Why This case Is So Popular ??

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My hope is, that more people will get more involved each and every time a child goes missing after this thing is over.

I think all of us hope this as well, but as I have seen over the years, a few will stay, many will lurk, and even more will move on.
I wondered the same thing about the Scott Peterson case. He wasn't the first and, unfortunately, won't be the last, husband to murder his pregnant wife. Casey is not the first, and won't be the last, mother to murder her child - assuming that's what happened. Didn't someone recently post a statistic stating that in 51% of cases where a child is murdered, the mother is the killer? I'm sure there are many ongoing cases across the nation at this very moment of missing children whose parents are POI in their disappearance. The media is not filming their homes 24/7. Nancy isn't covering those cases in depth every evening. Protesters aren't in front of their homes yelling out profanities at all hours of the day and night.

So, why this case?

I'm not criticizing anyone here for their interest - I'm right here too - but what is it that makes this case different? Why so much interest in this particular case when the "missing" forum is filled with cases of missing children that are getting very little attention?
Other cases are stalled and quit getting any attention by the media after awhile if they ever got any. I'm still just as interested as ever in a missing woman case in my town, but it's not getting any attention any more either and the POI is walking around free as a bird. This case is still active and involves such bizarre things. The lies, the thefts, the family, and all the outsiders like LP and the protesters keep it going and of course, wanting to see a little toddler found and the guilty brought to justice.
This case has enthralled me because I had my son when I was only 21. I can relate to Casey wanting to go out and party and hang with her friends, but having to be a mom at the same time. I can relate to the challenges of dealing with parents parenting you and parenting your child and struggling to find a balance. I can relate to Casey not always telling the truth because as other posters have said - we have all told "lies of convenience" at some point in our lives. I don't defend any of Casey's actions. I can just relate to the situation of being a young single mom. It isn't an easy place to be (again not defending her).

Perhaps I am so involved in this case because of the fear of "what if"...what if I would have not made the choices that I did? What if I got mixed up with the wrong group of people? What if I lost/harmed/left my baby? What if...
i think because every day some different drama crap happens . you never know what your gonna get with this case .. from one day to the next now tommorrow KC may spill it or tommorrow we find out GA hit somebody with a hammer .you just never know .. the protesters remind me of garfield stick toys .. the ones you stick onto your car window they are stuck to that house just like those toys .. but they should all have a mute button .
IMO, this case has risen to the level that it has because of one thing: we know she is concealing the truth, and we (society) can't stand it. It's like in middle school when someone cuts you in line and ignors your faint attempts to get them to move. We feel cheated....we KNOW she's wrong, and *nothing* is being "done about it" (ie. an arrest), at least not yet. She's walking all over our belief that the court system punishes those who do wrong (heck I THOUGHT if you forge a check, or say, 10!! that you go to JAIL! silly me...after all thats why we have these things called LAWS, yes? but I digress...)

At best she is concealing a true tragic accident, at worst she is a monster/killer. But either way she is flaunting it in everyone's faces, and so far getting away with it. No one can get her to reveal the truth, and that is infuriating.

Add to that two parents who are staunchly standing by their daughter instead of playing the usual role of concerned grandparents, and we are furious yet again.... questioning their involvement....wondering how far they are going to protect their daughter. The truth should prevail! But ah, it seems that this family is choosing to ignore that in favor of their "family Bond", however strained it may be.

AND, on TOP of that, add the deep, gut-wrenching feelings of sadness for a little innocent angel who has had to pay the price for her mother's actions (or neglect) with her life, and you've got a raw, emotion-filled situation. We can't look way, we can't blink... we want the TRUTH for this little baby. She deserves at least that much.

But, as sad as this all is, the universe has a way of handling it all... justice will be done... maybe not the way we all expect, but it will be. They will each have their own Judgement Day, and until then they will have to live with what they have chosen to do. (Unfortunately, while I think CA and GA will have a hard time with this, Miss Pathological will not, which is another thing that is infurating us).

So we wait... wait for the truth to come to light... wait for the soul of a little girl to be comforted as her remains are found and laid to proper rest.... I can only hope that we will see that day.... for not knowing is just too difficult to bear. She deserves better.
I think the 31 days w/o reporting Caylee missing, plus the fact Casey is rather attractive and has slept with half the men in the county had something to do with it.

However, having said that, I think the case has gone stale, NG and others need to move on to new cases, they're repeating the same old stuff night after night, I've basically quit watching because nothing really new is happening. They need to give other cases some exposure.
At first I thought this case was popular and got media frothing because Casey was a white, middle-class woman with no record and her child was gorgeous and well taken care of....the strange mysterious nanny, the 911 calls..

But as the ugliness of her behavior came to light, it's like a car accident, you can't help but watch...and the ugliness keeps growing with everyone who is involved, there so much under the surface for this case of this missing child, besides the lies from Casey and what seems to be deception on the part of the family...along with their mentality that i've never seen in a grieving family.....like the critism (sp) of the professional search team, the bailbondsman, the incompetent atty....and of course Nancy Grace in her shiney shirts every night...(sorry i couldnt resist that)

I'm betting someone will write a book once its all over, perhaps Leonard Padilla. JMO
At first I thought this case was popular and got media frothing because Casey was a white, middle-class woman with no record and her child was gorgeous and well taken care of....the strange mysterious nanny, the 911 calls..

But as the ugliness of her behavior came to light, it's like a car accident, you can't help but watch...and the ugliness keeps growing with everyone who is involved, there so much under the surface for this case of this missing child, besides the lies from Casey and what seems to be deception on the part of the family...along with their mentality that i've never seen in a grieving familyI'm betting someone will write a book once its all over, perhaps Leonard Padilla. JMO

Yes, Casey is a bad person, but there are a lot of bad people in the world, we don't need convincing of it any more. Mainly what we are seeing is the Anthony's in fights with protestors, and endless loops of CAsey going to and from jail.
I'm not criticizing anyone here for their interest - I'm right here too - but what is it that makes this case different? Why so much interest in this particular case when the "missing" forum is filled with cases of missing children that are getting very little attention?

I believe the increasingly bizarre behavior of the entire Anthony family is what has propelled this case. They've created a media train wreck -- from Day #1, it has been pretty clear that the little girl is likely dead and her mother is likely responsible, but the family's pursuit of media attention, combined with their shifting stories and creative private reality, have kept the media involved. The family's loud statements contradicting LE, their lack of participation in the actual search, and the way they've turned negative against the folks who actually have their boots on the ground -- that's kept the attention on this case, and would have even without KC's trips in and out of the jailhouse, the bounty hunters, or the ugly protests being staged outside of the Anthony home.

(And it's ugly but true -- if the Anthony family weren't Caucasian, they wouldn't be a staple on CNN & Fox News, no matter how loopy the key players have been.)
Typically, I am drawn to certain cases because of the perps and not necessarily the victims. Granted, certain victims I identify with (Tara Grinstead... young teacher in the South - I have things in common with her). But, more often than not, I am enthralled by the sociopathic behaviors of the perps. It burns me up, but it also intrigues me. Scott Peterson was the last one that hooked me as much as this one. The lies so easily spill from their lips and I can't wait to hear more and prove them false. Yep, like a car crash in slo mo.
Some of my thoughts about what makes this case so popular:

The behavior of the players begs for continuing observation of the family. In a sense, we are peeking in the windows of a family whose skeletons are rattling out of the closets.

This is the era of the reality show. How much more real does it get? (or surreal, if you will).

Not too many years ago we would not even be posting on a discussion board. The Internet has allowed a level of involvement (even intrusion) not heretofore available to the general public.

Many of us have read mysteries, true crimes, etc. This is like hanging with the author as the story is being written. It's more than a page turner, it's a "don't have the next page yet".

One of the biggest reasons I have been able to figure out is:

Seldom do we see the perp and the victim's family bunkered together like this.

Just my opinion (humble, of course)

My opinion is because we have a beautiful little girl missing and no idea what happened. In other cases, I think it has been easier to figure it out, except Maddie, although they say her parents were eating dinner with friends which I'm sure was verified. I haven't followed that case as I have this one.

There are so many unanswered questions here. I think in the end we will have a good outcome; I hope anyway. I know not many people believe that but JMO.
I think it's because no one can actually believe the mentality of Casey and her family and there is still (a tiny, small, minute) chance that this little girl could be alive.

I think most people just want to shake her and scream at her *why the **** wont you talk, it's your 3 YEAR OLD daughter"

Everyone has someone they love and care about. Most of us know what's right from wrong, and know without a doubt what we would do, if a loved one had "gone missing". Because of this I (and I'm sure everyone else)am having serious trouble understanding why this woman would not do everything in her absolute power to find her daughter.

That's why I am so enthralled in this particular case.
I feel the same. I'd like to shake the chit out of her!! If (by a miracle) she didn't harm her daughter how can she sit so calm and do nothing? I'd be out of my mind!! Police or no Police Id run out and start searching every place I could reach.A sociopath? shes not human!! IMO.
There are millions of missing people all over the world, many of them children. What is it about Caylee's case that makes thousands of people show up to search for her and tens of thousands more follow the story as if it is about someone we know?

I know I have devoted an embarrassing amount of hours reading about Caylee, and I have never been so entranced with another criminal case in my life. Why do you think the media (and us) have poured so much into this single story?
Probably because it is just so weird!! and there are so many twists and turns...plus the media attention i would think.

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