Will Casey Testify?

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Will KC testify at trial?

  • She will testify.

    Votes: 312 27.4%
  • She will not testify.

    Votes: 826 72.6%

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Please please please let Casey take the stand. They are going to rip her apart! She will crumble just like Darlie Routier did on the stand. She couldn't keep her lies straight and I'm sure neither will Casey.
how is it that ICA would be able to take the stand and go against her previous statements but a witness cannot?
Does anyone really believe that Casey will swear on a Bible "to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"?
Something in my gut tells me she wants to and is looking forward to it. I don't think she's been "silenced" for this long in her life and its killing her. She's had lots of time to rehearse exactly what she'll say and how she'll act. She's played it all out in her head already. She wants to be center stage, there's no doubt about that. However, I don't think her team will allow it.
Something in my gut tells me she wants to and is looking forward to it. I don't think she's been "silenced" for this long in her life and its killing her. She's had lots of time to rehearse exactly what she'll say and how she'll act. She's played it all out in her head already. She wants to be center stage, there's no doubt about that. However, I don't think her team will allow it.

if she insists they cannot stop her, it is her right.

I think she will take the stand but I am not certainly certain - clearly according to her DT visiting her in jail they have NOT prepared her for a cross exam so perhaps I am wrong.
I have a legal question. I know that generally during cross-examination an attorney can only ask questions during cross-examination that pertain to items asked during direct examination. i.e. Baez could not cross-examine someone like Cindy or Lee Anthony about possible sexual abuse because the prosecution did not address it in direct. If the defense wants to bring up unrelated items they must call the witness themselves for direct examination.

But the prosecution cannot call the defendant for direct examination. Does that mean they have the right to ask any question they want during cross if the defendant chooses to testify? or are they still limited to only asking questions about items brought out by the sefense on direct?
I bring this up because I wonder if the prosecution could ask, "who was Caylee's father"
I don't have any education in law so I don't know the
answer, but thought of a question I would like the
prosecution to ask and that is, 'What were your thoughts
with Caylee coming into your life' and Did you enjoy
your time with her with love and laughter'.

I would love to hear her answers!!!
I definitely do not believe Casey will testify. I think Jose is going to try and be shady and shifty and squeeze in bits and pieces trying to get the jury to believe the molestation stuff but mostly I think he is just going to poke holes in the defense case and try to insinuate that GA and Lee molested her. I think he will drag GA to the stand and accuse him of molesting her in court. I don't think that should be allowed unless there is proof that he did that or his accuser is willling to get up in court and state that pubically.
What I'd like to know is how the State is preparing for Casey, should the Defense call her to the stand to testify. I am not saying that I don't have full confidence in the Prosecution team--but-- knowing what we know about the defendant, what is the strategy? Would they have consulted with a psych doctor, or someone that can help navigate the recesses of a known liar, manipulator and convicted felon. Just asking.....
Does anyone really believe that Casey will swear on a Bible "to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"?

Then down comes a huge lightning bolt and she disappears in a cloud of dense, sulfurous smoke. :devil:
I think you are right. She will have to take the stand because of the opening statement Baez made..

There is no other witness that will or can prove any of the statements the defense made
and even though the defense does not have to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt, but he is going to have to present evidence to back up his opening statement and the only witness that can do that is Casey...
I think you are right. She will have to take the stand because of the opening statement Baez made..

There is no other witness that will or can prove any of the statements the defense made
and even though the defense does not have to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt, but he is going to have to present evidence to back up his opening statement and the only witness that can do that is Casey...

I don't have any education in law so I don't know the
answer, but thought of a question I would like the
prosecution to ask and that is, 'What were your thoughts
with Caylee coming into your life' and Did you enjoy
your time with her with love and laughter'.

I would love to hear her answers!!!

Why? I'm not trying to be flip, but you know she'd just lie anyway. Would you believe her if she said, 'yes'?
Part of me wants to ask many questions... the other part of me thinks "why bother" she'll only lie anyway. She will lie, even when the truth would sound better.
KC MUST TESTIFY. Someone needs to tell her story under oath, and IMO, it won't be GA.
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