WI - Teresa Marie Halbach, 25, Manitowoc, 31 Oct 2005

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The Manitowoc Police Department stayed out of this because of the lawsuit...

The car was basically "shrinkwrapped" and no one from Manitowoc Co. or Calumet County examined anything. This is so the defense can't come back with "someone set him up"...everything was sent to Madison Crime Lab...

My sister can't believe this man was in her house when she was home alone about a month ago...oh my..............

I will be going to this trial....
Thanks for the update Sparks.

This horrible murder must really hit home with you and yours. There but for grace of God......

It will be interesting to read your updates on the trial.

Stay safe. :)
I guess it hits close to home because it is...

My only regret is that I didn't offer sooner to help search...

I feel so bad for Theresa and her family...
hoppyfrog said:
LE has asked state crime lab to prioritize processing the evidence in this case.

TH's cell phone and camera were found in a burn barrel just outside SA's house, though LE qualified that statement saying they are waiting for positive ID of those items from the state crime lab.

Hoppy, watching the press conference

In that burn barrell they also found leg irons and hand cuffs. What the heck did he do....put her in leg irons and hand cuffs and give her 5 minutes to get away from him? By the sounds of it there was a huge blood bath all over the property including the buildings. It is just so horrifying to think about what that poor girl must have went through.

Did the stupid azz really think that all of that stuff would burn so that it wouldn't be recognized? This whole thing is just pure evil. If they have the death penalty there this is the perfect case for it.
lessabeth said:
Well, I admit I was wrong. It appears SA did do this heinous crime.

I feel terrible for Teresa and her family.

That makes two of us. I didn't think he would be stupid enough to do something like this and leave evidence all over the place but it looks like he was in a rage or playing a horrible game with this girl. Leg irons and hand cuffs and blood all over the property and buildings! It's horrible. It really bothers me to think of the things Teresa probably went through before he murdered her. He is just pure evil. DNA will hang his rear this time and he can yell "setup" all he wants but DNA clears people and it proves they did the crime. He's on the other side of the DNA fence now. Makes me sick.

I feel horrible for Teresa's family too. They probably can't sleep at night because of nightmares. I would want to kill him with my bare hands.
concernedperson said:
I don't know the circumstances of the attack....whether it was at night etc. But the two guys have broad faces and receding hairlines and appear to be beefy.

Didn't the DNA match the other guy...seems like that is how they would have discovered that he was the one who actually raped the lady. Did the other guy confess?
Bobbisangel said:
Didn't the DNA match the other guy...seems like that is how they would have discovered that he was the one who actually raped the lady. Did the other guy confess?

My reference was to the fact that the original lady fingered the wrong man initially and DNA later cleared him.
One of the provisions in the "avery bill" is that all interrogations must be electronically recorded. There's a grandfather clause - it doesn't take effect immediately. However, I hope that LE did tape in this case.

Just read in the latest article - the manitowoc city police had raised Gregory Allen as a suspect, but the sheriff's dept never took a look at him.

Also - Allen is not on CCAP as being charged with the rape, at least not in Manitowoc County. I'd be surprised if he ever was - regardless of the DNA, it's a dream case for the defense. "LE investigated and convicted another guy for this crime - why are you now charging my client???" The prosecutors would have to put on more than just DNA, and when they did, the defense would just get up and say "Did you ignore that the first time, are you just bringing it up now instead of in the first trial, or do you want to raise it now because it fits your current theory?" A good defense attorney would pit the two LE agencies against each other and make the sheriff's dept look like Barney Fife.

Whoever asked about the leap to this crime if he didn't commit the rape before. A couple things of interest - up until recently a surrounding county - Marinette - had the highest rate of unsolved murders per capita in the nation. Supposedly it was gang/mob related, and most of the area is wooded, rural - good place to leave bodies and probably not the most advanced LE up there. If murders are unsolved, then it follows that probably other crimes were as well - other sex assaults, etc. Also, we just know what has been reported - often, esp. with sex assault - LE "knows" who did it, just doesn't have enough to prove it. The point is - Avery may have committed serious crimes before and never have gotten caught, or this may be a one-time thing and he just snapped.

And - as far as where Avery was living, his address on CCAP was a house-type address on Avery Road. I have also heard a trailer that he was renting.

I heard the handcuffs/leg restraints were in the bedroom, not burn barrel. Can anyone clarify?
Ok, so DNA cleared him the first time. I guess he thought by getting rid of the body, there would be no DNA and he'd get away with it. He probably thought that if LE found her car there they might suspect him, but with no body,no crime. He probably also misjudged local LE in that they brought in an outside agency immediately, and trumped his 'set up by LE' defense.

Earth to Avery,........blood DNA is just as compelling as hair DNA.

As others have said, the crime scene appears to have evidence that the actual crime must have been horrendous. It does seem as if she tried to get away. Leg irons and handcuffs? OHMygosh! She wasn't discovered missing for a few days. I wonder how long he kept her?

Who would have thought that after all he's been through, all the people supporting him for the past injustice, that he would turn around and do something like this? I am just shocked! Poor Teresa :( .....I keep thinking nothing could be worse than the previous cases we've seen of late, ........and then another appears even more horrifying.

I don't get it. I just don't understand........


PS......I can see it now. His defense, 'society and LE for putting him away for 18 years for a crime he didn't commit.' ...........fran
Ang50 said:
I heard the handcuffs/leg restraints were in the bedroom, not burn barrel. Can anyone clarify?

That's what I heard also. They were in his room.

Did he think she was taking picture of him and not the cars and that sent him over the edge or something? I don't get this one?? :mad:
blueclouds said:
I'm assuming by this redneck comment then that He WOULD hurt somebody :confused:
If he would never hurt "nobody" then he WOULD hurt "somebody". :bang:
Speaking perfect English does not exclude any one from being a redneck. :)

But on to other things...
The stupidity of this man amazes me. I can't believe the trail of evidence he left, especially after all the DNA information he has been exposed to.

Do you think he even understands the concept of DNA?
Evidently not.
Adit, thanks for that link I want to read up on this and I hope we get a forum specifically for this case. This is a very unusual one imo.

Ang50, yes that was me wondering about the escalation and it had crossed my mind that there are other crimes we just don't know about.

I do agree as someone else posted it's such a slap in the face to the innocence project, those people worked their butts off for this guy and I can't imagine how they must feel but I do support them and one bad apple shouldn't spoil the barrel so to speak.
Yaya said:
Speaking perfect English does not exclude any one from being a redneck. :)

But on to other things...
The stupidity of this man amazes me. I can't believe the trail of evidence he left, especially after all the DNA information he has been exposed to.

Do you think he even understands the concept of DNA?
Evidently not.
Having watched this guy on t.v. and hearing him speak...he is "barely" one step above metal retardation...IMO

Someone mentioned him walking out of jail hand in hand with his daughters and they looked happy....I thought the daughters looked "creeped out"....like this was something they HAD to do....seems he wanted more intense public noteriety and this was his way to achieve it!
fran said:
Ok, so DNA cleared him the first time. I guess he thought by getting rid of the body, there would be no DNA and he'd get away with it. He probably thought that if LE found her car there they might suspect him, but with no body,no crime. He probably also misjudged local LE in that they brought in an outside agency immediately, and trumped his 'set up by LE' defense.

Earth to Avery,........blood DNA is just as compelling as hair DNA.

As others have said, the crime scene appears to have evidence that the actual crime must have been horrendous. It does seem as if she tried to get away. Leg irons and handcuffs? OHMygosh! She wasn't discovered missing for a few days. I wonder how long he kept her?

Who would have thought that after all he's been through, all the people supporting him for the past injustice, that he would turn around and do something like this? I am just shocked! Poor Teresa :( .....I keep thinking nothing could be worse than the previous cases we've seen of late, ........and then another appears even more horrifying.

I don't get it. I just don't understand........


PS......I can see it now. His defense, 'society and LE for putting him away for 18 years for a crime he didn't commit.' ...........fran

Steve Avery is a monster, pure and simple--that is what I feel. All the time and effort spent clearing this *advertiser censored* was wasted. I do not care that he was freed for a crime he did not commit. I am sorry for the Innocence Project in WI for all the hard work put forth on his behalf. Hopefully, the bill sitting on Governor on Jim Doyle's desk will be quickly signed since Steve disgraced all these hardworking people. At least the name was changed. I do not blame them but Steve spit in their face along with all those people who worked tirelessly for him all these years. I stand behind the work of the Innocence Project but still believe there will always be a few mistakes in every venture.

Steve is a pure savant, an idiot, and was/is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. IMO, as I have read many -- his crime was heinous and more so because he fooled everyone. Given a second change at life, he didn't wait to hunt a victim, and lash out at society when given the opportunity to resort back to himself! Did he think LE would be that stupid to not suspect him? Just because WI does not have a Death Penalty does he think the other prisoners will sit back and welcome him-he will be a pariah amongst them now and prison justice may just be handed out. One never knows.

The brutality in which he must have tortured Teresa will not be forgotten. I still question what may have happened in his first crime, even if he had alibi's, etc. I think many will reevaluate his past crime and go over it just to make sure.

If I'm in WI during his trial, I would personally like to kick his azz, along with many I know there, along with relatives. I don't think I could resist that. I do not know how people can restrain themselves when it comes to folks like him. He is not what they call a "redneck," he is what we call- "FILTH" and not fit to walk amongst people. Thank God he has been incarcerated all these years, Lord knows what he would have done if he had been walking the street.
I just am praying when they are done with the salvage yard it does not turn out to be a burial ground of a sick mind. The gall of this madman is what turns my stomach over and over. As I read the reports of his life, I wonder what we do not know of him. What burns me is his constant pleas to the media about how everyone was setting him up, blah blah. Also, his infiltration into The Innocence Project as a member of their committee as an advocate after being freed is just too much.

I agree as Fran stated too that--- of course it will be society's fault for putting him away on a crime he did not commit. We made the monster, he didn't. I'm sick of people like him. The time spent on him would have better served a wrongly accused person that deserved the chance to be out on the streets, free -- and to have their life back.

My prayers go out to Teresa and to her family. May she rest in Peace.

does anyone know if this case is what caused Wisconsin to sweep up all of the missing registered sex offenders they could find?
Rocky said:
does anyone know if this case is what caused Wisconsin to sweep up all of the missing registered sex offenders they could find?
Rocky: I'm having trouble understanding exactly what you mean. The States population of sex offenders is rather high- I think it ranks up there like at 5 or so, the last I checked.

By sweeping, do you mean, "Picking the up, arresting them?" Not happening quick enough. Some Rep. reps. propose a couple bills here and there to try and make changes but changes are slow to come by.

They get released as quick as arrests are made.
A small town - in WI, they have a few good reps. that propose bills that they try and push through.

Alot are pushed within the neighborhood communities like elsewhere, S.O.--just pushing the envelope on the distance of schools, etc. As in most areas of the country I have lived in, or visited, they reoffened. Some new bills just passed though. The laws are not tough enough, and the housing of offenders to given too freely. One such community just protested and had it an area of housing stopped though.

I don't think Avery has much to do with any of the sex offenders, at least not in the area I'm familiar with..

PS. I like your site..
Gozgals, I think Rocky is asking about a recent news story where they have done their first sweep of 846 arrests of sex offenders for various reasons like not registering their new address and it's stated it is the first of many to come. Timing does seem coincidental though I don't know.
I think this particular case has made many of us very very angry, I know I am too. That poor woman and her family. I'm going to give every female in my family a stun gun and pepper spray for x-mas.
strach304: Thank you so much for clarifying the information to me. I'm now clear what he was referring to and more informed.

You are correct, we are all so angry. I'm furious too as you can tell.

* On giving every female in your family a stun gun, & pepper spray- what a great idea!! It is so sad that it has come to this though, isn't it?

peace to you, and God bless

Once again, prayers for the family,

Avery Family Responds

Nov 11, 2005

The brother of a man due to be charged with killing a 25-year-old Calumet County woman who disappeared on Halloween says family members still believe Steven Avery is being set up.

Chuck Avery tells The Associated Press that the family is on edge after today's news that prosecutors have decided to charge his brother with the death of Teresa Halbach, as well as other crimes related to her disappearance.

Chuck Avery says some family members have gone to their Crivitz area cabin and others plan to do the same to get away from it all.

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