Woman dislikes carrying coffin photo of crash victim, as ordered by court

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Aug 13, 2003
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BUTLER, Pa. (AP) - A judge ordered a woman to carry a photo of the man she killed in a head-on collision, and the man's parents complied by sending a picture of him in his casket. Now, her lawyer is crying foul and the family is refusing to provide another picture.

Prosecutors said Jennifer Langston was drunk and talking on a cellphone in June 2002 when she crossed the centre line and hit a pickup carrying teacher Glenn Clark and his pregnant wife, Annette. He died, his wife remains in a coma and their son, born by caesarean section five months after the crash, is being raised by relatives.

Besides vehicular homicide, Langston pleaded guilty in September to reckless endangerment and reckless driving. A judge sentenced her to 30 days in jail, plus house arrest and probation, and ordered her to carry a picture of Clark for five years. Clark's parents gave court officials a photo of their son in his coffin.

At a hearing Wednesday, Langston's lawyer, Michael Sherman, said the "spirit of the agreement" was that the photo be of Clark when he was alive.

"It was very unreasonable and cruel that she was given that picture," Sherman said.

District Attorney Tim McCune agreed to have the family provide a different photo.

But Rosellen Moller, Clark's mother, was unapologetic and said she had no intention of sending another picture.

"I thought it was cruel and unusual to kill my son," she told the Herald in Sharon. "We really didn't have a choice. They wanted me to send a picture of Glenn and I did."

Full Story from CNEWS


The coffin photo would be pretty sobering (forgive the pun) to carry around.

It is definately an unusual order by the Judge.
Let's see. She was drunk and talking on a cell phone. She killed a man, left his wife in a coma, but miracle of miracles, the baby lived, but doesn't have it's real mom and dad.

And she is whining about carrying around a picture of this man in a casket? It's not like it's pinned in front of her eyes. She never even has to look at it. It should be in an 10X14 gilt frame in the middle of her living room.
I'm with you, Ghostwheel. We just had a 45 year old drunk driver cross the highway and plow right into a car carrying teenagers. Two were killed, aged 17. By the way, it was 8:30 at night. The guy was totally soused. He also died at the scene.
Too bad he didn't make her have it tattooed on her body! :mad:

In today's day and age there is no excuse for drunk driving..this accident could have been prevented, and the two parents would be raising their son together today!

I agree with everyone on this thread. She killed 2 people, and left a child orphaned. The mother in the coma is as good as dead, as she's not up and about, raising her child. She's dead.

And this freak has the audacity to whine that carrying that photo is unfair?

She could easily put that photo in an envelope if she was so bothered by it, but frankly, apparently it's LEGAL to murder people, as long as your drunk, in that state. Your only punishment is you have to carry around a photo of the person you murdered and you get to whine about it too.

That murderer needs to be BEHIND BARS.
Woman Dies on Anniversary of Husband's Death

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A Butler County woman whose husband was killed in a fatal car crash five years ago this past Friday, has died of her injuries.
WOW. She died 5 years later TO THE DAY that her hubby died.

I wonder what ever came about with the drunk driver not wanting to carry around a photo of the man in his casket? I can't believe she only got 30 days in jail! Unreal.

Thanks for the update on this, AeroFanRW!
wonder if the drunk driver will have new charges filed against her. I can't remember where this was at, but,no that long ago someone was charged for someone dying some years after the incident cause the drs /autopsy said the death was a result of injuries obtained in the incident. Darn, now this is bother me.

I wonder how that ever worked out with her carrying the photo. I guess she should still be on the probation.I
I just did a little googling and all I could find was that in an article about Annette's death, in said that the state appeals court in 2006 overturned part of her sentence, the judge had ordered her to pay 20,000 dollars restitution, at apparently 50.00 per month to the son, the court overturned in saying the son was technically not a victim of the crash (not born yet). What a joke. The article said that efforts to reach the driver and the local DA were unsuccessful.
that poor baby.

i wish they had made them tattoo it on her. she would have deserved it.
I just did a little googling and all I could find was that in an article about Annette's death, in said that the state appeals court in 2006 overturned part of her sentence, the judge had ordered her to pay 20,000 dollars restitution, at apparently 50.00 per month to the son, the court overturned in saying the son was technically not a victim of the crash (not born yet). What a joke. The article said that efforts to reach the driver and the local DA were unsuccessful.

bull!@#%. i can't believe she is fighting that little son.

he deserves his parents. 20,000 is not even a drop in the bucket, and I am sorry but if it were me, i would feel it my duty and feel it wasn;t even enough to write the 50.00 a month.
not a victim!!! u gotta be kidding me. why do we have so many idiots on the bench!!
The person that lives across from her should blow up the picture she didnt want to carry, write 'remember me' in big letters and put it in their yard facing her house, apt whatever.
This is definitely going to piss alot of you off...but I think making the person carry a picture around of the person you killed falls under the "cruel and unsual" punishment in the Bill of Rights.

I would have liked to see this woman get MUCH more jail time, and have additional charges thrown at her once the wife had died.

I also think that if this woman has any conscience that she would live with the fact she killed two people, and ruined many other lives, including their families and their son's. That's why I don't see the need for her to carry a picture around, especially one in which the son is in a coffin. I believe that's a bit excessive.
This is definitely going to piss alot of you off...but I think making the person carry a picture around of the person you killed falls under the "cruel and unsual" punishment in the Bill of Rights.

I would have liked to see this woman get MUCH more jail time, and have additional charges thrown at her once the wife had died.

I also think that if this woman has any conscience that she would live with the fact she killed two people, and ruined many other lives, including their families and their son's. That's why I don't see the need for her to carry a picture around, especially one in which the son is in a coffin. I believe that's a bit excessive.

Your post did not piss me off but I am curious as to why you feel its cruel?
I posted about this on the same topic thread in the Jury Room ..
I do not think its cruel at all. Cruel is that child being born with no parents because this women had no self control, got drunk and then chose to drive.

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