Will Casey Testify?

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Will KC testify at trial?

  • She will testify.

    Votes: 312 27.4%
  • She will not testify.

    Votes: 826 72.6%

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Until I sat through this trial I always said no way will she take the stand.

The more I have watched the trial, the smugness, the glaring, the way she has treated her family. I now lay odds at 80 percent yes. She so boldly stood up and took that mic this morning. She is just dying to talk and tell her stories. Because in her world she believes that she can still get away with stories.
If casey testifies, Ashton will crucify her. There is no way she will be able to make the jury members believe her and she will loses her temper, as she did for a moment at the defense table. Again, that's if she gets on the stand! But don't get your hopes up!
Grandmaj, I hope you are right and she let's her ego lead her onto the stand!
Until I sat through this trial I always said no way will she take the stand.

The more I have watched the trial, the smugness, the glaring, the way she has treated her family. I now lay odds at 80 percent yes. She so boldly stood up and took that mic this morning. She is just dying to talk and tell her stories. Because in her world she believes that she can still get away with stories.

ITA; she probably thinks she's smarter than Ashton and LDB and won't have any problems with whoever does cross.
I have no idea. I originally voted no, but I think maybe yes. But she'd be a frigging unusual person to take the stand.
As I observed her hateful glares, fake tears, and even inappropriate laughter today, I thought that she won't be able to resist having the last word and getting back at her dad for his lack of "loyalty" to her. Her snottiest expressions occurred when George was testifying. Cindy is second on her list at this point.

I'm trying to imagine her on the stand. I think she would reply with a lot of "I don't knows" and "I have no ideas." If the molestation charge is brought up, it will simply be he said/she said, wouldn't it? She can weave a detailed fantasy that can be neither confirmed nor denied. When confronted with her lies, she may say, "Yes, I do lie, but it's because of thus and so."

But ICA's Achilles heel is that she thinks she is smarter, prettier, and more compelling than she really is. Her view of herself is way off base. Melich had her number from day one, but she views herself as some irrestible vixen who can sway any man or woman.
ICA is dying to get up on that stand. I don't think she has any concept of how bad today went. She didn't even have the sense not to shoot dagars at her father while he sobbed on the stand though, so I cannot even imagine what would happen if she testified. I wouldn't be surprised if they are still trying to talk her out of it even tonight. It all depends on how effective they are. I really have no idea, I'm 50/50 either way.
If I was on the jury and she didn't take the stand, it would make me impossible to convince that she isn't guilty, but if she takes the stand, she will get crucified! So, basically she is darned if she does and darned if she doesn't!
I think Linda would do the cross. ICA loathes her, and Linda knows it -- she has been standing in front of that table as much as possible just to annoy her. It would be the biggest mistake of her young foolish life to get up there, but I now think it could be possible. At any rate, I won't need one of SOTOS's diapers, because I will be prepared!

dr. phil was just on cnn's anderson 360, and he said casey would 'absolutely not' take the stand in his opinion. and that it would be 'tantamount to malpractice' if her lawyers were to let her.
Two years ago, I posted that I wondered if she would take the stand primarily because she is such a narcissist, and also if she would try to represent herself like Ted Bundy did.

You have a good point about her representing herself. She would porbably have done a much better job that JB did. :twocents:
dr. phil was just on cnn's anderson 360, and he said casey would 'absolutely not' take the stand in his opinion. and that it would be 'tantamount to malpractice' if her lawyers were to let her.

Well, I'm sure they don't want her to, but they can't stop her if she insists. There was some speculation that that was what the psych eval last Saturday was all about -- CM trying to stop her from testifying and covering the bases by having the eval done first.
No, she won't, the defense will say they planned to put her on but the state did not prove their case, so no need. But really, she can't testify, IMO, as they know they are going to appeal a conviction and it would be difficult to send up another version in the event they did win a new trial.

But if she does...the only thing I can think of that she could try is, first admit she is and always has lied to have her way/get out of trouble, etc...then tell what she is now swearing to be the truth for fear of her life, that no, her dad was not there. That she and Caylee came back to the house as soon as he left for work (if pings don't show exactly where she was after 3pm) since she did not really have a job to go to, and Caylee managed to get into the pool and drowned. And that she is responsible for putting Caylee into the trunk, putting duct tape on her, and eventually dumping her body in the woods. That she wanted to blame her dad because she hates him, he tried to molest her, or whatever (insert reason.) She would be admitting to doing everything except actually killing her and throwing herself on mercy of the court.
But she could never get through this story, because there would be parts she had not thought out in advance, i.e. why the shovel, why the googles, etc...
So no, she won't testify, IMO
I hope she does take the stand and try to finish the story that DT told in opening statements it will nail the coffin shut and if she insist on taking the stand nothing her lawyers can do to stop her yes they can advise her not to but they have to let her...
dr. phil was just on cnn's anderson 360, and he said casey would 'absolutely not' take the stand in his opinion. and that it would be 'tantamount to malpractice' if her lawyers were to let her.

Judge will ask her if it her decision to testify and remind her it is her decision and hers alone to make. He will get that on record. I don't think DT wants her on the stand.
Why does ICA hate Linda? Is she jealous of her? I saw Linda and Jose talking today for quite some time. She must have really been ticked then because Jose is her man. lol
No, she won't, the defense will say they planned to put her on but the state did not prove their case, so no need. But really, she can't testify, IMO, as they know they are going to appeal a conviction and it would be difficult to send up another version in the event they did win a new trial.

But if she does...the only thing I can think of that she could try is, first admit she is and always has lied to have her way/get out of trouble, etc...then tell what she is now swearing to be the truth for fear of her life, that no, her dad was not there. That she and Caylee came back to the house as soon as he left for work (if pings don't show exactly where she was after 3pm) since she did not really have a job to go to, and Caylee managed to get into the pool and drowned. And that she is responsible for putting Caylee into the trunk, putting duct tape on her, and eventually dumping her body in the woods. That she wanted to blame her dad because she hates him, he tried to molest her, or whatever (insert reason.) She would be admitting to doing everything except actually killing her and throwing herself on mercy of the court.
But she could never get through this story, because there would be parts she had not thought out in advance, i.e. why the shovel, why the googles, etc...
So no, she won't testify, IMO

ITA that she would have to come entirely clean, and make it awfully believable, because the State is prepared for rebtuttal and in the event that she would testify to specifics verifiable by their cell records, etc., she would have to dot all "i's" and cross all "t's" if she wanted to pull it off.

I have little faith in her ability to do that. Takes more attention to detail than she's shown lo these many years. More to the point, she'd have to admit blame and leave everyone else out. I just don't know that she would ever do that.

Why does ICA hate Linda? Is she jealous of her? I saw Linda and Jose talking today for quite some time. She must have really been ticked then because Jose is her man. lol

You mean beyond the fact that Linda is beautiful, intelligent, and a respected attorney? Not a pretend-event planner or faux-legal-clerk/attorney? That and she has ICA's number, and is preparing to either see her put to death or stashed away for the rest of her life? Oh, I don't know. Who knows? :wink:
I think Linda would do the cross. ICA loathes her, and Linda knows it -- she has been standing in front of that table as much as possible just to annoy her. It would be the biggest mistake of her young foolish life to get up there, but I now think it could be possible. At any rate, I won't need one of SOTOS's diapers, because I will be prepared!


I hope so. The day after Casey's hissy fit I noticed that Linda changed her style a little bit and wore a lower cut top with a pretty colorful necklace. Wonder if she was going out after work or if she did it to annoy Casey. It would be so worth it to get a reaction and annoy if possible.
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