WI - Shrine Child *advertiser censored* Guns Dolls

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Jun 13, 2007
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Speechless and mouth agape.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Kevin Derks, aged 54 arrested in 2009 <modsnip> Wissconsin. No offense, but this is more frightening than anything I have read so far.

Police went to this guys apartment after he subscribed to of course a known pedophile site. Cops kock he won't let them in, but talks in the basement of his apartment. He faints. Hits his head and is hospitalized. Next day they got a warrant.

A shrine. Dolls lining every room. Photographs of little girls he took at Lake Michigan with his camera for years. Child *advertiser censored*. 21 rifles and handguns, stuffed animals all over the place, two surveilance cameras, and oh yeah two mannequins. You heard me. mannequuns of a woman and child.

Derks has plead guilty to 10 of the 20 charges.

Is this a TV show or what? How many lunatics are out in this world?

Why do you do this to me? Don't I find enough evil without you shining your flashlight at most possibly the creepiest guy we've dealt with in a loooong time (and only because Douglas Spink is sitting in jail).

So what do we know about this guy? I have to know more.

Whoa...stop the presses. Kenosha is where one of the guys from the Boylovers group was arrested. Surely, Kenosha is a great place but what's going on here?
So the guns didn't quite do it for him so he had to up the ante to little girl erotica and mannequins. The poor parents in the area must be having coronaries tonight. What did this man do for employment? We have to figure this out. Once again, I do not find this man to look creepy at all. Since when do creepy people get to look so normal?

And did he ever correspond with John Mark Karr about little girls who've passed?

Sick, very very sick. Are all children accounted for?
Very scary. And there's probably one like him at every lake, beach, and swimming pool in America.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/11/23/cops-child-*advertiser censored*-shrine-fo_n_368384.html

".....Derks allegedly told investigators the world has gotten "worse and worse" so he turned to children because they are beautiful...."


"....The criminal complaint said every surface, including cupboard doors and shelves, was covered with posters, photos and computer printouts of girls in various poses, states of undress or engaged in sex acts...."


"....Police also discovered a Hannah Montana lamp with "Make Love to Me Mom" handwritten on the shade...."

more at link

If I were one of the Olsen young ladies, Miley, Elizabeth or Dakota I'd be freaking out. Is there any info out there about any psych evals. I'd be very interested. Obviously, the man is tremendously ill but was he functioning in society at any level?

And you are right, Pinkhammer, and it's not always illegal at all.

I'm repulsed but I'm also very very sad. How does this happen?
What creeped me out was the "memorials" to children who had died. Then he asked police how someone could hurt a child. This from a man who had child *advertiser censored*!

Oh yeah, he is quoting the online pedo mantra. He had a bed in the room and two non functioning surrveilance cameras. But he denys ever having a child in the room. I hope they don't believe the !
Guess how the mannequins were arranged?

Oh noooooooze not the mannequins!:eek:

There is obviously something so utterly disturbing here, but even Pinkhammer's YIKES made me almost laugh because it's like when you're at a funeral and it's so awful you have to laugh because you can't filter it.

Seriously this is some really creepy, frightening stuff.

Plus he falls and hits his head when he fainted. Where has this guy been his entire life? Who are the poor children in the photographs and please, oh please don't let there be more of him all over the place.
Why do you do this to me? Don't I find enough evil without you shining your flashlight at most possibly the creepiest guy we've dealt with in a loooong time (and only because Douglas Spink is sitting in jail).

So what do we know about this guy? I have to know more.

Whoa...stop the presses. Kenosha is where one of the guys from the Boylovers group was arrested. Surely, Kenosha is a great place but what's going on here?

Yeah but this one is a "girl lover." They knew he had registered at a site and knew he used pen pal to do so. So does this mean they either have control of the site or are in the process of bringing the site to justice???
"....Police also discovered a Hannah Montana lamp with "Make Love to Me Mom" handwritten on the shade...."

That's straight up bat s*it crazytown. I mean where does a person get that idea from? Where'd he buy the lamp?

They need to wire him for sound and study his skull cause you're messing with Hannah Montana and her mom?

Is anyone safe like Emma Roberts or the kids on Sesame Street? If I hear he even dared bring Shirley Temple into his mess I'll go to weird Wissconsin myself.

Now I have heard it all. I think. There's some really weirdness in Wissconsin. I read about that from their past history of raging nutiness during hard times. Hey, I live in a violent city, but I assure you our criminals would run away from anyone writing on Hannah Montana lamps.

How long can they keep this guy?
Oh noooooooze not the mannequins!:eek: Oh yeah!

There is obviously something so utterly disturbing here, but even Pinkhammer's YIKES made me almost laugh because it's like when you're at a funeral and it's so awful you have to laugh because you can't filter it.
It's funny cause it's weird but it isn't funny because of what it means
Seriously this is some really creepy, frightening stuff. Yeah the memorial really creeped me out!
Plus he falls and hits his head when he fainted. Where has this guy been his entire life? Who are the poor children in the photographs and please, oh please don't let there be more of him all over the place. You've been here long enough to know they are like bedbugs, they can be found anywhere!

He claimed to be upset at how someone could hurt a child. Yet there he sat with child *advertiser censored*, examples of how a child could be hurt. And the memorials of children who had died, I just can't get over that! Why did he have that?
Filly....pleeeeeese do not say you've heard it all. That's just asking for trouble.

All is not well in Kenosha. Looks like this man lived at home with his elder parents and brother (who still lives there) until not that long ago. I guess he kept things under wraps until he moved out on his own, in his late 40s-early 50s.

What did this man do for a living? Please tell me that he didn't volunteer at church or work with kids somewhere.
I realize that one is a "girl-lover" and one is a "boy-lover" but I have this horrid suspicion that they're only one "click" apart on the pedo-sites.
Has anyone every gotten a good look at John Mark Karr's bedroom? This is just what I imagine.
I am SOOO not telling my sweet little 16 year old about this. She idolizes Hannah Montana and has a Hanna backback. My 25 year old would be crushed to hear about the Olson girls.

Why must some sully sweetness? Shirley's not far behind, Filly.

I can't find any comments. Are there any out there from neighbors? I'm so curious about this guy. Filly's first link says that he's been decorating his apt. this way for the last ten years. What did the neighbors think when the mannequins went in?
No, Filly, you are most certainly NOT an alarmist:

1. a person who alarms or attempts to alarm others needlessly or without due grounds

You're more like Paul Revere, with a flash light.
I can't find any comments. Are there any out there from neighbors? I'm so curious about this guy. Filly's first link says that he's been decorating his apt. this way for the last ten years. What did the neighbors think when the mannequins went in?

Oh there's comments. Just this. Pinky Friedrich about fell off the chair when hearing about this. He was just known as the quiet nice guy.

Another neighbor said he was an electronic whizz.

I've been looking up missing kids in Wissconsin. Mysteriew is right. Why the thing about the deceased kids?

Bingo! Someone that worked with him posted on True Crime Report.

Wade through the Miley shouldn't be in her undies posts and you get to I think MAF? I think that's the posters name.


It's the last post. Person said he is very, very smart. Has a shunt in his brain stem. Grew up in a twisted household. This poster said they are shocked, but knew he was awkward. I'll say I bet the was. Not while he was snapping those pictures he wasn't.

"....When they asked him about pornographic pictures, he apparently fainted hitting his head on the ground and was taken to the hospital where he was arrested.
In the affidavit, one neighbor claims he is an "electronic wizard" and "very secretive" not allowing anyone in his apartment...."

more at link

I'm guessing that Kevin didn't take a lot of dates by the apt. on the way out to dinner. Those mannequins can be a bit off-putting to young ladies.

So, if he's a "electronic wizard", what's he been doing to support himself? Please don't tell me that the Hannah Montanan light flashed or talked or that the mannequins moved. Please.

Possibly far off base, but I keep running into a clown photo when I sleuth this guy. That would not be good.

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