Will Casey Testify?

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Will KC testify at trial?

  • She will testify.

    Votes: 312 27.4%
  • She will not testify.

    Votes: 826 72.6%

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Ok I know I am one of the minority here but I do believe the defendant will take the stand.
The theory I have behind this is that the defendant has never been held accountable for anything. The defendant thinks she is smarter than everyone with her skill of being able to manipulate all with her lies. The defendant thinks that she is in control of her case and is reading up on the laws (a jail inmate/jail lawyer). The defendant thinks also that she is all that. The defendant is always seen shaking her head every time she is disgusted with what the SA's say in court. The defendant thinks too much imo. Just when she thinks she has won on the stand with her twisting of facts the SA's will come in and show her, tell her and instruct the jury exactly what the defendant is. imo Either way whether she takes the stand herself to spin her stories or not take the stand the case is going to end the same. jmo

I agree with you. ICA will want to get the final word even if it means she is putting the final nail in her coffin.
What do you think of JVM saying she has a theory of what happened to Caylee
and she will reveal tomorrow night. She claims it came from someone on the inside. I'd take Nancy any night over JVM but I will have to tune in for that info.

I saw JVM's show tonight -- first time in a long time.

I will watch tomorrow night "only" out of curiousity about this "theory" ... and to see if it has any "spin" coming from the DT.
I agree. Very typical of someone with narcisstic personality disorder. Found this article that describes it very well....


snipped to highlight a few areas:

"Narcissists can be experts in manipulation and seduction of the opposite sex."
"Narcissists use sex as a substitute for love and intimacy"

"They have a belief in their absolute uniqueness and as such they want to be the only important thing to the person they "love". Even if they have had children Narcissists often expect their partners to choose them above their offspring. They can be extremely competitive with their children who they see as challengers for their partner's attention."

If she does, the state will be there to meet her with LDB. Coy looks and hairflips will not be effective.
Interesting thread!! I voted 'no'. Thank you for staying on topic!! :seeya:
Ok I know I am one of the minority here but I do believe the defendant will take the stand.
The theory I have behind this is that the defendant has never been held accountable for anything. The defendant thinks she is smarter than everyone with her skill of being able to manipulate all with her lies. The defendant thinks that she is in control of her case and is reading up on the laws (a jail inmate/jail lawyer). The defendant thinks also that she is all that. The defendant is always seen shaking her head every time she is disgusted with what the SA's say in court. The defendant thinks too much imo. Just when she thinks she has won on the stand with her twisting of facts the SA's will come in and show her, tell her and instruct the jury exactly what the defendant is. imo Either way whether she takes the stand herself to spin her stories or not take the stand the case is going to end the same. jmo
I am right there with you, I think we have both thought this for a very long time. I still agree she will take the stand.
She's gonna take the stand and say what?
Only GOD in heaven knows what She will say, But I still believe as goes MN and BC she will talk she just can not help it she will want to be heard, You just have to have followed her behavior from the beginning to believe this, I don't think she fears a jury as they are just her fans in her mind, after all she is the star of the show. As for what she will say ummm but she has almost got to to be able to get rid of the Nanny story it won't work if she does not talk to tell another one to replace it. At some point someone has to tell something to be rid of this nanny story. MN stated last night on NG She will talk. He said ok just wait and see Nancy she will talk and we will be back talking again when it happens
Originally I voted No. Now I'm waffling on the idea. Her recent distance from JB, while at the same time cozying up to CM I think points to KC's innate desire to be in control and have everyone in her immediate surroundings just "go along" with whatever she says. Perhaps JB isn't coddling her as much as he used to.

KC grew up telling lie after lie after lie. Convincing family members and friends that she had a job, etc...even her acquaintances reported they knew she told lies, but nobody ever confronted her with it. Everyone just let it ride. Then when KC took LE clear into a building at Universal before admitting she lied about working there was nothing less than amazing to me.

KC has been conditioned to believe that she is very convincing and can get away with most anything. Along with her narcissistic tendencies, it may be just the combination she needs to put herself on the stand.

I mean, think about it. The most recent garbage that she was abused, either sexually, physically, and/or mentally has to have been generated by HER and put forth to the DT in a way that they are willing to run with it in court. So her confidence in terms of manufacturing "believable" lies is still present. 3 years into this thing, and she's got her own defense team running with this, why wouldn't she think she can convince 12 regular people of whatever she wants!!

I won't be surprised if she takes the stand, nor will I be surprised if she doesn't. She does like to roll the dice though.
I think she will testify during the sentencing phase while continuing to maintain her "innocence".
I still think she won't, especially in light of JB's questioning of potential jurors if they'd hold it against her if she didn't!
I might change my thoughts on this. Casey might have nothing to lose by testifying I will reserve judgment until we see how well the State presents.
Something that hit me at the time, on one of the videos where everyone was speculating what she said (the one that looks like she's saying "just do it") there was a another comment that I just keep thinking over ... it looked like she said "I don't know what happened to ...." and I couldn't help hearing that last word as "her". as in 'I don't know what happened to her'.

This is a lot of speculation on my part, and it just keeps niggling at me. In context of the moment, and out of it, I think Casey was telling the dark haired thin lady (don't remember who she is) that she is insisting to her team, she doesn't know how Caylee ended up dead.

This is her answer... deny all knowledge of what happened. 'if I dont give any explanation and insist I don't know anything, they cannot prove otherwise" and she doesnt have to have an explanation for it. She's never answered the question of what happpened to Caylee and I don't think she ever will.

She is going to stick with the story that someone else took Caylee (nanny) and because she had entrusted her so many times before with her, she wasn't really worried until everyone else got in her face about it, so she made up her lies to keep everyone from bugging her. and when time flew by and still no Caylee, she just made up the stories to lessen the affect of her failure to react normally ... hence the abuse excuses... 'they never got this bent out of shape before when I left her with nanny" and the more she's pressed for details , the less information she had to offer and made stuff up.

But she doesnt have to have a defense... all she has to do is say " I dont know.... " and that is enough to create doubt ...

yes she is a bad mother... she is a liar,.... and she is a killer... but she only has to stick to "I dont know" and that is enough for the defense to work with ...

so yeah, I think she might just be convinced its good enough to get her on the stand for her "moment in the spotlight" all eyes upon her to witness her stellar performance... and maintain "I dont know"

partying is not a crime
drinking is not a crime
nothing she can be proven to have done is a crime

and unless she admits to more out of her own mouth, NOT KNOWING is not a crime

I think the prosecution has enough to convict her, and its going to be very similar to the Peterson outcome... one hair is going to convict her..

but she is more narcisistic in her belief in her own abilities to convince people than Scott was... and she will insist on taking the stand to present her best defense... the victim who doesnt know what happened to her baby ....and this has all been a terrible abuse of her to blame her for something she had no control over....

(please note... I think she is guilty as sin... the bags, the blankets, the decomp, the smell, etc etc etc... this is not an explanation of my opinions of her guilt... its my thinking on what is in ICA's mind and what she is hoping to pull off... ) Because she doesnt think ahead, she gets hung up on a moment or a point in her story and expects to pull it off... she hasn't reached the end of the hallway in her own mind.
She has nothing to lose so I think she will testify.


Also we are talking about ICA here. This is a woman who believes that she can manipulate and charm her way with ANYBODY. She'll take a perverse pleasure out of doing so even though we'll all know it is nothing more than a pack of lies. IMO it is part of the reason she was so upset yesterday when the SA did those final back strikes and their (DT) objection was denied. She was counting on mostly if not all man jury! So she could bat her eyelashes etc. Her absolute rage was evident to me.

I am not the tiniest bit concerned because no matter what baloney she spews from her mouth the SA has so very much evidence and testimony to impeach her with! he DT will not, imo be able to explain those internet searches either! Can you feel the train coming Casey?!

Justice for Caylee!!!!
I think she will testify during the sentencing phase while continuing to maintain her "innocence".

I agree...

remember the comment in the jail visit video "everything in my life has been taken from me" it's all about her, her , her. and that's her defense.

This animated gif of her clenching the phone gritting her teeth and making this horrid face posted here.... that was the one moment of honest emotion we've ever seen in her... what was it? Anger... at NOT BEING ABLE TO SPEAK ... she was mad because they wouldnt LISTEN to her... that's the only real emotion she's ever displayed..her anger is all she has.

she is going to turn herself into the victim here.. and get on the stand and play it like a pro... the sobbing , the confusion , the betrayals by all around her , even her family, and the loss of her baby by the trusted nanny who no one can find now... its' all about Casey and what unfair things have happened to her and no one believes her now , not even the police or the public and the news shows ... "I made it up lies because everyone was blaming me and looking at me for answers".

sob sob sob "I dont KNOW what happened to Caylee" "she was taken from me and everyone is blaming me for it and I don't even know what happened"

I dont think it will work , there's too much circumstantial evidence saying otherwise, but I really beleive she's going to go on the stand and try it.

I voted no the first time the poll came up , but I've since changed my mind to "yes", and I am going to enjoy watching the state eat her for lunch.
Lawyers will tell her not too. but i beleve she will. :great: She has to explain those 31 days.
Not much I can add here.... I too think she will testify... she's too narcisistic not to. She lies as easily as she breathes. She believes she can manipulate any situation because her lies have worked for her all her life giving her the confidence to think she can outsmart anyone who will listen. In this case she has a captive audience. She doesn't see or understand that people have seen through her all her life, because no one wanted to rock the boat with her.
Ok I know I am one of the minority here but I do believe the defendant will take the stand.
The theory I have behind this is that the defendant has never been held accountable for anything. The defendant thinks she is smarter than everyone with her skill of being able to manipulate all with her lies. The defendant thinks that she is in control of her case and is reading up on the laws (a jail inmate/jail lawyer). The defendant thinks also that she is all that. The defendant is always seen shaking her head every time she is disgusted with what the SA's say in court. The defendant thinks too much imo. Just when she thinks she has won on the stand with her twisting of facts the SA's will come in and show her, tell her and instruct the jury exactly what the defendant is. imo Either way whether she takes the stand herself to spin her stories or not take the stand the case is going to end the same. jmo

Im with you...she will want to. She always seems to think she can talk her way out of things. She will say how she was abused bla bla bla Her Mother wanted to take custody of Caylee and so she had to leave, she will have some outrageous story to tell everyone.
I think she will go with the "accident" theory and how she was just too afraid to tell her parents.
BTW, I hardly see abusive parents here...her Mother brought her $400 on Mothers Day. And then she refused to see her. I really do feel sorry for CA.
I voted "no", but I think that Casey will vascillate between taking the stand or not for the duration of the trial. During his "aha!" opening statements, I expect to hear Jose Baez claim that the defendant will testify to set the record straight about Caylee's demise, but I doubt that he will deliver and put his client on the witness stand.
Quick question . . . did the pontiac sunfire have a latch with a passthrough to the trunk? Just a really out there thought . . . maybe kc will take the stand and say . . . she left Caylee asleep unbuckled in her carseat. The passthrough to the trunk was open (ie: Caylee woke, opened the other back passenger seat passthrough and closed it behind her. KC was drunk and forgot she left Caylee in the car . . . since she didn't see her in the backseat; she assumed Caylee was with her Mother and didn't think another thing about Caylee until she started to smell something in the car. Opened the trunk, found a deceased Caylee and went about covering up the baby's death. She could still opine that she didn't know what actually happened to Caylee . . . (to cause her death). I know this is really out there . . . but I guess it's the last ditch effort to come up with some plausible story that doesn't make her out to be an evil and atrocious murderer.

(Note, I do not believe this story . . . just the best I could come up with for some sort of a lesser horrendous crime)
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