Will Casey take the stand?

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I'm not sure if this is the right thread to start this discussion if anyone's interested- I'm searching for a general trial one. At trial, the jury can convict of a lesser charge - like, manslaughter instead of murder.

At this trial, the HUGE thing the defense will have to convince the jury to get over is- Caylee was KCs daughter. As a mother, KC was responsible for Caylee's well being. Caylee was murdered. The medical examiner ruled it a homicide - meaning: no natural death, no accident, but murder. Even forgetting the facts of this case, the only way for a mother to get out of that would be to say someone else did it- but not just that "someone" did it, that I responsibly entrusted THIS real person with my child, and the evidence shows he or she is responsible for my child's death.

Add in all of the evidence linking the crime scene to the A home- and really, the best the defense could imagine is manslaughter. A mother is legally responsible for the welfare of her child. WHY is the defense taking the gamble that she gets the DP/LWOP when she could have pled to 10 years (sadly)?

I'm almost afraid that she will have an appeal for ineffective counsel- I'm actually happy Linda joined in, I think she practically kills that argument. Arrggg I just can't get my mind around this.
It simply doesn't matter. She's damned if she doesn't, but she's more damned if she does. It ain't gonna happen! Jurors are going to HATE her.

LOL to someone's statement of, "no way Jose." That was priceless.
Definitely not. But I sure wonder how Baez intends to show 'her side of the story'. He keeps claiming KC wants her day in court but I don't see how she can tell her story. She doesn't appear to have any witnesses on her list that could tell a different story and Baez yapping isn't evidence.
I think Casey's personality parallels Ted Bundy's. She believes she can convince us all of her innocence if we'd just give her a chance to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk......

My post back in September:

#48 09-18-2008, 08:46 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 1,174

Originally Posted by technicalconfusion
Here's a thought: Maybe she's decided she's going to defend herself!

Wouldn't be surprised. Ted Bundy.
I think Casey's personality parallels Ted Bundy's. She believes she can convince us all of her innocence if we'd just give her a chance to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk......
I was at Ted Bundy's trial in Orlando and witnessed his temper tantrum in court. One minute he was very lawyerly and the next he behaved like a 3 year old. He had to be removed from the courtroom in front of the jury whose jaws were in their laps. Whew, that man could mad in a heartbeat.
What a chameleon.
*this is my first time to start a thread, my feelings wont be hurt if it needs to be moved*

My biggest question about her conviction.
Do you think Casey Anthony will take the stand to testify?

My thoughts are this: I know anyone who takes the stand can not testify for Casey. In order for her "side" to be told, she will have to tell it her self
If she ever did, she would be banging the nail on her own coffin. It will never happen.
Unless, JB is THAT incompetent to let her.

ohhh, jmho.
Nope. No, no, no, no, no. JB isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but even he wouldn't allow this. Will never happen.
JB will recommend against it, strongly. Ultimately, however, it's her decision--and she strikes me as the type of defendant who's just sure enough of her own intellectual superiority to believe that she can make judge & jury buy the story, some of which she may have even come to believe herself.

Fact is, though, that whether she testifies or not, the jury will hear TONS from her--more than enough to assess exactly what type of monster she is.
Wasn't her handwritten affidavit addition talked about when it first came out that it was as good as a written testimony, and therefore the State could use it to call her to defend her position? I'm not sure. I guess it comes under self-incrimination and whatnot. I'm still 50/50 on whether her ego will allow her to sit as the silent muse at the table versus the defiant goddess on the stand.
If she ever did, she would be banging the nail on her own coffin. It will never happen.
Unless, JB is THAT incompetent to let her.

ohhh, jmho.

If she insists, is he obligated to let her?
I would have said no way before this week, but after learning that JB's last client, ND took the stand in his trial, I have to say it might be a possibility. I would think Casey, with her personality type, would want to take the stand. I think that she thinks she can outsmart everyone and explain it all away. It would be a really stupid thing to do given the multitude of lies and crazy stories she would be confronted with, but I can't be so sure she will not insist on doing it.

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