WI WI - Julie Ann Hall, 18, Waunakee, 21 Jun 1978

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


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Jul 2, 2015
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@mothwings, are you a Boston? We used to have "another" Boston Terrier posting.

And, thanks for using your social isolation time to support searches!

"There was DNA recovered off of her and some was recovered elsewhere," said Detective Mary Butler in the video above.

"She wasn't discarded there, she was hidden from view and that leads me to believe that person knew her—they were buying time."

The last person to see Julie is in the video above and there's a few things I've noticed.

1. Last known person to see Julie Hall alive.
2. He found it "tough to grieve in 79 with suspicions falling to those last to see Julie Ann Hall alive". Why would it be "tough to grieve" due to suspicions if he has a clear conscious?
3. Needing Julie's brother to vouch for him saying he is still close with Julie's brother and that "we both know neither of us did it".
4. After the bar where she ate peanuts, a full course meal was found during the autopsy which means after she left the bar, she likely went out to dinner with someone she knew and who did she leave with after the bar?
5. Doesn't remember where they went exactly. All we have is his word they went their separate ways. Julie wouldn't have mentioned where she was going or with who?

I hope I am wrong and that DNA cleared him but considering some of the statements, I honestly wonder if they have collected his DNA.

Julie deserves justice. There should be some new advantages to the DNA nowadays. Why not upload it to a genealogy website? I wonder why no appeals for information anymore as this case is still solve-able.

Julie Ann Hall (19 Dec 1958 - 17 Jun 1978)

This is certainly a fascinating case in a lot of ways. Julie's remains were found in the town of Springfield (Waunakee) on some very rural wooded farm land road. I was able to meet the property owner (the granddaughter of the farmer who found Julie's body). She showed me the spot where Julie's shallow grave was and I took pictures. I can't get the pictures I took to upload yet but check out this 2002 aerial photograph the owner was kind enough to give me. Julie's body was found in a shallow grave behind the barn.
Mothwings, I have begun looking more into this case as I am related to Julie. I share your suspicions of Gunn. To me the video you posted and Mr. Gunn's statements and body language strike me as odd. Especially when he suddenly volunteers more information that he "suddenly" remembers after nearly 30 years. To me that seems he is making things up as he goes. To my knowledge DNA, if there are any sufficient samples, have not been tested. I have tried looking for a criminal record for Gunn because I recall a rumor that he was recently released from prison (or jail) and a roommate of Julie's brother. If this is the case, there likely would be DNA on file to run against Gunn. I don't want to let this case go away because I believe it is solvable. Julie deserves justice or at least closure. Thank you for your efforts.
Mothwings, I have begun looking more into this case as I am related to Julie. I share your suspicions of Gunn. To me the video you posted and Mr. Gunn's statements and body language strike me as odd. Especially when he suddenly volunteers more information that he "suddenly" remembers after nearly 30 years. To me that seems he is making things up as he goes. To my knowledge DNA, if there are any sufficient samples, have not been tested. I have tried looking for a criminal record for Gunn because I recall a rumor that he was recently released from prison (or jail) and a roommate of Julie's brother. If this is the case, there likely would be DNA on file to run against Gunn. I don't want to let this case go away because I believe it is solvable. Julie deserves justice or at least closure. Thank you for your efforts.

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Yes, all true. He got away with it. Very sad.

I don't think he has any other charges other than theft from 1974 which is when he took the creepiest booking photo I've ever seen. It is poor resolution but if you zoom in, it just freaks me out and it is absolutely scary this guy has been free, walking around Madison for so long.


Jim must have been so relieved when all the police in the 1990s thought serial killer Henry Lee Lucas was was responsible.
Mothwings, I have begun looking more into this case as I am related to Julie. I share your suspicions of Gunn. To me the video you posted and Mr. Gunn's statements and body language strike me as odd. Especially when he suddenly volunteers more information that he "suddenly" remembers after nearly 30 years. To me that seems he is making things up as he goes. To my knowledge DNA, if there are any sufficient samples, have not been tested. I have tried looking for a criminal record for Gunn because I recall a rumor that he was recently released from prison (or jail) and a roommate of Julie's brother. If this is the case, there likely would be DNA on file to run against Gunn. I don't want to let this case go away because I believe it is solvable. Julie deserves justice or at least closure. Thank you for your efforts.

I forgot to ask, how are you related to Julie? Also, if you ever wanted me to take you to the scene, I'm sure the property owner would love to meet you. She remembers a lot about when her grandpa found Julie.
It's pretty clear who killed Julie. And he still walks the streets of Madison.

If there's DNA like the police say, surely this case can be solved.

Julie deserves justice.
The common denominator in these organized serial killer murders are the locations where the bodies were found. All were Natural Resource or Wildlife areas. IMO, this is NO coincidence. Dirt, leaves and brush piled over their nude bodies also is no coincidence. Why bother? I believe that most, if not all, of these murders were committed by the same person(s). Why not dump them just anywhere in the Madison area, why dump them in four different location-specific disposal sites? How come LE or the FBI haven't put out a profile of the killer(s)? It's been 40+ years. Why not release more evidence?

1) Debra Jayne Bennett, brown hair, age 20, last seen Saturday, July 10, 1976, found (nude? unknown) within or next to the Ice Age Reserve Wildlife Area, Dane County. Body found burnt in ditch.

2) Julie Ann Hall, brown hair, age 18, last seen Friday, June 16, 1978, found nude within or next to the Waunakee Marsh State Wildlife Management Area, Dane County. Dirt and leaves piled over body.

3) Julie Ann Speerschneider, brown hair, age 20, last seen Tuesday, March 27, 1979, found nude within or next to the Lower Mud Lake Natural Resource Area, Dane County. Brush piled over body. (Nearly all evidence destroyed by the sheriff's office)

4) Shirley Eileen Stewart, hair color unknown, age 18, last seen Wednesday, January 2, 1980, found (nude? unknown) within or next to the North Mendota Natural Resource Area (Waakikizu), Dane County. Brush piled over body. (Nearly all evidence destroyed by the sheriff's office)
I also noticed that the murders occurred in numerical order around Madison by date; 1976, 1978, 1979 & 1980. What are the odds of four random murders of young women being committed by four different killers occurring in a numerical sequence in four different wildlife areas with all four being brunettes and with three of the victims being covered up with brush, leaves and dirt?

I think the odds of these murders occurring randomly by different killers are pretty high. I speculate that all four were committed by the same person.

Madison Wildlife Area Murders.jpg
I wonder if Donna Mraz should be included in this group.

I also noticed that the murders occurred in numerical order around Madison by date; 1976, 1978, 1979 & 1980. What are the odds of four random murders of young women being committed by four different killers occurring in a numerical sequence in four different wildlife areas with all four being brunettes and with three of the victims being covered up with brush, leaves and dirt?

I think the odds of these murders occurring randomly by different killers are pretty high. I speculate that all four were committed by the same person.

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It's a nice effort putting this together but there are a few slight inaccuracies.

Julie Ann Speerschneider was found in the town of Dunn (around the area where you have Shirley Eileen Stewart #4).

Shirley Eileen Stewart was found in area #3, but not in the North Mendota Natural Resource center. She was found in Governor Nelson State Park.

Julie Ann Hall was found further east by the intersection of Woodland Drive with Kingsley Road.

Debra Bennet was found near the intersection of North Birch Trail and Old Sauk Pass Road in Cross Plains.

It does show the general areas though.

As for it being the work of one person, that's entirely possible.
It's a nice effort putting this together but there are a few slight inaccuracies.
A few? lol. Quite a few. Thanks for the heads up. Somehow I also reversed locations for Speerschneider and Stewart. Below is a more accurate map. Hopefully. I also included an article in which detectives believe they had the right suspect in the Julie Hall murder. So, unless their suspect also killed the other three, I guess there's no connection like I assumed.Madison Wildlife Area Murders A.jpgWisconsin_State_Journal_1981_05_02_page_1.jpg

Mothwings, I have begun looking more into this case as I am related to Julie. I share your suspicions of Gunn. To me the video you posted and Mr. Gunn's statements and body language strike me as odd. Especially when he suddenly volunteers more information that he "suddenly" remembers after nearly 30 years. To me that seems he is making things up as he goes. To my knowledge DNA, if there are any sufficient samples, have not been tested. I have tried looking for a criminal record for Gunn because I recall a rumor that he was recently released from prison (or jail) and a roommate of Julie's brother. If this is the case, there likely would be DNA on file to run against Gunn. I don't want to let this case go away because I believe it is solvable. Julie deserves justice or at least closure. Thank you for your efforts.
Hi. I went to school with Julie and several of us girls from HS are wondering if DNA is available I am sure that Gunn would have been tested. We would like to join forces with you and see if Kelly Seigler would take this case. Please let me know your thoughts

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