Will anyone write to KC?

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Will you write to KC?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 5.6%
  • No

    Votes: 451 83.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 59 10.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If I did write to her and I am not sure that I would.
I would be writing to a mentally impaired person and considering that in my letter.
Not everyone who is mentally impaired looks insane or talks insane.
Personally I think she jeopardized Caylee and left her in a Bordello.
Just that behavior alone should get Casey Jail time.
But what attractive young lady goes to a Bordello to begin with?
IMHO Casey is impaired.

I would ask her to turn to God and I would ask her to start by trusting in God and making a commitment one day at a time to tell the truth that day.

A compulsive lier is not a healthy person. I feel for the Anthony because I HAVE ONE OF THOSE.

I do not post very much on the CMA threads because I feel that the public has already played Judge and Jury, and I can not hate a sick person.
I get frustrated, upset, but I feel sadness, anger, hurt, and PITY.

I refuse to hang her yet, I refuse to judge them, I refuse to play God.
No I Would Not Write... There is now way to get though to her.
To answer the poll question - I voted a resounding NO!
I would never write to Casey all she needs to see hear ect.
is the 4 walls she is in I think it should be like it used to be
know special treat foods 3 meals a day bread and water
know books special things to do unless it is to make her work
Pick up trash off the side of the road get outside a hour a day
that's it nothing else
My letter would be censored!
If the family can't do anything with her;
why would GA think anyone else could
I can't think of a single thing I'd want to say to Casey, except maybe "Gee, I hope I am wrong in my opinion of you."

I do think occasionally of writing to George and Cindy. I feel such compassion for them, and such a sense of how HARD their lives must be right now.
If I thought she was honestly receiving no mail from anyone, I might write her, but I don't believe that for a second.

But more importantly, if I thought it would mean anything to her, if it would touch her in any way, then yeah, I'd write if she wasn't getting any mail. But I don't think it would matter or touch her one little tiny bit!!!

it'd be totally pointless to write her. There is something wrong with her brain. Writing might do soemthing for the writer, but it doesn't do anything for a sociopath.
Heck No, I would never write to KC. She's not worth my time or the postage IMO. She is NOT going to be influenced by anybody. Anybody who thinks they can influence her are sadly mistaken IMO. She's a psychopath who doesn't think or respond to others like the rest of us do. Writing to her would be a waste....a HUGE waste.
NO, but if I did consider writing to her, it would be something like..."Oh well...what a waste, what a huge waste writing to you. Isn't that what she said to her friend Kristina as Kristina was crying about Caylee to her?
GA asked people to write to KC... for CA, GA, LA, and Casey. Will you do it?

Not unless I can tell her exactly what I think of her...the lying witch! Somehow, I don't think that is what GA meant though, is it? :waitasec:
Nope--I'm too busy shopping, dancing, cooking, driving around, and actually *working*.
Capital N Capital O.

IMO, it would be a waste, huge waste. I imagine they'd only be tossed out unopened in a plastic trash bag.

Worse, could all of our cards and letters end up being dumped out on the defense table during the trial to back up JB's claim that many people have doubt about KC being the murderer and that many people still support her?

*** Reminder *** This thread it titled "Will anyone write to KC?"
Like Whitney Houston would say.....

"HELL to the NO!"
No. That would be a waste, a huge waste of my time, paper and a stamp.
No, and if I did, I wouldn't be writing with support. It would be to tell her to quit screwing around and do the right thing for once in her life.
I had to. Somehow, today I am asking GOD to HELP ME, to follow HIS path. I have already written the card and a letter. I am now going to the Orange County Jail website to make sure I address it correctly and I don't do anything wrong.

I don't know why I felt SO compelled to write to her. I just wrote with my heart and that I believe GOD wants us to reach out and ask them to turn to GOD, and find what it is GOD is asking her to find. Not what she sees is right, but what GOD would be telling her is right.

Tracey, I applaud you and your generous, forgiving spirit. Maybe you felt compelled to do it because there was a sweet angel on your shoulder asking you to write to her mom who she loved.

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