Why? What was the motive?

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Agree. I believe there isn't enough "points" to distinguish or test/what ever you call it (just a working mama here). But I don't understand considering the horrific crime, that this particular print, where is was found and all, how it can be "brushed aside" as if unimportant. This is the only piece of evidence that makes me second guess myself occasionally. Still believe she's guilty, just wish there was a better explanation for this print.:waitasec:

I don't think it is. I am in no doubt it's Darlie's print. She described an over 6ft tall intruder. The print is small perhaps from a juvenile or an adult woman. No way that tiny print matches the large intruder she described. And why only one smudged print? That place was a blood bath. Read Cron's testimony on the print and also read Jantz's findings. Even he puts Darlie back in the guilty yard with this print and he was hired by her defense.
Yep absolutely, she was adament it wasn't Darin. Seems she's changed her mind now....

Oh I know Cami!!!! I was watching an interview recently, and I noticed when they 1st asked her about Darren, she again stated NO she did not believe he was responsible, then for some reason; she asked her ARE YOU SURE? :loser:(setting up the question imo) and Darlie :behindbarstared quietly for a few and then said NO, I don't know anymore.

IMO the reason she hesitated is because she knows if she calls him out that he most likely will spill the beans... I don't think that she has that much on him. I think he was trying to protect what little remaining family he had left, and think about Darlie was HOT in his mind.
These are all good points. But it is still so hard for me to comprehend how a MOTHER, who actually does seem to love her kids (you just can't tell me she didn't when you can see "it" in those pic's on the websites and many people testified to this also) who is not a drug addict or drunk can just FLIP A SWITCH and do that to her boys. I am a WHY person so this is just getting the best of me...grrrrrrhhh

I'm with Cyberlaw. We'll never know why Darlie did this...the evidence proves she did. I bet she doesn't even know why she did it.

I'm a mother too and no way could I see harming a hair on my child's head but I'm not Darlie and yes I agree she loved her children..but I think she saw them more as status symbols of her upper class life. She objectified them...made it easier for her to get rid of them. Her detachment was becoming apparent to neighbours and I am sure family but they won't talk.
A latent print consultant - Robert C Lohnes - has stated in his professional opinion that the bloody fingerprint does not belong to Darlie Routier.

Well have you read Pat Weirthams, latent print consultant's findings? You keep bringing up the defense findings...nothing more. Anyway this has been answered again and again. The fingerprint is Darlie's regardless of what Lohnes has to say. How did her blood get in the Utility room when she says she went nowhere near it only to the door? Her blood is dripped all over in there.
me too,as I don't recall in the 911 transcripts where Darin is yelling for help or asking how to do cpr on the boys...what exactly to do for the wounds, etc..it's like he already knew they were dead or dying.

Darin was trained in first aid and cpr, he knew what he was doing.
I don't think it is. I am in no doubt it's Darlie's print. She described an over 6ft tall intruder. The print is small perhaps from a juvenile or an adult woman. No way that tiny print matches the large intruder she described. And why only one smudged print? That place was a blood bath. Read Cron's testimony on the print and also read Jantz's findings. Even he puts Darlie back in the guilty yard with this print and he was hired by her defense.

Yep Cami, it's time for me to go back and read. I think if I was able to see the crime scene photos I would be able to piece it together better. I am going off my the transcripts and what pic's that are left on the JFD site.

No worries though, Darlie is were she belongs imo
Well have you read Pat Weirthams, latent print consultant's findings? You keep bringing up the defense findings...nothing more. Anyway this has been answered again and again. The fingerprint is Darlie's regardless of what Lohnes has to say. How did her blood get in the Utility room when she says she went nowhere near it only to the door? Her blood is dripped all over in there.

Yep, I really need to see some pic's because I did not know this. NOW I am not saying this but I am sure someone is going to come back and say: Because the intruder had her blood all over him as he was leaving....
Nicola, that room was a blood bath. There's no way an over six foot intruder left a small, smudged print on that sofa table and nothing anywhere else. Unless he used that table to beam himself out of the house.

That print will remain unidentified..the closest match is to Darlie.

FINALLY, a a theory that makes sense. The print was left when he beamed himself up! I needed that smile, Cami. At one point the theory was that there was no blood trail out of the house because the boys wounds were oozing, and possibly not a lot of blood would be on the "attacker". Then we are expected to believe there was ONE print left in blood. (must have been from the hand not covered with a sock :doh: ) I'm still not buying into any of it. But I think your beaming up theory is as good as any they have given us.
I'm with Cyberlaw. We'll never know why Darlie did this...the evidence proves she did. I bet she doesn't even know why she did it.

I'm a mother too and no way could I see harming a hair on my child's head but I'm not Darlie and yes I agree she loved her children..but I think she saw them more as status symbols of her upper class life. She objectified them...made it easier for her to get rid of them. Her detachment was becoming apparent to neighbours and I am sure family but they won't talk.

I don't understand what you mean when you say "status symbols" and "objectified them". :banghead: Can you please explain it to me in "layman's terms":)
FINALLY, a a theory that makes sense. The print was left when he beamed himself up! I needed that smile, Cami. At one point the theory was that there was no blood trail out of the house because the boys wounds were oozing, and possibly not a lot of blood would be on the "attacker". Then we are expected to believe there was ONE print left in blood. (must have been from the hand not covered with a sock :doh: ) I'm still not buying into any of it. But I think your beaming up theory is as good as any they have given us.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Yep, I really need to see some pic's because I did not know this. NOW I am not saying this but I am sure someone is going to come back and say: Because the intruder had her blood all over him as he was leaving....

HaH but there's no blood beyond the utility room so how did he get through that garage, out the window and out of the yard without leaving any more of her blood.

They'll say he dived into the dirty laundry afraid of Darlie (she's chasing him remember) and that removed all the blood!

Well okay it's pretty hokey but someone would believe it...
I don't understand what you mean when you say "status symbols" and "objectified them". :banghead: Can you please explain it to me in "layman's terms":)

WEll maybe Jeana could explain or someone from Texas could explain the status symbol thingy. Big hair, big *advertiser censored*, big jewels or so I've been told that Darlie tried to emulate the rich ladies from Dallas. Symbols of a successful lifestyle and successful marriage when they came from nothing. Darin and Darlie were very showy once they started to make money. Look at us, we've got these three perfect children and this big house, money, etc.etc.

By objectfy, I mean she lost sight of the fact that they were her children who loved her and needed her. To her, they became objects and her love for them became lost in her neediness to be somebody..to have it all, more and more. Objects that she got rid of when they displeased her. How could she brutally kill them otherwise in such a bloody fashion. This is all just speculation on my part but it is documented that she was emotionally detaching from the two older boys. She locked them outside all day long, unsupervised. She didn't care what they did or where they went. She was depressed and unstable in my opinion and add those diet pills to that mess..well, a volatile situation. Ever read anything on Jeffrey MacDonald? I'm convinced the diet pills he as taking fueled his rage the night he murdered his whole family.

If you get into Mary's archives...there's many threads on this subject. Very interesting ones as well from medical sources.
WEll maybe Jeana could explain or someone from Texas could explain the status symbol thingy. Big hair, big *advertiser censored*, big jewels or so I've been told that Darlie tried to emulate the rich ladies from Dallas. Symbols of a successful lifestyle and successful marriage when they came from nothing. Darin and Darlie were very showy once they started to make money. Look at us, we've got these three perfect children and this big house, money, etc.etc.

By objectfy, I mean she lost sight of the fact that they were her children who loved her and needed her. To her, they became objects and her love for them became lost in her neediness to be somebody..to have it all, more and more. Objects that she got rid of when they displeased her. How could she brutally kill them otherwise in such a bloody fashion. This is all just speculation on my part but it is documented that she was emotionally detaching from the two older boys. She locked them outside all day long, unsupervised. She didn't care what they did or where they went. She was depressed and unstable in my opinion and add those diet pills to that mess..well, a volatile situation. Ever read anything on Jeffrey MacDonald? I'm convinced the diet pills he as taking fueled his rage the night he murdered his whole family.

If you get into Mary's archives...there's many threads on this subject. Very interesting ones as well from medical sources.


HaH but there's no blood beyond the utility room so how did he get through that garage, out the window and out of the yard without leaving any more of her blood.

They'll say he dived into the dirty laundry afraid of Darlie (she's chasing him remember) and that removed all the blood!

Well okay it's pretty hokey but someone would believe it...

BINGO :laugh: thanks for making me laugh this evening, I also needed it.
WEll maybe Jeana could explain or someone from Texas could explain the status symbol thingy. Big hair, big *advertiser censored*, big jewels or so I've been told that Darlie tried to emulate the rich ladies from Dallas. Symbols of a successful lifestyle and successful marriage when they came from nothing. Darin and Darlie were very showy once they started to make money. Look at us, we've got these three perfect children and this big house, money, etc.etc.

By objectfy, I mean she lost sight of the fact that they were her children who loved her and needed her. To her, they became objects and her love for them became lost in her neediness to be somebody..to have it all, more and more. Objects that she got rid of when they displeased her. How could she brutally kill them otherwise in such a bloody fashion. This is all just speculation on my part but it is documented that she was emotionally detaching from the two older boys. She locked them outside all day long, unsupervised. She didn't care what they did or where they went. She was depressed and unstable in my opinion and add those diet pills to that mess..well, a volatile situation. Ever read anything on Jeffrey MacDonald? I'm convinced the diet pills he as taking fueled his rage the night he murdered his whole family.

If you get into Mary's archives...there's many threads on this subject. Very interesting ones as well from medical sources.

Thanks, I understand now. I lived in Texas, Galveston didn't seem to have to many of those type, I guess more layed back. Still had the money but not ALL ABOUT IMAGE. I loved living there. Texas is a state of its own. Lived all over the US (military brat). Had you ever heard that saying "DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS". Well they mean it!!!!! :p

I had read about the detachment. Again, hard for me to completely understand how you can detach yourself to that extreme. But I do want to read up on it.

I read about JM when I was a young. In fact I was too young to be reading that Fatal Vision book and it freaked me out pretty bad considering I was living on a military base at the time and you know being young and niave (sp) believed it. Stayed far away from any of these "cases", until Darlie came along. I remember the initial coverage and then the Silly String. Maybe that's why I am so into this one.
WEll maybe Jeana could explain or someone from Texas could explain the status symbol thingy. Big hair, big *advertiser censored*, big jewels or so I've been told that Darlie tried to emulate the rich ladies from Dallas. Symbols of a successful lifestyle and successful marriage when they came from nothing. Darin and Darlie were very showy once they started to make money. Look at us, we've got these three perfect children and this big house, money, etc.etc.

Well, I'll give it a try. Houston normally had bigger hair than Dallas, but even when Darlie had her "big hair" it had already been "out" as a fashion statement. Big breasts are still in fashion here. I guess the good ol' boys like 'em. LOL Big jewels??? If they're real, sure. Not the costume crap Darlie wore though. Most of the married women I know had engagement rings of at least 3-5 carats. You'd never be able to show anything smaller unless you wanted someone to host a pity party for you! LOL As far as being "well to do" or anywhere near it, the Routiers didn't even come close to qualifying for that.
Didn't their house only cost about $150,000 or so?that's not very much.they may have had a nice car and boat,but it sounds like that's all they had.
Didn't their house only cost about $150,000 or so?that's not very much.they may have had a nice car and boat,but it sounds like that's all they had.

I believe the house was even cheaper than that. It was on the wrong side of the tracks. The Jaguar was broken down and the boat wasn't much better, as far as I remember. They were behind on all of their bills and Darin's business was failing miserably. There is nothing that leans even slightly, to this being an upwardly mobile family. This is a family that lived beyond its means for a few years and was now facing bankruptcy.
I believe the house was even cheaper than that. It was on the wrong side of the tracks. The Jaguar was broken down and the boat wasn't much better, as far as I remember. They were behind on all of their bills and Darin's business was failing miserably. There is nothing that leans even slightly, to this being an upwardly mobile family. This is a family that lived beyond its means for a few years and was now facing bankruptcy.
and the company was leasing the only vehicle that was working. I guess because of the photos on JFD (DUH) it gives a slight impression and for some this might of been living it been esp. a 26/27 year olds.

I never realized Texas had it's own Hollywood..
I never realized Texas had it's own Hollywood..

Are you kidding? LOL Its probably worse because there's more money involved. You've got the Neiman Marcus family. The Dillard family. The H. Ross Perot family. The Marshall family. The Simmons family. Not to mention all those oil and cattle barrons! Gee whiz, I'm telling you, there's a LOT of money around these parts. You can get anything in Dallas or Houston than you can get in Beverly Hills.

Unfortunately for our little Darlie Routier, she had neither the breeding nor the looks to get anywhere close to it.

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