GUILTY WI - Kara Neumann, 11, dies as parents rely on faith healing, Weston, 23 March 2008

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WESTON, Wis. — An 11-year-old girl died after her parents prayed for healing rather than seek medical help for a treatable form of diabetes, police said Tuesday.
Everest Metro Police Chief Dan Vergin said Madeline Neumann died Sunday.
"She got sicker and sicker until she was dead," he said.
Vergin said an autopsy determined the girl died from diabetic ketoacidosis, an ailment that left her with too little insulin in her body, and she had probably been ill for about 30 days, suffering symptoms like nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, loss of appetite and weakness.

More at link.,2933,341574,00.html

This was a very cute young girl. My prayers for her family. I hope they are not charged, but they might be.
WESTON, Wis. — An 11-year-old girl died after her parents prayed for healing rather than seek medical help for a treatable form of diabetes, police said Tuesday.
Everest Metro Police Chief Dan Vergin said Madeline Neumann died Sunday.
"She got sicker and sicker until she was dead," he said.
Vergin said an autopsy determined the girl died from diabetic ketoacidosis, an ailment that left her with too little insulin in her body, and she had probably been ill for about 30 days, suffering symptoms like nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, loss of appetite and weakness.

More at link.,2933,341574,00.html

This was a very cute young girl. My prayers for her family. I hope they are not charged, but they might be.

Poor girl :(. She didn't need to die! No offense, SCM, but I hope her parents are charged! That had to have been a terrible death. :(
Poor girl :(. She didn't need to die! No offense, SCM, but I hope her parents are charged! That had to have been a terrible death. :(

Totally agree.
Takes this to a whole new level of stupidity...
Wonder what tom crews would say about this and using drugs to save a child......
This is totally ridiculous. God provided people the 'smarts' to invent the medicine that would of saved their daughters life. So he was answering their prayers. They just werent listening.
They may have meant well but it was neglect nonetheless. Not charging them would encourage other people to follow their example without fear of prosecution.
Poor girl :(. She didn't need to die! No offense, SCM, but I hope her parents are charged! That had to have been a terrible death. :(

None taken!

I too believe in the power of prayer and think people should have the right to practice that in their lives and their family's lives without penalty.

It is always, of course, hard in a situation like this when a child dies because you can say that the child didn't have a choice. There was no evidence of abuse in this house and the other children were not removed. I believe that they believe they were doing the best thing they could to help their child. I am sorry that this choice ended in her death. But seeking medical treatment can also end in death.

I do not consider these parents stupid, though I would have probably made different choices.
They may have meant well but it was neglect nonetheless. Not charging them would encourage other people to follow their example without fear of prosecution.

Do you really think so, KarlK? This is not a path most people would choose with a sick child. The type of people who would choose such a path believe so utterly in God's word and power over man's law that I doubt for second that they'd care about whether or not they'd be charged.
This is totally ridiculous. God provided people the 'smarts' to invent the medicine that would of saved their daughters life. So he was answering their prayers. They just werent listening.

:clap: :clap: Well said. I cannot wrap my head around this one. They were praying for God to save her and he would have if they had used the resources that God had provided for them. If they believe in God how can they not rationlize that 'God' blessed someone with the ability to come up with something that could be used to heal and others with the ability to be able to understand and administer it? Faith is a good thing when you also use your God given ability to THINK!
I too believe in the power of prayer and think people should have the right to practice that in their lives and their family's lives without penalty.

IMHO prayer is for when nothing else works, simple insulin shots would have saved this girl. Like someone else said God has given us brains for the purpose of self-maintenance, among other things.
Extremely, very sad that this child died because of faith.

But, I very much doubt that her parents will be charged. They relied on their "faith" instead of seeking medical care. That is the choice they made, the choice that they saw fit and the practice of their faith.

They "relied" on their faith to heal their child, not the medical practice. It is their "belief" that would be on trial, not them.

When she died, of course it would be: They did not pray enough, did not have enough faith, that is was "G_d's will.

This has happened more times then one imagines.
Good grief when do we draw a line?

Just because something is 'believed' doesn't make it 'right'. This poor little girl suffered a terrible death and could have been easily saved. How sad.

They may have meant well but it was neglect nonetheless. Not charging them would encourage other people to follow their example without fear of prosecution.

I could certainly see a Defense Attorney running this one up the flag pole. Like the woman who starved her kid...."Your honor it was her religious belief that the child should only be fed once a month to keep her pure".
When their car gets low on fuel, they pull up to the pump so that they are not stranded. When they are running low on food they head to the grocery store so they do not starve. They buy toilet paper to avoid ridiculous alternatives, replace blades on their lawnmowers, put money in parking meters to avoid tickets, repaint their houses to prevent the wood from rotting, and take their dogs to the vet to be spayed or neutered.

But when it comes to the life of their child….THAT they can only pray about.

That’s not pure faith, it is selective stupidity.
This is a tough one and I don't know where I stand. I agree with scm. But then again, these parents are supposed to protect their child. It would have been different if it had been an adult who made her own decision not to seek medical treatment for herself. I wonder if the child wanted medical treatment or if she too believed in the power of prayer?

It's a sad situation nonetheless.
Well, there are passages in the Bible that cover "faith" healing.

Some people "believe" that the "power" of God will solves all of their problems in life if they just "pray" hard enough.

They put their "faith" in God over and above the medical field.

Just the simple fact that this child did not see a Doctor since she was 3, leads one to believe that her "parents" shunned the medical establishment over their "belief" and faith that God would heal a child.

If they did seek medical help, then they would feel that they would be turning their back on God and "his will".

I don't recall reading any passages in the bible about "starving children" as a defense.
Extremely, very sad that this child died because of faith.

But, I very much doubt that her parents will be charged. They relied on their "faith" instead of seeking medical care. That is the choice they made, the choice that they saw fit and the practice of their faith.

They "relied" on their faith to heal their child, not the medical practice. It is their "belief" that would be on trial, not them.

I believe jurisprudence has firmly established that faith does not constitute a valid excuse to break the law. Nothing against prayer as a healing method but common sense -and in many instances the law- dictates that when a treatment is obviously ineffective and other treatments are available, a different therapeutic approach should be used. Most religious people see prayer as an adjuvant to medical care not a replacement. When a loved one requires surgery for example, such people will pray that the procedure works, not that their loved one will spontaneously heal without intervention.
When their car gets low on fuel, they pull up to the pump so that they are not stranded. When they are running low on food they head to the grocery store so they do not starve. They buy toilet paper to avoid ridiculous alternatives, replace blades on their lawnmowers, put money in parking meters to avoid tickets, repaint their houses to prevent the wood from rotting, and take their dogs to the vet to be spayed or neutered.

But when it comes to the life of their child….THAT they can only pray about.

That’s not pure faith, it is selective stupidity.

:clap: :clap: :clap: Excellent post!
When their car gets low on fuel, they pull up to the pump so that they are not stranded. When they are running low on food they head to the grocery store so they do not starve. They buy toilet paper to avoid ridiculous alternatives, replace blades on their lawnmowers, put money in parking meters to avoid tickets, repaint their houses to prevent the wood from rotting, and take their dogs to the vet to be spayed or neutered.

But when it comes to the life of their child….THAT they can only pray about.

That’s not pure faith, it is selective stupidity.

Yeah, see that's what really gets me. When it comes to something that really really matters, the life of their daughter, oh we will just pray and poof all will be well. But when their car needs gas, they go out in the real world and use the resources and tools that they believe 'God' provided for them instead of just praying for the car to be filled with gas. You CANNOT have it both ways.
I'm sorry but to allow your child to die a slow agonizing death over a month is sickening. To continue to deny her medical treatment when it became obvious prayer wasn't working and, their childs life was in danger is the same as murdering her. How can you justify leaving the other kids in the home when the parents so called faith makes them unfit to provide for the their childrens welfare??

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