Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

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Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

  • YES.

    Votes: 211 43.9%
  • NO.

    Votes: 141 29.3%

    Votes: 129 26.8%

  • Total voters
What the heck do I know what is behind this. I have been saying this for a very long time now. Sinister? organization? I never claimed to be a professor of English.
David Middleton was a sinister sk in "the organization" (another one) that literally got away with murder. For awhile. It happens. I don't think your theory is so far off at all.
It seems as though most of you folks still believe a serial killer is on the loose. I have always swayed to the idea these gals were not killed by a Bundy or Rifkin type, but from someone in the organization that had no use for them for whatever reasons. The GB4 got to Oak Beach, either dead or alive. SG got there alive and she wound up dead.

I agree with you regarding Manorville. But I think the GB4 are the work of 1 person acting alone (quite possibly the same person who did AC).

It seems as though most of you folks still believe a serial killer is on the loose. I have always swayed to the idea these gals were not killed by a Bundy or Rifkin type, but from someone in the organization that had no use for them for whatever reasons. The GB4 got to Oak Beach, either dead or alive. SG got there alive and she wound up dead.

If it was an organization how come strangulation was the cause of death? That is not a mafia style or organizational style crime. Easiest thing for them is a bullet to the back of the head. I mean if you have the girls in a vulnerable state where you can strangle them you most certainly could put a bullet in them.

If it is an organization then the killer(s) will be caught. Because even though crime organizations pride themselves on taking an oath of loyalty there is always a rat trying to save their own *advertiser censored*.
On the case,
I've heard LE. being referred to as "The organization" before.
I think that is what Hawk was referring to as well. The LE organization.
I attended a few seminars on White Collar Crime (Trusted Criminals) and also a few courses.
I had studied a bit on Russian Organized Crime and there is a term in russian (the term escapes me at the moment) that refers to getting members into positions of trust in the Government, LE, etc. Morality aside, it's a pretty intelligent strategy. I'm sure russian organized crime does not have the monopoly on this very effective strategy. Be careful who you elect in your government.
It seems as though most of you folks still believe a serial killer is on the loose. I have always swayed to the idea these gals were not killed by a Bundy or Rifkin type, but from someone in the organization that had no use for them for whatever reasons. The GB4 got to Oak Beach, either dead or alive. SG got there alive and she wound up dead.

That would make him a different breed of serial killer. The kind that called a young teen to mentally torture her. Im sure in his personal life he outwardly abuses people verbally and physically. If this coward is ever arrested I dont think the neighbors will say hes was such a nice guy.
I lean towards multiple killers. 2 to be exact.

Like in all professions, hobbies, passions we get comfortable and sloppy as we get older and more experienced. As you get experienced you get on "auto-pilot" as I call it. When you are on auto pilot you make a mistake because a situation does not fit your auto pilot mold. Now when you are younger, you pick up on these mistakes and fix them. WHen you are older you are not as sharp. You miss your own mistakes.

That is where someone gets caught.

The best way to get away with murder is to not have a motive.
I say no to organized crime specifically because these killings have a signature and are up close and personal (strangulation).

I think he'll be caught. He lives a high risk lifestyle and upped the ante by calling the families of his victims. This is a person who is bound to slip up. And if he's managed to stop killing -doesn't seem likely- I suspect there's a mistake he's made that's either yet to be discovered, or has already been discovered, but not publicly revealed.

Perhaps the police have already talked to him or have him on their radar. That seems to be common in a lot of these cases before an arrest is eventually made.

Still. They should bring in the FBI.
I just had this profound thought while burning my husband's dinner.
We pretty much concluded that the guy who taunted Melissa's little sister is pretty twisted.
Twisted to the point of falling into the sadistic category. If he is the sob who killed or played some part in killing Melissa and the others we can say he is a sadistic sexual psychopath. now, according to shadowwraths and others research (feel free to correct me PB.) Sadistic sexual psychopaths aren't very nice people. yeah, they can fake it for a little while, but they tend to be narcissistic loners and this wouldn't surprise me because who the hell wants to be friends with a narcicist? unless he is a drug dealer. I too think there is more than one.

Also, is there anyway to back track the money these victims put in their checking accts?z
I say no to organized crime specifically because these killings have a signature and are up close and personal (strangulation).

I think he'll be caught. He lives a high risk lifestyle and upped the ante by calling the families of his victims. This is a person who is bound to slip up. And if he's managed to stop killing -doesn't seem likely- I suspect there's a mistake he's made that's either yet to be discovered, or has already been discovered, but not publicly revealed.

Perhaps the police have already talked to him or have him on their radar. That seems to be common in a lot of these cases before an arrest is eventually made.

Still. They should bring in the FBI.

I do not think there is an Italian "Family" link to these crimes. If there is one proved.....I will admit it and appologize. Maybe even start my own thread. "Post Here to Make fun of LINAtive13"
He and his cohorts will be caught. Mistakes surely made and have not gone unnoticed.
I'm back from my self-imposed retirement from these forums. No, he won't be caught. And what "mistakes" are you referring to, LISleuth? You have some inside info? Speak now or forever hold your peace.
I'm back from my self-imposed retirement from these forums. No, he won't be caught. And what "mistakes" are you referring to, LISleuth? You have some inside info? Speak now or forever hold your peace.

The question posed: Will he get caught? I merely answered the question by giving my opinion.
MISTAKES are always made. The idea is to know them when you see them. Many of those mistakes are probably staring right into the faces of the investigators. It is like sending someone on a treasure hunt without telling them what it is they are looking for. better yet you don't tell your little hunters where to look.

The strangulation issue. maybe the gals were strangled to keep the mess to a minimum. Stabbing and shootings tend to leave a lot of blood behind - at the crime scene and the means of transport.

some folks go to a slot machine and on the first pull they hit the jackpot. Some folks can pull the handle for their entire lives and never hit a jackpot

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