WORLDWIDE - Terrorist threats and scares

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Lengthy video made by residents of Ceuta of yesterday's invasion.
Meet your new neighbours. Instead of being deported as criminals who broke fences and used flamethrowers and burnt lime, they are allowed to apply for asylum.

Do these healthy young man look like they have fled from somewhere - and where would that be? IMHO they look more like an army minus the uniforms.

The new socialist government of Spain welcomes these men.

Mass immigration from Africa into Europe is going to be brutal. This should worry everyone.
They certainly seem to be well fed, athletic and very vocal.
No shortage of clothing either, in fact they seem to have more than enough judging by all the shoes and clothing littered all over the road!
What are they all shouting?
Surely in time these UK wannabes will adjust and become skilled workers, tidy and quiet neighbours and even provide extra protection for all the women and girls they encounter along the way!
imo, speculation
They certainly seem to be well fed, athletic and very vocal.
No shortage of clothing either, in fact they seem to have more than enough judging by all the shoes and clothing littered all over the road!
What are they all shouting?
Surely in time these UK wannabes will adjust and become skilled workers, tidy and quiet neighbours and even provide extra protection for all the women and girls they encounter along the way!
imo, speculation

Boza apparently means VICTORY.

Come to think of it, this is a tad odd for refugees. One would assume that they'd be more concerned about SAFETY.
Yet VICTORY it is, as in a battle or a war.
Von Marokko nach Spanien: Polizei rechnet mit 50.000 Migranten, die übersetzen wollen - WELT

Spanish Police expect 50,000 migrants who want to cross the border

Spain has become a major destination for migrants. According to a media report, tens of thousands of black Africans are currently waiting in Morocco, trying to cross the sea into the country and thus into Europe.

Spain seems to be facing a new wave of migrants. The Spanish police assume that there are currently 50,000 black Africans in Morocco, who will soon reach the Spanish North African exclaves Ceuta and Melilla or cross the Straits of Gibraltar by boat to come to Spain - and from there to the rest of Europe.

This was reported by the Spanish daily "El Mundo" with reference to police sources. At the same time, it became known on Friday afternoon that the Spanish coast guard had registered 627 people in refugee boats in the Straits of Gibraltar.

As early as Thursday morning, 600 migrants stormed the border fence in Ceuta. Spanish and Moroccan border officials spent almost an hour and a half trying to stop refugees from sub-Saharan Africa.

However, a police spokesman explained that the latter had taken more "brutal than ever" action against the outnumbered civil servants. The fugitives attacked the border guards with homemade flamethrowers and burnt lime. Four officers and eleven migrants were hospitalized with burns, burns, cuts or broken bones. According to the Red Cross, a total of 132 people were injured.

Meanwhile, the influx of refugees has not stopped. On Tuesday, the Spanish coastguard rescued 484 people in the Alborán Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar in the western Mediterranean. On Wednesday 392 people were recovered in 31 boats. In addition to the extensive blockade of the Balkan route over Greece and the closure of Italian ports for refugee boats by the new right-wing government in Rome, migratory flows to Europe now seem to be concentrated again on the western route via Spain.

A few days ago, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) announced that Spain had become the new main destination for illegal migrants. By mid-July, around 18,000 men, women and children had arrived in Europe via the Western Mediterranean route. The number of refugees on this route had almost tripled in 2018 compared to the same period last year and was already surpassing arrivals in Italy and Greece.

The shelter capacities of the temporary refugee camps in Ceuta, Melilla and on the southern Spanish coast of Andalusia have already been exceeded to such an extent that the Andalusian human rights organisation APDHA is already talking about "unworthy reception conditions". The Red Cross set up three new refugee camps to accommodate the large number of migrants.


Tim Röhn, reporter for the German paper Die Welt, jumped on a plane to Ceuta when he heard about the migrants attacking with flame throwers.
Meanwhile, he is back and has published his report, but unfortunately it is behind a paywall.

Tweets from Tim Röhn @Tim_Roehn

#Ceuta. This border fence was stormed by hundreds of migrants this morning, forcibly gaining access to Spain. Numerous migrants and police officers were injured. Report from southern Spain and the Ceuta enclave @WELT.

Impressions from #Ceuta, after migrants stormed border fences today: Police report helplessness and powerlessness compared to violent migrants and say: "We are afraid". A new rush is expected. 1200 migrants in camps on a hill. Residents annoyed and angry @WELT

Officials told me that they are not allowed to use violence, even during physical attacks against them.
I can hardly believe that, I'm checking it out right now.

Adolfo Serrano, head of the Spanish national sea rescue society: "It is a paradox: the more we save, the more come. But what are we supposed to do? The rescuers can't solve this, so politics is called for." WORLD

Adiós, España! I'm flying home for a few days now. My report about the refugee chaos in #Andalusia and #Ceuta will be in @WELT tomorrow.

Spain's overwhelmed coastguard says it can't cope with migrant influx, as 700 rescued in one morning

On Friday, the government announced an extra 30 million euros for agencies dealing with the migratory challenge. Magdalena Valerio, minister for work, migration and social security, called for help from the European Union and said Madrid was worried by Thursday's events in Ceuta, one of Spain's two outposts in Morocco, where more than 600 migrants forced their way through the border fence.

Two Civil Guard unions also called for urgent assistance in the face of what they said were increasingly well planned incursions into the two enclaves, Europe's only land borders with Africa. Thursday's forced entry was said by security forces to be of "unprecedented violence", with the group throwing quicklime, stones and excrement to fend off officers. The Red Cross later said more than 130 people had required medical treatment.

The mayor of Algeciras, the Gibraltar Strait port city, said on Thursday the area was in danger of becoming the “new Lampedusa”, referring to the Italian island in the Mediterranean that became a hotspot for migrant landings at the peak of the crisis.

VOX habla de una “invasión” migratoria y defiende las devoluciones en caliente

About 200 people have rallied in the Calle Real in support of the State Security Forces and Agencies, following the most recent mass influx of sub-Saharans.

It has been in response to the call by VOX, whose secretary general, Javier Ortega, is visiting Ceuta these days to learn about the situation in the autonomous city, the security of the border and the deployment of the State Security Services and Forces.

Just moments before, Ortega had met with members and supporters and addressed them in a sharp speech in which he referred to the current situation as an invasion of Spain and Europe. "Our borders are the walls and doors of our house and some people have decided, from the point of view of human trafficking organisations, with the connivance of the Moroccan government and politicians who do not provide the means to respect border security. You are being the parapet of all Spain."

Amidst strong applause and cheers for the state security forces, the leader of VOX has denied that immigration responds to a humanitarian crisis and stated that it equals an invasion. "Those who cross the borders come with military preparation, use military techniques and smear their bodies with grease so that they are not affected by the acids and quicklime they throw at our agents."

He has proposed a series of measures to achieve a secure border, such as the construction of an insurmountable wall or legislation to allow hot returns. "In mild or cold weather it is a shame that, once they cross the border, they go to CETI to take refuge because they know that the next day they have all the services of the State at their beck and call."


VOX is a new, small party on the right wing of the political spectrum. They have no representation in Parliament (yet). IMHO their importance lies in the fact that they were almost immediately there, and told it like it was.

Pictures of the new arrivals here:

Cizallas, cal viva y bolas de heces para conseguir una entrada masiva por la valla de Ceuta
A devastating report reveals 300,000 illegal migrants are living in one French suburb | Daily Mail Online

As a white European, I attract odd looks. When I take out my mobile phone for a photograph, a young man jumps in front of me, waving his index finger in my face, shouting: 'La! La! La!' (No! No! No!)

Yet this is not an exotic, far-flung destination. This is France. Moreover, this is Paris and only six miles from the Eiffel Tower.

The reason for all this activity — in an area which even the most optimistic estate agent would struggle to sell as 'cosmopolitan and bohemian' — is quite simple: immigration on a mammoth scale.

The area in question is called Saint-Denis in the north-east of the city, where the Basilica holds the resting places of many French kings and queens.

Recently, it was reported that this sprawling district now holds as many as 300,000 illegal immigrants, many of whom rely on crime or the 'black economy' to make money. The official legal population in Saint-Denis is estimated at 1.5 million.


Having spent several days in Saint-Denis, it's clear to me that the area is already lost to France — to the rule of French law, equality, religious freedom, and even access to the streets by the police themselves.

Indeed, this is a parallel state — a state within a state, with its own rules and religious courts — where allegiance to Islam comes ahead of fealty to France.


Much more at link.

"Women suffer the most. Not far from the drug dealers outside the station, I visited a women's refuge set up by Ghada Hatem, a senior gynaecologist, who says almost one in five of her patients have been victims of female genital mutilation (FGM) — the barbaric ritual of cutting the sexual organs of young women.

Now a specialist in the repair of such intimate mutilation, Hatem, who hails from Lebanon, says she is in daily contact with 'women who tell me about the horrors they experience at home'.
They certainly seem to be well fed, athletic and very vocal.
No shortage of clothing either, in fact they seem to have more than enough judging by all the shoes and clothing littered all over the road!
What are they all shouting?
Surely in time these UK wannabes will adjust and become skilled workers, tidy and quiet neighbours and even provide extra protection for all the women and girls they encounter along the way!
imo, speculation

Rumour has it that these men came by plane from Nigeria to airports in Morocco, and from the airports they are taken by bus either to Ceuta and Melilla or to the coast for a short crossing.
I have to stress that this is a rumour. However, these men are well fed, well dressed and trained in military operations. No way they have the look of persons who travelled hundreds of kilometres through the desert. Their appearance fits the rumour.

There are videos of them shouting not only BOZA, BOZA (VICTORY!) but also racist bastarrds in Spanish.

The current Spanish socialist government of Pedro Sánchez does nothing to stop these men.

I fear for the future of Europe.
Armed attackers killed 4 tourists in Tajikistan: police

Four tourists, including two Americans, were killed in Tajikistan on Sunday by armed attackers in what was originally reported as a hit-and-run road accident, the interior minister said Monday.

"(The suspects) had knives and firearms," minister Ramazon Hamro Rahimzoda said of the attack that left tourists from the United States, Switzerland and the Netherlands dead and two others injured.

The dead were on a cycling tour in the impoverished ex-Soviet nation, in a group with three other tourists from Switzerland, the Netherlands and France.

"One tourist received a knife wound and is being given medical assistance. The victim's condition is stable," said Rahimzoda without mentioning nationality.


Belgische fietser in Tadzjikistan: "Mensen zijn beginnen te steken met messen"

Belgian cyclist in Tajikistan: 'People have started stabbing with knives'.

The Belgian Nicolas Moerman spoke to the victims of the bicycle drama in Tajikistan shortly after the collision. Four cyclists (two Americans, one Dutch and one Swiss) were killed in the collision in the Central Asian country. Moerman seems to confirm the theory that there is malicious intent involved. One of the victims told him that people with knives had started to stab them.

Moerman enjoyed a cycling holiday in Tajikistan. He had just hitched a ride with a truck driver on his way to the capital Doesjanbe when he saw upheaval in the distance.

"Along the side of the road were cyclists who were signalling to stop," he tells VRT NWS. "We did so immediately. We got out and looked at what was going on. There were several cyclists on the ground, some of them were also completely in shock."

Moerman tried to help by talking to the victims. "I asked what had happened and the first thing someone said was that they had been hit by a car, and that people had stepped out and started to stab with knives," according to Moerman, who is visibly affected by the drama. After having witnessed the drama, he now wants to go home as soon as possible.

Moerman does not immediately see a motive for the incident: "I can only guess what the cause might have been." According to the Tajik Minister of the Interior, this is 'an act of terrorism' and no option is ruled out.

What is certain is that the man who drove into the cycling tourists fled after the accident. In the meantime, he has been arrested. One or two suspects were also shot dead by the police, but this is still unclear.
Armed attackers killed 4 tourists in Tajikistan: police

Four tourists, including two Americans, were killed in Tajikistan on Sunday by armed attackers in what was originally reported as a hit-and-run road accident, the interior minister said Monday.

"(The suspects) had knives and firearms," minister Ramazon Hamro Rahimzoda said of the attack that left tourists from the United States, Switzerland and the Netherlands dead and two others injured.

The dead were on a cycling tour in the impoverished ex-Soviet nation, in a group with three other tourists from Switzerland, the Netherlands and France.

"One tourist received a knife wound and is being given medical assistance. The victim's condition is stable," said Rahimzoda without mentioning nationality.

Amateur Video Said To Show Attack On Foreign Cyclists In Tajikistan
"Amateur video shared with RFE/RL's Tajik Service is said to show an incident in which a car crashed into a group of foreign cyclists in the Khatlon region of southern Tajikistan".
"The Tajik officials say terrorism is being considered as a motive."
Tajik Officials Probe 'Terrorism' In Attack That Killed Four Foreign Cyclists
Amateur Video Said To Show Attack On Foreign Cyclists In Tajikistan
"Amateur video shared with RFE/RL's Tajik Service is said to show an incident in which a car crashed into a group of foreign cyclists in the Khatlon region of southern Tajikistan".
"The Tajik officials say terrorism is being considered as a motive."
Tajik Officials Probe 'Terrorism' In Attack That Killed Four Foreign Cyclists

It may be that attack or something else, but whatever it is, it is horrible!
Video of tourists killed in Tajikistan shows 'deliberate attack'
"Late on Monday, the Islamic State terror group claimed responsibility for the attack, although it did not provide further detail or evidence for its claim.

Tajik officials said on Monday that the cyclists, who were touring the former Soviet country, had been attacked with knives and firearms after being rammed by the car, which indicated that the deaths were a result of murder.

The video, released by RFE/RL’s Tajik Service, shows a black sedan swerving to run down people spread across a rural road. The unidentified person filming the video reacts with surprise as the car appears to knock a person off the side of the road.

The US-backed news service reported that the video’s origins were unclear but it appeared to match photographs from the scene of the attack.

Tajikistan’s interior minister confirmed that the attackers had knives and firearms. Two suspects had been killed and four had been arrested, according to the official."
Rukmini Callimachi @rcallimachi
Correspondent for The New York Times covering ISIS

Rukmini Callimachi on Twitter

1. ISIS has claimed responsibility for a deadly car ramming in the former Soviet Republic of Tajikistan which killed four cyclists yesterday, including two Americans, as well as a Swiss and a Dutch national. The bulletin on Amaq was issued first in Arabic & later in French

2. Like in numerous past claims, ISIS describes the attackers as "soldiers of the Islamic State," but then says that the assailants were "responding to calls to target citizens of Coalition countries," which is the phrasing they use to denote attacks inspired by their propaganda.

3. Compare the phrasing of the Toronto attack with the phrasing of the Tajikistan attack and you'll see that they are almost identical:



4. Whereas in Toronto police say they have found no evidence of an ISIS-link to date, in Tajikistan officials are considering an extremist plot among the possible motives for the attack. Knives and guns were found with some of the suspects, according to the interior minister:

4. At least one of the cyclists who survived the hit-and-run had a knife wound, suggesting the attackers had used the car to ram into the tourists & then had jumped out & stabbed at least one of the victims. That was the MO of the London Bridge attackers:

5. At the same time, Interior Minister Ramazon Rakhimzoda told @AP on Monday that it was too soon to say if the incident was accidental or deliberate. However, in the same news conference, he referred to the hit-and-run as "an attack."

6. I don't have any other record of ISIS claiming an attack in Tajikistan. Perhaps I'm overlooking one @charliewinter @einfal @SaladinAlDronni? That is an interesting dynamic given that Tajiks joined ISIS in large numbers and have been involved in other signature attacks.

7. Assuming that this is the first attack claimed by ISIS in Tajikistan, allow me to point out how odd that is. Approximately 1,300 Tajiks travelled to join the jihad in Iraq & Syria, according to this table by @TheSoufanGroup. That's 1 of the largest tallies for a single country


8. Compare that number (1,300) to the number of Americans who made it to Iraq & Syria, a number that has varied from a few dozen to around 300 depending on who you ask. I trust @SeamusHughes' research, which has identified just 55 American citizens and residents who joined ISIS.


IMHO the fact that the attack was filmed, was not a coincidence (what would the odds be??) but part of the planning.
Rukmini Callimachi @rcallimachi
Correspondent for The New York Times covering ISIS

Rukmini Callimachi on Twitter

1. ISIS has claimed responsibility for a deadly car ramming in the former Soviet Republic of Tajikistan which killed four cyclists yesterday, including two Americans, as well as a Swiss and a Dutch national. The bulletin on Amaq was issued first in Arabic & later in French

2. Like in numerous past claims, ISIS describes the attackers as "soldiers of the Islamic State," but then says that the assailants were "responding to calls to target citizens of Coalition countries," which is the phrasing they use to denote attacks inspired by their propaganda.

3. Compare the phrasing of the Toronto attack with the phrasing of the Tajikistan attack and you'll see that they are almost identical:



4. Whereas in Toronto police say they have found no evidence of an ISIS-link to date, in Tajikistan officials are considering an extremist plot among the possible motives for the attack. Knives and guns were found with some of the suspects, according to the interior minister:

4. At least one of the cyclists who survived the hit-and-run had a knife wound, suggesting the attackers had used the car to ram into the tourists & then had jumped out & stabbed at least one of the victims. That was the MO of the London Bridge attackers:

5. At the same time, Interior Minister Ramazon Rakhimzoda told @AP on Monday that it was too soon to say if the incident was accidental or deliberate. However, in the same news conference, he referred to the hit-and-run as "an attack."

6. I don't have any other record of ISIS claiming an attack in Tajikistan. Perhaps I'm overlooking one @charliewinter @einfal @SaladinAlDronni? That is an interesting dynamic given that Tajiks joined ISIS in large numbers and have been involved in other signature attacks.

7. Assuming that this is the first attack claimed by ISIS in Tajikistan, allow me to point out how odd that is. Approximately 1,300 Tajiks travelled to join the jihad in Iraq & Syria, according to this table by @TheSoufanGroup. That's 1 of the largest tallies for a single country


8. Compare that number (1,300) to the number of Americans who made it to Iraq & Syria, a number that has varied from a few dozen to around 300 depending on who you ask. I trust @SeamusHughes' research, which has identified just 55 American citizens and residents who joined ISIS.


IMHO the fact that the attack was filmed, was not a coincidence (what would the odds be??) but part of the planning.

IMO, Canada is lying to it's citizens.
IMO, Canada is lying to it's citizens.

I do not follow the news about that attack, what I know about it is what I have seen in passing. My impression is that you are being taken for a ride. It was odd to say the least that the name of the shooter was withheld and that it was published (at last) together with a declaration of the family, written by a PR organization. Next his brother is an arms dealer and has connections with someone who planned to import a horrible poison into Canada? Obviously, the family are the real victims here.*cough*

IMHO it is best to listen to what the experts say, not msm or the government. Or the Mayor. Mayors (some) are terrible, even before anything has happened they already know that it wasn't a jihadist terror attack but a perp with psychological problems.
Rukmini Callimachi‏ @rcallimachi

Rukmini Callimachi on Twitter

1. In addition to claiming responsibility for the hit-and-run in Tajikistan, ISIS also released a video purporting to show the five attackers pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi:


2. Of the hundreds of attacks worldwide that ISIS has issued claims for, it has only released a pledge video for a minority. While the video doesn’t mean the attack was directed by ISIS, it does mean the attackers at a minimum had a digital connection to the group

3. We’ve often seen cases where governments rejected any ISIS link, only for the video or photos to emerge, making it hard to deny that the attacker at the very least had a cyberconnection to the terrorist group. Examples include the Berlin & Wurzburg attack& Holey Artisan Bakery

4. So it was today: Despite the ISIS claim, despite the video showing the attackers’ pledge, despite arresting members of the cell who were in possession of knives and guns, the government of Tajikistan decided to blame an opposition party, not ISIS.

5. At the same time, Tajikistan’s ministry of the Interior released plenty of info that points to ISIS. First, let’s analyze the ISIS video. It’s just under 3 minutes long and it shows five men, one blond haired and four dark-haired:

6. They hold hands and pledge allegiance to “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Husseini al-Quraishi,” the long honorific for the ISIS leader. At their feet is a knife. Can you spot it?

7. Here’s what’s interesting: The Tajik ministry released a statement saying they had killed several of the attackers, & included photographs of their bodies. Compare the blond assailant in the ISIS pledge video and the picture that the ministry released:

8. The ministry’s statement is below and if you scroll through it, you can see several other attackers that look similar to the ones in the video: …

9. In addition, the ministry says that the attackers they caught alive were in possession of knives. We saw the knife in the ISIS pledge video and the US Embassy confirmed that the assailants both used the car to ram the victims and then jumped out and stabbed the cyclists

10. This is a tactic that has been heavily promoted on pro-ISIS channels in Telegrams, and is how the London Bridge attack unfolded (van + ceramic knives) as well as the Barcelona attack, both of which were carried out by ISIS-inspired attackers

11. In the video, the attackers claim that “the disbelievers have occupied this land,” according to the translation from @siteintelgroup. They threaten: “O disbelievers we have come to you with slaughter.” (Disbelievers = blanket term used by ISIS for anyone that’s not Muslim)


12. How do you go about killing non-Muslims in Tajikistan, a country that by some estimates is 98% Muslim (and the majority practice Sunni Islam, the sect ISIS claims to represent)? You look for Westerners. Read the statement from the family of one of the young women they killed:

13. Lauren Geoghegan, 29, a graduate of Georgetown had set off on a worldwide bicycle tour with her partner starting in Capetown & traveling through Africa and Europe before reaching Tajikistan, where she was among the 7 people rammed by the attacker’s car. May she rest in peace

Rukmini Callimachi‏ @rcallimachi

Rukmini Callimachi on Twitter

1. In addition to claiming responsibility for the hit-and-run in Tajikistan, ISIS also released a video purporting to show the five attackers pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi:


2. Of the hundreds of attacks worldwide that ISIS has issued claims for, it has only released a pledge video for a minority. While the video doesn’t mean the attack was directed by ISIS, it does mean the attackers at a minimum had a digital connection to the group

3. We’ve often seen cases where governments rejected any ISIS link, only for the video or photos to emerge, making it hard to deny that the attacker at the very least had a cyberconnection to the terrorist group. Examples include the Berlin & Wurzburg attack& Holey Artisan Bakery

4. So it was today: Despite the ISIS claim, despite the video showing the attackers’ pledge, despite arresting members of the cell who were in possession of knives and guns, the government of Tajikistan decided to blame an opposition party, not ISIS.

5. At the same time, Tajikistan’s ministry of the Interior released plenty of info that points to ISIS. First, let’s analyze the ISIS video. It’s just under 3 minutes long and it shows five men, one blond haired and four dark-haired:

6. They hold hands and pledge allegiance to “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Husseini al-Quraishi,” the long honorific for the ISIS leader. At their feet is a knife. Can you spot it?

7. Here’s what’s interesting: The Tajik ministry released a statement saying they had killed several of the attackers, & included photographs of their bodies. Compare the blond assailant in the ISIS pledge video and the picture that the ministry released:

8. The ministry’s statement is below and if you scroll through it, you can see several other attackers that look similar to the ones in the video: …

9. In addition, the ministry says that the attackers they caught alive were in possession of knives. We saw the knife in the ISIS pledge video and the US Embassy confirmed that the assailants both used the car to ram the victims and then jumped out and stabbed the cyclists

10. This is a tactic that has been heavily promoted on pro-ISIS channels in Telegrams, and is how the London Bridge attack unfolded (van + ceramic knives) as well as the Barcelona attack, both of which were carried out by ISIS-inspired attackers

11. In the video, the attackers claim that “the disbelievers have occupied this land,” according to the translation from @siteintelgroup. They threaten: “O disbelievers we have come to you with slaughter.” (Disbelievers = blanket term used by ISIS for anyone that’s not Muslim)


12. How do you go about killing non-Muslims in Tajikistan, a country that by some estimates is 98% Muslim (and the majority practice Sunni Islam, the sect ISIS claims to represent)? You look for Westerners. Read the statement from the family of one of the young women they killed:

13. Lauren Geoghegan, 29, a graduate of Georgetown had set off on a worldwide bicycle tour with her partner starting in Capetown & traveling through Africa and Europe before reaching Tajikistan, where she was among the 7 people rammed by the attacker’s car. May she rest in peace

American cyclist couple victims in alleged ISIS attack in Tajikistan
Simply Cycling
Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan were cycling across the world together when they were killed in an alleged ISIS attack in Tajikistan on July 29, 2018.

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