Will the Rebecca Zahau case be reopened?

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Will the Rebecca Zahau case be reopened?

  • No

    Votes: 17 26.2%
  • Yes, if they get a new lead.

    Votes: 24 36.9%
  • Yes, if a new witness comes forward.

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • I don't see any reason for the case to be reopened.

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 16 24.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I'm still hoping we will be hearing good news for a new investigation after the election.
IMO, About two days before Ann Rule's book comes out, Anne Bremner will announce that the AG has turned it down AGAIN for lack of any evidence to support Rebecca's death was other than suicide. l would imagine that Ann, Anne, and the Zahaus want to make as much money off of the sales as possible, so that timing would be for a good for a big media opportunity and that's what I'm predicting.
Both Maxie's and Rebecca's case should be reopened. All is not as it seems. A lot of corruption going on there!
While I understand reasons why JS wants this to go away, so far his efforts have not been successful. I don't think he factored in Zahau family to put up such resistance.

It may be in his best interests to join with Zahaus and assist with a private investigation. Since there are so many unanswered questions, there will be whispering for years to come if left as is within his social circle, work, media and people like us. By resisting he is casting doubt on him and others involved with this. This alone is what makes me question suicide.

No PR firm can silence us WSers! :)
I totally agree. The fact that Jonah has not joined with and assisted the Zahaus in seeking justice for Rebecca is very questionable in my opinion.
I don't think either case will be reopened. I think they should, but I don't think they will.

I also think it is a sin that they will not be reopened.

The voters need to vote these people out. That is probably the only satisfaction anyone will get. That will be little consolation to the families.

Voters should definitely be aware of this case and others that have been similarly bungled. They have the power to oust incompentent leadership.
I totally agree. The fact that Jonah has not joined with and assisted the Zahaus in seeking justice for Rebecca is very questionable in my opinion.

I need to remind myself that Jonah is a lawyer and silence is the only way to go. He doesn't care if it makes him look guilty. He knows being silent is the best path. I don't doubt that he also believes he is omnipotent. He appears to be carrying on with his life no different than before these tragedies. Just with different women now according to those that see him out and about.
I need to remind myself that Jonah is a lawyer and silence is the only way to go. He doesn't care if it makes him look guilty. He knows being silent is the best path. I don't doubt that he also believes he is omnipotent. He appears to be carrying on with his life no different than before these tragedies. Just with different women now according to those that see him out and about.

I again agree with your point. The best moves are the ones that he has already made. It's a shame that Dina seems to be the only person on planet earth blind to that unless her hands are tied due to some unseen force like a prior legal agreement.
I again agree with your point. The best moves are the ones that he has already made. It's a shame that Dina seems to be the only person on planet earth blind to that unless her hands are tied due to some unseen force like a prior legal agreement.

SDSO knew what a massive battle they would be up against if they were going to go after JS too IMO. Money and power are contrary to justice I guess. I'm not saying SDSO thought he was a perp - just saying they know the guy and that knowledge may very well have influenced the investigation. Otherwise known as path of least resistance. Lord knows the Zahaus weren't a threat.
IMO, About two days before Ann Rule's book comes out, Anne Bremner will announce that the AG has turned it down AGAIN for lack of any evidence to support Rebecca's death was other than suicide. l would imagine that Ann, Anne, and the Zahaus want to make as much money off of the sales as possible, so that timing would be for a good for a big media opportunity and that's what I'm predicting.

IF the AG turns down the case then it will need to be done on the basis of disallowing the new evidence - because new evidence does exist. Without a rational and believable response by the AG in turning down the case, no minds will be changed in the belief that a murder took place. A murder of revenge IMO. And as to making money off the book - more power to them. That would be a small recompense for their loss of Rebecca.
IMO, About two days before Ann Rule's book comes out, Anne Bremner will announce that the AG has turned it down AGAIN for lack of any evidence to support Rebecca's death was other than suicide. l would imagine that Ann, Anne, and the Zahaus want to make as much money off of the sales as possible, so that timing would be for a good for a big media opportunity and that's what I'm predicting.

I think that no AG investigation would be a shame for Dina Shacknai. With history as our guide, minus an AG investigation into Max's death, she will never get another dime from Jonah Shacknai for anything. Ever. Any civil case she tries to bring against Jonah or the Zahaus will likely run her in the hundreds of thousands of $$ on her legal fees alone before she ever hopes to get a deposition from anyone. About anything. Even with depositions conducted I doubt Dina will get the answers she hopes to gain. Costs of opposing parties attorney's fees due to malicious prosecution awards could run her into the millions.
With the presidential election decided, Kamala Harris, California AG, is on the "short list" for an Obama SCOTUS nomination. Likely that this may have some impact on her decision to reopen, or not reopen, Rebecca's case. (I'm thinking "not" reopen-- too risky politically.)

Obama's Next Supreme Court Pick: Kamala Harris?


Kamala Harris: Focused on Job, Not SCOTUS

High court prospects aren't on her mind now, Cali's chief lawyer told us while stumping for Obama.

Posted: November 3, 2012 at 12:24 AM

Who would be potential candidates for Obama to consider? Judge Merrick Garland of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia was a recent top contender. Tom Goldstein, publisher of the popular Scotusblog, speculates that the president could continue the trend and nominate another woman, Kamala Harris, the attorney general of California.


[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamala_Harris"]Kamala Harris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
I think that no AG investigation would be a shame for Dina Shacknai. With history as our guide, minus an AG investigation into Max's death, she will never get another dime from Jonah Shacknai for anything. Ever. Any civil case she tries to bring against Jonah or the Zahaus will likely run her in the hundreds of thousands of $$ on her legal fees alone before she ever hopes to get a deposition from anyone. About anything. Even with depositions conducted I doubt Dina will get the answers she hopes to gain. Costs of opposing parties attorney's fees due to malicious prosecution awards could run her into the millions.

I agree with you, Mr. Spock. A rational person might weigh the pros and cons of pursuing a civil case. However, I don't believe Dina thinks rationally. She has provided numerous instances of examples where she demonstrates thinking irrationally, impulsively, or thinking vindictively and ob$e$$ively.

Thi$ is going to be her new "cau$e", and her new profe$$ion and life'$ purpo$e-- to obtain her idea of ju$tice in any way $he can, IMO. Wait for it. It'$ coming $oon. Very $oon. She will cha$e it for decade$, imo.

Multiple irrational and vindictive civil $uit$, IMO.

Then again, perhaps her friends, her attorney friends, will take her case/s probono, so as not to add to her financial burden. But, then again, it has been said many times that Dina doesn't need any money. So perhaps civil suits aren't worth her time or efforts, since she is already immensely wealthy from her first settlement with Jonah. Hmmmm.....interesting conundrum.
So, here is a question for consideration.

How can Kamala Harris support the Zahau family, and reopen Rebecca's case, and yet DISTANCE herself from criticism that she didn't support LE's investigation and conclusion?

Who can she pass off the decision to reopen Rebecca's case, and save political face? Whether it is reopened or not. IMO, she will need to distance herself from the decision-- no matter what it is. (But perhaps she can perpetually delay any answer-- for or against.)

Double whammy-- she is also named as a potential California gubernatorial candidate, in addition to SCOTUS. She cannot afford to take on controversial cases at this point, imo. This does not bode well for Rebecca's case, unfortunately, IMO.
I think that no AG investigation would be a shame for Dina Shacknai. With history as our guide, minus an AG investigation into Max's death, she will never get another dime from Jonah Shacknai for anything. Ever. Any civil case she tries to bring against Jonah or the Zahaus will likely run her in the hundreds of thousands of $$ on her legal fees alone before she ever hopes to get a deposition from anyone. About anything. Even with depositions conducted I doubt Dina will get the answers she hopes to gain. Costs of opposing parties attorney's fees due to malicious prosecution awards could run her into the millions.

BBM. History in the Goldman/Brown case v OJ Simpson proves there doesn't need to be a successful prosecution or an AG investigation in order to succeed with a wrongful death lawsuit which is a civil action, not a criminal prosecution. Considering the amount of money Dina has already spent on experts, there is no reason not to proceed with such a lawsuit.

I agree with you, Mr. Spock. A rational person might weigh the pros and cons of pursuing a civil case. However, I don't believe Dina thinks rationally. She has provided numerous instances of examples where she demonstrates thinking irrationally, impulsively, or thinking vindictively and ob$e$$ively.

Thi$ is going to be her new "cau$e", and her new profe$$ion and life'$ purpo$e-- to obtain her idea of ju$tice in any way $he can, IMO. Wait for it. It'$ coming $oon. Very $oon. She will cha$e it for decade$, imo.

Multiple irrational and vindictive civil $uit$, IMO.

Then again, perhaps her friends, her attorney friends, will take her case/s probono, so as not to add to her financial burden. But, then again, it has been said many times that Dina doesn't need any money. So perhaps civil suits aren't worth her time or efforts, since she is already immensely wealthy from her first settlement with Jonah. Hmmmm.....interesting conundrum.
If Dina's friends were real friends, they'd take her by the hand, sit her down, and serve her a double shot of reality. Blaming Rebecca for Max's death allows Dina the luxury of justifying Rebecca's death as a punishment Rebecca deserved:quid pro quo. But however justified Dina might be in thinking some thing, nothing excuses murder. And no one is above the law.
BBM. History in the Goldman/Brown case v OJ Simpson proves there doesn't need to be a successful prosecution or an AG investigation in order to succeed with a wrongful death lawsuit which is a civil action, not a criminal prosecution. Considering the amount of money Dina has already spent on experts, there is no reason not to proceed with such a lawsuit.


Hi MyBelle! Glad to see you again. :) Do you think that DS will go after JS, or the estate of RZ?

I agree with you that what she has done so far has been preemptive of some type of civil suit action.
Hi MyBelle! Glad to see you again. :) Do you think that DS will go after JS, or the estate of RZ?

I agree with you that what she has done so far has been preemptive of some type of civil suit action.

From what Dina has shown so far in the media, she's only gone after Rebecca and the Zahau family. I don't believe she has the guts to sue Jonah. He has the money, power and influence that she will never have. If she even tries to bring a suit against him, she'll be a little fish in the big ocean -- exactly how the Zahau's must feel vying against her, Jonah, Gore and the system.
In my opinion, both cases have a greater chance of being reopened if the two came together. I am very curious as to why publicly, Dina has not pointed her finger at Jonah. If there was indeed an agreement not to leave Max alone with Rebecca and her family, then Jonah broke this agreement. Why has Dina not included Jonah in her media campaign? If Jonah followed the set rules, Max should not have been with RZ and XZ. So why is Dina not placing any blame on Jonah for breaking the agreement? Why has Dina not commented that I told Jonah she was dangerous and he didn't listen or Jonah should never have left Max alone with RZ? Nothing, it is like the word Jonah is missing from Dina's vocabulary. IIRC, this alleged agreement with Jonah is not even mentioned in either experts report. It just doesn't make sense.
In my opinion, both cases have a greater chance of being reopened if the two came together. I am very curious as to why publicly, Dina has not pointed her finger at Jonah. If there was indeed an agreement not to leave Max alone with Rebecca and her family, then Jonah broke this agreement. Why has Dina not included Jonah in her media campaign? If Jonah followed the set rules, Max should not have been with RZ and XZ. So why is Dina not placing any blame on Jonah for breaking the agreement? Why has Dina not commented that I told Jonah she was dangerous and he didn't listen or Jonah should never have left Max alone with RZ? Nothing, it is like the word Jonah is missing from Dina's vocabulary. IIRC, this alleged agreement with Jonah is not even mentioned in either experts report. It just doesn't make sense.


My thoughts:
1. The agreement never existed, except after Max's death, in Dina's mind. Dina twisted some kernel of a conversation with Jonah about her dislike of Rebecca into "we had an agreement".

2. Dina is under a legally binding agreement not to say anything publicly about Jonah that could even remotely be considered negative. Condition of their divorce settlement.

Both of the above will be addressed publicly if/ when Dina files her first civil suit naming Jonah. I think she will file multiple suits against Jonah (among other people and entities.) This is the calm before the storm, IMO.

My thoughts:
1. The agreement never existed, except after Max's death, in Dina's mind. Dina twisted some kernel of a conversation with Jonah about her dislike of Rebecca into "we had an agreement".

2. Dina is under a legally binding agreement not to say anything publicly about Jonah that could even remotely be considered negative. Condition of their divorce settlement.

Both of the above will be addressed publicly if/ when Dina files her first civil suit naming Jonah. I think she will file multiple suits against Jonah (among other people and entities.) This is the calm before the storm, IMO.

I agree with you......this supposed agreement is a figment of Dina's imagination. If one did exist, Dina would have plastered it all over the media. I think that once she starts filing law suits (against Jonah), she will be moving from her home in PV, because that is likely a condition of their divorce decree.
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