GUILTY WI - Jeaneen Klokow, 7 mos, dies of head trauma, Sheboygan, 1 March 1957

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Ruby Klokow, 74, of Sheboygan was charged this month in the 1957 death of her daughter, after her son came forward to police in 2008 with stories of horrific childhood abuse. Klokow was due to appear in court Wednesday afternoon for a preliminary hearing.

No charges were filed after Jeaneen's death in 1957. Ruby Klokow told police the baby had fallen off a sofa while she was tending to a crying James. A family doctor told police the parents were "irresponsible," but he didn't think there was anything criminal about Jeaneen's death.

Another of Ruby's children, Scott, was found dead in his crib seven years later under circumstances that are unclear; no charges have ever been filed in that case.

In Jeaneen's case, an autopsy found Jeaneen suffered two brain hemorrhages, a partially collapsed lung and three scalp bruises. A forensic pathologist who recently reviewed the documents said the severity of the injuries was not consistent with Klokow's explanation.

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For 50 years, James Klokow had believed what his mother told him; that he was responsible for his baby sister's death.

Since he was 3, Klokow said, he believed that his crying distracted mother Ruby Klokow from looking after his 7-month-old sister, Jeaneen. If not for him, he was told his whole life, his mother would have kept the infant from falling off a sofa, smashing her skull and dying instantly.

Now a different story has emerged and his mother, 74, is sitting in a Wisconsin jail, awaiting trial for allegedly killing her daughter in 1957.

"James Klokow has spent his like thinking: 'I was responsible. My mother always told me Jeaneen died because I was fussy.' He finally realized he wasn't at fault," Sheboygan, Wis., District Attorney Joe DeCecco said today.

I know hind-sight is 20/20, but what took so long??? I get that the living children may have been scared, I understand that. But where was the state of Wisconsin in all of this? I live here and can speculate all day....

Seriously...I am at a loss for words. This is so sad....

(from the link/article)

"Klokow’s sister, Judith Post, told AP that she once saw Klokow toss baby Jeaneen to Klokow's husband, who made no effort to catch the child. “I blame both of them,” she said"

I know hind-sight is 20/20, but what took so long??? I get that the living children may have been scared, I understand that. But where was the state of Wisconsin in all of this? I live here and can speculate all day....

Seriously...I am at a loss for words. This is so sad....

(from the link/article)

"Klokow’s sister, Judith Post, told AP that she once saw Klokow toss baby Jeaneen to Klokow's husband, who made no effort to catch the child. “I blame both of them,” she said"

Sadly it seems back in the day this was not all that uncommon.

Marie Noe from Philadelphia murdered her children one after another and got away with it. Like you said hindsight and all, and people look back and go "Hmmmmm, I took her to the hospital and never thought".

Part of Marie Noe's pleas was she had to allow "Doctor's" to study her. Her husband has died. She's alone last I read.

How sad for this family of children. Horrific.
Wow. This is wild. How sad for the older brother to have to grow up with the guilt that his mother placed in his head. At least now little Jeaneen will get some justice.
Wow. This is wild. How sad for the older brother to have to grow up with the guilt that his mother placed in his head. At least now little Jeaneen will get some justice.

I can't even imagine being a little kid and having your mom tell you it was your fault your little sister died. How sad and what a evil woman!

Personally I don't think it matters that it happened many years ago, Jeaneen died because of head trauma. I also suspect this other child will have the same.

RIP Jeaneen, hopefully you will have justice.

Updated: Tuesday, 16 Oct 2012, 5:39 PM CDT
Published : Tuesday, 16 Oct 2012, 4:26 PM CDT

SHEBOYGAN (AP) - A Sheboygan woman accused of killing her baby daughter 55 years ago was found competent to stand trial Tuesday, clearing the way for a jury trial that likely will begin in January.

Ruby C. Klokow, who was charged after her adult son came forward in 2008 with stories of horrific childhood abuse, never claimed mental incompetence. But her attorney had raised concerns about her ability to assist in her own defense and requested a competency exam.
She was also given 10 years' probation. The light sentence + probation was a result of her being 76 years old and having poor health. Not exactly justice, IMO.

If she serves the full 45 days I can feel comfortable about it. At her age jail will be 4 times harder on her than on younger prisoners.

I wonder if any of her kids will visit her in jail?
Murder is murder, no matter the age/health of the perp. That sentence is a joke, IMO. I am guessing there is some sort of statute of limitations or something??? What else can explain this sentence?
Murder is murder, no matter the age/health of the perp. That sentence is a joke, IMO. I am guessing there is some sort of statute of limitations or something??? What else can explain this sentence?

Probably financial. At her age it is likely that she will be requiring a lot of health care. If she is in custody it is up to the state to pay for it.
Murder is murder, no matter the age/health of the perp. That sentence is a joke, IMO. I am guessing there is some sort of statute of limitations or something??? What else can explain this sentence?

I think she got off too easy. I do not see how statute of limitations would even be related to the punishment.
The article gives a bit more detail, but I thought this quote said it all.

[DA] DeCecco said given Klokow's age and her medical issues, the plea agreement was in the best interest of the state. It would have been difficult to convince a jury that a woman who "looks like everyone's grandmother" was once "a very angry woman in her 20s who didn't want to be a mom, who lied to police," DeCecco said.
Good grief. So, if you manage to get away with a murder for 54 years you get a light sentence as reward for your cunning?

Or is this just a symptom of the dismissive nature the justice system often has for children killed by their parents/guardians? There's another thread in this forum about a woman who killed a foster child and received a sentence of 77 days - she wasn't old or infirm, so what's the excuse there?
Although Klokow was expected to get only 45 days in jail under a plea deal, the judge has sentenced her to the maximum, TEN YEARS in prison.

Defense attorney Kirk Obear told reporters he was surprised by the unexpected sentence and promised to appeal.

District Attorney Joe DeCecco said Klokow will likely be granted parole when she becomes eligible in two-and-a- half years.
Attorneys on both sides cited Klokow’s age and declining health in their sentence recommendations, which are not binding, but Sutkiewicz called it a “serious and horrendous offense” that required prison time.

“Anything but incarceration would diminish the seriousness of the offense,” Sutkiewicz said before reading her sentence to a nearly full courtroom.

I'm so glad the judge decided to give her a much stiffer sentence. It makes me sick to see the picture of her crying for herself at the above link. She had many decades free. Her daughter had none. Her son went through decades of emotional torture due to her blaming HER crime on him.

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