I would assume that they were most likely school mates. I have to wonder if Casey knows him.
So “Where’s Waldo” ?? ( couldn’t resist )
The business Tax records show An Arnoldo Gonzales as a contractor, misc/ painting:
Last application 2004. Tax record #1816-582951 at 8718 brackenwood dr.
1816 1816-582951 GONZALEZ ARNALDO GONZALEZ ARNALDO 9/24/2004
( Caylee was born August 9, 2005) just a thought…
The flatbed truck named “zanny”?
Arnaldo Gonzalez owned a truck registered to Ponce Waste Service Inc. The name on the truck (nick named zanny) is Ponce Waste Service Inc. The phone numebr on it is out of service as I would expect. After checking out the business name, I”m almost sure the company originated in Puerto Rico. This division hauled junk and does hazardouse waste (Freon Evauacions?) I found where Ponce Waste was sued for breach of contract in 2004. Is this why Arnaldo is MIA, missing in action? Did the entire family flee to Puerto Rico?
Focusing on this house, I also came across two women associated with this address. One DOB = 05-07-1978, the other is DOB = 10-19-1986. Again, I find a female (no name) but close to Casey’s age.
The only things so far is on Mr. Hernan L. Gonzales, his name came up on a Federal site. This Hernan l. Gonzales has an alias and has been banned from entering the US in for Drug trafficking. Info here:
U.S. Treasury – Recent OFAC Actions: 06/01/2004
ZEVALLOS GONZALES, Fernando Melciades (a.k.a. GONZALES, Hernan; a.k.a. ZEVALLOS In addition, all property and interests in property that are owned or controlled by the following and that are in, or come within, the United States (“U.S.”) or that are in, or come within, the possession or control of any U.S. person, including a foreign branch, have been blocked pending further investigation pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 598, and the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, Pub.L. 106-120, title 8, 113 Stat. 1606, 1626-1636 (codified at 21 U.S.C. 1901-1908, 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(2)(C). Although they are not now SDNTKs, their names have been integrated into OFAC’s SDN list with the descriptor “[BPI-SDNTK]” to indicate that their property and interests in property are currently blocked:
One of his aliases is Fernando Melciades. So now we have Hernan-dez and Fernan-dez. Also: ZEVALLOS GONZALES.
Whether or not Casey went to this house or not, whether there’s a fence separating this property from the school, across the street from the burial site, is not the issue. For whatever reason Dominick Casey was curious enough to take a look and so was Kathi Belich. After searching around on different sites and reading the comments, it seems there was once a new bicycle parked outside of the house in 2008 and fresh garbage bags with red ties outside. This could be an indication of some activity happening around the time Caylee went missing. And then there’s the flatbed truck named “Zanny” said to be parked there at some time along with a boat and several Pepsi machines. The rumors were rampant but along with them I found a few curious facts along the way. This house is also in close proximity to Lee Anthony’s house, so maybe Casey did visit there once or twice. Just a thought…

ALSO~ Did we know that over at Humble Opinion, Mikka is saying that Jesus Ortiz's mom's name is Zanaida and his grandmother's name is Gloria... and the plot thickens... Didn't they do a DNA analysis on Caylee and found her to be European, not Puerto Rican?
***Mods, please remove if not relevant***

FWIW from a friend...

Second Look @ 8718 Brackenwood Dr.
Filed under: The Anthony Case, The Caylee Anthony Murder by ************ — 74 Comments May 22, 2010
Long ago, I had a theory which I was afraid to post on the world wide web in fear of repercussion. Now I’m learning the no-holds-barred of the trade and I’m going to state clearly that this article is nothing more than speculation and the information I will refer to has been previously discussed on other sites and are in public records.
My interest is in this Gonzalez family who lived at 8718 Brackenwood Dr, Orlando, FL.
Parcel Id 13-23-30-1290-00-450
Location 8718 BRACKENWOOD DR
Millage Rate 16.4233 details
Property Use 0101
Owner Information
Mailing Address: 8718 BRACKENWOOD DR
1.First owner was Davis
2.sold to a single man by the name of Loda R. Moore, married to Lisa, who has power of atty over Loda. Docs on Loda R. Moore are found on the Orange County Site. He is stated to be part of US Military within his/wife/power of atty documents. He’s all over the internet so I’m thinking he must have been highly ranked. There’s many articles of his military career. Not a common name..Loda R. Moore.
3.Lisa Moore sells house to Noemi Gonzalez 11/90
4.Noemi sold the house to Hernan L. Gonzales/Elsa I. Gonzales (Elsa also has another middle initial Elsa A. Gonzalez.
5.Arnaldo Gonzalez-painter/misc has tax returns to that address up till 2004′ He born in 1986. Is this him?
Considering Arnaldo Gonzalez’s and Casey are the same approx. age and the fact that he and his family lived in this house since 1990, I would assume that they were most likely school mates. I have to wonder if Casey knows him.
So “Where’s Waldo” ?? ( couldn’t resist )
The business Tax records show An Arnoldo Gonzales as a contractor, misc/ painting:
Last application 2004. Tax record #1816-582951 at 8718 brackenwood dr.
1816 1816-582951 GONZALEZ ARNALDO GONZALEZ ARNALDO 9/24/2004
( Caylee was born August 9, 2005) just a thought…
The flatbed truck named “zanny”?
Arnaldo Gonzalez owned a truck registered to Ponce Waste Service Inc. The name on the truck (nick named zanny) is Ponce Waste Service Inc. The phone numebr on it is out of service as I would expect. After checking out the business name, I”m almost sure the company originated in Puerto Rico. This division hauled junk and does hazardouse waste (Freon Evauacions?) I found where Ponce Waste was sued for breach of contract in 2004. Is this why Arnaldo is MIA, missing in action? Did the entire family flee to Puerto Rico?
Focusing on this house, I also came across two women associated with this address. One DOB = 05-07-1978, the other is DOB = 10-19-1986. Again, I find a female (no name) but close to Casey’s age.
The only things so far is on Mr. Hernan L. Gonzales, his name came up on a Federal site. This Hernan l. Gonzales has an alias and has been banned from entering the US in for Drug trafficking. Info here:
U.S. Treasury – Recent OFAC Actions: 06/01/2004
ZEVALLOS GONZALES, Fernando Melciades (a.k.a. GONZALES, Hernan; a.k.a. ZEVALLOS In addition, all property and interests in property that are owned or controlled by the following and that are in, or come within, the United States (“U.S.”) or that are in, or come within, the possession or control of any U.S. person, including a foreign branch, have been blocked pending further investigation pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 598, and the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, Pub.L. 106-120, title 8, 113 Stat. 1606, 1626-1636 (codified at 21 U.S.C. 1901-1908, 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(2)(C). Although they are not now SDNTKs, their names have been integrated into OFAC’s SDN list with the descriptor “[BPI-SDNTK]” to indicate that their property and interests in property are currently blocked:
One of his aliases is Fernando Melciades. So now we have Hernan-dez and Fernan-dez. Also: ZEVALLOS GONZALES.
Whether or not Casey went to this house or not, whether there’s a fence separating this property from the school, across the street from the burial site, is not the issue. For whatever reason Dominick Casey was curious enough to take a look and so was Kathi Belich. After searching around on different sites and reading the comments, it seems there was once a new bicycle parked outside of the house in 2008 and fresh garbage bags with red ties outside. This could be an indication of some activity happening around the time Caylee went missing. And then there’s the flatbed truck named “Zanny” said to be parked there at some time along with a boat and several Pepsi machines. The rumors were rampant but along with them I found a few curious facts along the way. This house is also in close proximity to Lee Anthony’s house, so maybe Casey did visit there once or twice. Just a thought…

ALSO~ Did we know that over at Humble Opinion, Mikka is saying that Jesus Ortiz's mom's name is Zanaida and his grandmother's name is Gloria... and the plot thickens... Didn't they do a DNA analysis on Caylee and found her to be European, not Puerto Rican?

Thanks for posting..
I know the Thread discussing this house is CLOSED and Very Long...
I believe we have that info posted in the Thread that is closed, Here is the link to that Thread

Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

I have read that and when the rumours started flying in 2008 the Family( through a Lawyer I believe) made a state and DENIED Jesus had a relationship with Casey...
Not saying that Casey did not use the names of his family members in order to create her Fictional other life...that she did...she used bits and pieces of info from those she knew to create NEW People..
Thanks for posting..
I know the Thread discussing this house is CLOSED and Very Long...
I believe we have that info posted in the Thread that is closed, Here is the link to that Thread

Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

I have read that and when the rumours started flying in 2008 the Family( through a Lawyer I believe) made a state and DENIED Jesus had a relationship with Casey...
Not saying that Casey did not use the names of his family members in order to create her Fictional other life...that she did...she used bits and pieces of info from those she knew to create NEW People..

Thank you! :)

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