WI - Teresa Marie Halbach, 25, Manitowoc, 31 Oct 2005

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I agree. Good post SM! That man is pure evil and it disgusts me that taxpayers have to pay any money for a sub-human like him. I hope someone in jail takes him out and we are done with him here on Earth. Let hell deal with him.
kidzndogznme said:
I know plenty of people considered by others to be fat and ugly and slobbish who are nice people with good hearts, nevertheless. I know women who are considered attractive by mainstream standards who are in relationships with men who are not as physically up to par as they may be. Still, the insults are uncalled for.

Even if she had been loose as a goose she sure wouldn't have had anything to do with a fat ugly slob like Steve Avery or his pukey nephew. I don't think any jury could be convinced of that. They both make me want to puke just looking at them.

I am the one who said that and that is my opinion. Steve Avery drew pictures while he was in prison telling exactly what he wanted to do to a woman and he did it. I don't believe that anyone would go to all of that trouble to set him up. How would his nephew have known what happened in that trailer? I would imagine that there is always someone there at the junkyard and so it doesn't make sense to me that someone or someones in LE would have been able to get in there and set the whole thing up without someone seeing them. Everything that was done to Teresa had to have taken quite a while. I also can't imagine LE out in the garage shooting off guns without worrying about someone hearing them. Avery's place was the last place that Teresa was known to have been. Evidentally there were other places that she was supposed to go but she didn't arrive. Maybe Avery believed that LE could never prove that he committed this crime especially if he yelled conspirency loud enough. I guess the truth will come out at the trials.
Bobbi, what I am saying is that perhaps the nephew is the one who raped/murdered Teresa in the trailer.
Kidz - We already know he raped her. He admitted to it.
Right but he is blaming it on his uncle. He is saying that Avery abducted her and then enticed him in to rape her. And then they killed her together. I am presenting to you the theory that it was the reverse that happened. I believe the nephew is the one who actually detained and raped Teresa. I believe it got out of control and he freaked out and killed her. I believe Steven Avery was then brought in with Brandon Dassey's request to help cover up the crime. I believe that Avery would help cover up the crime to save his nephew from prison but I just don't believe that Avery actually committed the crimes themselves. I have researched the case online, read here at WS and viewed various TV shows on this as well. It is MHO and I will stick with it unless otherwise convinced.
>On March 23, 1981 he was convicted on two counts of burglary and sentenced to two years in prison. The sentence was stayed, and instead he was ordered to spend 10 months in the Manitowoc County jail, pay $1,399.85 in restitution, and placed on five-year's probation.<

After spending 10 months in jail Steven Avery learned nothing from this but instead he did this next:

>Five months later Avery was charged with cruelty to animals for dousing a cat with gasoline and oil, throwing it in a bonfire, and watching it die. <

He spent 9 months in prison for that. Did he learn his lesson now? I can't believe that after spending 10 months in jail and then another 9 months in prison for torturing a cat and watching it die he did this:

>In January 1985 Avery was charged with endangering safety and felon gun possession when he ran the wife of a part-time Manitowoc County sheriff off the road and pointed a rifle at her. When Avery spotted the woman's infant daughter in the backseat, he backed off. He was later sentenced to six years in prison for this crime.<

But having what amounts to slaps on the wrist should one be surprised that he progressed to rape and murder? Avery has already shown, and it has been proven with the above facts, that he has a propensity to commit crime, do time and not learn anything from it. Our prisons are full of people who are repeat offenders. But lets not confuse anyone with the facts.

Oh and don't forget this juicy little tidbit. Avery is accused of another rape. The victim is a young girl and charges most likely won't be filed unless Avery is not convicted of this crime. The affidavit alleges that Steven confessed to the rape of this girl to fiancee. Unless she is lying too just to get back at poor Steven. Gee, he sure has a lot of people out to get him doesn't he?

In case you missed this in your "studies" of the case.


I guess just about everybody is out to frame poor Steven Avery :(

And I posted a link to an article previously that included this little tidbit. Just in case you missed it in your studies of the case:

"Among other documents filed in support of his motion, Kratz submitted the transcript of a 1993 hearing before Manitowoc County Circuit Judge Fred Hazelwood that said Avery, while in prison, threatened to mutilate and kill his former wife, Lori Mathieson.

That threat included drawings, and Hazelwood also discussed a "bizarre incident" with "sexual overtones" in which Avery admitted ramming his cousin's car and forcing her off the road.

Judge Hazelwood had this to say about Steven Avery:

"Hazelwood terminated Avery's contact with his children, saying "he has tremendous needs. He has huge anger. He has real potential to harm people, and he's not dealt with any of that."

And this which was not reported by just one prisoner but several:

"Kratz also included in Wednesday's filings statements from prisoners who served time with Avery at Green Bay Correctional Institution. They said Avery talked about and showed them diagrams of a torture chamber he planned to build when he was released"


Also since Avery was a convicted felon he was not allowed to own firearms yet more than one was confiscated from his residence. Guess he wasn't too smart huh?

Steven Avery called the magazine and asked specifically for Teresa Halbach. He also gave a false name using his sister-in-law's name. Teresa had complained about going out there in the past. She complained about him coming to answer the door dressed only in a towel. The van being photographed belonged to Steven Avery.

It is alleged that Steven Avery called the magazine that morning using a name other than his own to request Teresa come out to photograph a van he had for sale. I believe this was a school day and Brendan was in school that day. I remember reading an article with an interview with a teacher of his who had picked him up that morning. He was at school all day and went over to Steven's trailer after the bus dropped him off. So what was Teresa doing all that time? Shooting the breeze with Steven waiting for Brendan to come home? Brendan didn't get off the school bus until 3:45 pm. it's in the affidavit. Since Avery admits that Halbach was at his home between 2 & 3 pm and he was there too how in the heck did Brendan murder and rape her without his uncle being involved? She was still there at 3:45? Maybe she was one of Brendan's friends and waiting for him to come home huh?

We now know that Brendan has told LE that both he and his uncle planned the murder/rape together and pre-selected Theresa Halbach to be the victim.


This is what is called an "educated opinion" about a case including facts and links to back them up. Theories are all well and good while sitting around the campfire telling stories but mean very little, except to you of course, unless there is some logical thinking or reasoning behind them.

You are entitled to your own theories but I can't for the life of me figure out why you posted such a weak theory here on WS if you didn't want opinions about it or criticism.

It seems to me that you have some kind of personal reason why you would want to throw all reason out of the window and choose to believe such a far-fetched theory. Because it certainly isn't based on any facts we know of so far in the case.

Avery is facing murder/rape/kidnapping charges. A long long time behind bars most likely w/o parole. If he didn't commit this crime but helped his nephew cover it up he surely didn't say so. While aiding and abetting his nephew in this crime, multilating a corpse etc. is serious and he would do prison time it still would not be as bad as actually committing the rape and murder. But he hasn't said that. He has denied everything. Why keep Brendan's role quiet? Oh yeah, he's one of those big fluffy cuddly teddy bear types of uncles. That's why the whole family admitted they were afraid of him.

Well said Sherlockmom!!!!!
kidzndogznme said:
Right but he is blaming it on his uncle. He is saying that Avery abducted her and then enticed him in to rape her. And then they killed her together. I am presenting to you the theory that it was the reverse that happened. I believe the nephew is the one who actually detained and raped Teresa. I believe it got out of control and he freaked out and killed her. I believe Steven Avery was then brought in with Brandon Dassey's request to help cover up the crime. I believe that Avery would help cover up the crime to save his nephew from prison but I just don't believe that Avery actually committed the crimes themselves. I have researched the case online, read here at WS and viewed various TV shows on this as well. It is MHO and I will stick with it unless otherwise convinced.

It was Avery who either called the office of Teresa's work or he had someone else do it but they specified that they wanted Teresa to come and take the pictures...only her. I doubt that Avery would set this whole thing up so that his pitiful nephew could rape and kill her.

I think LE has a lot more evidence then we know about. We'll see when the trial starts.
" The relative who found murder victim Teresa Halbach's vehicle in a rural salvage yard, giving authorities a major break in the case, denied Wednesday that she talked to any law enforcement officer before making the discovery."

"Defense lawyers have asked to have the interviews not allowed at trial, arguing reporters got special consideration and acted as agents of police."

"He noted that in the same month, Avery rejected requests by male reporters from two other Green Bay television stations for interviews.

Fallon said Avery "would talk only to young, attractive dark-haired women."

Hearings continue Aug 9. Avery's trial is scheduled Oct. 16 and Dassey's Feb. 5.

More information about today's hearing:

Masterj said:
That speaks volumes. He repulses me.

He really is a pig isn't he! I wonder if his attornies realize yet that there is no defense for this lowlife piece of scum. That gives me the creeps that he would only consent to interviews with dark haired women. He probably sat there staring at their *advertiser censored* during the whole interview he is such a creep.

Have the Prosecution said yet if they will go for the death penalty? I hope that state has it.
>Have the Prosecution said yet if they will go for the death penalty? I hope that state has it.

At this time there is no DP in the state of WI. However, there is movement to put the question on a ballot in the fall elections. This will give WI voters a chance to express their wishes to their representatives (barring the usual voter fraud). Which will then be promptly ignored :(

It is the Avery case which prompted the renewed call for the DP.
Thanks Sherlockmom....if anyone deserves the death penalty this fat azz creep does.
>Thanks Sherlockmom....if anyone deserves the death penalty this fat azz creep does<

Yes he sure does. Unfortunately even if a law is eventually passed to re-instate the DP it will be too late to bring justice to Avery.

In a 2006 survey of state residents 61% of them favored the DP. The advisory referendum will be on the Wisconsin Nov. 7, 2006 ballot. Wisconsin residents should make sure they get out and vote that day and express their wishes as to the DP in WI. This is an advisory referendum only.

The referendum will read:

"Should the death penalty be enacted in the State of Wisconsin for cases involving a person who is convicted of first-degree intentional homicide, if the conviction is supported by DNA evidence?"
"WFRV) MANITOWOC First he confessed he helped murder Teresa Halbach last Halloween. Now Brendan Dassey claims he wasn't involved."


Oh, okay then. Nevermind. He writes the judge:

""Dear Judge Jerome Fox, Hello. I was going to write you a while back but I didn't have a pencil."

"The he says he watched TV until 7pm. At that time, Avery called and invited him to a bonfire."

A bonfire???????? I suppose they sat around the bonfire telling scary stories and making smores too?

Dassey's lawyers stated that they did not advise Brendan to write to the judge. Gee, ya think?

Well he still has plenty of time to re-write his story a few more times.
I will be voting for the death penalty to be re-instated in Wi. I've written to the state legislature & senators & whoever else would listen, since Jeffrey Dahmer's conviction.

We've had many horrendous murders in Wi. recently. Chai Vang ( hunting murders) he thanked all the kind people in Wi for supporting him as long as he lives! Shaun Rudy killed Christine (his wife & she was pregnant) he did a complete copycat killing a few days after Steve Avery killed Teresa.........

Shaun Rudy's girlfriend ( Heather Teschler) only got 8 months for helping dispose of the body & keeping her mouth shut / who knows how much she helped to murder Christine & her unborn baby? The DA protected her & she got a slap on the wrist so they could convict Shaun Rudy...... I wrote letters to every offical I could think of over it.

But the fact is Brandon could only get a slap on the wrist too. Heather even got time off the 8 months for time served in jail. She is out on a work release now & living her life. With Brandon being a minor who knows what will happen to him? Its not fair......
I heard about Brendan's new confession on my local news this morning....he also claimed his brother can back up everything he said and I suppose he thinks we are as dumb as his entire family.

The death penalty in WI is long overdue.
>he also claimed his brother can back up everything he said and I suppose he thinks we are as dumb as his entire family.

Funny that his brother didn't remember he was home playing video games until just now at the same time Brendan first remembered he was home playing video games.

Yes, his brother backing him up seals the deal for me too.
cheko1 said:
I will be voting for the death penalty to be re-instated in Wi. I've written to the state legislature & senators & whoever else would listen, since Jeffrey Dahmer's conviction.

We've had many horrendous murders in Wi. recently. Chai Vang ( hunting murders) he thanked all the kind people in Wi for supporting him as long as he lives! Shaun Rudy killed Christine (his wife & she was pregnant) he did a complete copycat killing a few days after Steve Avery killed Teresa.........

Shaun Rudy's girlfriend ( Heather Teschler) only got 8 months for helping dispose of the body & keeping her mouth shut / who knows how much she helped to murder Christine & her unborn baby? The DA protected her & she got a slap on the wrist so they could convict Shaun Rudy...... I wrote letters to every offical I could think of over it.

But the fact is Brandon could only get a slap on the wrist too. Heather even got time off the 8 months for time served in jail. She is out on a work release now & living her life. With Brandon being a minor who knows what will happen to him? Its not fair......
Unfortunately, you will probably see Brandon in the news again at a future date. This dysfunction will continue and because it is that, they will screw up again. No ability to see straight and fly right.

So, keep writing to your politicos. It coud make a differance to another family including yours.
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