Will Casey Testify?

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Will KC testify at trial?

  • She will testify.

    Votes: 312 27.4%
  • She will not testify.

    Votes: 826 72.6%

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Susan Smith did NOT take the stand but she also admitted guilt so I'm not sure if that matters.
I cannot see how any juror could believe a word she testified to. I wouldn't believe her if she told me it was 3:00 on Monday when it was 3:00 on Monday. But it would be quite something to see either Ashton or LDB just chew her up, have her for lunch and then repeat the same process around dinnertime! They would just decimate her! It would be a show for sure! I don't think she will testify- but Casey seems to do what Casey wants to do so who knows...
I still don't think Casey will take the stand. She will be her own undoing. She thinks she's smarter then everyone else. But she has to realize somewhere in the deep recesses of her mind that she wasn't successful getting everyone to believe many of the Lies she has told since June 2008. Her life didn't depend on being believed then, but it does NOW! I do think that first and foremost Casey's concerns are for herself first and I don't think she will risk herself receiving the Death Penalty, something she made happen to her own self!........JMO
Wanted to bump this thread and add what do we think she will say now? What do you think the SA will ask her?
I personally think that she wants to deny the sexual abuse allegations- LA's testimony made her feel very upset and I think this is the basis for the competency hearing.
What do you guys think?

I have not read all the posts following your "bump" yet, but I have an opinion, for what it's worth. ITA with you... especially if ICA feels/fears she's going down, anyway. To clear the names of the only two family members who appear to have really loved her-- GA and LA-- would be a grand gesture on her part. Even ICA must dread the day this trial is over and she has no "loved ones" who will visit her in prison or on death row... JMHO
Yes, it has to be asked, but they all know that. HHJP did not need to make that announcement today. The fact that he did, his tone when doing so and casey's reaction make me think something is up.

Did JB seem to be in favor of the psych eval? did she look extra pissed at him on Saturday?

I imagine Casey didn't just say she wants to testify. She said that if they would just put her on the stand she could make everyone understand she's not guilty. Imagine she keeps saying this despite CM making with the sanity and sense. Am sure he explained that defendants testifying almost never works and torpedoes any case. Casey being Casey is always RIGHT.

So Mason asks for the pysch testing. Am wondering if Jose was on board with that. He should KNOW how insane her getting on the stand would be but based on the tactics he has employed thus far, I don't know.

No idea about DCS. Is it normal to have a female defense attorney who does nothing but sitting their comforting the defendent? I get it is to humanize Casey. I was HOPING AF was more or less taking over but that doesn't seem to

Given this I wonder if CM is sticking around?

I have known pathological liars including someone who made up entire storylines and fictional people and ran with it for YEARS. Almost always they have the ego as we know Casey does. She honestly thinks she can make the jury believe her.
I read in the lawyer's thread that Casey testifying would open up A LOT of doors. I think that after the DT talks to her about howshe would probably spend hours being cross-examined, and all her videos and calls would be introduced as evidence, she will probably decide not to testify. If she does, she's insane.

Sorry to disagree with you but, no way would she shy away from maybe her last chance to wow the crowds with her extraordinary talents to spin tales.

I can also see how she would love to bask in the glory of just knowing that all eyes are upon her.

And lastly, just the slightest of slightest chances to confuse one member of the jury into doubting of her guilt.

If she is able to testify in her defense, I definitely see her doing it...
Did JB seem to be in favor of the psych eval? did she look extra pissed at him on Saturday?

I imagine Casey didn't just say she wants to testify. She said that if they would just put her on the stand she could make everyone understand she's not guilty. Imagine she keeps saying this despite CM making with the sanity and sense. Am sure he explained that defendants testifying almost never works and torpedoes any case. Casey being Casey is always RIGHT.

So Mason asks for the pysch testing. Am wondering if Jose was on board with that. He should KNOW how insane her getting on the stand would be but based on the tactics he has employed thus far, I don't know.

No idea about DCS. Is it normal to have a female defense attorney who does nothing but sitting their comforting the defendent? I get it is to humanize Casey. I was HOPING AF was more or less taking over but that doesn't seem to

Given this I wonder if CM is sticking around?

I have known pathological liars including someone who made up entire storylines and fictional people and ran with it for YEARS. Almost always they have the ego as we know Casey does. She honestly thinks she can make the jury believe her.

I see AF as nothing more than a last ditch effort to somehow save her from the chair...nothing more, nothing less.

Kinda like the doctor who tells a terminally ill patient with a month to live...it can't hurt to try this treatment but, knowing full well there really is no hope.

I think AF is smart enough to know that this is a sinking ship but, perhaps is just tossing out a life preserver for the simple sake of "it can't hurt to try".
I hope it is LDB - ICA seems to HATE her....can't wait to see that interchange :woohoo:

I couldn't agree with you more...definitely LDB and JA for closing. His passion for Caylee will seal ICA's fate with the jury!
I don't think she will. She is doing exactly what she has done her entire life which is let someone else clean up her mess. She has so many attorneys there isn't enough room at the defense table for all of them. She has her family still lying for her. She's a bully but will back down if challenged.

On the other hand, I would pay to see her on the stand and have LDB and JA tag team questioning her. I know they only allow one but that would be a sight to see. BTW, my husband hates to watch crimes shows but he knows enough about this case from what I've told him and he said he would take off work to see ICA on the stand.

I am leaning towards thinking ICA will take the stand. Especially after HJBP reminded the DT that he would need to ask ICA if it was her decision and her decision alone to take the stand or not. When she shook her head in agreement, to me said alot.

If it does happen, rooting for LDB for the cross. ICA's disdain for her is apparent and I think LDB could really get to her.
I don't think she will. She is doing exactly what she has done her entire life which is let someone else clean up her mess. She has so many attorneys there isn't enough room at the defense table for all of them. She has her family still lying for her. She's a bully but will back down if challenged.

On the other hand, I would pay to see her on the stand and have LDB and JA tag team questioning her. I know they only allow one but that would be a sight to see. BTW, my husband hates to watch crimes shows but he knows enough about this case from what I've told him and he said he would take off work to see ICA on the stand.


I completely agree with you. I'd like to add that I think she WANTS to testify, especially after seeing her brother cry. The narcissist in her thinks that everybody else is wrong, she is right, and if everybody would just listen to her, this would all be explained. She is LOVING the fuss everybody is going to for HER, both prosecution and defense. I don't doubt for a minute that she could care less that this has destroyed her parents and her brother. Oh well, they are stupid and useless to her now, so who cares what happens to them?

I would love to see her on the stand. No reasonable jury would be able to stomach her lies.
It seems, with the events of this weekend and HHBP's comments, that she is planning and wanting to take the stand. However, I have learned the hard way that nothing in this trial, in fact this entire case, is ever what it seems. I am hopefully optimistic she will testify. I can see her wanting to, because she is such a "good liar" and I agree with others who have said she will think she can clear this all up. But I will not be surprised when she doesn't. I guess I am squarely on the fence. :fence:
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