Will Smith slaps Chris Rock on stage live at the OSCARS

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As referenced earlier on thread by a Ws member.. rbbm.
Will Smith mocks bald man in newly resurfaced clip: 'HE GOTTA WAX HIS HEAD' | Canoe.Com
''Will Smith is going viral again after a clip of him cracking a joke about a bald bass player during a 1991 appearance on The Arsenio Hall Show resurfaced online this week.''

''In his appearance more than 30 years ago, Smith poked fun at John B. Williams’ bald head. “The bass player? He got a rule. He gotta wax his head every morning. That’s a rule! He follows the rules, man. He follows the rules,” Smith says in the clip that was posted to Twitter along with the caption: “One reason I love the Internet, it never forgets.”

''After Smith took a swipe, the camera flashed on Williams, who seems to laugh it off, but some audience members didn’t seem to think it was funny. “These are jokes,” Smith exclaimed. “Come on!”

''Another video unearthed from a decade ago shows the Oscar winner backhanding Vitalii Sediuk, who was pretending to be a reporter, at the Russian premiere of Men In Black III after the notorious prankster tried to kiss him on the red carpet.''

Will Smith Slaps Kissing Reporter - RAW VIDEO - YouTube
Oh I don’t know. Not that our society and our country don’t have issues (I think social media has helped to exacerbate all of it), but I try to be optimistic about it. I think people are inherently good, not evil, and we’re experiencing growing pains. I hope so anyway!

As far as this incident goes, I think it’s easy to become full of yourself in Hollywood. That’s how I see this—two people who need to lighten up and quit taking themselves so seriously. They’re not above the jokes. They’re not better than everybody else. The rules should apply to everyone in the same way. Unfortunately Hollywood is very bad at that, as evidenced by the incident not resulting in his removal from the theater right then. As others have pointed out, Harvey Weinstein got to keep his Oscars. And just look how long it took to bring him to justice for all the horrible wrongs he did. Hollywood let it happen all that time. I worked in that industry for years, but I always tried to keep a little removed because it can be soooooo toxic.

I do have faith in humanity as a whole though. Sometimes it’s hard lately, but I’ll keep being hopeful. :)

Yeah I have faith in humanity. Celebrities are a different species. There is a ton of narcissism involved with many of them, IMO. And yeah, we are having societal issues at the moment. I like how you call them "growing pains". I hope we grow to be more respectful of one another!!!

Here's the sad truth for me as part of the aftermath. I was considering seeing the movie King Richard, as I'm a great fan of the Williams sisters Venus and Serena. But now I know I could not watch that film without thinking the whole time about what WS did Sunday night.

I am with you. I do not like the Pinkett-Smith family. They are narcissistic in my opinion. Terribly so. The way they raised their kids to be narcissists like themselves is gross, IMO. The kids have given various interviews in which they describe themselves as classed with the great scientists, artists and minds of history, and say they do not need to learn from others, essentially. Just horrible stuff. The parents were treating them like peers when they were 13 and 15.

But, that didn't deter me from watching a Will Smith movie. His behavior now just might. It really bothered me. It was unprovoked violence that sent a terrible message, along with how he was immediately supported in what he did that night. I think he did what he did for ego reasons - due to a fragile sense of self. And it is really upsetting when celebrities or rich people in general are able to avoid consequences.

The rest of us aren't.
I've thought about this the past couple days and have come to the conclusion that this is not an anger or impulse issue. I am convinced there is something medically awry at work. This was an episode, not an outburst.

Amateur opinion and speculation

IMVHO, I don't think it was an episode. I personally think WS has had his manhood questioned in recent years with the infidelity of his wife. He was laughing at the joke, then saw his wife's displeasure. He then reacted, possibly trying to prove his manhood to his horrible wife. I am sorry, I have ZERO respect for JPS.

I also agree with @gitana1 that this whole family is narcissistic. It is horrible. Someone who can dish it out but can't take it. Chris Rock made jokes about JPS previously. If WS had a problem with it, he has have plenty of time to address it and tell him not to maker her the butt of his jokes. However, he didn't.

At first, I thought it was a staged incident trying to create more interest in a dying fanfare. It sure made the fading Oscars hit the headlines.
That's a good point. Beyond the disgusting display of violence and verbal abuse, Smith's reaction, and Jada's eye roll, only served to place alopecia into the category of things that are "shameful" instead of making peace with the condition, as Jada had seemed to do.

When I taught 8th grade in a school that had 6th-8th graders, I used to see a 6th grade boy walking the halls who always wore a baseball hat and a hoodie over that, no matter the weather. The school had a "no hats" rule, but we were told that he had alopecia, was very sensitive about it, and to let him wear his hat and hoodie.

When he got to 8th grade he was my student, and he was a really wonderful boy. He was extremely agitated about his condition. I had though he'd be less conspicuous if he just shaved his head, but he didn't feel that way and wanted to cover up as much as possible. Of course he didn't have eyebrows either, and that couldn't be hidden.

In NYC we are not supposed to deviate from the curriculum, but I asked him in private if he'd like me to do a lesson on alopecia and help to normalize things for him. He wanted to and his parents gave permission. I did a 40-minute lesson, with pictures of Princess Caroline of Monaco with a bald head, etc., and then let him take questions from his peers if he wished. He did, and he was relieved.

He'd be in his 20s now and I doubt he'd watch the Oscars. However, I'm sure he's seen this on social media, and I keep thinking about him. What a gut punch for him and others, IMO, for them to see this and reinforce that alopecia is something to cause shame. As you said, @La Louve, Jada could have taken this opportunity to be an advocate for those with this condition. She could have normalized it and been proud of herself. A missed opportunity since she gave tacit approval to Will's actions.

You are a wonderfully compassionate person and I thank you for helping that young man. He probably thinks that was one of the best days of his life. Not only did it help with his issue, but it let him know that people cared and validated his feelings. You made my day!
Yeah I have faith in humanity. Celebrities are a different species. There is a ton of narcissism involved with many of them, IMO. And yeah, we are having societal issues at the moment. I like how you call them "growing pains". I hope we grow to be more respectful of one another!!!

I am with you. I do not like the Pinkett-Smith family. They are narcissistic in my opinion. Terribly so. The way they raised their kids to be narcissists like themselves is gross, IMO. The kids have given various interviews in which they describe themselves as classed with the great scientists, artists and minds of history, and say they do not need to learn from others, essentially. Just horrible stuff. The parents were treating them like peers when they were 13 and 15.

But, that didn't deter me from watching a Will Smith movie. His behavior now just might. It really bothered me. It was unprovoked violence that sent a terrible message, along with how he was immediately supported in what he did that night. I think he did what he did for ego reasons - due to a fragile sense of self. And it is really upsetting when celebrities or rich people in general are able to avoid consequences.

The rest of us aren't.

Same here and this action goes along with the reasons I don’t like them. They put on a big show about their open marriage as though they are transparent and authentic. They are woke attention seekers.
Same here and this action goes along with the reasons I don’t like them. They put on a big show about their open marriage as though they are transparent and authentic. They are woke attention seekers.

I don’t mind people being “woke”. It’s the smug arrogance and apparent need to teach others how to live that bothers me. “A River to my people.” My God. These celebrities act like they’re curing cancer. They’re entertaining us. I appreciate the art of movie making and acting but they aren’t heroes, for goodness sake. Yet they often act like they are.

I find the Oscar’s to be a real self-congratulatory ego fest. I watch only to see what films I should watch. But it can be too much.

Kevin Costner spoke beautifully. I generally like him. But his speech was also so self-congratulatory. About the valiant, heroic work actors and filmmakers do. Eegads.
You are a wonderfully compassionate person and I thank you for helping that young man. He probably thinks that was one of the best days of his life. Not only did it help with his issue, but it let him know that people cared and validated his feelings. You made my day!

Thank you, @Ray_of_hope, now you've in turn made my day.

The moments that I most recall from a 25-year career are these non-academic situations in which I could see a paradigm shift in a child's life.

If someone with a global audience, like Will or Jada, had chosen that moment to offer relief to other alopecia sufferers, imagine how many people may have walked with their heads held higher.

IMO I think it's true that Will's ego and perhaps sense of masculinity were injured by Jada's infidelity, as well as when Jaden asked to be emancipated at 15 because a movie he'd made with his dad tanked.

It's just my instinct that with a wife and son who undermined his sense of himself as a husband and father, this miniscule joke about Jada triggered Will to put on a macho display of husbandly (over) protection.

Of course all it did was make him look like an out-of-control jerk, and Chris Rock's ticket sales are now going through the roof.
IMVHO, I don't think it was an episode. I personally think WS has had his manhood questioned in recent years with the infidelity of his wife. He was laughing at the joke, then saw his wife's displeasure. He then reacted, possibly trying to prove his manhood to his horrible wife. I am sorry, I have ZERO respect for JPS.

I also agree with @gitana1 that this whole family is narcissistic. It is horrible. Someone who can dish it out but can't take it. Chris Rock made jokes about JPS previously. If WS had a problem with it, he has have plenty of time to address it and tell him not to maker her the butt of his jokes. However, he didn't.

At first, I thought it was a staged incident trying to create more interest in a dying fanfare. It sure made the fading Oscars hit the headlines.
A lot of people agree with your assessment. I’ve heard professionals weigh in and align with that position as well.

I think there is something horribly wrong, beyond marital problems.

ETA: regardless of underlying cause, his award should be revoked as well as his membership.
Lifetime ban.

amateur opinion and speculation
Oooof. He’s just looking worse and worse. I don’t absolve the Academy for their failure to remove him, but part of me understands the difficult decision they had to make on the spot. If he was refusing to leave, they would have had to have him physically removed, probably arrested, which means they would have had to stop the show and broadcast. They obviously decided it would be better to let the show go on and deal with it after. But yeah, @shotgun09 is probably right that they were also waiting to see which way the wind was blowing….:rolleyes:
I don’t mind people being “woke”. It’s the smug arrogance and apparent need to teach others how to live that bothers me. “A River to my people.” My God. These celebrities act like they’re curing cancer. They’re entertaining us. I appreciate the art of movie making and acting but they aren’t heroes, for goodness sake. Yet they often act like they are.

I find the Oscar’s to be a real self-congratulatory ego fest. I watch only to see what films I should watch. But it can be too much.

Kevin Costner spoke beautifully. I generally like him. But his speech was also so self-congratulatory. About the valiant, heroic work actors and filmmakers do. Eegads.
Haha. After the couple of years we’ve all had, the self importance of these people just doesn’t sit right anymore. We’re all acutely aware who actually matters when the stuff hits the fan. Not actors.
It is just so odd reading those headlines. I mean, if I had walked up to the stage and slapped CR, I would have immediately been harshly escorted out of the building, and into a squad car. I cannot imagine a scenario where someone 'refuses' to leave the Oscars after they assaulted someone. How do you 'refuse' without security forcing the issue?

I guess if you are about to win an Oscar the laws don't pertain to you?
I’m sorry… but this statement is such BS. If management asks you to leave and you refuse, they call the police to come physically remove you.

I’m sure the response to his refusal went much like this: “Oh, okay. That’s totally cool, Mr. Smith. We understand. We just had to ask. For the record and everything, you know? Enjoy the rest of your evening and good luck!!” :rolleyes:

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