Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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I, too, have been hesistant to delve into this story because it hits too close to home....but I have to say something. The Physician that allowed this women to have 6 embryos transferred is completely unethical and as slimy as they get. He must be stopped. This man and his clinical staff have given infertility clinics and staff a bad name and have once again perpetuated horrible stereotypes about IVF and having "litters" of babies. This woman---there are no words to describe how much disgust I feel for this woman. She was only thinking of her own selfish needs....not the needs of the innocent children!! I have never, ever heard of such twisted and unconscionable selfishness!

I am the blessed Mommy of a wonderful little girl (now 6) who was conceived via IVF. My Physicians and nurses at the University of Washington are top-notch and most importantly ETHICAL. My husband and I tried IVF after four heartbreaking miscarriages. Our first two attempts at IVF did not work (also heartbreaking), but on the third transfer---success! We were blessed with our daughter and we haven't stopped pinching ourselves with joy and disbelief yet....not even six years later. Do we want to have more?? Of course!!....but we're also still paying the bills from the IVF.....and will be paying for months to come. Don't get me wrong...these bills are paid with gratitude, for we owe so much to the Physicians that helped us have a family. But future IVF for a sibling is not possible right now. IVF is very, very expensive and we're absolutely thrilled that we have our precious daughter. Who knows what the future holds for us.....but I am very grateful to the wonderful people that helped our dream become a reality.
For the record, I had all of my IVF procedures done (both "fresh" and "frozen" transfers of embryos) between the ages of 29 and 34. My Physician would (under no circumstances) transfer more than TWO embryos at a time. He has a great success rate. Many twins (and some triplets) have been born, but no large numbers of multiples. And YES---the number of children you may already have does play a factor in the decisions of your treatment plan at my clinic. It has to. The sanctity of human life is precious. If this woman who had the octuplets (and six youngsters at home) would have tried to get an IVF done at my clinic here in WA, she would have been politely REFUSED!!!

I'm sorry for rambling on so much. I have so much more to say on this, but now its time to go pick up my awesome 6 year-old from school! :innocent:

Love and Peace to you all,

Rainy, your post is wonderful. You and your husband are the people IVF was perfected for. Two people who dearly want a child. I wish you more.
It is so pitiful to hear your story and then read about this mother of 14 who seems to have no plan in place to take care of and raise these babies in a healthy and comfortable environment.
I consider what she has done to be child abuse.
bless you and your daughter.
pub: I understand why you are angry but she will get opportunities to provide her with teh wherewithall to take care of her babies
Host: did NBC give her money for anything?
pub: NBC does not pay
hosts: yes they did they paid her something
pub: no money for the interview
hosts: did she get anything in kind? any kind of payment?
pub: no
hosts: we don;t beleive you

I read somewhere (I'm not sure where) that she got paid a couple hundred thousand for her interview.
Just want to add as someone who had a lonely and dysfunctional childhood, it was a huge decision with many years of thought on my part to decide if I could provide the emotional mothering my children would need... and to give them the best possible chance (father, income, stability, etc...) Not something to take lightly if you want your children to have better than you did. I realize what I'm saying is obvious and my posts usually get ignored, but I just have to say this is the thing that angers me the most with her.
I think this woman is mentally ill. I am very interested to hear what her "fertility experts" have to say about all this. They share serious responsibility.

Also, her Mom is obviously already overwhelmed with helping caring for the 6 other woman. I think if I were the Mom and knew she was trying to have more children, I would have to ask her to leave my home and not enable her in that way. I understand that is easier said than done.
Three days from now, we'll read: "Furtney said Suleman didn't consider the rhinoplasty and collagen injections to be plastic surgery." :p

Silly goose! Don't you know a nose job and collegan injections aren't plastic surgery?!...They are services rendered by a nice doctor who wants to help you look nice and stuff! :D
I think this woman is mentally ill. I am very interested to hear what her "fertility experts" have to say about all this. They share serious responsibility.

Also, her Mom is obviously already overwhelmed with helping caring for the 6 other woman. I think if I were the Mom and knew she was trying to have more children, I would have to ask her to leave my home and not enable her in that way. I understand that is easier said than done.
I absolutely agree that she is mentally ill. But having said that,imo it is the duty of the IVF cliics to know who and what they are dealing with when they do this type of procedure on people. There should be a fairly rigorous psych eval involved.
The couple local fertility experts really do not want this to set change in motion because they don't think this is the norm. They want this group of players to be dealt with to be sure, but they do not want everyone to pay.

SCM, the parents said they went to the original IVF doctor and literally begged him not to do this procedure. They told him she was a loon and had no way to support the existing children. OctoGram says the doctor promised he would NOT do the procedure and she says he kept that promise. Apparently there is another doctor that got involved and that is part of the big mystery here. Did she fool a new doctor or did he knnow what was going on?

Also,I didn't realize before but the radio tonight said every time she was up for a review on her workman's comp case, she got pregnant and here in CA you cannot lose your benefits when you are PG. They said this happend several times. If true she is mentally ill and a scammer.
pub: no it is just a difference in interpretation.
host: do YOU thinkit is welfare?
pub: not my job to make a judgement
hosts: what is wrong with you? don;t you know the differnce between the truth and a lie?

LOL that was the interview. He was a total loser .

Bean - your PR rep playback had me rolling on the floor. Maybe she's not paying him anything either - and she sure is getting her money's worth! What a moron.

There is so much wrong with this picture it is hard to know where to begin....:doh:
Has she visited her six kids yet? I have a feeling Gramma just adopted 6 kids wether she likes it or not. I think all 14 need to be placed in foster care until the system can look into the condition of the children at home. Oh and the sperm donar needs to be paying child support not the state. I don't care wether he knew or not. he is morally responible for all of these children.
I only feel sorry for all these children. Oh one more rant. If she had such a horrible child hood with both parents at home. why is she letting her mother raise her 6 children?

the statement she made that they used 6 embyros each time makes me believe this has been a meal ticket from the 1st IVF. Absolutely disgusting!!

I think she looks at these children as dolls the first 6 are now ols,so Octogrammy can have those. She just got her a whole new set of dolls, THis
girls needs to be committed and the children need loving parents.
Just want to add as someone who had a lonely and dysfunctional childhood, it was a huge decision with many years of thought on my part to decide if I could provide the emotional mothering my children would need... and to give them the best possible chance (father, income, stability, etc...) Not something to take lightly if you want your children to have better than you did. I realize what I'm saying is obvious and my posts usually get ignored, but I just have to say this is the thing that angers me the most with her.


It seems to all be about her and what she wants/needs....

Based on what has been reported, I expect some type of statement from the Cali child welfare department and soon.
I absolutely agree that she is mentally ill. But having said that,imo it is the duty of the IVF cliics to know who and what they are dealing with when they do this type of procedure on people. There should be a fairly rigorous psych eval involved.
The couple local fertility experts really do not want this to set change in motion because they don't think this is the norm. They want this group of players to be dealt with to be sure, but they do not want everyone to pay.

SCM, the parents said they went to the original IVF doctor and literally begged him not to do this procedure. They told him she was a loon and had no way to support the existing children. OctoGram says the doctor promised he would NOT do the procedure and she says he kept that promise. Apparently there is another doctor that got involved and that is part of the big mystery here. Did she fool a new doctor or did he knnow what was going on?

Also,I didn't realize before but the radio tonight said every time she was up for a review on her workman's comp case, she got pregnant and here in CA you cannot lose your benefits when you are PG. They said this happend several times. If true she is mentally ill and a scammer.

I think you can be mentally ill and very intelligent - of course, she is trying to scam what she wants: lots of children! It's sad and so creepy.

Do you think she lied to the doctors? Like you said, I would assume there would be heavy duty screening done - especially to an unemployed single mother of six who wants 8 more!! Is it ever right to implant 8 embryos into one women?

I absolutely think what happened here is the exception and not the rule. I can't wait to hear what her doctors have to say.
Bean - your PR rep playback had me rolling on the floor. Maybe she's not paying him anything either - and she sure is getting her money's worth! What a moron.

There is so much wrong with this picture it is hard to know where to begin....:doh:
Oh it is wrong on every level. My radio show tonight pointed out that she could have just as easily stayed off the radar if she had triplets. Many feel there are lots of women like this that totally bilk our non existent funds and get state aid. We only know about her because of the octuplets. Imagine how many there are that just don;t make the news. CA is in a serious financial crisis. Cripes our Gov is suing the Comptroller now because the Comptroller will not withhold pay from our state emplyees. We are being sucked dry by illegal aliens and our welfare system. Not to get off topic but this is pulling our state and taxpayeras down the tubes big time. We pay high sales and income tax as it is and they want to raise our taxes even more.
Oh where is Buzz!
Just want to add as someone who had a lonely and dysfunctional childhood, it was a huge decision with many years of thought on my part to decide if I could provide the emotional mothering my children would need... and to give them the best possible chance (father, income, stability, etc...) Not something to take lightly if you want your children to have better than you did. I realize what I'm saying is obvious and my posts usually get ignored, but I just have to say this is the thing that angers me the most with her.

Laini, You are right and that is a really good thing that you have the ability to recognize your strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately for these kids, octo-mom seems to not be too big on self-reflection. She also openly contradicted herself again by carrying on about her dysfunctional childhood, yet the same two people who she blames for that (her parents) are the ones who she relies upon to help her raise all these kids. She must not think they're too bad if she's entrusting the care - physical and financial - of all her children to them. Basically, I think we can try to apply our own rational thought processes to this situation. But, it's not going to fit because octo-mom is (frighteningly) not working on all cylinders.
Just want to add as someone who had a lonely and dysfunctional childhood, it was a huge decision with many years of thought on my part to decide if I could provide the emotional mothering my children would need... and to give them the best possible chance (father, income, stability, etc...) Not something to take lightly if you want your children to have better than you did. I realize what I'm saying is obvious and my posts usually get ignored, but I just have to say this is the thing that angers me the most with her.
Oh sweetie your point is valid and oh so true. Different kinds of families exist very well today, but why set your kids up for something less than optimal if you can help it? 2 parents a loving home and a means to support them all.
This lady is feeding her own sickness at the expense of these helpless children and the taxpayers of CA.
Oh it is wrong on every level. My radio show tonight pointed out that she could have just as easily stayed off the radar if she had triplets. Many feel there are lots of women like this that totally bilk our non existent funds and get state aid. We only know about her because of the octuplets. Imagine how many there are that just don;t make the news. CA is in a serious financial crisis. Cripes our Gov is suing the Comptroller now because the Comptroller will not withhold pay from our state emplyees. We are being sucked dry by illegal aliens and our welfare system. Not to get off topic but this is pulling our state and taxpayeras down the tubes big time. We pay high sales and income tax as it is and they want to raise our taxes even more.
Oh where is Buzz!

This might send Buzz scurrying off the edge!

It really is a mess - with far-reaching ramifications. I have no answers - wouldn't even know where to begin. It's bad enough with women who get pregnant repeatedly even though they have no means to support all the children - the thought of medical experts getting THIS woman pregnant just
boggles the mind.
Oh sweetie your point is valid and oh so true. Different kinds of families exist very well today, but why set your kids up for something less than optimal if you can help it? 2 parents a loving home and a means to support them all.
This lady is feeding her own sickness at the expense of these helpless children and the taxpayers of CA.

Truer words never written. God - it's awful.
Some great observations and comments here!

Couple of things I see. The house is just that - a house - and definitely not a home. I don't care how poor you are you put something back into your home as part of your family. Sheets tacked over the windows doesn't cut it for me. I grew up poor but my mum always hemmed our second hand clothes and polished our shoes so we looked presentable and hey, mum cared and we felt that.

Gran - oh, that poor woman. She's tired and at the end of her rope and it's obvious. I've babysat my two grandchildren for a couple of days and I'm exhausted and this woman looks after six and three have disabilities - hard.
I absolutely agree that she is mentally ill. But having said that,imo it is the duty of the IVF cliics to know who and what they are dealing with when they do this type of procedure on people. There should be a fairly rigorous psych eval involved.The couple local fertility experts really do not want this to set change in motion because they don't think this is the norm. They want this group of players to be dealt with to be sure, but they do not want everyone to pay.

SCM, the parents said they went to the original IVF doctor and literally begged him not to do this procedure. They told him she was a loon and had no way to support the existing children. OctoGram says the doctor promised he would NOT do the procedure and she says he kept that promise. Apparently there is another doctor that got involved and that is part of the big mystery here. Did she fool a new doctor or did he knnow what was going on?

Also,I didn't realize before but the radio tonight said every time she was up for a review on her workman's comp case, she got pregnant and here in CA you cannot lose your benefits when you are PG. They said this happend several times. If true she is mentally ill and a scammer.

~bolded by always~

She probably did really well on her psych eval. She was employed at a mental hospital. She knew what they wanted to hear. moo
Oh it is wrong on every level. My radio show tonight pointed out that she could have just as easily stayed off the radar if she had triplets. Many feel there are lots of women like this that totally bilk our non existent funds and get state aid. We only know about her because of the octuplets. Imagine how many there are that just don;t make the news. CA is in a serious financial crisis. Cripes our Gov is suing the Comptroller now because the Comptroller will not withhold pay from our state emplyees. We are being sucked dry by illegal aliens and our welfare system. Not to get off topic but this is pulling our state and taxpayeras down the tubes big time. We pay high sales and income tax as it is and they want to raise our taxes even more.
Oh where is Buzz!

I'm from Massachusetts and we have alot of the same problems..:(
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