Winnie the Pooh blanket

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The affidavit for a search warrant that OCSO completed on Dec. 11, 2008 contained reference to the remains being found in a black bag, a blanket with the remains, and duct tape.

As I understand it, the affidavit would normally be presented with the search warrant itself. So if George and Cindy were served with the paperwork that evening then they would be aware of what was found. I recall seeing video of them at the house retrieving a dog, but I don't know if that was before or after the search started.

The Anthony's had dinner with Baez that evening, so if the warrant had been served by dinner time to Cindy, George, Brad, Hoover, or DC then it is possible the information got to Jose at that time. Then, around 8PM that evening, Jose paid a visit to KC. This would be the earliest possible point, IMO, that information about the blanket and bag could be passed on to KC.

Even that is not a guarantee, and it would be worth tracing out the timeline of where the Anthony's were and when on the 11th to see if it is possible they or someone in their camp even saw the warrant or affidavit that evening. If they did not, the next visit with KC occurred on Dec. 14, providing ample time for KC to reveal inside information.

FWIW...Hoover's statement indicated that Lee had talked w/ Baez by phone before Baez arrived @ the Ritz. While Hoover's characterization makes it sound as if this phone conversation took place as Baez was already enroute to the Ritz (because Lee placed an order for Baez as a result of the call Hoover concluded). It isn't out of the realm of possibility that Lee and Baez discussed the affidavit re: these items and Baez was still in the presence of...or going into meet w/...Casey. Long putt...but...FWIW.
I do realize that this discussion is about who knew about Caylee being wrapped in a blanket and when did they know it. I do have a question though and I believe it is related to this

Was it ever released/confirmed WHAT KC bought at JC Penney? I'm referring to the charge on CA's JC Penney card. There was speculation early on that it could have been to replace something that was missing out of Caylee's room - I'm just wondering if LE has a REAL SMOKING GUN here with a confirmation that KC bought and replaced an identical blanket like the one Caylee was found in.
In this particular case, IIRC.....The fact that part of Caylee was wrapped within the WTP blanket was NOT made public until a significant time had passed in the investigation.

That squares w/ my memory too, joypath.

Here's an example from Orlando Sentinel indicating this (WTP blanket) info was released to the public in Jan '09. The heart-sticker-residue was the leading part of the story.
Times added:


Approximate times:

December 11, 2008

9:30AM Kronk made the 911 call regarding the discovery

10:47AM *Example of report by media released unknown what is included in this report intitially since it wsa updated later in the day @ 6:11PM, which means this may have initially been reported before or after Baez's trip to the jail

##:##AM Orange County Jail notified and expected to inform Casey of the discovery

##:##AM Sgt. Allen called Cindy (still in California) to inform her of the discovery

11:55 am-1:33 pm Baez went to the Orange County Jail to be with Casey

##:##PM Sheriff Beary made a statement only referring to a skull being found

##:##PM Tim Miller (incredibly gracious :thumb:) gave audio interview to WFTV

2:18 PM Baez faxed to media a motion to be involved w/ testing of remains, and presumably filed it around that same time

##:##PM Mallory arrived @ G&C's just a few minutes before LE arrived to secure it for a search

~4:00PM G&C's flight arrived in Orlando

4:42pm-8:23 pm Jose G (the "cute" Jose lol) visits with Casey

6:11PM *Example report by media is updated and included (if it didn't already) the information about the remains in a bag.

>7:00PM G&C, Dominik, Lee & Mallory, gathered at the Ritz.

~7:45PM Jose joined them for dinner (per Hoover's statement handwritten pg 3906-3910

8:04-9:05 pm Jose B is back at the jail with Casey, so Hoover is likely wrong about the time above.

December 12, 2008

~1:30AM Hoover left the Ritz and went to Hopespring to lock-up after LE/CSI wrapped

~3:00AM Hoover returned to the Ritz

##:##PM G&C, Dominik & Hoover returned to Hoperspring briefly

I don't recall if the interview in the jail indicates which news channel was on for Casey to observe, but, the initial reports* did indicate the remains were in a bag as they told about a skull falling out in relaying what Kronk told 911 when he picked up a bag. I haven't seen any references to a blanket.

* As one example, note that the first report linked in this post is stamped
POSTED: 10:47 AM EST December 11, 2008
UPDATED: 6:11 PM EST December 11, 2008
reporting, "Orange County Sheriff's Office spokesman Jim Solomons confirmed the remains were found in a sealed plastic bag"

So...not definitive, as far as when the blanket information was public info...or even if Robyn inserted knowledge of the blanket or after becoming aware of it after the fact. But, Jose was notified and went to spend time with Casey before joining the rest of the Anthony clan @ dinner that evening. Per the single example provided above, even OCSO's spokesman was communicating that the remains were discovered in a bag.

I would say the people who knew about the blanket were...LE at the scene, LE at the station and staff, SA and staff, anyone within earshot of LE at the scene talking to people about what needed to go in the search warrant (River? Kalani?), possibly Tim Miller, possibly Mallory if she saw the warrant affidavit (and therefore everyone dining on crab puffs at the Ritz that night), possibly Hoover (who, IIRC, spoke with LE at the home for a while when he came to lock up), the judge and staff who saw the warrant affidavit...and various friends and family of all these people (sworn to secrecy, of course).
I may be incorrect but wasn't Hoover sent to the Anthony home that night. I vaguely recall something like that. I am :banghead: by brain trying to recall where I read that. I want to reteiterate that I may be recalling incorrectly.

I think Hoover was sent later to lock the house.IMO
Even that is not a guarantee, and it would be worth tracing out the timeline of where the Anthony's were and when on the 11th to see if it is possible they or someone in their camp even saw the warrant or affidavit that evening. If they did not, the next visit with KC occurred on Dec. 14, providing ample time for KC to reveal inside information.
*snipped & bold & color bm*

Post 264 It is acknowledged in this report dec 14th

Gracias, NTS.

Excerpt from that linked report...

"For the first time, WESH 2 News has also confirmed that the child's body was wrapped in some sort of "covering" inside the bag.
According to sources, it was the covering -- along with the trash bag and duct tape -- that investigators said they believe are tied to the Anthony house nearby on Hopespring Drive."

Noting the date of that story:

"POSTED: 5:32 pm EST December 14, 2008
UPDATED: 7:20 pm EST December 14, 2008"

AZ: Do you have the time of the 12/14 visit?? :waitasec:
I can't find anything about the WTP blanket in that story. Did you add the right link?

Does not say blanket, but I believe it is. Its about half way down, will copy and paste.

or the first time, WESH 2 News has also confirmed that the child's body was wrapped in some sort of "covering" inside the bag.

According to sources, it was the covering -- along with the trash bag and duct tape -- that investigators said they believe are tied to the Anthony house nearby on Hopespring Drive.

I can't find anything about the WTP blanket in that story. Did you add the right link?

NTS might have been meaning this part

For the first time, WESH 2 News has also confirmed that the child's body was wrapped in some sort of "covering" inside the bag.
I remember reading through the police officers transcripts and they thought the blanket was a towel at first. They described little roots growing through it.
I would say the people who knew about the blanket were...LE at the scene, LE at the station and staff, SA and staff, anyone within earshot of LE at the scene talking to people about what needed to go in the search warrant (River? Kalani?), possibly Tim Miller, possibly Mallory if she saw the warrant affidavit (and therefore everyone dining on crab puffs at the Ritz that night), possibly Hoover (who, IIRC, spoke with LE at the home for a while when he came to lock up), the judge and staff who saw the warrant affidavit...and various friends and family of all these people (sworn to secrecy, of course).

Connecting the dots for simple thinkers like me....;)

We can/should see that one media story NTS provided as an example that there was info leaking out about something inside the bag (e.g. "covering") as early as Dec 14. There is no telling what word was used in the circle of Baez. could've just as easily been leaked to him as, "blanket" and the media as "covering".

So...if all that comes together reasonably well for you...esp. if AZ finds the time of that Dec 14 visit :whistle:, starting w/ JWG's astute observations 'bout the early date opportunities for Casey to get info 'bout the disposal site via Baez... it just means that the SA won't be able to use the angle that Casey provided info 'bout the remains that only the killer would know as a cornerstone of their case.
Connecting the dots for simple thinkers like me....;)

We can/should see that one media story NTS provided as an example that there was info leaking out about something inside the bag (e.g. "covering") as early as Dec 14. There is no telling what word was used in the circle of Baez. could've just as easily been leaked to him as, "blanket" and the media as "covering".

So...if all that comes together reasonably well for you...esp. if AZ finds the time of that Dec 14 visit :whistle:, starting w/ JWG's astute observations 'bout the early date opportunities for Casey to get info 'bout the disposal site via Baez... it just means that the SA won't be able to use the angle that Casey provided info 'bout the remains that only the killer would know as a cornerstone of their case.

The December 14 visit was with Jose G (the cute one again) from 10:27 -11:32 am.
I am just curious if the affidavit and search warrant have to be served to the owners before they can actually search. If so, then the A's landed around 4 pm and was served. Could have called Jb. IMO
I am just curious if the affidavit and search warrant have to be served to the owners before they can actually search. If so, then the A's landed around 4 pm and was served. Could have called Jb. IMO

I would think the affidavit would have been given to Mallory along with the warrant when the officers arrived at the home.

Maybe RH could help us out with Florida law on whether the affidavit has to be attached to the warrant at the time of service?

Perhaps Mallory took the documents to the Ritz to peruse with the As over dinner. It would have put me right off my crab puffs, but obviously some people are made of stronger stuff...
I'm just not buying it yet that word was got to Casey about the blanket. But if it did then by God, something is not right.
Posted: 7:41 am EST December 12, 2008Updated: 11:53 am EST December 13, 2008
Passengers who were on the flight said the Anthonys were calm and wore their "Find Caylee" t-shirts. They were met by deputies at the gate and whisked away. The couple did not immediately return to their home. Sheriff's office sources said they were taken to a hotel while a search warrant was served on their home. The home was considered a crime scene until investigators finished looking for evidence. The scoured the home late into Thursday night, looking for evidence.

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