Why take "rocks" into evidence??

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Did I read that LE said that the "toys" did not belong to Caylee because they have been in her house and seen her toys?
If that is what they said I would think that toys found in the water today would not be toys that anyone would see at the A's home for the simple fact that the toys found were already removed from the house before LE searched the house. If KC buried/hid toys of Caylee's with her body in July then LE would never have seen these toys - so how could they state so quickly that these are not part of the case?

lol good point! How would LE know they weren't Caylee's if they had never seen them since they were in the A's house after these toys would have already been gone and in the water???
"BOSINSKI: I was actually the initial diver who found the garbage bag, which was underneath the piece of concrete that had that little what we assumed to be a clover, a four-leafed clover. Come to find out once the FBI got here and forensics teams got here, they broke it apart and it came to be a small Gumby, Gumby magnet.

GRACE: But it was a child`s toy, but you`re saying it was in a garbage bag weighted down with a cement block?

BOSINSKI: Yes, ma`am. The garbage bag was ripped -- when I found it down underneath the silt, from what I could tell and by what I could feel, the garbage bag was partially closed. And as I pulled it up, I didn`t realize there was concrete in it. And as I got it up to the surface, I realized that there was actually something weighing in it, and I tried to do the best I could to preserve it. But in these type of conditions it`s extremely -- extremely hard to be able to control everything..."

This was the thing that made me hold my breath. Nothing comes to mind when I try to imagine why someone would throw a garbage bag of small toys into a river and weigh it down with a brick, cement block (or a paver anyone?). And nothing comes to mind when I try to imagine why LE would be POed about the media being there first if it were really nothing. Why wouldn't they just say it was nothing and leave? Instead they get all pissy, ask LP to take a poly, take the "nothing" into evidence, and issue a statement to the press about the "nothing." I'm sorry, but accusing LP of "calling the media" is a little silly when we ALL know that the press has been camped out at BP for days.

Maybe it really isn't anything. Casey's (non)reaction makes me wonder - since she acted so calm, maybe they are WAAAAAY off base and not even close to Caylee's body.

And even if it weren't Caylee, like a previous poster said, how do they know it isn't related to Trenton or another case? Who weighs toys down in a river???

Personally I think LE screwed up by not staying completely calm and saying, "Thanks, it's probably nothing but we appreciate the support. We'd never have found this without the BW divers. We'll test it just to be sure. See ya!" The spirit of cooperation seems to be draining away.
I saw NG but that was the extent of the coverage in my area. Did anyone actually hear what LE said at the scene? Was it reported by quote in Florida? My Aunt scouts for archeology, and I'm telling you I would NEVER think some of the things she picks up have value. They all look like rocks to me. I have a hard time believing that anyone, even LE, could eyeball something and know with certainty that it is not a toe bone. How many of them have actually seen a child's toe bone that has been submersed for 5 months? I don't believe they found Caylee. Mostly because I don't think KC put that much thought or effort into her daughter's disposal. However, I also can't imagine why anyone would weigh down a garbage bag, full of what looked like happy meal toys, and sink it in a river unless they wanted to be sure it sis not surface. Those involved in this case may not agree with each others methods, but they have to agree on the goal and therefore should find a way to support one another!
Yes they took "rocks" into found evidence!

And the twists and turns continue to come forth in this case...

Taking 'rocks' into evidence sure is odd. I'm trying to recall what the situation was when Laci was found. I don't believe we had any exact info until a few days later. But we all knew the sad truth there since Connor was the first to be found. :(

I still believe Caylee will make herself known when the time is right. I can't believe that she'll never be found. It's just to unbearable.
This was the thing that made me hold my breath. Nothing comes to mind when I try to imagine why someone would throw a garbage bag of small toys into a river and weigh it down with a brick, cement block (or a paver anyone?). And nothing comes to mind when I try to imagine why LE would be POed about the media being there first if it were really nothing. Why wouldn't they just say it was nothing and leave? Instead they get all pissy, ask LP to take a poly, take the "nothing" into evidence, and issue a statement to the press about the "nothing." I'm sorry, but accusing LP of "calling the media" is a little silly when we ALL know that the press has been camped out at BP for days.

Maybe it really isn't anything. Casey's (non)reaction makes me wonder - since she acted so calm, maybe they are WAAAAAY off base and not even close to Caylee's body.

And even if it weren't Caylee, like a previous poster said, how do they know it isn't related to Trenton or another case? Who weighs toys down in a river???

Personally I think LE screwed up by not staying completely calm and saying, "Thanks, it's probably nothing but we appreciate the support. We'd never have found this without the BW divers. We'll test it just to be sure. See ya!" The spirit of cooperation seems to be draining away.

Good post. ITA. :clap:
Ok so to add a little more confusion to this mess here we go...
Murt just said live that yes they did take the toys, yes there was a shamrock,yes one thing they took was a bone. Man this day has given me such a headache! Murt was right there with LP and the divers when this all started so he saw everything happening. I would really like to know which it is, nothing/rocks/bones, and the toys took/left them gessh which is it?

Either somebody is wrong, or somebody's lying.
This was the thing that made me hold my breath. Nothing comes to mind when I try to imagine why someone would throw a garbage bag of small toys into a river and weigh it down with a brick, cement block (or a paver anyone?). And nothing comes to mind when I try to imagine why LE would be POed about the media being there first if it were really nothing. Why wouldn't they just say it was nothing and leave? Instead they get all pissy, ask LP to take a poly, take the "nothing" into evidence, and issue a statement to the press about the "nothing." I'm sorry, but accusing LP of "calling the media" is a little silly when we ALL know that the press has been camped out at BP for days.

Maybe it really isn't anything. Casey's (non)reaction makes me wonder - since she acted so calm, maybe they are WAAAAAY off base and not even close to Caylee's body.

And even if it weren't Caylee, like a previous poster said, how do they know it isn't related to Trenton or another case? Who weighs toys down in a river???

Personally I think LE screwed up by not staying completely calm and saying, "Thanks, it's probably nothing but we appreciate the support. We'd never have found this without the BW divers. We'll test it just to be sure. See ya!" The spirit of cooperation seems to be draining away.

It appears you and I had the same feelings regarding weighing down a bag of toys. I didn't realize the bag was partially open though. I KNOW KC would never have put the effort forth to dismember Caylee and it makes me ill just considering it. So I have been trying to rectify the possibility of 'parts' being found.

Let's just recall the storm going through and the water rising. Along with that we have stronger currents. Anything large and near an opening in the bag could easily be carried away. With the bag lighter and less bulky, it's possibly the silt just began settling on top until the bag was completely covered.

It could be nothing. OR it could be everything. I just want her found.
Oddly, Fox35 Orlando reported this morning that the 'rocks' were determined to be animal bones....no link yet. Either Fox is mis-reporting or ???
I believe that Casey put Caylee in the trunk of the car with those toys. Caylee died and Casey freaked. By the time she decided to get Caylee out of the car, the toys smelled of decomp as well. So she put all of it in garabage bag. The chloroform, I believe was used to clean up the trunk but it didn't get it all, hence the smell later.

I believe the people that were on the scene and said they found toys, a shamrock charms, bricks and bones. I think LE is just doing damage control until they are sure that it is Caylee. Why else would they take these things?! Murt and others have said yes in fact they did take things. So why lie? Maybe to keep the public at bay while they find out what they actually have. They need to protect the Anthony's when Caylee is found otherwise they might get hurt by mob mentality. jmo
lol good point! How would LE know they weren't Caylee's if they had never seen them since they were in the A's house after these toys would have already been gone and in the water???

I caught that too. There is no way they can possibly know the toys are not Caylee's and if they are relying on what Cindy has told them, they can forget it.
I just do not see KC putting toys in a bag with her. She left her favorite doll in the car didn't she? You would think KC would have tossed the doll and the car seat if she was going to make believe she was with a "nanny" or whatever. My girls never went to the sitters without there favorite baby doll. Also, if anyone other than the sitter took the girls where ever, I had to give them the car seat.

I wonder what went thru KC's mind when she saw on TV that they had "found" something? But then again, she will just say someone else killed her as will her parents.

I want this whole circus to be over with.
It appears you and I had the same feelings regarding weighing down a bag of toys. I didn't realize the bag was partially open though. I KNOW KC would never have put the effort forth to dismember Caylee and it makes me ill just considering it. So I have been trying to rectify the possibility of 'parts' being found.

Let's just recall the storm going through and the water rising. Along with that we have stronger currents. Anything large and near an opening in the bag could easily be carried away. With the bag lighter and less bulky, it's possibly the silt just began settling on top until the bag was completely covered.

It could be nothing. OR it could be everything. I just want her found.

I don't know if the bag was open or if it ripped. Did it rip when it was being brought up or was it already torn apart by a storm, the current, gators, time - or all of the above? The small pieces might be all that was trapped in a section of the bag by the pavers, while the rest washed away.

Like you, I am not ready to pass judgement yet. And I don't even know what to hope for.

Oddly, Fox35 Orlando reported this morning that the 'rocks' were determined to be animal bones....no link yet. Either Fox is mis-reporting or ???

Really? If this is true, then it really does make you wonder. Tim was so dismissive last night on NG, calling them "rocks," and that one reporter even used the word "hoax." If they are animal bones, then I guess those divers aren't so dumb after all. Or maybe this is OCSOs spin on the many statements like, "It didn't look like rocks to me."
It appears you and I had the same feelings regarding weighing down a bag of toys. I didn't realize the bag was partially open though. I KNOW KC would never have put the effort forth to dismember Caylee and it makes me ill just considering it. So I have been trying to rectify the possibility of 'parts' being found.

Let's just recall the storm going through and the water rising. Along with that we have stronger currents. Anything large and near an opening in the bag could easily be carried away. With the bag lighter and less bulky, it's possibly the silt just began settling on top until the bag was completely covered.

It could be nothing. OR it could be everything. I just want her found.

Didn't the bag have evidence of animal tampering? That might explain only parts of bones being found.
Murt is not the only one saying they did take things with them and they were bones and blah blah blah, just the last oe i heard before bed. Guess we will just have to wait and see in the end what is true :(
I don't know if the bag was open or if it ripped. Did it rip when it was being brought up or was it already torn apart by a storm, the current, gators, time - or all of the above? The small pieces might be all that was trapped in a section of the bag by the pavers, while the rest washed away. <respectfully snipped>

Good points. Could be many reasons for the tear in the bag. The whole thing just seems very strange so I won't dismiss it until we can be sure. And I won't buy LE's excuses right away either. Not that I have no respect for them, because I respect LE very highly for the work they are doing in this case, but after following many cases I know (and I know tons of other WSers know too) that LE will mislead in situations like these. I'm curious as to what exactly the cement which weighted the bag was. Was it pavers? Because we do know the A's put landscaping pavers down in July. She couldn't be that stupid. Could she? :rolleyes:

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