WI - Teresa Marie Halbach, 25, Manitowoc, 31 Oct 2005

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Mr. E said:
RE: the 1985 rape that incarcerated Steve Avery --

* DNA was found under her fingerprints that could not conclusively implicate Avery, right? Creating a reasonable doubt?
* Definite DNA evidence implicating this guy Allen was found
* Avery was freed and Allen was already in prison
* But -- didn't the woman say she was attacked, then lost consciousness during the rape itself? Maybe Avery and Allen BOTH raped her. Did they know each other? Maybe he WAS guilty and just got out on a technicality, causing Teresa Halbach her life

OR maybe I'm reading something wrong, which wouldn't surprise me. I would make such a terrible juror. I'd be the one that had to look everything over again and again!

I am looking at the same things you are. And, yes, I was chosen for a jury, but not a capital case. Now I would say most of them are guilty and wouldn't be chosen now.
Does anyone know if Steve Avery and this Allen knew each other? Is there a way to connect the two?

>>>Originally Posted by Mr. E
RE: the 1985 rape that incarcerated Steve Avery --

* DNA was found under her fingerprints that could not conclusively implicate Avery, right? Creating a reasonable doubt?
* Definite DNA evidence implicating this guy Allen was found
* Avery was freed and Allen was already in prison
* But -- didn't the woman say she was attacked, then lost consciousness during the rape itself? Maybe Avery and Allen BOTH raped her. Did they know each other? Maybe he WAS guilty and just got out on a technicality, causing Teresa Halbach her life

By Penny Beerntsen's own testimony there is no reason to believe Steven Avery was involved in any way with her rape. She has never claimed there was more than one man involved.

Her statement: "The first thought that went through my head was, I've got to stay calm and get a good look at this guy.' I thought I was focusing on what he looked like," said Beerntsen, formerly of Manitowoc who now lives in Illinois. http://www.iape.org/DNA/

I think if he could have fingered Allen he would have. I don't think he would have spent 18 years in prison without snitching the man out.

As for the two knowing each other... I think we would have heard about that by now.
cheko1 said:
I could see his family lieing for him about shopping or giving him there store reciepts. I'm sure the jurors had enough evidence to feel they convicted the right man.

After reading the story on the lady he supposedly raped can you imagine the turmoil her life is in today???? Poor lady was /is lucky he never killed her then.

I'm with newt also on the dna eveidence.

said the victim herself said it was only one person-that kinda stopped my thots about him being responsible BUT..she was unconscious at one point- who is to say that he wasnt involved and she doesnt even know.
mssheila said:
I wonder what the odds are of that? :banghead:
this guy has a hell of a lot of bad luck doesnt he???? rolling eyes
he is such a lying pervert-i just cant stand watching him and he looks better now then he did before- i mean he was repulsive with all that hair and weight- it made me so sad for the girl-i would hate for him to be the last face i saw or had stuck in my face and raped by- thot rape isnt pretty no matter-its gotta be enuf to make u puke with him on top of u
Yaya said:
By Penny Beerntsen's own testimony there is no reason to believe Steven Avery was involved in any way with her rape. She has never claimed there was more than one man involved.

Her statement: "The first thought that went through my head was, I've got to stay calm and get a good look at this guy.' I thought I was focusing on what he looked like," said Beerntsen, formerly of Manitowoc who now lives in Illinois. http://www.iape.org/DNA/

I think if he could have fingered Allen he would have. I don't think he would have spent 18 years in prison without snitching the man out.

As for the two knowing each other... I think we would have heard about that by now.
good points except that if he ratted the other guy out then he would have been charged too-but i think u make a very solid argument..
just seems odd that he was convicted of soemthing less heinous and he did not do it and now he is a killer-and i have no doubt the fat pig is just that a sicko killer.
Just weird is all- and makes one wonder what he has done and not been charged with.
Researcher said:
Photos of Gregory Allen:

Photos of Steven Avery:

And BTW:
Photo of SA's son, Steve:

SA's brother Earl:

SA's brother Charles/Chuck:

And 1 of my favorites, a very touching photo of SA crying (sob, sob...he really knows how to play to an audience...anything to make sure others know what a total a$$, er, victim he is)..."Steven Avery wipes away tears:sick: while talking about his 18 years in prison" :boohoo: :

great work research so dont get me worng here but i dont see any resemblence to these 2 men-however i dont have the younger pic of the current sicko
joanofarc said:
I found this that said Allen was never tried for the rape because Penny didn't want to press charges against him...he was in jail anyway for 60 years...but WTH...I wonder what she feels like today, poor woman....more confused than ever I bet!!


Gregory Allen's DNA was found on the 1985 rape victim. In 1985 Allen, who was later imprisoned for sexual offenses against other women, lived in the same area that Steven Avery did. I wonder if Allen and Avery knew each other. If so, I wonder if they spent time together. If so, I wonder .... Gregory Allen was not tried for the 1985 rape of Penny Beerntsen because, a prosecutor said, Ms. Beernsten did not want to press charges against Allen. In 2003, when Avery was released from prison, Allen was still in imprisoned; he had been sentenced to prison for 60 years for sex crimes against other women. I wonder if Allen and Avery met while they were both imprisoned in Wisconsin.
Isn't it a kinda weird that the guy who comiited sex acts against women but who did not kill a woman spends 60 years behind bars (deservedly)..and the one who was falsely accused is the one let out and who then kills a young woman in the most sick of ways-now isnt that just life-u cant win for losing sometimes-i think its great the other guy went to jail for life-but he did not even kill (again not making light here).--but this bozo humiliates the entire LE body with his Innocence and less than 3 years later a woman is dead-burned-dismembered-and god knows what -the guy in jail has not even killed. (not to say he wouldnt but the guy is no worse than this guy is my point and is incarcerated for 60 years)
This guy should not have been released at all never mind in a way that he could laff in the face of justice too.
OMG the more I write this the madder i get about it.
Gregory Allen...more than a rapist...

Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department indicate that on December 15, 1983, the sheriff's department had information that Allen would expose himself and masturbate in front of children. Allen was also a chief suspect in a murder of a fifteen-year-old girl in North Carolina on June 16, 1975.
One article says that Steve Avery's son, also called Steve, does not want contact with his father, and who can blame him?

The Avery brothers, Steve, Chuck, and Earl, have all three been in prison for sexual assault. Steve Avery poured gasoline on a cat and threw it into the bonfire. To me, that seems sort of telling in that the remains of Teresa Halbach were charred. Maybe he had experience with burning flesh and found it to be an effective means of getting rid of evidence?
Yaya said:
Gregory Allen...more than a rapist...

Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department indicate that on December 15, 1983, the sheriff's department had information that Allen would expose himself and masturbate in front of children. Allen was also a chief suspect in a murder of a fifteen-year-old girl in North Carolina on June 16, 1975.
well u are missing my point-my only point is steve avery should have been locked up for 60 years too-he is no less dispicable and maybe more
Mr. E said:
One article says that Steve Avery's son, also called Steve, does not want contact with his father, and who can blame him?

The Avery brothers, Steve, Chuck, and Earl, have all three been in prison for sexual assault. Steve Avery poured gasoline on a cat and threw it into the bonfire. To me, that seems sort of telling in that the remains of Teresa Halbach were charred. Maybe he had experience with burning flesh and found it to be an effective means of getting rid of evidence?

It is also a way of revealing family dysfunction. The cat wasn't importent because everyone hates cats in the family. Then we can equate the rest with the dysfunction. All have had sexual assault in the past they don't believe women are on an equal standing with them as well as cats.
concernedperson said:
It is also a way of revealing family dysfunction. The cat wasn't importent because everyone hates cats in the family. Then we can equate the rest with the dysfunction. All have had sexual assault in the past they don't believe women are on an equal standing with them as well as cats.
I am still waiting for someone to come along and say about cat burning: "Well, its just a guy thing." Someone needs to explain to people thats not just a guy thing. That's a sick thing. (said by a guy)
concernedperson said:
It is also a way of revealing family dysfunction. The cat wasn't importent because everyone hates cats in the family. Then we can equate the rest with the dysfunction. All have had sexual assault in the past they don't believe women are on an equal standing with them as well as cats.
Dysfunction is even to good of a word to use on these animals / I refrain from calling SA anything remotely like human.

Women to these animals are less then nothing!
This case just makes me boil!

god- i am a big fan of nancy grace but tonight i just thot she was over-the-line with one of her guests-the so called jackson family attorney was calling diane diamond on being biased where jackson is concerned (well DUH-u r kidding)?

and nancy and the other 2 were in a very inapproprite cat fight for public tv..
nancy should think more about how ridiculous she sounds when she acts like a 2 year old
it doesnt help her cause.
so what if diane diamond is bias-so is nancy- so am i every time i talk-why put the lawyer who suggested that down and cause such a public humiliation for all 3.
Diane Diamond also needs to say she is biased-god- if anyone is she is- and there is nothing wrong with that-we are all biased about things we believe in

I cant stand how nancy says to people not to interrupt and to play nice when she doesnt hold herself to the same standard
it makes it hard to believe her research isnt just made up on the spot sometimes and i dont like having to feel like cringing just watching a show
docwho3 said:
I am still waiting for someone to come along and say about cat burning: "Well, its just a guy thing." Someone needs to explain to people thats not just a guy thing. That's a sick thing. (said by a guy)

This is the point I am trying to make. I have seen this dysfunction. I have heard the excuses and I still know the difference.I have also seen dogs given anti-freeze because their barking bothered someone. I am on this constantly and I believe animal abuse is totally akin to murder of humans.The disconnect is not lost on me. This is going on all over the US.
docwho3 said:
I am still waiting for someone to come along and say about cat burning: "Well, its just a guy thing." Someone needs to explain to people thats not just a guy thing. That's a sick thing. (said by a guy)
Won't hear that from me, doc. I agree wholeheartedly with you...it's sick, sadistic, inhuman, evil.
newtv said:

god- i am a big fan of nancy grace but tonight i just thot she was over-the-line with one of her guests-the so called jackson family attorney was calling diane diamond on being biased where jackson is concerned (well DUH-u r kidding)?

and nancy and the other 2 were in a very inapproprite cat fight for public tv..
nancy should think more about how ridiculous she sounds when she acts like a 2 year old
it doesnt help her cause.
so what if diane diamond is bias-so is nancy- so am i every time i talk-why put the lawyer who suggested that down and cause such a public humiliation for all 3.
Diane Diamond also needs to say she is biased-god- if anyone is she is- and there is nothing wrong with that-we are all biased about things we believe in

I cant stand how nancy says to people not to interrupt and to play nice when she doesnt hold herself to the same standard
it makes it hard to believe her research isnt just made up on the spot sometimes and i dont like having to feel like cringing just watching a show
I got to tell ya, I am a Nancy Grace fan but this isn't right. I am having a hard time being on her side lately. She has denigrated herself to being a media darling but she isn't my darling anymore. I just hate to say that and if I won the lottery I wouldn't call Nancy to help with distribution to victim's rights.I just wouldn't.
concernedperson said:
I got to tell ya, I am a Nancy Grace fan but this isn't right. I am having a hard time being on her side lately. She has denigrated herself to being a media darling but she isn't my darling anymore. I just hate to say that and if I won the lottery I wouldn't call Nancy to help with distribution to victim's rights.I just wouldn't.

i love u dearly and your comments resonate loudly with me-I think I am kinda getting to the same place-its not a show where u can buy into the facts-u sorta have to wade thru the bias-the mood of the day and so on-its sad really-cuz she can do so much good-but u never really reach the people when its always extreme..
people who show both sides with fairness at least make u listen more-if i can kinda get all sides i can make my own mind up-but to get a cat fight is just a waste of airtime.

and I am biased toward prosecution myself but not to the point where i would berate a guest on my own show night in and iout- i would not want to be a guest on her show-u run the risk of being humilated for your thots-and even when u have good points to make-or obvious points..

I need to find another channel to watch in that time slot.
Researcher said:
Won't hear that from me, doc. I agree wholeheartedly with you...it's sick, sadistic, inhuman, evil.
there is nothing "guy thing" about this crazy pervert-i dont know any guys who do this to animals- i mean that i know of- and if i knew of it i would consider them dangerous- some guys step in front of bullets for their dogs-as do women-so i dont think anyone cruel to animals should be taken lightly-its an indication of something much deeper-its having the capacity to kill a living thing..
I mean we do not barbeque cats as a way of life-these are pets-almost children-
I am not a cat or dog person but whenever I have had to care for them by way of others having them that I hang with - I always was the one in the household most attentive to their basic needs for food and water and walking etc.
I just could not hurt or ignore the needs of animals that i am responsible for..i would not go out and buy one-but i would never hurt one or even ignore their calls for food-water-basic care..
I might not cuddle up with them in my bed or kiss a dog-but no way could i ever do harm to anyone helpless..not even by ignoring them
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