Will he get bail?

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Hyperbole? Word salad. Things are getting repetitious. Let in some fresh air.

Good grief, Charlie Brown. I'm ready for the trial.

Sorry to bore you PC. Just trying to explain my previous comment to NCSU. Don't mean to offend anyone.
Funny, I was just about to post exactly the same response! We took note of MH on the board because he was questioned by investigators. At one point, they seemed to believe that MH may have made the phone call that was presumably made by NC. Perhaps FBI specialists came up with an alternate theory. We don't know what happened yet.

As JMFLU notes, NC's friends have never been under investigation as far as we know. I have only seen website posters speculate that one or more of her friends may have been involved. I have never understood why anyone would think that, except to divert attention away from the person who clearly was under investigation.


Anderson, for some reason I'm thinking the MH incident was blown way out of proportion, particularly by MH himself and this is based on his admission on the stand and under oath which was much different than what he yapped to the press and put in an affidavit. Like many others, to include Nancy's friends, several were probably interviewed at police headquarters. Does this mean they are suspects ? Not at all, it simply means LE is doing the job, ruling in, ruling out.

Truth is, if one can believe MH, he did in fact use Nancy's phone - the evening of the party. Most likely LE had the same thought several here had -

Why is he asking Nancy if Brad can go play tennis after Brad has left the party ?

Why did he use Nancy's phone to speak with Brad Friday night after asking Nancy's permission (keeping in mind Brad was across the street not a mile away) ?

How could he believe that LE asking him about the above and the three calls the following morning that LE was accusing him of helping Brad with an alibi ? MH never mentioned the 640 call, in fact the only calls he talks about and that he spoke to LE about occurred either Friday night or Saturday morning after 9am.

MH admitted under oath when asked about his coercion comments that he was "naive about investigations". Seems to me he was rather nervous being questioned by LE, which one would think would be perfectly normal. What is not normal is to run out to the press and make accusations based on being naive. MH was misled but I submit it was not by LE. Assumptions were made here that LE was questioning him about the 640 call. Re-reading all pertaining to MH, there is actually very little on which to base that assumption on. JMO
I agree RC that MH's involvement has been blown out of proportion. He was misled alright, but like you stated not by LE. I feel from the get-go he was BC's pawn.
I agree RC, if anyone was playing games and using MH it was more likely Brad than LE. He may not realize it right now, but I think over time he'll come to understand he was put in an unfortunate situation by his buddy...the one who needed to google his name to get his phone number.
I agree RC, if anyone was playing games and using MH it was more likely Brad than LE. He may not realize it right now, but I think over time he'll come to understand he was put in an unfortunate situation by his buddy.

I think that realization came to him in the court room. Not sure I think Brad was the only one playing games after looking at a certain legal teams' website. :crazy:
I think that realization came to him in the court room. Not sure I think Brad was the only one playing games after looking at a certain legal teams' website. :crazy:

What? Lawyers play games? I'm shocked, RC. Shocked and dismayed! :rolleyes::crazy:
Anderson, for some reason I'm thinking the MH incident was blown way out of proportion, particularly by MH himself and this is based on his admission on the stand and under oath which was much different than what he yapped to the press and put in an affidavit. Like many others, to include Nancy's friends, several were probably interviewed at police headquarters. Does this mean they are suspects ? Not at all, it simply means LE is doing the job, ruling in, ruling out.

Truth is, if one can believe MH, he did in fact use Nancy's phone - the evening of the party. Most likely LE had the same thought several here had -

Why is he asking Nancy if Brad can go play tennis after Brad has left the party ?

Why did he use Nancy's phone to speak with Brad Friday night after asking Nancy's permission (keeping in mind Brad was across the street not a mile away) ?

How could he believe that LE asking him about the above and the three calls the following morning that LE was accusing him of helping Brad with an alibi ? MH never mentioned the 640 call, in fact the only calls he talks about and that he spoke to LE about occurred either Friday night or Saturday morning after 9am.

MH admitted under oath when asked about his coercion comments that he was "naive about investigations". Seems to me he was rather nervous being questioned by LE, which one would think would be perfectly normal. What is not normal is to run out to the press and make accusations based on being naive. MH was misled but I submit it was not by LE. Assumptions were made here that LE was questioning him about the 640 call. Re-reading all pertaining to MH, there is actually very little on which to base that assumption on. JMO
I went back and read MH's rebuttal and I STILL don't see anywhere that he used NC's phone Friday night. He simply states he asked her permission at the party for Brad to play tennis and she granted it. Am I missing something?
I went back and read MH's rebuttal and I STILL don't see anywhere that he used NC's phone Friday night. He simply states he asked her permission at the party for Brad to play tennis and she granted it. Am I missing something?

If I'm not mistaken, BC stated MH called him Friday night with NC's phone. If it's true, seems MH would have shared those details. Furthermore, there would be record of a call from NC to BC. The whole situation is odd. If MH did not speak with BC at all in regards to a tennis date and only asked NC, how would BC ever know there was a tennis date the next morning? Did he ask MH to ask NC "permission" after agreeing prior to leaving the BBQ?
Not real sure where to put this one. lol
"If the D.A. decides not to seek the death penalty, a judge can consider setting a bond for Brad Cooper....

Eyewitness News also learned from court documents that Brad is $240,000 in debt. He said he owes $25,000 in debt.

Also, a motion for Cooper to have a picture taken for his passport was filed and granted on November 7. The document stated without a legal work visa, his immigration status would be in jeopardy. "

Not real sure where to put this one. lol
"If the D.A. decides not to seek the death penalty, a judge can consider setting a bond for Brad Cooper....

Eyewitness News also learned from court documents that Brad is $240,000 in debt. He said he owes $25,000 in debt.

Also, a motion for Cooper to have a picture taken for his passport was filed and granted on November 7. The document stated without a legal work visa, his immigration status would be in jeopardy. "


And he thought Nancy was expensive aye ? Try a slew of lawyers - fleeced everytime. :crazy:
I went back and read MH's rebuttal and I STILL don't see anywhere that he used NC's phone Friday night. He simply states he asked her permission at the party for Brad to play tennis and she granted it. Am I missing something?

Redress - I didn't make that very clear - my bad. The jailed one in his depositions indicated that MH used Nancy's phone Friday night to speak with him about plans for the tennis match. Most likely this is the reason LE was wanting to know if MH used Nancy's phone and MH figured they were accusing him of something. Maybe not any clearer.
Anderson, for some reason I'm thinking the MH incident was blown way out of proportion, particularly by MH himself and this is based on his admission on the stand and under oath which was much different than what he yapped to the press and put in an affidavit. Like many others, to include Nancy's friends, several were probably interviewed at police headquarters. Does this mean they are suspects ? Not at all, it simply means LE is doing the job, ruling in, ruling out.

Truth is, if one can believe MH, he did in fact use Nancy's phone - the evening of the party. Most likely LE had the same thought several here had -

Why is he asking Nancy if Brad can go play tennis after Brad has left the party ?

Why did he use Nancy's phone to speak with Brad Friday night after asking Nancy's permission (keeping in mind Brad was across the street not a mile away) ?

How could he believe that LE asking him about the above and the three calls the following morning that LE was accusing him of helping Brad with an alibi ? MH never mentioned the 640 call, in fact the only calls he talks about and that he spoke to LE about occurred either Friday night or Saturday morning after 9am.

MH admitted under oath when asked about his coercion comments that he was "naive about investigations". Seems to me he was rather nervous being questioned by LE, which one would think would be perfectly normal. What is not normal is to run out to the press and make accusations based on being naive. MH was misled but I submit it was not by LE. Assumptions were made here that LE was questioning him about the 640 call. Re-reading all pertaining to MH, there is actually very little on which to base that assumption on. JMO

Thanks for this RC. Poor MH, then I suppose. So he may have been enlisted to emphasize that Nancy's stories were not to be trusted and publicly side with BC, so to speak. Much like SH had done earlier. I remember that you suggested that MH may have been duped by BC after the hearing. It really doesn't seem that the two were very close friends before this. It has always bothered me that MH didn't mention the tennis plans in the first affidavit, although he did in the later one.

This was the bit that seemed to indicate to me that MH was talking about the early morning call:

"Hiller said Cary police have interviewed him three times with the last interview taking place about four weeks ago. Hiller accused the police of using 'good cop-bad cop' tactics, while trying to 'coerce me to admit that I made calls on Nancy's cell phone to help Brad establish an alibi.'"

I see what you are saying. Police were probably just covering all the bases by interviewing him. Somehow I missed his comment about being naive about investigations, so thanks for mentioning that.

Thanks for this RC. Poor MH, then I suppose. So he may have been enlisted to emphasize that Nancy's stories were not to be trusted and publicly side with BC, so to speak. Much like SH had done earlier. I remember that you suggested that MH may have been duped by BC after the hearing. It really doesn't seem that the two were very close friends before this. It has always bothered me that MH didn't mention the tennis plans in the first affidavit, although he did in the later one.

This was the bit that seemed to indicate to me that MH was talking about the early morning call:

"Hiller said Cary police have interviewed him three times with the last interview taking place about four weeks ago. Hiller accused the police of using 'good cop-bad cop' tactics, while trying to 'coerce me to admit that I made calls on Nancy's cell phone to help Brad establish an alibi.'"

I see what you are saying. Police were probably just covering all the bases by interviewing him. Somehow I missed his comment about being naive about investigations, so thanks for mentioning that.


Anderson the quote about MH saying he was naive about investigations came during the hearing while he was on the stand. This came from a reporter who was present for MH's testimony. No comment on the stand from MH about coercion. - just naive.

ETA - do you have any ideas what the deal is about Brad boy getting a new passport photo to maintain his immigration status ?
And he thought Nancy was expensive aye ? Try a slew of lawyers - fleeced everytime. :crazy:

I wonder if this is semantics and if they are including his mortgage in that estimate or not. Not that it matters...after all is said and done there will be nothing left. Divorce is always the cheaper alternative (not to mention the best alternative for self-preservation of life & liberty).

As for a new passport photo--that's one I've never heard before. Do you think his lawyers will try to make a case for him to go back to Canada if the DA pursues the DP (even though Canada supposedly doesn't have an issue with this anymore)?
I wonder if this is semantics and if they are including his mortgage in that estimate or not. Not that it matters...after all is said and done there will be nothing left. Divorce is always the cheaper alternative (not to mention the best alternative for self-preservation of life & liberty).

Could be. Dunno but since he started signing things over and he can sell the house, I suspect lawyers. :)
Anderson the quote about MH saying he was naive about investigations came during the hearing while he was on the stand. This came from a reporter who was present for MH's testimony. No comment on the stand from MH about coercion. - just naive.

ETA - do you have any ideas what the deal is about Brad boy getting a new passport photo to maintain his immigration status ?

Well, this must be a Canadian passport, since he is not yet a US citizen. If he is then I don't know about it, but isn't he just in the process of applying for citizenship? It sounds like BC's Canadian passport has expired or nearly expired. Perhaps his documents must be in order to continue to pursue US citizenship. But perhaps this was an excuse to update his passport because of potential travel plans. Brad was given permission to get the photo on the 7th. We didn't learn about the restraining order which restricts his ability to liquidate his assets until the 11th. Perhaps he was hoping to get bail and travel home soon? But, I'm not sure.
As for a new passport photo--that's one I've never heard before. Do you think his lawyers will try to make a case for him to go back to Canada if the DA pursues the DP (even though Canada supposedly doesn't have an issue with this anymore)?

That's what I wondered. But could he raise the funds anyway, given his debt?
I doubt that the NC court will allow him to travel anywhere even if they were to grant bail. And if he got bail it would be a seriously large amount so he'd still need to generate 10% cash for a bail bondsman.
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