Will anyone write to KC?

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Will you write to KC?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 5.6%
  • No

    Votes: 451 83.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 59 10.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well, how about a card? Would ya send Casey a card?

Maybe something from Hallmark's new "Happy Murderers Day" line?
That's too funny! TY and LMAO.
I'm still going to write and tell her to confess and that JB is playing her for his own profit. IMO:dance:
I called the mailroom. Here is the address to send directly to KC in her cold, small and monitored cell:
Casey Marie Anthony
P.O. Box 4970
Orlando, FL 32802-4970

You have to have you return address with first and last name.

Does anything think that by writing to Casey that by doing so one might be called as a defense witness??
No, I won't write to her.
I can't imagine what GA was thinking. He knew that the service would be on TV. He must know that 99.99% of the letters KC will get will be non-supportive, if not hate mail. What was he thinking?
No, I won't write to her.
I can't imagine what GA was thinking. He knew that the service would be on TV. He must know that 99.99% of the letters KC will get will be non-supportive, if not hate mail. What was he thinking?

Not sure, but perhaps his remarks stem from the love that a parent will always have for their child, no matter what. George has been thru so much with the suicide and recent hospitalization.
No, I won't write to her.
I can't imagine what GA was thinking. He knew that the service would be on TV. He must know that 99.99% of the letters KC will get will be non-supportive, if not hate mail. What was he thinking?

I think he and Lee want her to confess. He wants us to appeal to her to confess. JMO:twocents:
KC wouldn't give any of our letters the time of day, and she certainly wouldn't take advice from a complete stranger. Think of all the people who have tried to reach out to her to get her to tell the truth - including people who loved her. She's a PSYCHOPATH, people. You don't want to get involved with her - trust me on this. Nobody here is going to get through to her. Writing a letter to her IMO would be a waste of y'alls time, but if you feel compelled to do so, then by all means do it, but don't expect anything. IF she does write back to you, it will be only because she wants something from you. I would steer clear and not get involved. If you want to "help" somebody, volunteer and become a big brother or big sister to a needy child in your area, or do something else that's constructive. Writing KC would not be constructive - just a waste of time IMO.
Read the above. It can't be repeated enough.
And you would be giving this psychopath your first name, last name, and address. Do you really need a psychopath knowing who you are and where you live? The psychopath may be locked up, but her mother isn't. Think about it.
Read the above. It can't be repeated enough.
And you would be giving this psychopath your first name, last name, and address. Do you really need a psychopath knowing who you are and where you live? The psychopath may be locked up, but her mother isn't. Think about it.

I never looked at it as writing to an inmate, other inmates or other people would then have your personal contact information -- very interesting!
I voted NO. I am much too cynical of a person to write to KC. I have a sister-in-law right now in the state mental hospital, charged w/ felony child abuse/neglect. When she gets out she goes to jail. So much about KC reminds me of this sister-in-law. I have been through it all with her. The constant lies, the theft, the deciet, the personality disorder. When I look at her 3 precious kids, (ages 7, 6 & 7 months) I think how can anyone look in their eyes behave as she does.
It is nice to see so many compasionate WS'ers. So many who want to share God with KC. I am happy to belong to this group and that some of you can show compassion when I can not.
No, I won't write to her.
I can't imagine what GA was thinking. He knew that the service would be on TV. He must know that 99.99% of the letters KC will get will be non-supportive, if not hate mail. What was he thinking?

Not sure he was thinking about what the reprocussions would be from that, I found it distasteful, especially during Caylees memorial:doh:
Read the above. It can't be repeated enough.
And you would be giving this psychopath your first name, last name, and address. Do you really need a psychopath knowing who you are and where you live? The psychopath may be locked up, but her mother isn't. Think about it.
I'm working on what I am going to write and will post it when I am done.

As far as my return address:
I don’t see why you couldn’t just make up a return name and address.
Caylee Smith
333 Heavens Gate Road
Happy, TX 72000

I'm going to take GA's advice and write that waste of skin KC. This circus has gone on too long. It's worth a shot. What can it hurt?

She needs to know what we think and that JB is playing her.

Write her? Would not waste the time, the paper or the stamp...no way........not this ole girl:D
I am not religious in any way but I do believe that no one is beyond redemption. I guess without religion it seems nonsensical but there it is.

With that said, I am not at the point to where I feel like I could forgive her. also, she is almost certainly a sociopath and while I might be very happy to donate to TES every month I dont want to get sucked into donating to KC. And yes, I am that pitiful/forgiving/giving/stupid however you want to call it.


I would gladly send the inmate a card with a big red heart stuck on it and the words "Happy V D" and I am not referring to Valentine's Day, along with a few kind words regarding all she will have to look forward to if she only gets LWOP and then a gentle reminder that I and :

oh my dear, that was too funny!
I haven't read all the posts but...what if we all send her a postcard.... no return address, that says "tell the truth!"
I imagine a 1000 may have some influence.
No, I won't write to her.
I can't imagine what GA was thinking. He knew that the service would be on TV. He must know that 99.99% of the letters KC will get will be non-supportive, if not hate mail. What was he thinking?

I still say that George was talking to his/their FAMILY and FRIENDS at the actual memorial. I think we folks on the internet are so far from his mind. It actually seems very presumptious of us to think that he was talking to us. Sorry, but I do not think we are that important to him.
I could think of a lot of people that I would write letters to. Miss KC ain't one of them!!
Only thing is most of those "other people only have P.O. Boxes :bang:

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