Why? What was the motive?

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I couldn't even find the transcripts, are they still on there?

One thing they focus on a lot is how poor Darlie was "left for dead". How can they say that woman was left for dead? That one always got me, how they made her injuries seem so life threatening, that she had to crawl for the phone, was gasping for air. It didn't happen.
I couldn't even find the transcripts, are they still on there?

One thing they focus on a lot is how poor Darlie was "left for dead". How can they say that woman was left for dead? That one always got me, how they made her injuries seem so life threatening, that she had to crawl for the phone, was gasping for air. It didn't happen.

Yes the transcripts are still on there they just moved them around so these docs were staring at ya when you went to their site. I found them under the evidence portion, click on that then look to the right of the page.

Crawl to the phone my butt. Remember in one of her stories (Denise Faulk) she wakes with "him" on top of her, fights with him, starts yelling and chases him etc. Thats why they moved the transcripts IMO, they realized they were hurting her innocence cry.
Hi Cami!

I just wasn't sure if the fight was speculation or if it was actually documented somewhere. I must've missed that somewhere.
I wonder how bad the fight was and if killing the boys not only would help her out financially, but also be a sort of revenge on Darin.

Also, do we know when the journal entry was written in a timeline with the murders, was it the last entry?

The journal entry was written in early May about a month before the murders. I think that the motive is all tied up in all those things. I hate to even use the word as there really is no motive in a domestic homicide. Unless you live within the family and know the dynamics, how can you know why someone kills their kids.

It's documented now that they had a huge fight that night..now that Darin is being thrown under the bus.

Yes, I do think Darin was the catalyst that night. Listen to her voice when she says "someone just walked in here and intentionally did it Darin"...listen to the anger in her voice. I think their marriage was failing, I think they were on the verge of losing their lavish lifestyle and she couldn't handle it. I think she was overwhelmed and had been for a long time. She was depressed and unstable and her emotional detachment from the boys was becoming apparent. She didn't care what they did or where they went as long as they weren't inside bugging her. She was also using strong diet pills that can skew your thinking when you're depressed...I believe they made her edgy and they are why she couldn't sleep..nothing to do with the baby.

Something happened during that fight with Darin that night that started her in motion. Money, revenge..yep could be all those things.
I really dont think that she killed the kids over money problems. If they needed money that bad the first thing or the most successful thing would not be to murder your children. Im sure there would be otherways for her to get hold of money, killing children is extreame. Correct me if im wrong, but wasnt Darin involved in insurance scams prior to the murder? (Not the one he was in prosess of setting up). If yes she would have known about it & im sure she would have thought of that instead. Thats just one option she must have had other ways of getting hold of money.

There's no tangible evidence that Darin committed any insurance scams. It's all just a red herring designed to get Darlie a new trial, IMO.

They were turned down by the bank for a $5000 loan just days before the murders due to their increasing debt and lack of collateral.

Yes she could have and possibly tried to sell some of that jewellery she owned. She told the maid she needed $10,000 the day of the murders.

Darin and Darlie were swimming in debt and bills were going unpaid...their lifestyle was falling apart.
I wonder if Darin told her he would take the kids away from her and make her look like a bad mom?
I also wonder if she had thought about it in advance..esp. since the boys and she were sleeping downstairs that night..is that something they all did often together?

That's one of the things I've thought of. Darlie had been sleeping downstairs for five nights in a row prior to the night of the murders but the boys were only there that one night..the night they were killed.

Maybe Darin told her to hoof it and don't think you're taking the boys....
Was just speculation with 'what if's'. Rino, just wondering, did you ever believe that Darlie was innocent or have you always believed her to be guilty? I personally have always thought her innocent, if im real honest there are parts of the story that do point to her being guilty but on the other hand there is evidence that backs up the fact shes innocent, IMO, this case is one which has alot of people changing thier opinions from guilty to innocent back to guilty etc. Whitywendys posts have been very thought provoking and are one of a few posts I have read that seriously make me doubt my own opinion. Although the fact that is evidence that has not been tested fully makes me belive that there is a area of doubt to her guilt.

What evidence backs up her innocence? Lay it out please...
I couldn't even find the transcripts, are they still on there?

One thing they focus on a lot is how poor Darlie was "left for dead". How can they say that woman was left for dead? That one always got me, how they made her injuries seem so life threatening, that she had to crawl for the phone, was gasping for air. It didn't happen.

Yeah I always liked that one two. They clam right up when you ask them how she was released from hospital within 2 1/2 days if she'd been "left for dead or almost died"

The transcripts are still on the .net site, just click on Evidence on the left menu bar and then scroll down and on the right you will see "trial transcripts" just click on that and it will take you to them..

Actually, here's a link to them. Check out Judge Francis's final findings. It answered a lot for me.

Yeah I always liked that one two. They clam right up when you ask them how she was released from hospital within 2 1/2 days if she'd been "left for dead or almost died"

The transcripts are still on the .net site, just click on Evidence on the left menu bar and then scroll down and on the right you will see "trial transcripts" just click on that and it will take you to them..

Actually, here's a link to them. Check out Judge Francis's final findings. It answered a lot for me.


Not only was she released that soon, but her Dr. said if she'd come in under ordinary circumstances (her children not being murdered) she's have been released THAT VERY NIGHT!
What evidence backs up her innocence? Lay it out please...
The main thing that makes me believe her is the unidentified fingerprints IN BLOOD. When I first came to this site I was convinced of her innocence although now I am starting to doubt my own opinion slightly - you lot have got real good arguments- however I aint fully convinced. Im gonna 'go away' and read transcripts (like ive been advised countless times - yes, whitywendy im doing it right now). Another thing that sticks in my mind is all stuff surrounding Barbara Davies changed of opinion - she was at trial and heard the words of them transcripts then changed her opinion when she saw the rest of crime scene photo's. Yes it could be a publicity stunt for her book, but the fact that a juror at the time doubts his own opinion too (when he has nothing to gain) leaves me thinking.......... :confused:
Not only was she released that soon, but her Dr. said if she'd come in under ordinary circumstances (her children not being murdered) she's have been released THAT VERY NIGHT!

YEP, He sure did say that. Hey White Rain did you get a chance to go read Judge Francis's final findings? I did and as I was reading realized I had read some of this somewhere else just not all of it was there. It was on the site that Darlie's family has started not the JFD site. Now if your are innocent why would you "cut and paste" just certain findings and not the whole lot?
YEP, It was on the site that Darlie's family has started not the JFD site. Now if your are innocent why would you "cut and paste" just certain findings and not the whole lot?
If those findings are cut & pasted do you think others may be?
The main thing that makes me believe her is the unidentified fingerprints IN BLOOD. When I first came to this site I was convinced of her innocence although now I am starting to doubt my own opinion slightly - you lot have got real good arguments- however I aint fully convinced. Im gonna 'go away' and read transcripts (like ive been advised countless times - yes, whitywendy im doing it right now). Another thing that sticks in my mind is all stuff surrounding Barbara Davies changed of opinion - she was at trial and heard the words of them transcripts then changed her opinion when she saw the rest of crime scene photo's. Yes it could be a publicity stunt for her book, but the fact that a juror at the time doubts his own opinion too (when he has nothing to gain) leaves me thinking.......... :confused:

These are same reasons I initially believed in her innocence and what brought me to read the transcripts.. Barbara Davis changing her mind was a biggie for me also. But after reading up on her, their is just something about her that doesn't seem right. And IMO if she has seen and found evidence of her innocence where is the new book? Wouldn't it be a best seller and path the way for Ms. Darlie's release?
If those findings are cut & pasted do you think others may be?

I can't say for sure but looking at it and comparing it to the JFD site, it seems very possible. Since I came across the JFD site, I have pretty much not ventured back to the family's site because there is so much more info available at the JFD one.
The main thing that makes me believe her is the unidentified fingerprints IN BLOOD. When I first came to this site I was convinced of her innocence although now I am starting to doubt my own opinion slightly - you lot have got real good arguments- however I aint fully convinced. Im gonna 'go away' and read transcripts (like ive been advised countless times - yes, whitywendy im doing it right now). Another thing that sticks in my mind is all stuff surrounding Barbara Davies changed of opinion - she was at trial and heard the words of them transcripts then changed her opinion when she saw the rest of crime scene photo's. Yes it could be a publicity stunt for her book, but the fact that a juror at the time doubts his own opinion too (when he has nothing to gain) leaves me thinking.......... :confused:

That fingerprint might be Darlie's, and probably is. There isn't enough of it to test, I'm told.

Barbara Davis is a nice, but messed up woman, mentally. She had many problems in her personal life and I don't believe is up to par with whom should be considered "credible." Besides, Darlie's own defense attorney said those photographs WERE shown to the jury. So, she and that other juror must not have been paying close attention.
The main thing that makes me believe her is the unidentified fingerprints IN BLOOD. When I first came to this site I was convinced of her innocence although now I am starting to doubt my own opinion slightly - you lot have got real good arguments- however I aint fully convinced. Im gonna 'go away' and read transcripts (like ive been advised countless times - yes, whitywendy im doing it right now). Another thing that sticks in my mind is all stuff surrounding Barbara Davies changed of opinion - she was at trial and heard the words of them transcripts then changed her opinion when she saw the rest of crime scene photo's. Yes it could be a publicity stunt for her book, but the fact that a juror at the time doubts his own opinion too (when he has nothing to gain) leaves me thinking.......... :confused:

Hi Nicola,
The unidentified fingerprint was ruled out of being everyone's but Darlie's. It is more than likely Darlie's (I believe it is) but they will continue to spin that until it is proved otherwise.
An intruder would have left more than one smudged bloody fingerprint. The thing is, they focus on one little thing. If an intruder had bloody hands, where is it in the rest of the house? Just ONE fingerprint? Highly unlikely, but they'll keep pushing it, it's all they have.

Thank you Cami for the link, I am going to read through those again myself, it's been awhile.
I was thinking about the insurance policies on the boys. I have never been able to agree with the posters who believed it was about needing money. However, since I'm in the process of renewing our employee insurance policies something dawned on me. I wonder if the life insurance policies had any Accidental Death benefit added to it. Most do. I am not expert in the Life Insurance Policy but having had to deal with these policies through my job for some 8 years, I have noticed that most of the policies have this "benefit" attached to the policy. Which in case of accidental death the benefit amount paid out is doubled. So therefore instead of the $10,000 it would of been $20,000. She needed $10,000 (which did not seem like alot of money to kill your kids over) but hey $20,000 would even give her some extra spending money. Sick Sick Sick JMOP
Yes it could be a publicity stunt for her book, but the fact that a juror at the time doubts his own opinion too (when he has nothing to gain) leaves me thinking.......... :confused:

Nothing to gain - except publicity and hopefully a book deal(for the juror)? Any jury member who has to sit on a trial like this and make a life/death decision - will always second guess themselves later on. Imagine the guilt you would feel putting someone on DR, you would always second guess yourself to make sure you made the right choice. I think that's human nature.

Barbara Davis shouldn't be the sole reason you believe Darlie innocent. She is an author - and will do whatever it takes to make herself famous and rich. If that means trying to draw out more publicity for yourself and your book - so be it.
I was thinking about the insurance policies on the boys. I have never been able to agree with the posters who believed it was about needing money. However, since I'm in the process of renewing our employee insurance policies something dawned on me. I wonder if the life insurance policies had any Accidental Death benefit added to it. Most do. I am not expert in the Life Insurance Policy but having had to deal with these policies through my job for some 8 years, I have noticed that most of the policies have this "benefit" attached to the policy. Which in case of accidental death the benefit amount paid out is doubled. So therefore instead of the $10,000 it would of been $20,000. She needed $10,000 (which did not seem like alot of money to kill your kids over) but hey $20,000 would even give her some extra spending money. Sick Sick Sick JMOP

Murder though, by Darlie or the invisible intruder, wouldn't be accidental though, would it?

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