Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

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Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

  • YES.

    Votes: 213 44.1%
  • NO.

    Votes: 141 29.2%

    Votes: 129 26.7%

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"When Burke testified, he was facing charges of DWI, for which there was an outstanding warrant for". I guess he must have beat the case or have someone intercede not only with case but getting in NYPD. Can't believe NYPD did not know of his association with Pius case. They probably did not want him and some higher stepped in.
Maybe a higher up did step in? But he was smart enough to know the NYPD would never put up with him. Thats why he joined the SCPD.
While I'm talking about how funny this island is... I personally think this constant marijuana talk is nonsense. IMHO I do not think there is any sort of secret marijuana connection between any of the possible players in these linked cases.

More than 60% of the population of Long Island smokes weed. An AWFUL LOT of them grow it themselves, not even to sell. Just personal recreational use. And I'm not talking about your street corner hooligans here. I'm talking about your 35yr old PTA moms. I'm talking about your 55yr old Fire Department guys. I'm talking about your grandpa's who coach little league teams.

I've had enough of the speculation and wild theories about crazy underground marijuana rings here, lol. IT ISN'T UNDERGROUND. AT ALL. And it sure isn't a secret. Heroin or cocaine, oxycontin, sure. Those are pretty big rings and full of messy connections. Not simple marijuana. There's no need for a "drug ring" to exist for marijuana use on Long Island.

Well a very vocal person involved in the case, who inserted himself into it and became very close to the victims family members acting like Mr. perfect, got busted with a large scale (over 200 plant) grow operation. That's why I bring it up. You use burlap in gardening right? I live in California and I'm involved in the marijuana industry. Last time I checked it was illegal where you are to have a large scale grow. Records of deviance with people from Oak Beach who inserted themselves into the case interests me.

So stupid though to bring it up. Espeically since it was so accepted 7+ years ago when these crimes ocurred. OK I'll be quiet now. lol.
One of Burke's boys had such a farm in his house he rented in Holtsville. Pretty elaborate basement operation - I know because I was there after it was broken down. It was run by a real peach of a guy named Jake A. Feinberg. He stole everything that wasn't nailed down, and then some. Google his name and you will see a virtual memorial to him created by his mother. As far as I am concerned it was Spota and Burke that killed him by allowing him to stay on drugs when they could have stopped him - he was only 31 when he died.

Trust me the Feinberg part of the story could be a bestseller in its own rite.

Jake was to be married and I came as close as the father of the bride's driveway debating if I should ring the bell and warn him not to let his daughter marry this creature. Jake's mother would blame the wife for causing Jake to kill himself. LOL.
The Jake Feinberg portion of my story is so amazing that Joe Blow citizen would have a hard time believing unless one lived through it.
When this cretin wasn't into burglary, stick-ups, drugs, and other assorted crimes he was into the mortgage business. One of those fake companies is still in business to this very day. They move from one location to another and change names and addresses like most people change their underwear. The last location they disappeared from is a location the US attorney had their office. Now they are in another location - or say they are.

Seemed to be hooked up with a bent lawyer that is pals with crooked pols in both Nassau and Suffolk. The lawyer's office and the mortgage company have now been shuttered. One former office is right next to the other. It appears as though the office of each was connected.

You folks really believe the FEDS are going to solve a serial murder case when he can't even solve a mortgage scam right under their nose?
On 11/13/03 SCPD Detectives interview Burke's neighbor and he tells them my SIL did an armed robbery with him and others of Strathmore Bagels. Jake Feinberg was with them, too. The detectives that took that statement duly report this to someone and are charged with investigating that disturbing allegation. The SIL was still an active member of the SCPD

They come to the conclusion that Careccia is a pathological liar and refuse to take on the case. Spota will not tell us this in his B.S. press conferences. The case will then be passed on to detectives that are more amenable to pleasing Spota and Burke.

The SIL, an active cop is never brought in to IAB or even the corrupt DA office. He is allowed to retire on 3/15/04 with his guns and received a letter from the PC thanking him for his service to the people of Suffolk County.

It appears as though Spota has not yet decided to frame him for the charges he was eventually charged and convicted of that sent him to prison.

In May, 2004 detectives pick up Feinberg with drugs in his system and in his car and charge him with the robbery of Strathmore. He pleads guilty to that charge and agrees to cooperate against mySIL. We will never see the statements made by Feinberg.

On 7/2/04, Careccia will allocute before Judge James Hudson that the SIL was with him for the armed robbery. The DA had not yet did his due diligence by that time because they would have learned the SIL was in Europe. Sometime after that and before the grand jury the cops and DA will learn about where the SIL was and they quietly dropped that charge, a charge that carried a 20 year minimum upon conviction. So what do you do with a perfectly good liar like Feinberg when you can't use him? Simple: You make up another lie fo him to tell - the alleged burglary of Parsnips Bar where he will place the SIL there, too.

Yada,yada, yada you get the picture.

They are all lying *******s and I don't mean the alleged witness accomplices. I am talking about Spota, Burke, and all the criminals posing as LEO's and, of course the bum that calls himself a judge.

And what has our PC/DA elect done to correct this obvious miscarriage of justice - NOTHING!!! that is if you don't count Sini and his puppet master Bellone calling retired Judge Namm for his take on what he did 25+ years ago to give the impression they really care.

If they would do this then what do you think they will do in the Gilgo case -
This thread is a poll.
Maybe it should be updated.
Im sure some of us would have a change of heart.
Yes, I think he will be identified, after his death. Logistically, IMO, this deviant would of had to have had help. Money will buy help and, silence. That is, until the paychecks stop getting signed.
I think people are over thinkin this I do not belive this guy is as affluent as you would think people tend to think so becuase he had money to see these girls to get there trust there assuming these girls took time to trust him I don’t think that’s the case here, I think this is simpler then people are thinking it is
I think people are over thinkin this I do not belive this guy is as affluent as you would think people tend to think so becuase he had money to see these girls to get there trust there assuming these girls took time to trust him I don’t think that’s the case here, I think this is simpler then people are thinking it is
I agree. This was not about trust. It was about money. They got into the wrong car.
Exactly it wasn’t hard for this guy to get these girls to go with him he may have seen them once or twice but I have a very good idea on how it all went down and I don’t think this guy is in politics or a lawyer
***This is speculation*** I believe LISK is an average looking middle aged caucasian male who is approximately aged 35-50 and is highly functional in the eyes of the public. He is mostly likely a local who has a very clear knowledge of the area and has most likely been living there his whole life. He is a sociopath and is a guy who you might see around but don't know too much about and could live somewhat remotely. He probably works in a mundane job, is most likely educated and drives a truck of some kind. This job is either very stressful and he feels as if he has no control within it or it is a very boring job with little excitement. He shows a similar psychopathology of a person who has OCD as the first 4 bodies were found almost evenly spaced apart and could show similar traits in person such as fidgeting, rearranging items, being overly clean etc. His would be classified as an organized killer. There could be a possible dysfunctional relationship between him and his mother. When he called his victims' families he used the words "*advertiser censored*". His own mother could have worked in the sex industry or he could've grown up in a sexually repressed environment where sex is seen as bad, dirty and immoral. Personally I think he is (or at least was) single in the early killings and is sexually impotent. The 1st murder probably occurred due to the fact that couldn't perform or felt inadequate and due to his past issues became enraged and killed his first victim. Because of the way it made him feel he probably became sexually aroused afterwards. There aren't too many bodies (that are known) so his cooling off period is long as he is the type of killer that revisits the disposal sites regularly or visits as if he's on a schedule and this satisfies him. He still visits these sites even though police has taken the evidence. He has probably checked up on the case at some point in the investigation and talked about it casually in a bar or to coworkers. This behavior shows that he feels praised that no one has caught him or knows that it is him and he tries to see if he is closed to being caught. He is all about satisfaction. He has made some mistakes due to the need for continual satisfaction and because of his arrogance he will be caught.
I think that’s about right you gota remover certin things are said for certin reasons and this whole thing with the politics in Suffolk i feel is being used for a certain reason,
All of those 'certain' reasons came about because certain people brought it upon themselves. "Certain" people such as myself with an axe to grind are keenly aware when something isn't right with a case. Maybe I'm right, chances are more likely I am not.

An insider may have nothing to do with this but someone very deep inside like a Spota may not know that - he just has to be sure none of his pals is not so involved.
Theres so many wolves in sheeps clothing in public office these days, that they to must be considered as potential pois.. look at the spitzer case for example.. the freak show fraud allegedly was having toys stuffed up his anal cavity and liked being walked like a dog on a leash with young girls.. he allegedly choked a girl because he couldnt reach climax.. this is the kind of stuff that shouldnt be overlooked because its powerful figures in public office who will do anything to silence whistleblowing opposition. Including kill them.


Look at all these predator politicians and hollywood types like weinstein.. harvey hired retired israeli mossad agents to slander and silence the people he exploited and abused.

I have no trouble believing the above post based on what I know. These people will destroy a legion of people to protect one of their own.

You folks want to do some detective work on your own then I suggest you check a certain case that will tie you them all - and the common link is sex and blackmail.

Let me put it this way: Spitzer makes Spota look like a choir boy.
I have claimed another person I know was framed by the then AG Spitzer. I said he was framed because Spitzer was blackmailed into doing so. I believe I am 110% right on. Now how did I come to this belief? When the SIL was in prison I met a fellow who was a victim of Spitzer and several other co-conspirators. And it continues to this day
These people are sick people not denying that but they don’t entirely fit the profile of a serial killer
You know what a profile of a serial killer is? He/she is a person that kills a lot of people for no particular reason other than pleasure.
You know what a profile of a serial killer is? He/she is a person that kills a lot of people for no particular reason other than pleasure.

yeah, this is often true. (sometimes mainly for financial gain, but there's got to be an element of thrill in those cases as well. There's less horrific ways to steal $). There's been all kinds of people in all kinds of positions (from extremely powerful to barely functional) who ended up being serial killers. I wouldn't let the "profile not fitting" rule out potential suspects.
Hawk. Any idea where I can find more information on this whole Jake story? Not to sidetrack the main topic but this has caught my interest now.

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