Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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I agree that her nose looks smaller. She is delusional if she thinks people can't notice that.
This article mentions her doctor. According to this his success rate in 2006: out of 20 IVFs only two had births. Huh? Why would he think she needs to have 6 embryos implanted because she has such complications when it sounds like she got pregnant every time she had a procedure. Or has she had numerous other procedures that didn't work. Talk about expensive.

"Kamrava's clinic performed 20 in vitro procedures on women under 35 in 2006, according to the most recent national report compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those 20 procedures, four resulted in pregnancies and two in births. One woman delivered twins. An in-vitro procedure typically costs between $8,000 and $15,000."

I hope that the babies end up in foster care and get adopted out. Nadya can't even take care of herself or her 6 children at home. She is "sick" to want these children under her circumstances and who knows what that sickness could bring down the road. She could get in such a mental state that she would think that it is better for them all to be in Heaven than here. I am glad that CPS is involved now. It's for the best.
...does she look the same pregnant as she does today in interviews?

Not to me, Laurie. She told her publicist she hasn't had plastic surgery though, so must we be dreaming? :waitasec:

This latest news is also very intriguing. From the LA Times:

... according to federal records reviewed by The Times, of the 61 procedures he conducted in 2006 -- the most recent data available -- only five resulted in pregnancies and only two of those resulted in births. One of those births was Suleman's twins.

The pregnancy rate achieved by his clinic was so low that it probably spurred a professional association to offer him help in improving his record.

"These are the worst numbers I've ever seen. This is absurdly low," said Dr. Mark Surrey, another fertility specialist in Beverly Hills.

But in Suleman, Kamrava found a patient who got pregnant and gave birth every time.

Hmmm... Besides the fact that this doctor appears to be ethically challenged in general (see the rest of the story for details), do you think his failure rate with other women might explain why he was willing to do all he did to Nadya, to increase his success numbers, even in spite of current standards and the Octogram and octopop begging him to stop?

That article also delivers the news that Kaiser has asked MediCal to pick up the tab. :(

It inspired me to rewatch her interview with Curry, because she talked about success rates in it. Upon rewatching, a few other things jumped out. I don't have time to type out the entire transcript, and can't find one online, but here is a partial one I made of the most interesting snippets of it:

NS: I had so many problems: fibroids, severe endometriosis, lesions. I also had a laparoscopy to get rid of lesions in my fallopian tubes. They turned out that my tubes were scarred, so the only option left over was IVF.

Surry: "Why so many?"

Taking my history into consideration, it was very appropriate, I mean once that worked... that one one grew and was very healthy...

Surry: Then why didn't you stop?

NS: He deserved siblings. Again, that's me projecting my own wants and wishes onto my child, and I continue to do so, throughout all of them, haha, you know, I'm focusing on their needs while still focusing on mine - wanting a huge family.
I'm sure they would say they did too, if they knew that's what I wanted.

So, I know now. I know now that, um, they may not agree or deep down wanted that many siblings but at the time I was so focused that I kept going...


Surry: To what degree is this too much about you and not enough about them?

NS: I think after the sixth. I should )?) acknowledge that I don't want to have too many more.. I'm gonna use what i have available...

[Commentary about how she had 6 remaining embryos, and asked her doctor to implant all of them.]

Surry: Did you use the same fertility specialist for all of your pregnancies?

NS: Yes. Some people will be like, "Whoa that's too many," but a lot of people aren't aware of statistics involved in IVF. There is a very low probability of success in most procedures. In any given procedure, there's about a 50% chance one will grow, maybe less. so the most I would have ever anticipated would have been twins.

[Discussion about how she researched everything and knew all the odds and serious risks to herself and the babies - she defends the doctor - she says they saw them all at one month along, and her doctor acted surprised, and asked, "How many did you have implanted? OK, they're all there" - then she says they only saw 5 of them at the first time. (:confused:) Asked how she felt, she said she embraced it - describes delivery and the first time she saw the babies.]

Surry: Some people feel you did this to make money.

NS: That's really funny... funny how utrue that is... money? money is necessary to raise children, but it's paper. It is paper. To me, it is superfluous, in contrast to the importance of my kids.

And no, I am not receiving help from the government. I am not - there is nothing wrong with that, for other people - but I am not trying to expect anything from anybody. I just want to do it on my own. Any resources that someone would really, really wanna help with - swings, or you know, something in regards to just the children - that i will accept and embrace. I will do the best I can to give them all the attention i can, with the help of volunteers - friends and family - what else can one do?​

She thanks her mother for letting them stay in her home, believes god will provide, and says her degree will help.

Curry comments to the news panel that Octogram says Nadya hasn't helped financially, but that Nadya disputes that, saying she pays rent and that that is one of several homes her mother owns.

She says she asked Nadya how she affords the IVF, and Nadya claimed she used her disability payments, worked double shifts, and used all her money for that one goal, forgoing other things, like the car she could have bought. (No mention of nose or lip jobs. :p )

Considering the reported accusations about the doctor's billing shenanigans, I wonder if he was even charging Nadya the full price.

Anyway, maybe someone else will want to fill in the rest of the transcript, but it was enlightening to listen again to this interview in light of today's revelations.

Most striking to me was that she didn't say she wasn't on "welfare." She said she wasn't getting help from the government. So the defense that she didn't consider food stamps to be welfare was dishonest.
In the photo, 'Angela Suleman outside her home, wrangling with four of the kids', do the legs of the child being held by the older child (with pacifier) seem deformed? Hope these children are receiving proper care for medical needs. It's not their fault she's a friggin loon.

Poor Grandmother. She's the one that's getting wham, banged and thank you mam'ed.

I couldn't see any deformations but the picture wasn't that clear for me.

What did I not see? When they showed the pictures of where the children slept, I did not see any toys or playthings.

Why did that stick out to me? I'm going to share a bit of my past. As I have on my profile on here I am the Mother of 5 and step-mother of 2 beautiful girls. They are all older now but the younger 6 are all close enough in age that when we had all 6 living with us they ranged in age from elementary school to infant.

Now, I busted my behind keeping up with those 6. From the time I rolled out of bed in the morning until I went to bed at night I worked and cleaned and loved and hugged. It was exhausting but I loved each and every one of those children.

Mine did share bedrooms and only two to a room. There was enough room for each child to have a small toybox. Each child had their own loveys and toys to play with, I don't see that these children do.

It might not be important but as a Mom of so many it bothered me.
Interesting..... Gosh, I wonder what's going on behind the scenes?

Okay now I want to know how many times CPS was called out on this family and what it was for?

I bet a few times was the condition of the house. It's outrageous that those children have to live with closets overflowing into their bedrooms. I looked at what was overflowing and it didn't look like children's items.

Yes, I'm mad now can you tell? I'm mad for those kiddos. Food on the walls? Yes children will wipe their hands, feet, anything else on the walls...there is a fix for that...it's called a bucket of soapy water and a scrubby. Trust me, when I had six kids in the house I washed the walls in almost every room once a week from about 36 inches above the floor on down. Grubby lil' boogers my kids were! :)

If the bedrooms look like that what does the kitchen and bathrooms look like?
Okay now I want to know how many times CPS was called out on this family and what it was for?

I bet a few times was the condition of the house. It's outrageous that those children have to live with closets overflowing into their bedrooms. I looked at what was overflowing and it didn't look like children's items.

Yes, I'm mad now can you tell? I'm mad for those kiddos. Food on the walls? Yes children will wipe their hands, feet, anything else on the walls...there is a fix for that...it's called a bucket of soapy water and a scrubby. Trust me, when I had six kids in the house I washed the walls in almost every room once a week from about 36 inches above the floor on down. Grubby lil' boogers my kids were! :)

If the bedrooms look like that what does the kitchen and bathrooms look like?

It would be nice if Ms. Murphy joined us on WS. There are so many unanswered questions. This girl is a princess. Soap and water,washing wall please.. Hellllllloooo,she would break her nails!! I shutter to think what the rest of the house looks like. We probably just saw the cleanest. GROSS..
It looks like its going to be another tricking day with as the saga continues.
Yes, but why wouldn't she tell US what we want to hear now? Every word out of mouth shouts "I am a sick person" You would think that with the world watching she would REALLY say the right things, but she isn't. When she was talking about money being "just paper" and she doesn't need it because she is going to be "present" for her kids, all I could think was WTH? I like to waste that paper on crazy things like food and shelter for my babes.

She obvious had not prepared for the intense scrunity she has brought upon herself.

In my original post, I did not mean she truthfully made it through the psych eval. Those things are pretty standard. By working in a mental hospital and her college studies, she obviously was able to fool the fertility clinic. This was my point.

IMO-- she did not expect anyone to ask her the hard questions and she did not prepare for them.

My husband and I have 6 kids and we pay for crazy stuff too. And it does take a LOT of paper. :crazy:
She obvious had not prepared for the intense scrunity she has brought upon herself.

In my original post, I did not mean she truthfully made it through the psych eval. Those things are pretty standard. By working in a mental hospital and her college studies, she obviously was able to fool the fertility clinic. This was my point.

IMO-- she did not expect anyone to ask her the hard questions and she did not prepare for them.

My husband and I have 6 kids and we pay for crazy stuff too. And it does take a LOT of paper. :crazy:
I don't know. I mean she intentionally went on national TV and did an interview. I think she would be prepared for that. I think if this is how she prepares for the hard questions then she is fairly transparent.

Our local news found old footage of Kamrava discussing excess embryo implantation from 1997. I'll see if I can find it.
Regarding the interview Jholi posted, Nadya says her mother owns several houses? I am honestly wondering if the dismissal of Angela's bankruptcy had anything to do with the promise of big money from Nadya once this pregnancy was complete? The bankruptcy was dismissed or whatever it's called in March, I'm guessing by the end of June Nadya was pregnant with what she thought was 7 babies- but wouldn't Nadya have already planned this pregnancy before the actual implantation took place? :waitasec: I'm sorry I am not good at putting this into words. From the looks of the photos of the house, they haven't even unpacked half the clothing that appears to be laying around- was this house just supposed to be temporary housing until big money rolled in? I feel bad for thinking it but more and more I begin to think that this whole family was in cahoots to make some money. In some of the articles it seems that Grandpa was the mouthpiece and was basically saying the story is worth a couple million- giving me the feeling that he was only interested in the money. I don't know... sorry for the ramble!
I don't know. I mean she intentionally went on national TV and did an interview. I think she would be prepared for that. I think if this is how she prepares for the hard questions then she is fairly transparent.

Our local news found old footage of Kamrava discussing excess embryo implantation from 1997. I'll see if I can find it.

I think she thought (hoped) the public would look past her and her troubles and line up to help the babies.

It didn't work that way for her. The TV interview backfired created more negative press. :bang:
OMG... I'm very torn. These children (all 14 of them) deserve a good life, they certainly do. Our government needs a total overhaul though- I am guessing aside from the 490$ a month in food stamps Nadya also has gotten SSI checks of around 500$ a month each for the disabled children and her schooling wasn't paid for by student loans. My guess is that she has gotten FREE schooling- nothing to pay back in the form of PEL grants?

I'm really speculating here but I really see Nadya as a very calculating individual.

I think this is one of those a bit of truth in the lie things...as the "former nanny" said.... Nadya told her she was getting PAID FOR IT....she was! She got around 1500 dollars a month for having the children! AND in the case of a multiple pregnancy she would be guaranteed that most if not all of the new babies would be developmentally/physically disabled in some way so that meant another $4000/5000 per month at least. This plus her own disability payments are a pretty good income, especially when her parents are paying ALL the bills for her from wherever they get their money. Her mother said that Nadya had never helped with any of the expenses. Having the children and applying for school loans was also pretty much a guarantee of getting those loans, so a variety of sources of income opened up for her because of having the children.
Nadya Suleman is a sociopath. That interview with her was disgusting. Her voice sounds like one of the Olsen twins when she talks; she obviously isn't mentally mature to even have 1 child let alone 14 now. She has a sense of entitlement, an answer to everything. She better trim those nails if she actually plans on taking care of her babies. She mooches off her parents who enable her, they take care of her children.
My guess is she had her plastic surgery before her plan to have the octoplets so that she'd look all Angelina for the tv.
She used her college loans and some fraud disability claim to pay for her IVF and most likely her plastic surgery. Yet she can't help out her parents financially at all or even take care of her children. She's a "professional student" who really should be a professional mental patient.
It's not about children at all, it's all about her, her fame, money. If it were truly about children she would have stopped after the first 2, or adopted children. Instead she kept getting IVF until she had 14 of them.
Her parents should abandon her to care for the kids herself, as she's obviously not done that. See how she fars then.
CPS needs to come in and take all those children away and put them in homes where they can get the full love and attention they need.
Her grandparents should be able to go retire someplace and enjoy their golden years, not take full care of their daughter's children.
Nadya fails to show responsibility what so ever. All she wants is attention, and most likely once her attention stops, she'll do something to get negative attention. Any attention to her at all she thinks is good. She has no grip on reality.
One of her children is autistic, that's hard enough, yet 14 of them, they will never get the parental attention they deserve. Nadya will probably continue to dump them with her parents while she runs around doing interviews.
The woman is a train wreck.
I really fear for the well being of her children. The need to enact laws in place so this doesn't ever happen again.
As a mom, I'm a bit disturbed by calling her "octo-mom". So far, I have seen absolutely nothing that even resembles the behavior of a loving mother in this woman. However, I have seen numerous indications of her having a mental disability. The name I might suggest in this case is OCTO-GONE!
Boyz Mum do you know how long this family have lived at this house as I noticed suitcase(s) in the bedrooms.

Also, gran said that Octomom bought toys. Where are they? The only toys I've seen are the ones strewn upon the front lawn.
Interesting stat that I missed.
Dr Kamrava is known for having the most aggressive implantation techniques.
But his center has one of the lowest success rates.
I know there are a lot of variables involved as maybe those that have been unsuccessful before end up at his clinic because of his aggressiveness. That of course could skew the reults.
BUT, I wonder if he implanted so many because he knew they would take and it would boost his success rating.
This is not an accusation, just a thought in trying to understand the thought process IF IF this guy was the attending doctor.
Also,in case anyone missed it Mary Poppins Nanny Service is donating free nanny care for one year.
Also,in case anyone missed it Mary Poppins Nanny Service is donating free nanny care for one year.

Ugh, great. Now she'll have plenty of time and money to get her nails done, maybe a tummy tuck, neck lift, whatever. Or find another sucker who'll let her steal some of his sperm for more IVF.
Regarding the interview Jholi posted, Nadya says her mother owns several houses? I am honestly wondering if the dismissal of Angela's bankruptcy had anything to do with the promise of big money from Nadya once this pregnancy was complete? The bankruptcy was dismissed or whatever it's called in March, I'm guessing by the end of June Nadya was pregnant with what she thought was 7 babies- but wouldn't Nadya have already planned this pregnancy before the actual implantation took place? :waitasec: I'm sorry I am not good at putting this into words. From the looks of the photos of the house, they haven't even unpacked half the clothing that appears to be laying around- was this house just supposed to be temporary housing until big money rolled in? I feel bad for thinking it but more and more I begin to think that this whole family was in cahoots to make some money. In some of the articles it seems that Grandpa was the mouthpiece and was basically saying the story is worth a couple million- giving me the feeling that he was only interested in the money. I don't know... sorry for the ramble!

In my opinion this whole family needs to be investigated. I think there is some serious scamming going on here. I hope I'm wrong but I am really starting to wonder about these grandparents also.
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