Why so many near truths?

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Aug 3, 2008
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I have been lurking for quite some time and just finally decided to jump in.

It seems to be the consensus that most WSers believe that Casey is lying about most things.

From reading here there are so many "near" truths for lack of a better term...

1. Zanny given an addy that is not hers, but one she looked at at one time and is connected to others

2. Correct name for Zanny's mother

3. Correct streets, wrong blocks

I am sure there are more, that is just what is on the top of my head at the moment. Why do you suppose there are so many near truths in this case?

Also, how would she ever in a million years know that Zanny had looked at the 210 apartment?


I for one am leaning towards there being a lot of truth in what she is saying, but that she can't come right out and say it.

Think about it. She was with a very strange group. There are so many interconections in this bunch. There are connections to drinking, drugs are sure tobe close behind.

What if she was privy to a crime, she knew that someone knew that she knew, and she got Caylee the heck out of dodge for her own protection.

This could explain the dogs hitting on the car and her saying that she is okay.

Can we add the "near" truths that have been uncovered that you are aware of here? I think with this is all said and done it will be very interesting to look back and see where she was close to telling the truth.
I spent the night with my ill daughter last night and we watched a movie called Gone Baby Gone. It was based on a kidnapping of a young child and the search for her. It had many twists and turns and the clincher wasn't the expected. I wonder if this movie wasn't a basis for developing a story to associate with Caylee?

Most kidnappings are not as bizarre as the movie or the real life aspect of Caylee. Yet, in both there are drug connections and irresponsible mothers. The movie weaved a lot of fabrication but not unlike what I have read about this case.

There is also a very darkside to human nature as we have witnessed over and over. No one is exempt...from mothers to fathers to brothers or sisters to children to unsubs. The bigger problem is not recognizing and allowing innocent people to fall victim. As a society with free will this will continue to be a problem unless education takes hold and fear is left at the doorstep.
I just dont think she'd be willing to sit in jail for someone else's crime. If this were the case, she would have spoken the real truth a long time ago.
Fear is an awful big motivating factor. We do not know if she has spoke the truth or not. I have known local cases where LE has asked someone to play along until they get the info or person that they need.

All of this negative PR and speculation on Casey takes the focus off of what else could have happened.

I do not think she is innocent, I just do not think she is guilty of hurting her dd. In an instant she could have left Caylee with her parents, she seemed to have no problem doing that in the past, why stop now?
If there is any real danger, then why wasn't Casey hurt or at least even one of her drinking buddies. Surely some of them have a cute little brother or sister, nieces, rich parents, etc. Not one other person is in any danger and no one is contacting any news agencies about shady dealings or characters involved with anyone.
I just dont think she'd be willing to sit in jail for someone else's crime. If this were the case, she would have spoken the real truth a long time ago.


If not the first 31 days then for sure once she had the FBI on the case.

And IF she's really protecting Caylee &/or her family from dangerous people why announce that she told her mother everything already & she just has to put it all together to solve the riddle?

Nope. She's not holding bad info.... she's procrastinating.... either because she hopes they never find a body OR because she really is dumb enough to believe if she stalls long enough people will just throw up their hands in frustration & let her go on her merry way.
Great thread idea! Here is another very baffling near-truth: The last known sighting of Caylee: June 8 or June 15?

On the night of the 911 call, July 16, Casey said she had not seen Caylee in 31 days. That would be June 15. Yet, Cindy reported to the 911 operator that Caylee had been missing since June 8. That information went out on the website and fliers, and, as of a couple of days ago, had never been corrected. Even though LE went to Cindy on the night before Casey's 'First' bond hearing, and pointed out that Cindy herself had videotaped Caylee visiting with Cindy's father on Father's Day, June 15.
This all came out at the bond hearing, and Cindy explained to a reporter as she left the hearing that the reason she was so certain of the June 8 date was that it was her last day of vacation from work. I'm sure LE has her work schedule. Wish we knew for sure.

As far as we know, Cindy is actually the last person to have been documented with Caylee. On Father's Day, June 15. It could have been a simple calendar error, due to momentary confusion, at first, but why did the June 8 date go on so long without correction? I know I would have wracked my brain to pinpoint the precise moment I had last laid eyes on that baby, what she was wearing, every possible detail would have been given to investigators. I would have also called and begged everyone who had ever met the child to do the same. No one, except the girls who thought they saw her at the mall, has provided any of these critical details. Cindy simply told us to imagine that Caylee was a blonde. Oooookaaay.

I think there is some near truth to the idea that Caylee's actual date to go missing has been made-up. As a cover for finding the real truth. JMO.
I spent the night with my ill daughter last night and we watched a movie called Gone Baby Gone. It was based on a kidnapping of a young child and the search for her. It had many twists and turns and the clincher wasn't the expected. I wonder if this movie wasn't a basis for developing a story to associate with Caylee?

Most kidnappings are not as bizarre as the movie or the real life aspect of Caylee. Yet, in both there are drug connections and irresponsible mothers. The movie weaved a lot of fabrication but not unlike what I have read about this case.

There is also a very darkside to human nature as we have witnessed over and over. No one is exempt...from mothers to fathers to brothers or sisters to children to unsubs. The bigger problem is not recognizing and allowing innocent people to fall victim. As a society with free will this will continue to be a problem unless education takes hold and fear is left at the doorstep.
Concidentally I also watched that movie last night CP. Interestingly it originally came out around when Madeleine Mcann went missing. All I could think of was poor Madeleine when I first saw it and then of course the parallels to Caylee when I watched it last night.

Regarding the near truths, I think there is probably a grain of truth in most of Casey's stories. I think she uses them as a foundation for her lies and builds from there. This adds to the frustration to those of us that think logically because we want to make sense of her nonsense. Using bits and pieces of the truth makes it seem to us as though there could be some logic as we pull out the sensical pieces, because we are rational thinkers sifting through irrational material.
But it is an exercise in frustration when dealing with a pathological liar.
Fear is an awful big motivating factor.

I agree - such as fear of being blamed and fear of taking responsibility. Even her own friends say she is a pathological liar. You don't get a reputation for that overnight.

I don't believe in the concept of "near truths." It's just lying. Lots of criminals sift the truth and may even enjoy playing cat and mouse games with the police. We see it over and over again, but that doesn't mean they are telling anything like the actual truth. They are just bending the truth to suit their own selfish aim of not being blamed for anything, even if they are guilty.

Everything we know about this girl speaks volumes that she liked to shove the responsibility for things off on someone else - her parents or some imaginary Nanny.

She did not seem too afraid when her mother called the police - why not? She wasn't afraid to answer questions in the jail - why not? Well . . . she's already rationalized that someone else is to blame, but only in her own mind.

She's the one who never called the cops when her daughter went missing - that is not normal. Most people who were that afraid would have been seeking help after one day, not thirty days. Most people would have been a basket case after 10 minutes of not knowing where their child was.
I could understand Fear.
Casey and her" fear factor " makes me wonder for several reasons.
She is in police custody now.
So the FBI also is/may be involved
what is there to fear?

And how long will this kidnapping go on?
Let's assume for a short time that
Casey may believe her girl is kidnapped,somebody may have harmed her and made up that story?
To make her keep her mouth shut?
That makes sense.
But the story about ZFG the babysitter does not.

So I think perhaps she is also being lied to by whomever really did this horrible thing to Caylee.

real names?
real times?
lies galore?
hard to believe one thing Casey says really..but...
she may really not know any more than anybody else.
The problems with thinking that Caylee is okay and that Casey knows it are legion:

1) Where is Caylee that no one on earth has seen her and is willing to come forward after all this time and media exposure? Surely by now it is safe. I mean, really, NO ONE has seen her or noticed someone who didn't have a little girl before and now they do?

2) Now that LE is involved and everyone on earth knows that LE is involved, what would the risk be for the people who have Caylee to come forward? Casey would be immediately released from jail and all efforts could be put towards keeping the family safe while they hunt down whomever they are hiding from.

3) *and this is the most important one* I don't care how safe you KNOW your child is, any mother would be itching and worrying to check on their baby after this long. Since they are monitoring Casey's communication, it is pretty safe to say that she has no idea if Caylee is really still okay. What if she is sick? Or crying for her mommy? Or has fallen and hurt herself? Or whatever. There is no way that a truly worried mother could be out partying like she was in those pics or chatting calmly on the phone, even if she was positive Caylee was in good hands. She would have been constantly worried that the people she was afraid of would find her. And yet she is calm and fine and was able to go out with her friends until they locked her *advertiser censored* up.

No freakin way. She knows where Caylee is b/c she put her there. She knows Caylee isn't sick or crying for Mommy b/c Caylee is dead and Casey killed her.

There. I said it. That's what I think happened. It's just my opinion, and isn't worth a damn to anyone but me, but as a mother I don't see any other logical explanation for what I am witnessing. Her lawyers can tap dance all they want, but I ain't buying.
CuriousMind: Also, how would she ever in a million years know that Zanny had looked at the 210 apartment?

Nedthan: That's the million dollar question and the only lie that checked out to be semi-truthful. There really was a Zenadia that looked at that apartment. So this is what really casts suspecion and leaves the door open for all sorts of crazy theories IMO. There certainly WAS a Zenaida that looked at that apartment and they tracked her down and she says she doesn't know Casey. Casey even confirmed to LE that it wasn't her. So just HOW DID Casey know this person looked at that apartment? I wonder if Casey had access to the apartment records?
I have a real problem with the kidnapping theory, for several reasons. If you believe that the child really was kidnapped, then you have to ask who would have done it and why. There's no proof the nanny exists, which means Casey made up the whole story about dropping her off with the nanny and not being able to find her again. So, if someone else really kidnapped Caylee, why not at least tell the truth about how it really happened? Or, if you're really that afraid for her, tell the police you are too scared to tell them. But don't make up a whole song and dance about the nanny so that no one believes you about anything.

If Casey stumbled into something she shouldn't have (which I don't personally believe) and Caylee was kidnapped to keep her quiet, why not just kidnap Casey or kill her? Then you know for sure she couldn't tell what she knows. I just don't see kidnappers choosing to take a 3 year old who would be a lot of trouble when they could just take the mother and know she would be quiet.
So just HOW DID Casey know this person looked at that apartment? I wonder if Casey had access to the apartment records?

It's all just speculation at this point, but we know "a" Zenaida Gonzalez that had her house broken into in June. Perhaps this is the same ZG that viewed the apartment. Maybe someone Casey knows had stolen ZG's identity- possibly related to the break-in. And this person told Casey about looking at the apt. as "ZG". So, if that were the case, it's not like this friend is going to come forward and say "oh yeah, Casey knew about that because I stole ZG's identity".
The problems with thinking that Caylee is okay and that Casey knows it are legion:

1) Where is Caylee that no one on earth has seen her and is willing to come forward after all this time and media exposure? Surely by now it is safe. I mean, really, NO ONE has seen her or noticed someone who didn't have a little girl before and now they do?

2) Now that LE is involved and everyone on earth knows that LE is involved, what would the risk be for the people who have Caylee to come forward? Casey would be immediately released from jail and all efforts could be put towards keeping the family safe while they hunt down whomever they are hiding from.

3) *and this is the most important one* I don't care how safe you KNOW your child is, any mother would be itching and worrying to check on their baby after this long. Since they are monitoring Casey's communication, it is pretty safe to say that she has no idea if Caylee is really still okay. What if she is sick? Or crying for her mommy? Or has fallen and hurt herself? Or whatever. There is no way that a truly worried mother could be out partying like she was in those pics or chatting calmly on the phone, even if she was positive Caylee was in good hands. She would have been constantly worried that the people she was afraid of would find her. And yet she is calm and fine and was able to go out with her friends until they locked her *advertiser censored* up.

No freakin way. She knows where Caylee is b/c she put her there. She knows Caylee isn't sick or crying for Mommy b/c Caylee is dead and Casey killed her.

There. I said it. That's what I think happened. It's just my opinion, and isn't worth a damn to anyone but me, but as a mother I don't see any other logical explanation for what I am witnessing. Her lawyers can tap dance all they want, but I ain't buying.

Agreed! Casey is not in the least bit worried that they will find Caley, she thinks that however she disposed of the body no one will find her.
It has been over a month since this little girl has gone missing, if Casey dumped her in a dumpster there would be no way of finding her now.

In her sick mind I am sure she thinks if they do not find her then there is nothing they can do to her. Like someone else mentioned there is no way any mother would be acting so unemotional if there child was REALLY missing! Her non reaction speaks volumes! JMHO
<<And IF she's really protecting Caylee &/or her family from dangerous people why announce that she told her mother everything already & she just has to put it all together to solve the riddle?>>

I think you're absolutely right. "Solve the riddle" .... what a load of BS. In my opinion, that baby is gone and Casey Anthony darn well knows it. Her little game can't go on forever. Law enforcement will eventually come up with something. If they haven't already. I'm beginning to think they already have the DNA results back and they know what everyone else already suspects. They aren't going to release the findings before they do everything in their power to locate the remains. Just my opinion.
And another thing, this stupid little game she and her family are playing is really getting old. Her mother is something else, too. The nerve of her to say to the public, "get off your *advertiser censored**es and look for my granddaughter" .... somebody should remind her the public wouldn't have to get off their "*advertiser censored**es" if HER daughter hadn't "misplaced" her child.
[Yes that get off your *advertiser censored** remark was really know way for Cindy to talk to the very people that want to help her find Caylee.
What gets me is Cindy has said she went to visit Casey in :behindbar and didn't even ask questions about Caylee, maybe she should get off her *advertiser censored** and stop enabling her daughter and make her answer some hard questions.
I truely believe that family is affraid of upsetting there selfish daughter because then she will really turn on them. /SIZE]

Hopefully the Le will soon tell us what they really know........:confused:
(Re: CuriousMind: Also, how would she ever in a million years know that Zanny had looked at the 210 apartment?)

Just a thought. Do the Sawgrass Apartments have a lobby with the super's office? When I pay rent/talk to a landlord, etc., there is an office. On the office is often lots of documents, (repair orders, rent owing orders, viewing notices). All you have to do is look and see a name to remember it. Especially a seasoned liar such as Miss Casey.

It can also be as easy as reading a local paper. Lying around at home, on the floor, used for packing, used for a cat's litter box, ANYTHING. It doesn't take much to see something and commit it to memory. And like many posters have said, Zenaida Gonzalez is NOT an uncommon name. In my database at work (Avon type company), there are no less than 3 ZG and 2 Zenaida Fernandez's Marketing Executives. (Not necessarily in Florida, but in the DB none the less)
It's all just speculation at this point, but we know "a" Zenaida Gonzalez that had her house broken into in June. Perhaps this is the same ZG that viewed the apartment. Maybe someone Casey knows had stolen ZG's identity- possibly related to the break-in. And this person told Casey about looking at the apt. as "ZG". So, if that were the case, it's not like this friend is going to come forward and say "oh yeah, Casey knew about that because I stole ZG's identity".

Dang, that's a really good theory!
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