With every interview the A's do they are going against what LE & SA advise

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You are not alone in this journey
Sep 10, 2008
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I was unfortunately involved in a criminal case that was high profile, involved kidnapping, rape, and the perp fleeing through several different states in the south while he was an escaped prisoner. Myself and my family were invited to be on America's Most Wanted, stormed by the local media, (they found out and contacted my 76 year old grandmother) bless her heart, and some of the tabloid news shows. During this time both LE and the Prosecutors office advised me not to talk to anyone as it would hinder the prosecution of the case. The man that did these horrible things to me plea bargained to 4 life sentences. In my opinion the reason the A's are doing these interviews is not only for the $$ but to hinder LE and the SA office in prosecuting KC. I know that I feel that every time I hear CA tell a mis truth or a different story that I think it should help the prosecution but I could be wrong. Having been through a tragedy of my own and still reliving it many years later I can tell you for certain that the facts and your memory don't change. It is my belief that with every interview the A's schedule is there way of giving LE and the prosecutor the excuse my language "the Finger". What are the opinions of others and are the A's trying to do more than just obstruct justice?:furious:
I was unfortunately involved in a criminal case that was high profile, involved kidnapping, rape, and the perp fleeing through several different states in the south while he was an escaped prisoner. Myself and my family were invited to be on America's Most Wanted, stormed by the local media, (they found out and contacted my 76 year old grandmother) bless her heart, and some of the tabloid news shows. During this time both LE and the Prosecutors office advised me not to talk to anyone as it would hinder the prosecution of the case. The man that did these horrible things to me plea bargained to 4 life sentences. In my opinion the reason the A's are doing these interviews is not only for the $$ but to hinder LE and the SA office in prosecuting KC. I know that I feel that every time I hear CA tell a mis truth or a different story that I think it should help the prosecution but I could be wrong. Having been through a tragedy of my own and still reliving it many years later I can tell you for certain that the facts and your memory don't change. It is my belief that with every interview the A's schedule is there way of giving LE and the prosecutor the excuse my language "the Finger". What are the opinions of others and are the A's trying to do more than just obstruct justice?:furious:

:( I'm so sorry for what you've been through .. :blowkiss:

I agree that the Anthonys are trying toobstruct justice ..
My hope is that, LE will arrest them at some point ..
Sdavidson11, Thanks for sharing your horrible experience. We all have our Demons we have to fight daily. We have to move forward and I feel that you are doing that.:hug:

I also see that fanger up at the whole world when they have air time. I also feel that they may just be headed down a road with jail time. Sorry to say (out loud) that I hope so. If I had my big mouth flappin in the wind, they would probably already have me in jail. I guess the reason they aren't already in jail is that they(LE) wanna deal with KC's trial first. Can't think of any other reason.
My grandmothers annoyances at perceived injustice (albeit legal) from tax increases, to celebrity scandal was "shouldn't be allowed".

She never sounded irritated, just her own version of 'tutting'.

I think of her whenever I see the Anthonys (and many similar media hogs) on TV.

Ya see - they can't change what has happened, much as it's a hard truth to face: Face it they must.

No amount of revision, backpeddling, lying or boring repetition will bring back Caylee, nor make KC innocent.

Fighting for KC serves to delay grieving for Caylee, truth is, it's probably just prolonging it.

IMO they should close their front door, grieve their grandchild, gather their emotional strength. The trial is going to be an emotional succubus for them.

Today I don't feel angered by them, nor do I feel sorry for them, I just feel 'pity'.
Pity they couldn't be so supportive of their grandaughter and her tragic demise.
For those who feel sorry for the A's because of their rock and a hard place position let me offer this:
The blunder they are making is to try and defend her. The would garner much more sympathy for themselves and possibly KC is they would take the position that they don't know if she did it, they have some questions and she is still their daughter. The should stress how much they loved Caylee and that they also love KC. They can say that KC made some mistakes, but that they believe there may be good reasons we don't understand at this time and that all they want is for her to get a fair trial and that they feel she's been demonized and because they are her parents, that hurts them deeply. They should appeal to the public for sympathy because of the position they are in and stop trying to defend KC and put spin on her actions. Some honesty would soften the publics' opinion.
They are more in need of a PR person than an atty at this point.

Of course this is all in retrospect, I think any change of heart is too late at this point.
NSS, what you said should be framed and hung on the wall.:clap::clap:
I was unfortunately involved in a criminal case that was high profile, involved kidnapping, rape, and the perp fleeing through several different states in the south while he was an escaped prisoner. Myself and my family were invited to be on America's Most Wanted, stormed by the local media, (they found out and contacted my 76 year old grandmother) bless her heart, and some of the tabloid news shows. During this time both LE and the Prosecutors office advised me not to talk to anyone as it would hinder the prosecution of the case. The man that did these horrible things to me plea bargained to 4 life sentences. In my opinion the reason the A's are doing these interviews is not only for the $$ but to hinder LE and the SA office in prosecuting KC. I know that I feel that every time I hear CA tell a mis truth or a different story that I think it should help the prosecution but I could be wrong. Having been through a tragedy of my own and still reliving it many years later I can tell you for certain that the facts and your memory don't change. It is my belief that with every interview the A's schedule is there way of giving LE and the prosecutor the excuse my language "the Finger". What are the opinions of others and are the A's trying to do more than just obstruct justice?:furious:

I'm so sorry for what you had to endure :hug:
I believe their intent
1. Is to promote their income generating projects first and foremost
2. Create reasonable doubt / sympathy in the jury pool - play victims and martyrs
3. Upset state attorneys office with constant false statements they are leaking /
lying and rushed to judgement
4 Get the idea out there that science is unreliable
There are discussing this on HLN now......stating they are making a big mistake going public.
I was unfortunately involved in a criminal case that was high profile, involved kidnapping, rape, and the perp fleeing through several different states in the south while he was an escaped prisoner. Myself and my family were invited to be on America's Most Wanted, stormed by the local media, (they found out and contacted my 76 year old grandmother) bless her heart, and some of the tabloid news shows. During this time both LE and the Prosecutors office advised me not to talk to anyone as it would hinder the prosecution of the case. The man that did these horrible things to me plea bargained to 4 life sentences. In my opinion the reason the A's are doing these interviews is not only for the $$ but to hinder LE and the SA office in prosecuting KC. I know that I feel that every time I hear CA tell a mis truth or a different story that I think it should help the prosecution but I could be wrong. Having been through a tragedy of my own and still reliving it many years later I can tell you for certain that the facts and your memory don't change. It is my belief that with every interview the A's schedule is there way of giving LE and the prosecutor the excuse my language "the Finger". What are the opinions of others and are the A's trying to do more than just obstruct justice?:furious:

It goes along with the washing of the pants, in my book. I felt for them at first. thought they were not aware of the mistake they were making. But after having the sad opportunity to watch them for months on end.. Their actions look different.

What your saying, it was proven with their response to TES. They refused to help, tried to destroy the search attempts and the people trying to help. They gave them the finger.

They have treated the LE that way as well. LE, TES, etc.. everyone trying to find Caylee and/or bring justise for Caylee are considered Bad People.
For those who feel sorry for the A's because of their rock and a hard place position let me offer this:
The blunder they are making is to try and defend her. The would garner much more sympathy for themselves and possibly KC is they would take the position that they don't know if she did it, they have some questions and she is still their daughter. The should stress how much they loved Caylee and that they also love KC. They can say that KC made some mistakes, but that they believe there may be good reasons we don't understand at this time and that all they want is for her to get a fair trial and that they feel she's been demonized and because they are her parents, that hurts them deeply. They should appeal to the public for sympathy because of the position they are in and stop trying to defend KC and put spin on her actions. Some honesty would soften the publics' opinion.
They are more in need of a PR person than an atty at this point.

Of course this is all in retrospect, I think any change of heart is too late at this point.

I just don't understand why the A's think they are so special?
Great conversation on HLN...repeating what you all said...BC bossed around by Cindy, DP qualified attny. Oops, moving on now.
I was unfortunately involved in a criminal case that was high profile, involved kidnapping, rape, and the perp fleeing through several different states in the south while he was an escaped prisoner. Myself and my family were invited to be on America's Most Wanted, stormed by the local media, (they found out and contacted my 76 year old grandmother) bless her heart, and some of the tabloid news shows. During this time both LE and the Prosecutors office advised me not to talk to anyone as it would hinder the prosecution of the case. The man that did these horrible things to me plea bargained to 4 life sentences. In my opinion the reason the A's are doing these interviews is not only for the $$ but to hinder LE and the SA office in prosecuting KC. I know that I feel that every time I hear CA tell a mis truth or a different story that I think it should help the prosecution but I could be wrong. Having been through a tragedy of my own and still reliving it many years later I can tell you for certain that the facts and your memory don't change. It is my belief that with every interview the A's schedule is there way of giving LE and the prosecutor the excuse my language "the Finger". What are the opinions of others and are the A's trying to do more than just obstruct justice?:furious:

I am so very sorry for your painful experiences, Sdavidson. :blowkiss:
I was unfortunately involved in a criminal case that was high profile, involved kidnapping, rape, and the perp fleeing through several different states in the south while he was an escaped prisoner. Myself and my family were invited to be on America's Most Wanted, stormed by the local media, (they found out and contacted my 76 year old grandmother) bless her heart, and some of the tabloid news shows. During this time both LE and the Prosecutors office advised me not to talk to anyone as it would hinder the prosecution of the case. The man that did these horrible things to me plea bargained to 4 life sentences. In my opinion the reason the A's are doing these interviews is not only for the $$ but to hinder LE and the SA office in prosecuting KC. I know that I feel that every time I hear CA tell a mis truth or a different story that I think it should help the prosecution but I could be wrong. Having been through a tragedy of my own and still reliving it many years later I can tell you for certain that the facts and your memory don't change. It is my belief that with every interview the A's schedule is there way of giving LE and the prosecutor the excuse my language "the Finger". What are the opinions of others and are the A's trying to do more than just obstruct justice?:furious:

Bless your heart! I know that some wounds never heal, yet still grant the opportunity for great personal growth and strength of character far beyond that of the average person. God has a special place in heaven for you!
Sdavidson11, you are an amazingly brave person...thank you for sharing your story with us.

I think the A's believe the only chance they have of keeping the doors closed on whatever sordid family secrets they might have is to force a mistrial.
Sdavidson, I am so sorry for what you went through. I'm glad the monster that did those things to you was punished. My heart goes out to you.

I heard someone on JVM last night say that the A's think they can talk their way out of this and that's why they're doing all the interviews and such. I think that is correct. They think just because they say it, that people will believe it.

It is offensive to me that they expect people to just buy their story and ridiculous lies and I think the jury will feel the same way.

Ziggy, you are right on! I've said the same thing to my husband since they started to spin their lies. The public would be much more sympathetic and understanding if the A's would take the approach you suggest.
They just need to stop talking NOW. It is a product of CA's arrogance that she believes she can control events and that the truth is whatever she says it is. Much in fact, like her daughter...

Their posturing about being experts in the area of missing children is loathsome, as are they.

I believe their limelight bathing is equal parts attempting to manipulate trial outcome and just plain fameho'ing. CA is enjoying the attention, and negative attention is better than none at all. Even if the public is overwhelmingly against them (as the polls on LKL showed), she still got to be on TV and no doubt got first class airfare and a limo ride as well.
It showed on LKL. Cindy is controlling the message and expecting everyone to put on a unified front, but George cannot hide his true feelings at times.

Here is their reaction when Larry starts asking about the partying. George looks pained, but Cindy looks annoyed:

And then here is Cindy spinning it...but notice George's face:
They just need to stop talking NOW. It is a product of CA's arrogance that she believes she can control events and that the truth is whatever she says it is. Much in fact, like her daughter...

Their posturing about being experts in the area of missing children is loathsome, as are they.

I believe their limelight bathing is equal parts attempting to manipulate trial outcome and just plain fameho'ing. CA is enjoying the attention, and negative attention is better than none at all. Even if the public is overwhelmingly against them (as the polls on LKL showed), she still got to be on TV and no doubt got first class airfare and a limo ride as well.

what she said.
Cindy, please shed a tear. Get misty-eyed. Cry. Cry for your dead granddaughter, or at least cry for the daughter you're trying to defend!
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